The Way of the Immortal Master

Chapter 3715 The situation has changed drastically

In the blink of an eye, almost ten years have passed since the Mountain River Realm broke into the Green Forest Realm.

Not to mention for monks from the void whose life span is long, or for the strong men from unknown lands whose life span is much shorter, ten years is insignificant.

But in the past ten years, the situation in the Green Forest Realm has changed dramatically again.

The invaders from the Burning Demon Realm, who were originally the strongest and most powerful party, suffered heavy losses and unprecedented setbacks.

After a long war, Meng Zhang and the great scholar Zhu Zhen became stronger and stronger as they fought, and broke out many times.

When the native kings of the Burning Demon Realm who besieged them suffered casualties, the situation began to change.

The enemy is getting weaker and weaker, our own side is getting stronger and stronger, and the outcome is already determined.

Most of the native kings of the Burning Demon Realm suffered casualties, and the remaining survivors fled the battlefield in panic.

Meng Zhang and the great scholar Zhu Zhen took advantage of the situation to pursue them. The guys they were chasing had no way to go to heaven and no way to go to earth.

Even the few strong men from the Burning Demon Realm who were resisting the indigenous kings of the Green Forest Realm had to flee immediately to avoid being attacked from both sides.

After successive victories, some of the indigenous kings in the Green Forest Realm finally calmed down and began to pay attention to the current situation in the Green Forest Realm.

At this time, the Mountain River Realm side became the most powerful side in the Green Forest Realm.

It is worth mentioning that after the native kings of the Burning Demon Realm were defeated, the invading army of the Burning Demon Realm did not collapse immediately, but continued to fight the enemy.

Generally speaking, after the top warriors are defeated, their armies will lose their fighting spirit and fall into chaos.

The fighting spirit of the Burning Demon Realm army was so high that it was hardly affected, which was a bit unexpected.

In fact, the army of Burning Demon Realm has always been very crazy and bloodthirsty.

When it is in adversity, it will become more violent.

In order to reduce the losses of their own army, Meng Zhang and the great scholar Zhu Zhen had to temporarily stop chasing the remaining native kings of the Burning Demon Realm, and began to rely on their crushing cultivation to force their way into the Burning Demon Realm army, killing and destroying wantonly. .

The army of invaders from the Burning Demon Realm were completely vulnerable to them.

Relying on their efforts, the armies of Taiyi Realm and Mountain River Realm finally defeated the army of Burning Demon Realm head-on, and began their pursuit to the north.

The few indigenous kings in the Green Forest who had calmed down also noticed the change in the situation.

After the outsiders from the Mountain and River Realm defeated the invaders from the Burning Demon Realm, they seemed to have a tendency to occupy the magpie's nest.

The Mountain and River Realm itself is constantly eroding and assimilating the Green Forest Realm. The armies of the Mountain and River Realm are conquering cities and territories in the Green Forest Realm and expanding aggressively...

Wherever the Mountain River Realm army goes, they will not only eliminate the remaining defeated generals of the Burning Demon Realm, but also attack the indigenous forces of the Green Forest Realm.

In the later stage, the invaders from the Burning Demon Realm moved too fast and tried to eliminate the last resistance of the Green Forest Realm natives in one fell swoop, so they temporarily let go of many areas occupied by the Green Forest Realm natives.

Now, the armies from the Mountains and Rivers Realm and the Taiyi Realm are marching non-stop, occupying these areas by the way, without any sign of mercy.

The indigenous king of the Green Forest Realm initially tried to contact the half-dead king to question this approach.

Some of them still have illusions, thinking that this is just a misunderstanding, or that they can make Shanhe Realm withdraw its troops by paying some price.

Anyway, now that the invaders from the Burning Demon Realm have been defeated, they no longer need reinforcements from the Mountain and River Realm.

Although the will of the Green Forest Realm has collapsed and all spirituality has been lost, once peace is restored, if these indigenous kings work hard and pay enough, maybe the Green Forest Realm can be reborn?

