The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1037: Financial Report

South Korea’s secret channel refers to the fact that South Korea is learning about the content of Qin’s telegrams by monitoring telegram communications.

Qin Guo is very confident in telegraph communication. They believe that they are unique in this regard, because they invented the telegraph, and most of the telegraph users are concentrated in Qin, a small number are concentrated in South Korea, and the rest are small. In Zhao State and Yan State, there is another point being dispatched to Chu State.

Moreover, the telegraph personnel of these countries have been professionally trained by Qin State. It can be said that Qin State is the master of these countries. And the telegraphers in these countries are just one of Qin's apprentices.

Not only that, Qin is far ahead in communication equipment, and many of the key communication equipment is installed by Qin. With these, Qin is naturally confident of their great achievements in telegraph and telephone communications. This achievement is their self-confidence.

"Don't let too many people know about these things." Han Shu said immediately.

"Chen, understand." Zhang Liang said cautiously.

Although, South Korea cannot know the current situation of Qin from the content of the telegram, because the special envoy of King Qin has not received the order from Qin, and the special envoy of King Qin has not yet contacted the situation they want.

After getting Qin's instructions. The South Korean side immediately launched an action.

"Click, click." The telegraph and hole punch were quickly printing out the messages they had received. A lieutenant walked over at this moment, cut off the electric newspaper tape with scissors, and glued it to the file. Then took the document and left. They need to translate the telegram immediately. The content of this telegram is to ask them to transfer the person in charge of the newly established republic to Xinzheng, South Korea, where they will meet with King Qin's special envoy. They need to negotiate confidential matters.

In Qin, Shangwen is facing huge challenges. This challenge comes from within Qin.

"Taxation is a nationwide act." A representative who attended the meeting stood up and said.

"We have the right to know about the state's intention and use of tax. I think we should not discuss how to levy taxes. Instead, we should ask the Prime Minister for an explanation on the issue of use." The meeting representative pointed to Shang Wen's direction and said at this time.

And everyone, at this time, paid attention to Shang Wen's side.

"Wow." At this time, the representatives began to discuss this amazing topic.

"Then, the prime minister, please explain this to us, okay?" The representative made a request.

At this time, Shang Wen put down the pen in his hand unnaturally. He looked at the people around him nervously. Then, somewhat at a loss, he bowed his head to organize his clothes.

"This." Shang Wen stood up and said.

"Can I say a few words?" Shang Wen said at this time.

And the people around nodded. Other representatives also agreed.

"In this taxation meeting, I personally brought my ears, hands, and brain. I came to participate." Shang Wen said at this time.

"I didn't plan to bring my mouth, because, this meeting, I can't say anything?" Shang Wen said nervously.

"You may have noticed this in the meetings these days." Shang Wen said.

"I'm just a person, sitting here, listening to you reflect the problem, and then classify the problem. Think. Then solve these problems." Shang Wen waved and said.

"I don't know how many problems I have summarized. Because, facing the big problem of taxation, I haven't had a clue for a while. I have been having a headache these days. I can't solve this problem." Shang Wen said frankly. The surrounding representatives all nodded, and they recognized the young prime minister's sincere work attitude.

"Huh." At this time, Shang Wen exhaled deeply.

"However, what this representative said is not wrong. As taxpayers, you have the right to know where these government taxes are used?" Shang Wen said at this time.

"But, I need a little time to prepare, because I need to sort out a preliminary data to give you a report. Let you have an intuitive understanding." Shang Wen said.

"You guys, can you give me some time?" Shang Wen said at this time.

"Wow." The delegates discussed it.

"Yes, we can give a certain amount of time." The representatives said one after another.

Shang Wen nodded and said yes. then. Leave. Shangwen needs a preliminary data. Come make a report.

More than an hour later. Shang Wen quickly walked to the center of the venue. There is a thick folder in his hand.

"Ahem." Shang Wenrun said in his own throat.

"I'll give you a report on Qin's finances for the last two years." Shang Wen said.

All the representatives were quiet at this time.

"Because, I have just been in power for more than two years." Shang Wen said at this time.

