The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1064: Shoot the Mohist

There has been a big bearish signal in the Qin State stock market, but only a handful of people can feel this signal. The rest are still immersed in the final madness before the short market in the stock market. People still think that the Qin State stock market is healthy and still very strong. Qin's economy will take another step. Many people are still dreaming of getting rich. Qin State is sliding to the edge of danger.

Qin's stock market has been rising for too long. The short-selling mechanism did not play its due role. The economy of Qin State is improving. Many policies and bills are conducive to economic development, and the economy of Qin State is prosperous. However, there are often many crises behind this kind of prosperity. When this kind of crisis arrives, it will be a hazard like a torrential rain, and the level of harm is no less than that of launching a large-scale war operation against Qin.

Faced with the hazards of torrential rains, Shang Wen was helpless. This is not something that can be done by one person. He needs a lot of people to do it together. Shang Wen is very clear.

"This is Qin's cinema. It is used to show movies. There is Qin's opera house and Qin's library. Where is it?" Shang Wen introduced Han Shu in the car.

"And, over there. There is also the Qin State Museum, which houses all kinds of cultural relics from Qin State." Shang Wen said.

"En." Han Shu just nodded.

"Are these also Qin's infrastructure?" Han Shu asked.

"Yes. These are the infrastructure of the Qin State. The economy of Qin State is not only those expressways and railways. Qin State also needs cultural help, and Qin State must adopt an open attitude to absorb the strengths of surrounding cultures. Only this way , Qin can make itself stronger continuously. This is a kind of spirit. Although those libraries, opera houses, cinemas, and museums are all large-scale buildings, their standing indicates that Qin is accepting them in a development attitude. Assimilating the surrounding culture, I can only keep the Qin country prosperous with this development attitude," Shang Wen said.

Han Shu felt a little unacceptable about Shang Wen's words, and Qin became stronger. Then South Korea will never have a chance to rise.

"So, Shang Wen, can I call you that way?" Han Shu asked at this time.

"Yes, of course, we are friends. aren't we?" Shang Wen said.

"Thank you. You can also call me Han Shu." Han Shu said at this time. For Han Shu's amazing performance. Shangwen expressed surprise, but then expressed his understanding. If there is a long distance in the title, then there is still a long distance between the two people's friendship, and this distance is formed invisibly. This is not very good for the relationship between the two. Shang Wen thought this way. Thinking of this, Shang Wen agreed.

"So, what do you think of the issue of unification?" Han Shu looked at Shang Wen with an anxious look at this time. Her eyes were full of hope, full of anxiety.

"To be honest, this question is too heavy for me." Shang Wen said without concealing himself at this time.

"Oh." Han Shu was surprised that Shang Wen had such an answer.

"Do you know? I have thought about this problem more than once. This problem is the main problem of our time. Unification, our country and how this nation should be unified." Shang Wen said.

"I have thought of many ways. But I don't know which method is the most correct. King Qin's idea is to conquer everything by force. He has a huge army. It can conquer everything, but that will destroy everything. Then build a brand new one. The world, but the price is too great." Shang Wen said.

"If King Qin is unified, I don't know if Qin will continue to move forward. Will this policy continue to continue without any changes. Then, we will eventually lead to disastrous consequences because of such abuses. Happen. Perish, any small mistake will cause a big mistake to happen, and then we will be perished." Shang Wen said, shaking his head.

"Haha. What you said is too esoteric." Han Shu didn't understand what Shang Wen was talking about, but she did her best to understand.

"Haha." Shang Wen smiled slightly.

"This is what I thought of. Qin State still has many problems, unification, and things need to be achieved. In fact, unification also has another meaning. Just like the collections in those museums, Qin State must adopt an open attitude. Assimilate those collections. Only by opening up can the State of Qin become more powerful." Shang Wen said at this time. And Han Shu just turned to look at those museums. The museum gives a sense of solemnity, and the large pillars at the door show his solemnity. The low white steps make people look up to. This is the largest museum in Qin and also the largest museum in this period.

As everyone knows, Shangwen has overlooked one point, that is, since the collection of Qin's museum is very small, some have been collected through solicitation, and some have been donated. Most of the rest were obtained through warfare, and those front-line troops frantically snatched the spoils. No one has ever counted how many civilizations they destroyed, but the cultural relics here are only a small part of the huge number, a very small part, and the destroyed things far exceed the number of collections in the museum, behind these collections Each has its own bitter history, which is no longer known.

