The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1038: Military assistance

"In terms of expenditure, the biggest problem is that war costs remain high. I have taken relevant measures for this issue, but everyone understands that my efforts in this area still cannot solve this problem." Shang Wen said.

"Qin is facing new national defense, occupation and security issues. There are many places where troops are needed. The Huns in the north, the Hu people, and the ethnic minorities in the northwest, where there are newly occupied lands, and our flanks, the Qiang people in the Hexi Corridor. Although we have occupied some plateau areas, we still have big security strategic security problems." Shangwen said.

"The existence of these strategic security issues determines the problem of Qin's high military expenditure." Shang Wen said.

"We lack sufficient sense of security." Shang Wen directly pointed out the root cause of this problem.

“In our surroundings, there are many situations that we don’t understand and don’t know. Many ethnic groups, tribes, and countries don’t understand us and don’t know us. The emergence of these situations makes us feel very uneasy. Therefore, For our domestic security, we need to continuously use external troops." Shang Wen said.

"This has directly led to our national defense expenditure situation directly rising to a new height, the emergence of this height makes us feel difficult to support. Therefore, we have taken some measures, these measures are to reduce military expenditure, but even though we have several times Reduction, but the current situation in the State of Qin can no longer be reduced. The State of Qin can only maintain the current situation by stopping the war." Shang Wen said meaningfully. The current strategic security situation of Qin State is very beneficial to Qin State, but the stall that Qin State has spread out is really too big. This had to make Qin reconsider the use of their army.

As a result, Qin had to postpone the timetable for Qin's unification of the six countries. According to the historical process. Qin State had already annexed South Korea and Zhao State at this time. The State of Qin is provoking a war against the State of Yan. But the appearance of Shangwen delayed all the occurrences. This is not the power of Shangwen alone. It is the power of history. The expansion of the Qin Kingdom will inevitably bring new problems, but this problem came early and changed some conditions.

"According to the current situation, Qin has been unable to concentrate its forces to solve the problem of the use of forces on either side. Qin lacks effective mobile force." Shang Wen said.

"Qin can only use the power of its allies to complete the containment of the six-nation diplomatic and military posture." Shangwen made new adjustments in national strategic security. This adjustment is to try to adopt political alliances with some countries as much as possible. Conduct political, diplomatic, and military suppression in such a way. To save expenses and lay a solid foundation for Qin's unification road. Shang Wen said. Shang Wen's idea is to achieve the goal of Qin's final reunification through alliance partners, but this method will take a long time, but Qin currently needs this method. First, Qin's current financial situation This can only be done. Second, there is no need for the Qin State to continue to expand its territory. The Qin State has already occupied many resource-rich places. These places include the north and the northwest of the Qin State. These two places are rich in variety. Resources, especially in special metals. Qin has a more powerful resource advantage than the six countries. Not only that, Qin also relies on its own financial means. It firmly controls Zhao’s coal. At the same time, it uses other In this way, the State of Qin controls South Korea’s transportation rights. The State of Qin has the priority to enjoy the right to use the Xinzheng Railway Hub. This can be seen from the point of view of the transportation personnel of the State of Qin.

Qin relied on his various means to control the important resources of two neighboring countries. In this regard, Shangwen's policy is successful. However, in the case of Qin's use of force to unify the country. Shangwen himself didn't know if he was doing it right. Shangwen first guaranteed a safe external environment for a nation. But this environment has brought a lot of pressure and responsibility to Qin. At the same time, Qin delayed the unification of the six countries because of this responsibility.

But it is undeniable. Shangwen’s approach also has some positive meanings. Zhao and South Korea are no longer so unfamiliar with Qin. On the contrary, they began to actively understand and learn from Qin. Although their goodwill towards Qin has not risen much. But their understanding of Qin State has deepened a lot. Not only these two countries, Qin also has a new understanding of several neighboring countries. They believe that Qin is politically stronger than these two countries. Moreover, Qin State pays more attention to the issue of talent use than these countries. Qin State attaches great importance to basic education, while one of these two countries does not attach much importance to education. Zhao Guo is. On the other hand, they don’t value basic education too much. What they value is university education. They urgently need talents.

but. Both countries have sent a certain number of overseas students.