"In my first year in power, a lot of things happened in Qin State. Moreover, Qin State changes all the time. Therefore, many data of Qin State are not comprehensive enough. For example, Qin State’s fiscal revenue in the first year is not complete. It was registered because at that time, Qin State had not built large-scale factories and equipment, farm conditions had not been widely used, and various economic tasks had not yet started. In short, these data were not comprehensive enough." Shang Wen at this time Said.

"However, we can only give a rough data and give an intuitive understanding." Shang Wen said.

"Conjecture based on Qin's official data." Shang Wen took out a piece of paper and said at this time.

"Qin's fiscal revenue in the past two years was only less than three million gold." Shang Wen said at this time.

"Huh." The people in the audience heard these words. Everyone was very surprised. Because Qin has developed so fast, it is impossible to have such a small amount of fiscal revenue. You can do such a big construction project.

But in fact, Qin's overall income is so much. Compared with before, Qin's fiscal revenue is still more than before. At one point, Shang Wen was very satisfied.

"Just be quiet." Shang Wen motioned everyone to be quiet at this time.

"Qin's fiscal revenue is probably that much. However, Qin has issued a large number of bonds. These bonds are calculated with a five-year maturity. The total amount of Qin's debt. The total amount is more than 20 million gold." Shang Wen at this time, He directly talked about Qin's debt problem.

"So much." At this time, Qin State representatives said one after another.

"Yes. That's all." Shang Wen said loudly at this time.

"If there were not so many bonds, the State of Qin would not be able to support such a huge war cost. Not only that, the State of Qin would not be able to afford the entire nation's construction." Shang Wen said at this time. In fact, Shangwen also concealed another thing, that is, Shangwen took a considerable amount of money by printing more banknotes. This payment helped Qin Guo overcome many difficulties. For this matter. Shang Wen regarded it as top secret, and did not make it public. If, after the representatives present knew about this, what they would think, they would definitely accuse Shang Wen of such a robbery.

"It is these bonds that Qin relies on to support the current situation. In addition, there is also a donation from the society. They have helped Qin build a considerable part of the education facilities. The establishment of these facilities has contributed to Qin's education. Great contribution. Once again, I need to point out that without these funds, our children will be greatly lagging behind in education. For this, I am very grateful. Thank you. Thank you." Shangwen at this time Bow at the waist to express thanks.

"Wow." All the representatives applauded at this time, for them. It is a great recognition. First of all, as the head of the civil servants of the Qin State, Shangwen is able to actively recognize it. This is their great honour. Secondly, Shangwen's attitude, Shangwen was able to take the initiative to acknowledge this matter, saying that Shangwen attaches great importance to education. It can be said that Shangwen attaches great importance to the future of Qin. At this point, everyone agreed with Shangwen's attitude.

The last point is that Shang Wen can let go of his prime minister's identity and take the initiative to thank everyone. This makes all people feel a sense of respect. Feeling a kind of recognition, in such a kind of recognition and respect, Qin representatives applauded to show encouragement.

"Thank you everyone." Shang Wen said at this time.

"Thank you everyone." Shang Wen said at this time.

"Financial revenue situation, I said here temporarily, in terms of expenditures, the data I got, the result is that Qin State spends the most on wars, and he accounts for as much as 42%, and it is the public foundation. Facilities are less than 37%. Education is only 7%. Other special funds, such as disaster relief, bank loans, and tax exemption, are less than 2.5%. The remaining expenditures are royal expenditures and repayments There are some royal expenses." Shang Wen said at this time.

"Royal expenses?" At this time, a representative asked.

"Yes, royal expenses." Shang Wen emphasized at this time.

"Part of the government's fiscal revenue has to be handed over to the royal family. This part of the cost should be said to be relatively normal." At this time, Shang Wen used a relatively normal one to illustrate this situation.

"Oh." The delegates clearly understood what this meant. The entire country belongs to King Qin, and King Qin charges royal fees at this time, which is a very legitimate reason. However, the delegates were still a little unnatural. They believed that King Qin's royal family income should come from royal investment, not the state, and the state's fiscal revenue came from taxpayers. Although no one said clearly, they still have some small knots that have not been solved. This shows that Qin people have realized something in terms of taxation at this time.

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