"Return?" asked another flying sergeant on the side.

"Return to flight. Hurry up." At this time, the Qi Jun Air Force lieutenant colonel reluctantly issued. In the dense formation without the help of any liaison tool, this kind of dense formation is simply a disaster.

Just like early tanks, it is difficult for tanks to achieve a high degree of mobility without the help of radio. However, the growing Qi State Air Force one-sidedly believes that quantitative superiority is the key to the formation of combat effectiveness.

The Qin Kingdom’s Heavenly Army discovered this serious problem as early as not long after the establishment of the Qin Kingdom. They knew very well how much disaster such a large and dense formation would bring to the flight.

"The communication is not smooth. If the formation is dense, there will be a little wind. Our formation will become crowded. If it is serious, our formation will have serious accidents. For this, we only use three airships. Or two airships flying in formation." A lieutenant colonel Qin Guotian said while teaching at the military academy.

This point, Qin Guo has already mentioned in the textbook. However, the Qi State Air Force has not encountered such a situation. For them, it is a disaster. Moreover, Qi has no military school education to help them sum up these experiences.

"Huh." There was a whistling sound of heavy objects falling from a high altitude.

"Boom." There was a dull sound of falling rocks.

This stone accurately hit a warning tunnel. One of the Zhao Jun veterans inside was smashed into flesh.

However, Zhao Jun’s artillery positions were given time, and the temporary chaos caused by ground-to-air firing gave Zhao Jun artillery time to hide their artillery.

"The airship in the sky seems to be turning around." A second lieutenant of the observing artillery poked his head out and said.

"Aren't they throwing stones at our other lines of defense?" The sergeant on the side said in horror.

"Who knows. Let's watch." The captain said while looking at the sky with a telescope.

The Qi State Air Force was slowly turning its direction to retreat, while Zhao Jun watched the situation nervously, when the Qi State Air Force's airship slowly turned and flew towards the other side of the river. The Zhao Jun soldiers breathed a sigh of relief.

In this way, the Qi State Air Force's bombing of snakeheads was over. This time, the Qi State Air Force learned a valuable lesson.

The addition of the Qi State Air Force did not shake this situation. But the power of both sides of the war is gradually changing.

In Qin State, it is raising to issue new war bonds.

"Ladies and gentlemen, for your patriotism, please buy Qin's war bonds. Qin needs a safe external environment for the sake of Qin. For the safety of everyone. Buy war bonds." The bondman is shouting loudly.

"Ladies, come and take a look, for our national security." A propaganda officer handed the leaflet to a passing lady.

But the lady just shook her hand and walked away. The volume of bond issuance is huge. But in fact, very few people buy.

"There are not friendly neighbors around us, the Huns and Hu people in the north, the mountain people in the east, and the Western Regions and Qiang people in the west. There are countless various Vietnamese people in the south. There are six countries in the east. Our surroundings are actually not very safe. Qin now only has a regular army of about 250,000. It is obviously inappropriate to defend such a large territory. Therefore, Qin needs a positive and safe external environment. The wars in these neighboring countries are obviously a good way to solve this problem. You must know that our north is very likely to encounter the final border. We are creating a great geographical discovery." A major general military expert from Qin State Asked to explain the issue of national security strategy, King Qin hopes to increase the issuance of Qin's war bonds through the prestige of the army.

But even so, Qin's bond purchases are not very large. This is true even in Qin's bond market.

"Let's take a look. The latest issue of national war bonds, when it opened in the morning, had risen so much, and now it has dropped by more than 20 points. Do you know what this means?" Li Wen inside said excitedly.

"I don't know." A trader who is very familiar with Li Wen shook his head blankly. He has always believed that this man named Li Wen is a natural securities genius, and this guy has been mixed in various securities trading platforms for a long time. I hope to use a large amount of transaction orders to trade and make a lot of money. The money lost is also a lot. This guy has already broken his fortune twice. Re-emerged twice. This is a legendary character, and it is exactly this, some people are very superstitious of him. I think his views and judgments are very accurate.

"The market demand has been saturated. These bonds are no longer bought by anyone. The market has very little funds. Very few." Li Wen said at this time.

