The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1230: The threat comes from the sea

"Master. Look at this." Tian Heng was looking at the map, and his striker had reached Linzi. And the army can reach the periphery of Linzi in only one day, how to face the next battle. Tian Heng really didn't know what to do.

"What is this?" This time. Tian Heng asked.

At this time, the counselor handed a small notebook to Tian Heng. Tian Heng took it over and turned it over.

"This is the purpose of that North Korean Silla came here." The counselor said at this time.

"What purpose?" This time. Tian Heng opened the little book and asked.

"The lord will know after a glance." This time. The counselor said.

Tian Heng looked at the counselor, then opened his notebook to look. Tian Heng Yue looked more and more alarmed.

"These are true?" Tian Heng asked at this time.

"It is indeed true. Lord." The counselor calmly told Tian Heng this fact.

The booklet is written in transcripts. The counselor interrogated the transcript of the introducer. And this transcript unlocked the secret business between Qi State and North Korea's Silla. Most of these businesses are arms businesses.

It turns out that North Korea still has a big difference. People living near Changbai Mountain are called Changbai Mountain Korea. And there is a small Korean tribe in the south. This tribe continues to expand abroad and develops extremely rapidly. This tribe is Silla.

In fact, the development of Silla is inseparable from the influence of the Central Plains civilization. The first is the rapid and violent blow to the continuity of the State of Qin and the State of Yan. These swift blows were all aimed at attacking the large tribes in North Korea. At the same time, their main purpose was to **** population. Of course, if there was more wealth to rob, they were also willing to hire armed and armed forces in Qin. Under the joint attack of Yan's military. These Korean tribes quickly disintegrated. Although part of it was submitted to the Qin State. But Qin has always regarded it as a second-class citizen. For some primitive tribes. The Qin State has always treated it as a minority.

Such a blow is disastrous. In just one year. Qin quickly drove the Koreans to the vicinity of Wonshan today. And those large tribes continue to die out. And at this time. Just show small tribes like Silla. And Silla is also a quick little tribe. They continue to absorb those wandering North Koreans who were defeated and lost by the Qin army. After the tribal population absorbs these populations. Rise quickly. At the same time, Shilla united with other tribes. Formed into the initial slave tribal alliance. Then they adopted an active diplomatic approach. They took the initiative to approach the Yan people, and they obtained the information they wanted as slaves. The people of Yan were fighting against the people of Qi, and Qi was separated from them by a long sea. They can find Qi people as long as they cross the sea.

The enemy of the enemy is the friend. Under this creed. They crossed the sea and came to Qi. They found the Qi people they were looking for. And the successful bribery succeeded in winning. The prime minister of Qi. The prime minister of Qi also hoped to get huge profits from it. Driven by such interests, Hou Sheng began to export a large number of weapons to these North Korean Silla people.

And North Korea transports ginseng, wood, and various materials here in large quantities. At the same time, they exchanged a large number of weapons, not only weapons, but also Qi's advanced farming system. Iron farm tools, farming cattle, and farming methods. And so on, they all import a lot.

This is the earliest foreign import and export trade of Qi. Such exports are not reciprocal, because one party exports goods with technical content, whether it is weapons or agricultural tools, they all have a certain level of technology.

The Silla people in North Korea export raw materials. Whether ginseng is used as a medicinal material, or wood is used as a raw material. These are very cheap. One is high in price and the other is low in price. Such asymmetric trade can often bring huge trade gains. This income is an important entry for the win.

However, the Silla people in North Korea did not pay any attention to these. The pressure of war was very huge. They needed more and more such weapons and equipment, especially all kinds of materials, and the unequal trade of this kind was also increasing. Then the winning items will get bigger and bigger. He bought those weapons and equipment at a low price, and then bought cheap raw materials from the Silla people of North Korea at a low price.

Then he exported his weapons at high prices. Then I sold a large amount of medicinal materials in my hand, this in and out, and in and out again, forming a huge scissors price difference, this price can make more lucrative profits.

"The profit in the middle is really too big." Tian Heng said after closing a small book at this time.

"Lord, Linzi is now besieged. Our army can do this. Otherwise, the debt owed to South Korea will not be repaid. The profit in this will be huge." At this time the counselor suggested.

