The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1238: Take advantage of the situation to appease

"The good news is that the printing of your banknotes has already begun. It is estimated that it will not take long for your banknotes to be issued and used." Shang Wen said.

"However, your financial path still has a long way to go. Everything needs you to start after issuing banknotes. That's all we can do." Shang Wen said at this time.

"Finance also needs to be involved. Stocks, corporate stock issuance, and bond issuance, etc. In short, you still need to go a long way." Shang Wen said incoherently.

"This, we understand, but the current situation is chaotic." Zhang Liang said at this time.

"Indeed, this is the way the economy is. Finance is to exchange money. You need to learn from it. At the same time, you have to accept the loss, right. You should publish some State of the Union addresses and give some risk education to those investors. At the same time, some news will be spread out. At present, there are some futures trading platforms in South Korea. As for domestic stock trading, you have not yet. Especially the financing of enterprises. Financing is to expand the scale of funds. In this way, the expansion of the scale of funds, You can quickly expand production. You should understand this." Shang Wen said at this time.

"A lot of things came later, and many new things are constantly appearing. We need to learn and then explore. At this point, I think you, Prime Minister, should be competent." Shang Wen said to Zhang Liang at this time.

"I believe you, for specific matters, I will send you a written telegram. I hope you can take a look." Shang Wen said in the phone.

"Okay. I still have some things. Bye." Shangwen took the initiative to hang up at this time. And Zhang Liang could only shook his head constantly.

South Korea’s introduction of the financial industry does not know whether it is a good or a bad thing. In short, Zhang Liang always feels weird, and Zhang Liang always feels that he cannot adapt to the current situation.

Just when South Korea introduced the financial industry and changed dramatically. And Qi Jun finally sealed off the entire Linzi City.

"It's all optimistic. Don't let those thugs run away." This time. A major of Qi Jun shouted loudly.

"If there is a mob, shoot and kill immediately. Don't let one go." Major Qi Jun shouted loudly.

"Do you understand everything," the major shouted loudly.

"Understood," the major shouted.

The Qi army placed heavy troops on all the passages from east to west, north to south. These heavy troops consumed one-third of the Qi army's strength.

"According to the situation obtained by reconnaissance. The mob army is attacking the noble residences in the city, and their main forces are concentrated in the city. Outside the city, they only have some women and children to carry out some warnings. Our army can easily sweep away. The outskirts of the mob army." A major general reported to Tian Heng at this time.

"Lord. The army is now blocking Linzi, and our army has used one-third of its strength. The siege attack, the mob army will inevitably resist desperately. At that time, the army will inevitably face a **** battle. In this way, the army will inevitably reduce the number of personnel. In addition, the army may." A strategist took the initiative to make suggestions to Tian Heng at this time, and planned some strategic situations. But the strategist believes that the main force of the Qi army is seriously insufficient, if the attack is forced. I am afraid that the chance of failure will be great.

"What could it be?" Tian Heng asked at this time.

"The army may have a chance of failure. You know. The Qi army's strength is not enough. The blockade uses one third, and the remaining strength. I am afraid that it will be lost in the next **** battle." The counselor said at this time.

"En." Tian Heng nodded at this time and agreed with this view.

"The counselor is right." Tian Heng said.

"My lord, the army really cannot launch an offensive rashly. The main force of the mob army is in the city. Fighting in the city is extremely detrimental to our army. If it is fighting in the field, the army has the possibility of winning more with less. After all, our army is well-trained and concentrated. On the attack side, you can break through the mob army. If the mob army is in a mess, it will collapse immediately." The major general said.

"Now, the army is going to fight in the city. The army is weak, and the weapon shooting has doubled in a short distance. This is really disastrous for our army." The Major General explained to Tian Heng from a tactical point of view. .

"When fighting in the city, as long as the enemy's concealment is perfect, our army will inevitably be cautious and cautious. If not, it will lead to the enemy's ambush operations. The army's personnel losses are extremely serious." The major general said.

"In Yandu of the Yan State, our army is like this, fighting against Zhao Jun and those of the Qin State. Moreover, there are enough explosives in the mob army. These explosives are powerful. Our army will inevitably suffer heavy losses in terms of personnel losses. "At this time, the major general said.