The students sent by Zhao Guo are mainly military. And South Korea is quietly changing. In the past, South Korean students studying abroad were mainly military officers. There are only a small number of international students in civilian fields, and they mainly study mechanics and engineering. But now, South Korea not only has not reduced the number of overseas students, but has increased the number of international students, and in terms of civilian technology. South Korea has increased its personnel input. Especially in terms of emerging technologies. For example, automobiles, mechanical equipment manufacturing, machine tool processing, and various mineral resources, and so on. South Korea has invested a lot of manpower.

Shangwen's report is not finished yet, and all the representatives are listening carefully to Qin's current financial situation. They must first have a detailed understanding of their wealth. Only at this time can they put forward some constructive opinions. They should not only consider their own interests, but also the interests of the country.

As Shangwen made an explanation on the issue of military expenditures, Wang Jian was discussing some new issues with Li Mu.

Wang Jian met with Li Mu at the border post between the two countries while inspecting the defense of the Taiyuan Military Region. Because the two countries are discussing issues in the border dispute issue area, that is to say, they are talking in a blank area of ​​the actual control area of ​​the two sides, so neither of the personnel of the two parties is considered to be officially leaving the country.

"You already know the situation of Zhao Guo very well," Li Mu said.

"A cavalry unit of the Zhao State has been inserted into the back of the Qi army, but their troops have not been gathered up, and they lack effective supplies. The supplies they carry with them are rapidly being reduced, especially in terms of weapons and ammunition. In this regard, They lack enough ammunition to maintain their current situation. And our infantry is progressing very slowly, so we need your help. Especially the air power." At this time, Li Mu directly proposed.

"En." Wang Jian just nodded. Nothing was shown.

"The reason for the slow progress of our infantry is the poor road conditions in the country of Yan. We need your engineers from the country of Qin to help us build a highway to speed up our logistics supplies. At the same time, we also hope that you will provide some construction vehicles for some transportation. "Li Mu continued.

"This, we need to think about it." Wang Jian said at this time.

"You must know that Qin’s air power has previously supported the Qin Army’s ground power. They have suffered a lot of losses and pilot fatigue. Moreover, the range of the aircraft cannot provide long-distance combat. Only the airship can. However, the fatigue level of the airship, As well as the maintenance of the airship, it takes a certain period of time. Qin is currently unable to send the airship to participate in the war." Wang Jian said at this time.

"This." Li Mu was obviously anxious.

"We are currently the allies. The allies should provide some help." Li Mu said at this time.

"I understand your situation very well. But our situation is indeed the case, but we have a solution." Wang Jian said at this time.

"We can use reserve forces, and Qin can recruit some civilian airships to join in, but in doing so, Qin will inevitably increase military expenditures. You know, the prime minister of Qin is currently vigorously cutting military expenditures. On this issue, we There are some difficulties," Wang Jian said directly.

"I think we should discuss with the people of Yan people. They can pay for this cost. Moreover, if the people of Yan people attack and delay, we also need you to urge the people of Yan people to take military action as soon as possible to assist us." Li Mu said.

"Well, we will do this." Wang Jian said politely.

"In addition, we should focus on reinforcements. The cavalry units are interspersed for long distances. Their supply problem is very big. We are eager to solve this part of the problem." Li Mu proactively said.

"This, this requires the use of a larger airship. This is a bit too risky for us." Wang Jian said.

"We are only asking for some military assistance." Li Mu said.

"Our weapons do not require a lot. If this situation cannot be achieved, we will not be able to dig into this battle." Li Mu emphasized again.

And Wang Jian just nodded silently. He also knows that if Zhao Jun's requirements are not met, Zhao Jun is likely to face a major failure.

The cavalry interspersed with only a small amount of ammunition supplies, they can be said to be isolated and surrounded behind the Qi army. Their condition is the worst and the most prone to deterioration, but it is the most critical place.

"Well, we will try our best, no matter what happens? Qin is willing to provide some help." Wang Jian said at this time.

"What we need, we will put forward." Li Mu said unanimously.

And Wang Jian could only answer with a smile. Zhao Guo is not at all polite. Qin also couldn't agree to all of them.

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