The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1239: Diplomatic-military balance

"However, for these thugs, we still need to attack. Only when we put a lot of pressure on the other side can we come up with a strategy of comfort. If we don't generate strong pressure on them, they probably won't pay attention to our comfort. "The counselor added at this time.

"En. That's right, generals, do you have specific countermeasures?" Tian Heng asked all the generals present at this time. You, generals, look at me, and I look at you. No one has specific countermeasures.

"Hey." At this time, Tian Heng sighed. He knew this situation a long time ago. After all, a thousand troops are easy to get, and a general is hard to find, but at this time the role of a general begins to show its limits. Because with the upgrade of weapons, the role of grassroots officers began to become obvious, especially those of grassroots officers in the implementation of specific tactics. The role of non-commissioned officers is much more important than the decision-making of several generals. The Qi army is an obviously tactical force. They attach great importance to tactical arrangements. On larger strategic issues, it is difficult for generals to have an accurate grasp.

Just when Qi Jun was at a loss as to what measures to take. The State of Zhao initiated a large-scale brand-new reform of the military system.

"Generals. Sit down." Li Mu said from his seat.

And all the generals who have entered the military account of the Chinese Army do not know what important matters to discuss at this time.

"Sit down." Li Mu greeted his generals to sit down without any expression.

"If there are important things, I'll just say it directly." Li Mu, a soldier with a straightforward personality, said.

"Above, the prime minister asked for disarmament." Li Mu wanted to pause, but thought it would be better to say directly. Because hesitating, it will not do anyone any good.

"Disarmament?" The generals just sat down with their ass, and when they heard the news, they stood up quickly.

"Why disarmament?" The generals did not understand why disarmament. Zhao Jun’s knowledge has been reduced. Why do we need to cut back now. "The generals do not understand that everything is fine in the current Zhao army. The huge Zhao country now has only more than 200,000 troops, and their main opponent is the Qin army, and the total strength of the Qin army is about 200,000. The two sides are on par, and now Zhao Jun has taken the initiative to reduce the army, which makes many generals feel very incredible.

"Don't talk." Li Mu looked at the generals present at this time.

"The number has been determined. Zhao Jun only retains a regular army of 100,000." Li Mu said at this time.

"One hundred thousand?" the generals present shouted loudly. And Li Mu frowned unnaturally at this time. He had anticipated his reaction to the generals a long time ago. But the reaction to the generals was so great. Still bored. after all. He is the general of Zhao State. Zhao State did not establish the rank of marshal. The highest rank is a general. Next came the ranks of general, lieutenant, and major general.

"Huh." Li Mu kept shook his head. Obviously he felt very uncomfortable. The current situation in the State of Zhao is forcing its own reforms. From political, economic, and military reforms, reform is impossible to stop.

The military weapons have undergone a fundamental change. The specific form of war has also undergone a fundamental change. What has changed the most is that the main body supporting the war is quietly undergoing qualitative changes. Li Mu knew this very well.

In the previous war, the main economic industry was the primary industry, that is, agriculture. Whether a country’s economy is developed or not, whether it can support the war depends entirely on war. Today, war depends on commerce, on fiscal revenue, on the equivalent of all goods, currency, without money, and all war expenses are useless.

Qin’s army operates in this way. Behind them is the support of huge economic entities. Since Qin has implemented a low tax rate for a certain period of time, its fiscal revenue cannot sustain such a huge military expenditure. If it weren’t for Qin’s With a developed financial industry, the military will soon drag down Qin's economy.

And today's Zhao Guo, is also such a situation. The State of Zhao also implemented a military expenditure system. An army that consumes a lot of money is definitely a burden to the economy of the State of Zhao. A large amount of young and middle-aged labor is spent on the army. At the same time, the state also needs to provide them with military expenses, weapons, clothing, and various Various logistics supplies. The supply of these items is an unprecedented burden for Zhao's economy, and this burden will hinder the rapid rise of Zhao's economy, of course. Guo Kai himself can't speak of a rapid rise at all.

However, the huge expenditure of the army did cause great losses to Zhao's economy, in terms of economic and national defense security issues. Guo Kai chose economy naturally. Because the economy can bring a lot of wealth, while the military is pure consumption. They will use up countless amounts of money. It costs a lot of money.