"En." Tian Heng seemed to have seen the **** battle taking place in the capital of Yan State at this time. Street fighting in the city is much more difficult than fighting in the field. After all, the mobs are a group of mobs. They are at a disadvantage when fighting against the regular army in the wild. First of all, their discipline is not as good as the other. Facing the first round of fierce blows, it is easy to be defeated by the opponent's swift attack. The most terrible thing is their discipline, they don't know why they want to stick to such a post. Therefore, they are easily defeated without any discipline.

Secondly, their weapons and equipment are uneven. In the face of a uniformly prepared regular army, it is difficult for their weapons to effectively gain an advantage.

Finally, it is their battle. Their tactics do not have great flexibility, mainly because they have no formal organization and training, which requires running-in, rather than a group of fighting and fighting people gathering together to fight. There is a big difference between fighting and fighting.

It is precisely because of the above differences that the mobs are not suitable for a decisive battle with the main force of the Qi army in the field. This is indeed the case, whenever the mob skirmishers want to defeat the regular army in the wild. The regular army will be quickly defeated the opponent.

However, the street fighting in the city is different. The equipment of the regular army is uniform. Moreover, the strength of troops does not occupy an advantage, and their training level is simply not reflected in street fighting. Their training is unified and effective in field operations. And in the street fighting. In this kind of combat environment without any order. They can easily fall into despair.

The innovation of weapons has made everyone feel the change. As long as you pull the trigger lightly, you can kill a strong adult man, and the killer may be a child or a woman. Or, the opponent can't beat the opponent at all in strength, but that's the situation. Let the opponent have the advantage, as long as they want to hide, they can shoot the opponent at will in the complex environment of street fighting. But the other party has to endure huge street fighting pressure, and their personnel losses will rise rapidly. Such a loss is a disaster for them.

In particular, the current state of the Qi army is not suitable for street fighting.

"Street fighting consumes manpower and material resources. And it is prone to be undecided for a long time. For our army, it is really a big taboo." said a counselor.

"En." Tian Heng was thinking about these issues. Street fighting is indeed detrimental to the Qi army, which does not have an advantage in strength, and there are not many people in the Qi army. However, the number of thugs is large. When fighting in crowded places like street fighting, the Qi army is fundamentally in a disadvantageous position. Attrition and constant consumption will exhaust the Qi army. Tian Heng didn't want to see it. His own people are consumed in this way. The most frightening thing is that money will be quickly consumed in the continuous growth of time. This is the biggest disaster for the main force of the Alignment Army. Because without money, their army cannot fight. In this way, Qi State is a disaster.

"Do you have any good ideas?" Tian Heng thought of this, thinking that this is a dilemma, and this dilemma is very difficult for the army to solve.

"Lord. At this time, there is only peace and peace." This time. Said a counselor.

"A way to appease." Tian Heng said in surprise at this time.

"Yes, a pacifying strategy." Tian Heng said.

"Our army does not have the advantage, but the advantage lies in the advantage in the situation. If our army can explain this situation to the thugs. Let them seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, then the army can do it, and the entire Linzi crisis can be solved without bloodshed. "The counselor said at this time.

"Mr. Come here quickly." Tian Heng became very interested in the idea of ​​a counselor. After all, this is the best way to avoid bloodshed and not much loss of personnel.

"En. At present, our army is occupying a favorable position. This position is, occupying a favorable terrain, a military position. It makes the thugs feel a sense of oppression and makes them realize that they have a great threat." At this time, the adviser. Said.

"And our army, at this time, took advantage of the situation to quickly start negotiations. It can be said that our army needs to use some preferential care conditions to give the other party, so that the other party has a step down, and quickly recruits the other party." At this time the counselor said.

"Mr. can have good conditions to caress the other party." Tian Heng asked urgently at this time.

"Yes. There is a strategy." The counselor said at this time.

"The lord can recruit these thugs as our soldiers. Then, we can comfort them on the idle land and give them land. And the women and children can also settle down. What Qi needs now is to settle down and stabilize. Instead of continuing to fight. In this way, the army has a stable back-up. At the same time, it can solve the current crisis in Qi." The counselor said.

"I am also free from the blood of the sword." The counselor said at this time.

"En." Tian Heng nodded silently. He agreed, very much. The last point is what Tian Heng wants to see most.

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