The Way of the Immortal Master

Chapter 3714: Enemies from both sides

The Burning Demon Realm actually left some reserve forces, including three indigenous kings, to prepare for unexpected situations.

But the subsequent series of changes came so fast that they didn't have time to react.

When they reacted and knew what happened, they did not dare to tease Meng Zhang and his tiger beards because of their prestige.

After all, the results of the battle outside the Green Forest Realm have fully demonstrated that two or three indigenous kings alone cannot resist Meng Zhang and the others.

If they attack rashly, they will die in vain.

In fact, whether it is Meng Zhang, the great scholar Zhu Zhen, or those in the Mountain and River Realm, they are currently encountering spontaneous resistance from a small number of troops in the Burning Demon Realm.

So far, the top management of the Burning Demon Realm has not organized an all-out attack on Meng Zhang and the others.

Even the senior officials of the Burning Demon Realm did not expect that Meng Zhang and the others would use this method to directly enter the Green Forest Realm so quickly.

If they are given more time, those altars can continue to function and transform the environment inside the Green Forest Realm into an existence similar to the Burning Demon Realm.

They have the advantage of home court, and they have a great advantage against Meng Zhang.

Because their reaction was much slower, Meng Zhang and the others controlled a lot of territory in the Green Forest and drove away all the alien forces above. The transformation of the Green Forest was greatly slowed down.

Only then did the senior officials of the Burning Demon Realm realize that Meng Zhang and the others were the biggest threat.

Their previous decision to deal with the natives in the Green Forest Territory first was simply wrong.

But there is no such thing as regret medicine in the world.

Since mistakes have been made in previous decisions, they must be corrected in time.

Many senior officials of the Burning Demon Realm wanted to temporarily let go of the Green Forest Realm natives and concentrate their efforts on dealing with Meng Zhang and the others first.

However, the desperate Green Forest natives fought them to the death regardless, and persisted in pestering them.

Moreover, there are still many native kings in the Burning Demon Realm who are unwilling to bear the victory they are about to obtain and are unwilling to fail.

Moreover, if all the forces of the Burning Demon Realm invaders are concentrated against Meng Zhang and the others, and the Green Forest Realm natives fight back, the Burning Demon Realm invaders will be unable to resist.

After spending a lot of time, the indigenous kings of the Burning Demon Realm made a new decision.

Some of the forces were left to continue fighting with the natives of the Green Forest Realm, and most of the forces were concentrated to deal with the threat from Meng Zhang first.

In order to draw strength from the Green Forest Territory natives as soon as possible, they did not hesitate to pay huge losses.

Before that, Meng Zhang and the great scholar Zhu Zhen moved quickly inside the Green Forest Realm, trying to attack and kill the strong people in the Burning Demon Realm and slow down the transformation speed of the Green Forest Realm.

Two lone native kings from the Burning Demon Realm were intercepted by Meng Zhang and the others.

Due to the lack of timely support from the rear, these two indigenous kings from the Burning Demon Realm were quickly killed by Meng Zhang and the others.

Meng Zhang and the others almost swept through the rear of the Burning Demon Realm army.

The top management of the Burning Demon Realm finally mobilized enough power from the front line to deal with Meng Zhang and the others.

Fully seven indigenous kings blocked Meng Zhang and the great scholar Zhu Zhen, and a fierce battle broke out between the two sides.

Meng Zhang is already considered a strong one among the many immortals in the Taoist sect.

The great scholar Zhu Zhen is also a veteran and strong person.

They have extremely strong combat effectiveness in battles at the same level.

Especially after they become familiar with the environment of the unknown land, they can give full play to their fighting power.

The indigenous kings of the Burning Demon Realm seemed to have the strength of the late-stage gods, which was on the same level as Meng Zhang and the others, but their combat prowess was completely different.

Meng Zhang and the great scholar Zhu Zhen were not afraid of the enemy's siege at all.

Outnumbered and outnumbered, they were all defeated.

On the other side of the mountain and river realm, the armies from three directions have converged.

The half-dead king commanded one direction, and Taiyi Realm was responsible for another direction, and they fought fierce battles with the army of the Burning Demon Realm.

What the powerful men of the Burning Demon Realm did in the Green Forest Realm made them the mortal enemies of the natives of the Green Forest Realm.

Especially after the altar was activated and the will of the Green Forest Realm was extinguished, the indigenous kings of the Green Forest Realm fought desperately against their enemies with a death wish.

Now that the senior officials of the Burning Demon Realm have allocated most of their power to deal with Meng Zhang and the others, the power used to suppress the natives of the Green Forest Realm is seriously insufficient.

The indigenous kings of the Green Forest Realm keenly seized this opportunity and launched a desperate counterattack.

After suffering heavy casualties, they repelled the strong men from the Burning Demon Realm who suppressed them.

The fighting spirit and resilience of the strong men in the Green Forest Realm once again exceeded the expectations of the senior officials in the Burning Demon Realm.

They were not satisfied with the results they had achieved and vowed to eliminate all the invaders of the Burning Demon Realm.

Regardless of their own heavy casualties, they continued to launch a counterattack against the invaders from the Burning Demon Realm.

On Meng Zhang's side, the native kings of the Burning Demon Realm relied on their absolute numerical advantage to temporarily suppress Meng Zhang's continuous offensive momentum. However, they were unable to defeat Meng Zhang and the others, and the two sides fell into a long struggle. .

Meng Zhang and the great scholar Zhu Zhen have been able to absorb vitality in unknown places, and naturally they can also use the power of the outside world in the Green Forest Realm, so they don't have to worry about long battles at all.

Not to mention that they have a solid foundation and deep accumulation, and can definitely persist in a long-term battle.

The army from the Burning Demon Realm went to attack the Mountain and River Realm, but was also resisted by the enemy's army relying on the Mountain and River Realm.

Both sides suffered huge casualties, and there was no hope of ending the battle in a short time.

After the strong man in the Burning Demon Realm changed direction, he did not achieve the desired results, but instead entered a stalemate with the enemy.

On the Green Forest Realm native side, the Burning Demon Realm invaders were retreating steadily, and the war situation began to worsen.

For a moment, the invaders from the Burning Demon Realm actually fell into a situation where they were attacked from both sides.

Currently, among the three forces in the Green Forest Realm, the Burning Demon Realm was originally the strongest, but due to a series of decision-making errors, it suffered heavy losses and lost its original advantage.

Of course, due to its strong strength, the enemy cannot defeat it yet.

The weakest and worst-situated among the three forces are the Green Forest natives.

However, due to the great changes after the senior officials of the Burning Demon Realm activated the altar, the natives of the Green Forest Realm lost hope and became extremely crazy. They only knew how to fight against the invaders of the Burning Demon Realm, which turned out to be a big trouble.

Meng Zhang and his team are the ones with the greatest potential and the best situation.

Meng Zhang and the others were able to fight evenly against the superior enemy's siege.

And as time goes by, they have a tendency to get stronger as they fight.

The mountain and river realm is slowly merging with the green forest realm, assimilating everything around it.

The losses suffered by the Mountain and River Realm in previous collisions have long been made up and are still being strengthened.

The half-dead king led the army to stabilize their position and firmly defended their defense line.

When they fight near the mountains and rivers, they can get some blessings from the mountains and rivers.

The mountains and rivers behind them are their greatest reliance. (End of chapter)

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