The generals stood up to persuade Li Mu to change the above meaning, but Li Mu just watched indifferently. It seems that this matter has nothing to do with him. On the issue of the military system of the Zhao army, Li Mu has held many military positions concurrently, including chief of staff, minister of defense, and the highest military commander. The three important military powers are in the hands of Li Mu. It can be said. Li Mu is the actual person in charge of Zhao Jun. Li Mu's attitude directly determines the attitude of Zhao Jun as a whole.

And at this time. A major officer quickly walked up to Li Mu's ear and whispered.

"Very good. I see." Li Mu said to the major at this time.

"Yes, sir. I will inform Qin." The major whispered.

And in Xianyang of Qin State. Qin's senior officials are discussing this issue urgently.

"Zhao Guo suddenly sent a telegram official letter in the morning." Yang Duan and this is the time to introduce.

The Qin leaders present here are passing on this official letter to each other. The content of the official letter is to say. Zhao Guo wants to reduce the size of the army. They will only retain a regular army of about 100,000 people, that is to say. Zhao Jun will cut his army by more than half. This reduction in headcount is unprecedented.

"As a result, Zhao's military strength will be greatly reduced. When their military strength is severely insufficient, they can resist our attack. This is not known." Wei Liao said at this time.

"It's true." Shang Wen read the official letter. I was very shocked. Because the Zhao Jun army only retains the size of 100,000 people. On this scale, if the Qin Army attacked with all its strength, he would definitely be able to take down the State of Zhao, but Shang Wen denied this view at this time. Because the surrounding situation of Qin State contained a large amount of military power in Qin State, Qin State no longer has the mobile power to destroy Zhao State. Zhao State reduced the size of the army at an appropriate time to avoid the military demise of Zhao State. In history, the State of Zhao was destroyed by the State of Qin directly with military force, and the number of casualties was very high. Shang Wen was very clear in his heart. If the Qin army uses Qin's military forces to carry out military strikes at this time, Qin's situation is also very bad. Is this a very wise choice? War is not a head-to-head game. Shang Wen is very clear that the strategic policy of the United States is to dispatch the right forces at the right time, and the timing is a clever time and space relationship. Shang Wen only initially understood this concept. Specifically, Shang Wen has not yet mastered it in detail.

"Zhao State reduced the army in this way and kept the army only about 100,000 people. I admire such courage," Shang Wen said.

"Zhao has only one hundred thousand national defense forces, and we have more than 200,000 people, but we have a large defense area. Military expenditures have always been high. On the contrary. Zhao has cut military expenditures at this time and can vigorously develop them The economy of China. And. Finally, Li Mu is trying to use diplomacy to find a balance in their military power.” Shang Wen said with a telegram at this time.

At the end of the official letter of this telegram. It was Li Mu's plan. Zhao State reduced a large number of military personnel. The consequence is that Qin has an overwhelming advantage in total strength, which is a kind of military imbalance. However, the actual situation is that the Qin State is not in actual advantage due to its territories and surrounding geopolitics. On the contrary, the strength of the Qin army appears to be very small.

What Li Mu considered was after reducing military power. They need to strike a balance with Qin Jun. This balance. Need some way to achieve. And this method is achieved through diplomacy. Li Mu is very clever. He correctly used Qin's current situation. The geopolitical environment is extremely unfavorable to Qin. It was for this reason that Qin was distracted from the military. This makes it difficult for Qin to gather enough troops in one direction to form an advantage. Even if it is to gain advantage, Qin can only be in a short time. Rather than long time consumption in one direction.

"General Li hopes to reach a certain agreement through peace talks. This agreement is that Qin cannot attack Zhao. Zhao cannot attack Qin actively. At the same time, the two sides will reach peace on related border issues. Both sides will enter. In a long period of peace. This may be what Li Mu hopes to see." Shang Wen expressed his opinions and opinions.

"My lord, no. In this way, the several blows of the ancestors will give Zhao a chance to rise again in a peaceful environment. This is a problem for raising tigers." Wang Jian immediately retorted at this time.

"On the surface, this is indeed the case, but peace is an economic war. War is just a continuation of politics. Military is just one of the political means, and its performance is more intense. The economy is more terrifying than the military. I can't guarantee anything. But. I think that for now, peace is good for Qin. This is profound." Shangwen stated at this time.

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