The half-dead king ignored the indigenous kings of the Green Forest Realm.

The movements of the armies in the Mountain and River Realm and Taiyi Realm are still the same.

The strongest invaders from the Burning Demon Realm suffered heavy casualties and were defeated. The natives from the Green Forest Realm were not afraid at all.

At this time, the indigenous kings of the Green Forest Realm finally realized that they were rejecting tigers through the front door and letting in wolves through the back door.

After finally defeating the invaders from the Burning Demon Realm, another invader from the Mountain and River Realm came.

Compared to the invaders from the Burning Demon Realm, although the invaders from the Mountain and River Realm are equally powerful, their behavior is not as crazy and extreme.

They would not kill all the natives in the Green Forest, or directly enslave them, but offered generous terms to surrender them.

Only those guys who really don't understand current affairs will kill them.

The Green Forest Realm natives had already suffered heavy losses at the hands of the Burning Demon Realm invaders, and their strength had plummeted. Now they were completely vulnerable to the armies of the Mountain River Realm and Taiyi Realm.

A very few indigenous kings of the Green Forest Realm proposed to cooperate with the invaders of the Burning Demon Realm to fight against the invaders of the Mountain and River Realm.

It is common for enemies to switch between friends and foes, and to join forces with the weak to attack the strong.

But as soon as this suggestion was made, it aroused the rage of other indigenous kings.

The hatred between the Green Forest Realm natives and the Burning Demon Realm invaders is so great that it is impossible to resolve it, not even to achieve temporary cooperation.

When those altars were activated from the top of the Burning Demon Realm to completely kill the will of the Green Forest Realm and destroy their spirituality, most of the indigenous kings of the Green Forest Realm became crazy and vowed to fight these invaders of the Burning Demon Realm until the end.

Now that the invaders from the Burning Demon Realm have retreated, some of the native kings from the Green Forest Realm have calmed down and know how to analyze the situation and weigh the pros and cons. However, cooperating with the invaders from the Burning Demon Realm is still beyond the tolerance limit of most people.

Without cooperating with the Burning Demon Realm invaders, the Green Forest Realm natives could only rely on their own strength to fight against the Mountain River Realm invaders.

Even when they were being defeated steadily by the invaders from the Mountain and River Realm, some of the native kings from the Green Forest Realm still stared at the invaders from the Burning Demon Realm and insisted on fighting them to the death.

The armies of Shanhe Realm and Taiyi Realm were able to defeat the two enemies one by one.

Slowly, some strong natives from the Green Forest Realm began to surrender to the Mountain River Realm.

The world of Green Forest Realm has died, and it is impossible to be reborn under the current circumstances.

If they don't want to be buried with this world, they just have to find another way out.

Compared to the extremely cruel Burning Demon Realm, the Mountain and River Realm is undoubtedly easier for people to accept.

Once someone started, more Green Forest natives would surrender one after another.

Later, some of the native kings of the Green Forest Realm surrendered to the Mountain River Realm.

In his opinion, although the outsiders from the Mountain and River Realm are also invaders, they managed to defeat the army of the Burning Demon Realm and are still chasing the invaders from the Burning Demon Realm. This can be considered as revenge for the Green Forest Realm.

More importantly, Meng Zhang and the great scholar Zhu Zhen were too strong and could easily kill the indigenous kings of the Burning Demon Realm. Killing the indigenous kings of the Green Forest Realm was like slaughtering chickens and dogs.

While Meng Zhang and the great scholar Zhu Zhen were chasing down the indigenous kings of the Burning Demon Realm and the Green Forest Realm, they also took time to help the expansion of the Mountain River Realm and help them speed up their assimilation into the Green Forest Realm.

The Mountain and River Realm, which is deeply rooted in the Green Forest Realm, is spreading its own laws of heaven and earth to every corner of the Green Forest Realm at a very fast speed. (End of chapter)

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