The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1229: Introduce people

"There is not much difference between military facilities and civilian facilities." Shang Wen looked at the generals and said. The hostility of the general. Make Shang Wen very uncomfortable.

"Railway is a military facility, but it is also a civilian facility. There is no clear distinction between military and civilian. For example, steel. It can be used to make all kinds of machinery and equipment, and it can also make all kinds of Weapons, rifles, artillery. Armored tanks, etc." Shang Wen said, waving his arms.

"But it takes a long time to build these." Wang Jian said at this time.

"It's true." Shangwen had to admit such a fact. Qin was able to win all the foreign wars in the past few years, not only by the rapid growth of national strength, but also by relying on these civilian facilities to complete specific logistical support. There is no such thing. It will be difficult for the Qin army to complete the huge logistics supply task, and even if it is completed, it will completely drain the entire national power. Not to mention. What is driving economic growth?

"I have to admit this." Shang Wen said helplessly. But at this time, the generals felt that Shang Wen was whimsical and did not come up with practical solutions to solve the actual problems.

"The prime minister's idea. It seems that there is no reason. But in practice. It is still very reasonable." At this time. Wei Liao on the side took the initiative to say.

"If we build a railway around our border. Or we build strongholds on the main arterial or branch lines, these strongholds will gradually become towns, and these towns will form a strong defense against our Qin State. Location. Relying on these facilities, we can quickly project troops. Even if we maintain a small number of troops. We have the advantage of maneuverability and firepower. Then no matter how many enemies there are, it is of no use." Wei Liao said at this time.

"Exactly. The prime minister's idea is very bold. Although it takes a certain amount of time to implement it, it is very feasible." Qin Wang said at this time.

Qin Wang's speech, this time. Make all the generals feel a little jealous, but helpless.

"My lord, if we use the airport. Maybe we can. Solve this problem." Shang Wen suddenly thought of the strategy of the Air Force. The air force is not only a combat force, a bombing force, but also a large number of transport troops. Transport capability is also a reliable combat capability. Although fighters, bombers, and transport aircraft of this period cannot maintain a large range due to limited engine power, and The carrying capacity is also very limited. But another kind of aircraft gives the possibility of transporting a large number of equipment and materials. This kind of aircraft is an airship. Qin State retains a large number of airship troops, you must know. An airship is a very cost-effective flying platform. His load capacity is great. It can transport more than one hundred people to the destination at one time. At the same time, the airship consumption is relatively low. Maintenance and logistical guarantees have great advantages, but they are not as fast as airplanes.

"En. The prime minister’s suggestion is very good. Building an airport is not the same as building a railway. Building an airport and using airship transportation can quickly solve the current problem. At the same time, we can invest in railway construction at the same time. After all, a large number of weapons and equipment, Still need to rely on railway transportation to complete." Wei Liao said at this time.

"En. These problems have been solved very well, but Qin currently has too many enemies around. We must completely solve these problems in order to further eastward expansion." Wang Jian changed the subject. Shangwen looked at the map at this time. I couldn't help taking a breath. Enemies are everywhere around Qin State. These enemies make Shang Wen feel his scalp numb.

From the perspective of geopolitics. The geopolitical environment of Qin is not optimistic. Because the more enemies there are, the greater the potential threat. The history of China is indeed like this. North, northeast, northwest, and southwest, and later appeared in the southeast. These directions all need to invest a certain amount of troops for defense, unlike the United States, where things are oceans, and The North and the South are countries without threats. Such geopolitics is very conducive to the United States' ability to concentrate its defenses. The Qin State is different. The surrounding area was full of potential threats, and these threats contained a large amount of Qin's troops. It's not just a matter of strength. There are also a lot of social resources, and the State of Qin needs to spend a lot of fiscal revenue to accomplish such things.

"The country has expanded. There are more troubles. We have to spend a lot of financial expenditure to solve the problem, not just these, unless we completely eliminate them, otherwise, it will always be a trouble." Shang Wen said while looking at the map.