"En." Tian Heng nodded in approval.

"It can be done. But we have to do this in secret. Moreover, we can bring in a certain amount of supplies from South Korea and sell it directly to these North Korean Sillas. Moreover, these Sillas are fighting against Qin and it is right to contain Qin's forces. We are very advantageous." Tian Heng said after thinking.

"Release those Shilla people. We want to cooperate with them." This time. Tian Heng ordered.

"How do you do it? You handle it." Tian Heng said to the counselor.

At this time the counselor gave his hand a gesture.

In this way, the trade gap between North Korea and Silla has fallen into Tian Heng's hands, such a huge trade interest. It will inevitably cause a huge battle of interests, because this is the prime minister's money. And this time Tian Heng got involved. It will inevitably lead to a fight. But Tian Heng didn't think of this at all. Because what he wanted was how to quickly repay South Korea’s debts, because South Korea’s debts would completely overwhelm them.

Repaying debts and reducing debt pressure are Tian Heng's first choice. Because of the problem of debt pressure, they can only adopt reform measures to find various financial income items. Regarding the consequences, they haven't thought of this yet.

And in the north. For these situations. Meng Tian had a preliminary understanding.

"Sir. According to the confession of the North Korean slaves we captured. Theirs is near Wonsan to the south, and a larger tribe has risen. This tribe is called Silla." An army colonel said at this time.

"The flintlocks in their hands are from Qi. They imported a large amount of this weapon from Qi, and the quantity is large. Every time there are several big ships, not only that, but also Qi people's professors. Qi people send big boats to the country. Cross the sea, and then stop at their natural mouth. Then, they will transport these weapons into their hands." At this time the colonel said.

"That's right. There is another situation that we didn't want to happen. But it still happened." The colonel said at this time.

"North Korea, or Silla, they formed a country, let's say so." said the colonel.

"What do you mean? Explain specifically." Meng Tian asked at this time.

"Silla people have almost completed their unification career." The colonel said at this time.

"What?" Meng Tian asked at this time.

"Yes, they have completed the unification. They formed a looser alliance, and they gathered almost most of their tribes. These tribes elected the Silla tribe as the central tribe. It can be said that they now have their backbone. If They continue to receive funding from the Qi people. I think the situation will be more and more unfavorable for us. Because what we have to face is a nation with flintlock guns that can launch attacks on us, and the Qi people They are also being taught how to use guns. North Korea is densely forested and the mountains are full of forests. The cavalry is difficult to deploy quickly and is prone to ambushes," said the colonel.

"Mountain combat, it can be said that they have the advantage of local combat, our mercenaries will hardly continue to cause serious blows to them, or we need to take some brand new methods to deal with them." The colonel said at this time.

"Damn Qi people." Meng Tian cursed.

"Huh." Meng Tian obviously has no specific way to solve the current situation.

Meng Tian's forces are very limited. The most terrible thing is that he has to defend the Huns from the north to fight south. His strength is very tense. For this situation to happen. Meng Tian was very weak.

"Sir." The colonel continued at this time.

"One more point. I need to point it out." The colonel said at this time.

"What?" Meng Tian asked.

"Liaodong and Liaoxi of Yan Kingdom. The area in the south is close to the sea, and this sea area is very likely to be connected with the Silla people. In other words, the Silla people can launch attacks on Yan from the sea. If that is the case, There is a problem," the colonel continued.

"What do you mean?" This time. Meng Tian asked.

"Let's put it this way." As he said, the colonel took out his own pencil and paper. Then drew a tortuous line.

"This is the coastline. This is the country of Yan." The colonel gestured.

"And here. Here." As he said, the colonel immediately wrote the word Silla.

"They can attack from the sea." The colonel said at this time.

"This is what our geography surveying and mapping expert told us." The colonel said at this time.

"Between the two, there is a big connection, and the country of Yan is likely to be attacked by the Sillas," the colonel said.

"The attack came from the sea?" This time. Meng Tian asked.

"Yes. At sea," the colonel affirmed.

"My God." Meng Tian said.

"And the people of Yan people don't even have any fortifications. Especially at sea, they can't think of it. Their enemy comes from the sea." The colonel said at this time.

"I hope such a thing will not happen." Meng Tian said.

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