Killing, bloodshed, separation, tragedies of all kinds are constantly being staged on them. Behind the open posture. It is often unknown history. This is the price. The price of history.

Shang Wen didn't know this at all. If he knew it, he would do nothing.

"Shooting. Bang Bang." Just as Shang Wen was making various introductions for Han Shu, there was a sudden intensive gunfire in front of him.

"Chih." There was a rapid brake sound.

The car slammed the left steering wheel. The huge centrifugal force slammed Han Shu over, and she subconsciously lay on Shang Wen's body. And Shang Wen himself just leaned on the door of the car.

"Boom." At this moment, the soundproof glass in front of him slammed violently. This is the guard reminding Shangwen to pay attention to safety. Then he pulled out his pistol and got out of the car.

"Oh. Goodness." Shangwen knew what was going on in a daze. Knowing that it was attacked.

"We have to get out of the car. Shang Wen grabbed Han Shu's hand at once. It was a bit cold, but more of a woman's softness.

Shang Wen opened the door and got out of the car all at once, then protected Han Shu and got out of the car.

"Bang." Then there was another shot.

"Ah." Han Shu exclaimed.

"Don't worry, there is me, come down quickly, we have to hide in a safe place." Shang Wen said loudly at this time.

"Can you get off?" Han Shu asked while sitting in the car.

"No problem, let's get down." Shang Wen's hand and Han Shu were supported by Shang Wen. Han Shu sat down carefully and squatted behind the car.

"Prime Minister, there is nothing more to do. However, we'd better avoid it over there." At this time, the guard said Shang Wen.

"What happened?" Shang Wen said calmly.

"Let him tell you." At this moment, the guard called a police officer in a police uniform on the side.

"This is?" Shang Wen asked, looking at the police officer.

"Hello, Prime Minister." The police officer greeted him politely.

"Hello, this police officer." Shang Wen also replied.

"Tell me about the specific situation." This time. The guard said impatiently.

"Okay, okay," the police officer said at this time.

"Speak slowly." Shang Wen motioned.

"Okay, that's it, we are ordered to arrest those Mohists." The police officer said.

Shang Wen heard this news with a big head. Arrest the Mohist. Why arrest the Mohist family?

"According to our intelligence, there is a Mohist living here. We came to round up them. As a result, they stabbed one of our police officers with a sword. We had no choice but to surround him, but the other party Martial arts are really good. We had no choice but to shoot and kill the opponent when the opponent escaped." The police officer said simply.

"You guys, why do you want to arrest the Mohist?" Shang Wen asked very puzzled at this time.

"This is the order of the king," the police officer replied.

"My God." Shang Wen couldn't believe it. Qin State is actually arresting the Mohist. This news was simply too shocking for Shang Wen.

"Okay, we carried it out." At this time, a police officer called out loudly. Shang Wen stretched his head and looked over. Two police officers were carrying a stretcher. The stretcher was covered with a layer of white cloth. Underneath was a person. I don't know if it was alive or dead. In short, Shang Wen couldn't see anyone. It should be dead. Shang Wen thought to himself.

"I want to see." Shang Wen said at this time.

"The prime minister, it's dangerous," the guard reminded at this time.

"No, I also want to look at it. It is unreasonable to arrest the Mohist in this way," Shang Wen said.

"The prime minister?" the guard persuaded again. But Shangwen stepped forward. Shangwen walked to the corpse. There were blood stains on the white cloth. It was obvious that the other party was dead. Shangwen stopped, he was a little scared, but he still stepped forward to take a look.

Lifting the white cloth, Shang Wen saw a delicate face, not very old. The face is very clean. Shang Wen looked down and saw a lot of guns in his chest. Bleeding from the shot position continued. Shang Wen felt pain when he looked at it.

"Okay. Bury him well." Shang Wen said at this time. Shang Wen was a little confused.

However, the two police officers hesitated. According to the order, this kind of corpse did not need to be buried, but they still carried it down. And not far away, a white shirt and a black shirt were looking here. The white clothes wanted to step forward, but was stopped by the black clothes. And Shang Wen just looked at the carried corpse.

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