"All we need to do now is short. Short. I want to short a variety of stocks." This time. Li Wen said loudly.

"Oh. My goodness. You are crazy." The trader on the side exclaimed.

"If you want to make a fortune, just follow me. If you don't want to do this, then I can't help it." He said. Li Wen walked to the trading platform.

"Empty Wenyang Railway, Wenyang Steel has 5,000 shares each. Quickly." Li Wen said firmly. Wenyang Railway and Wenyang Iron and Steel have always been the leaders in the stock market. Li Wen is very smart and knows that shorting such stocks will make money.

"Well, I'll bet on this too." With that, the trader also started to follow Li Wen's steps and put down all the belongings.

Although the stock market has fallen to varying degrees, it is still very active, and the enthusiasm for buying stocks is obviously higher than that of national war bonds. People still like to invest money in stocks, because stocks have far higher returns than bonds.

Moreover, the face value of the bond is very unstable, and the price will only rise when the government converts it. Or a sharp drop in exchange for the final interest.

And on the other end of the stock. Many people are anxiously waiting for loans.

"Hey. Do you have any money?" an anxious trader quickly stepped forward and asked.

"No. By the time the money was less than ten o'clock in the morning, it was already out." At this time, a credit clerk said helplessly.

"What a joke. I usually have money at this time." The trader said excitedly.

"I'm sorry, I know. But we don't have the money provided by the bank. The bank now offers very little money. Very few. This is the situation. You see, many people are anxiously waiting for the money, but the money There are very few children." At this time, the credit clerk said helplessly.

"My God. I'll pay you back the money. I'll pay you 15 points of interest, which is a lot." The trader said madly.

"No, no. There are still 20 points of interest paid over there, but the payment is still not received. I'm sorry. There is nothing we can do. The bank does not provide us with a payment. We cannot provide a valid payment. "at this time. Said the credit officer.

"Oh my God. I made a lot less money today. Do you know? With this money, I can buy a private jet." The trader left angrily. In fact, there are still many such people waiting for fast loans. After they get the loan, they can quickly speculate in the stock market and futures. In this way, they will get a lot of benefits. Banks are very willing to lend such money. The interest is high. Traders are willing to do the same. Simultaneously. The bank does this. It is also pushing up Qin's stock market and futures from the other side. They will stimulate speculation in Qin's securities market. But now, the bank suddenly stopped lending. No one knows what happened to them?

"Oh. My goodness. It has fallen so much today. It has risen so much, and we have lost money. We have lost fifty gold." This time. The trader shouted at Li Wen.

"Hey. Calm down. We did the right thing." At this time, Li Wen calmly said to the trader on the side.

"How can I calm down?" the trader shouted loudly.

"This is normal. Maybe it will fall tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Wait patiently. It will come when you sell short. What we have to do now is to wait patiently. Understand?" At this time, Li Wen said patiently.

"Oh, my goodness." The trader on the side complained.

"Be patient." Li Wen said confidently. In his view, this is only the last struggle in the bull market, and then it is when they start to make a lot of money.

And in Wenyang Bank of Qin State. Xiao He is experiencing his first crisis.

"Manager, should we stop lending? Many places are urging us to issue loans." At this time, a loan supervisor ran in anxiously and said.

"Yes, stop. Tell them tomorrow that we will not provide a penny of borrowing. On the contrary, we must raise funds as soon as possible. Our situation is terrible. Do you know? We have very little funds. The funds in the market are also very high. Less. If at this time, everyone is short of money, urgently need money, and use their savings, my God. Who knows what will happen? We can only change the way to get money. But, how do we get money Go." Xiao He said anxiously.

"Oh my God. But, do we still have a lot of this kind of business that we haven't done?" The supervisor said anxiously about the situation he was facing.

"It's not the time to take care of these things. What we need is money, and we need to find a way to raise funds. This is the biggest crisis we are currently facing. Money is needed in many places, and we need money even more. Go ahead and do it." Xiao He directly Commanded.

"But?" What else does the supervisor want to say?

"Hurry up." Xiao He said anxiously.

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