"Well, the prime minister is right. These problems must be completely resolved. The Huns, mountain people, Qiang people, and Western Regions. These minorities must be completely eliminated, so that Qin can quickly expand eastward." time. King Qin said loudly. That is a grand strategy. When Shangwen heard this, he trembled and completely wiped out. How many people had become bones before Shangwen realized that he had said the wrong thing. Complete elimination is not simply complete elimination.

Immediately, Qin's senior officials began to discuss how to eliminate these minorities in a grand strategy, and Shang Wen was extremely disturbed. Shangwen originally wanted to absorb these ethnic minorities, but he didn't think about why he would suddenly think of completely eliminating such a vocabulary. Shang Wen really didn't understand. Perhaps, such a militant nation itself is very bloody. The prolonged approach has inspired the **** nature of Shangwen, and there is no reason for anyone to challenge the **** nature of the Qin people. Challenge means destruction, complete destruction.

Shang Wen did not understand the national defense strategy discussed by Qin's senior officials. Because Qin needs to concentrate on solving all the problems in one direction. Some generals thought that the North should be resolved, because the Huns had sustained a strong blow. Qin Jun has gained a firm foothold in the north. Some other generals believe that they should continue to use troops in the southwest direction, because the current main troops are all in this direction. If you use soldiers in the north, you will come back and move. This is very resource intensive. Wang Jian said nothing. Obviously, for such a big strategy, he must be cautious.

And Shang Wen believes that this kind of thing should be a matter of the staff, rather than need to bring this kind of problem here. Shang Wen was a little impatient.

In Qi, Tian Heng was forced to meet a group of Silla people from North Korea.

"What are they doing here?" Tian Heng asked the presenter on the side at this time. And the introducer is equivalent to a middleman. Because the Silla people are a minority, they are very inconvenient to move in Qi, so they found the local people as their leader. Now Linzi has been besieged and they can't get in. And those nobles and nobles can't get out. Can't control the situation. The Silla people urgently needed a new batch of materials, and they learned about it from the locals. Tian Heng is now the main steward. Therefore, they spent a lot of ginseng before they found Tian Heng to introduce people.

"My lord. They are here to do business." At this time, the audience said to Tian Heng with a smile.

Face a smile that attracts people. Tian Heng's heart suddenly felt disgust. Because such a smile can only be seen by flattery.

"Business? My army does not do business. Let them all leave here." Tian Heng waved his hand at this time.

"This." The audience couldn't laugh anymore.

"Go out." Tian Heng shouted immediately. And those Silla people obviously also felt Tian Heng's bad intentions. They look very angry, but they are not easy to attack.

"Get out." Tian Heng waved his arm, and the guard on the side had already stepped forward. If they do not step back, they will use force to resolve the matter.

"Yes." At this time, the introduction said helplessly. Then he pulled the Silla people back out. And a long-bearded counselor touched his beard and suddenly thought of something. So followed out.

"Kiri, gurgling." As soon as the counselor followed out, he saw that the Silla people were surrounding the introducer in the middle. Looking at the posture, it seems to be asking for something. The counselor suddenly understood the reason.

"Get out of the way." This time. The counselor yelled. Those Silla people looked at the counselor and continued to embarrass the introducer.

"Come here, take it all for me." At this time the counselor shouted loudly.

"Yes." The soldiers around were about to go up and do something. At this time, the Shilla people stopped looking at the counselor.

"Take them all." This time. The counselor said. Saying that the soldiers will take away the Silla people and the introducer.

"Bring someone here. I have something to ask." This time. The counselor said.

"Yes." A sergeant caught the introducer directly and threw it on the ground.

"I ask you, you answer." The counselor said coldly at this time. The presenter on the ground nodded. He nodded blankly.

"What are you doing here?" said the counselor.

"Do. Do business." The introduction person said nervously.

"What business?" the counselor asked.

"Arms business." The introduction said at this time.

"What arms business?" the counselor asked.

"These Shilla people. They need a lot of weapons, that is, a musket, two hundred-year-old ginseng for a flintlock. There are other resources. A Shilla woman can change for one hundred bullets." The introducer said at this time. .

"Listen to you. Someone did it before?" the counselor asked at this time.

"Yes. I did. Your lord is right, we did it before." The introducer said quickly.

At this time, the counselor felt that things had begun to exceed his imagination.

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