"I don't know how to explain it, but I think that at present, peace is already a trend. We have gone through a period of quite fierce war, and the time for war to solve problems by military means has passed. We need to reform all kinds of things. Achieving a peaceful environment. Peace is beneficial to Qin. Qin has a developed business environment. Commercial organizations and war can drive demand quickly, but the real big demand comes from a peaceful environment. Especially after the end of the war, this period of prosperity Period." Shang Wen said.

"Prosperity requires peace. Not war." Shang Wen looked at everyone and said.

But everyone here obviously has no interest in Shangwen's passionate speech. They are considering whether to accept Zhao's peace talks. After all, military balance is a matter of both parties, not a single aspect of will.

If the State of Qin does not accept it, the State of Qin will expand its army, and the expansion of the army will require a large amount of financial expenditure. In terms of financial expenditure, Shang Wen is firmly opposed to it. If it is used in infrastructure construction, Shangwen will support it with no objection, but if it is used in the military. Shang Wen will immediately object. Military expenditure is pure consumption. Instead of increasing. Shang Wen doesn't want this to happen. The economic foundation requires long-term cultivation. To form. The stimulus of war is also needed, but sometimes war is poison. Just like the excessive use of morphine, it can make people addicted and cause great harm to people's health.

The issue of war and peace is actually an issue of consumption and development. Shangwen believes that this should be an important period of development, and the role of war needs to be reconsidered. Shangwen didn't know why he suddenly had such considerations. Perhaps because the government is spending too much money on wars, Shangwen wants to make up for the domestic economic construction. But Shang Wen himself didn't know. This idea of ​​my own has reached a certain consensus with the historical needs. Only a peaceful environment can prompt a new stage of development to begin.

And in the southern state of Chu. After an aristocratic merchant ship in Chu was robbed. The nobles began to react. They immediately organized a fleet of warships to patrol the Yangtze River. But this kind of patrol has another function concurrently. This intelligence is to collect taxes.

The nobles have their own land of enfeoffment. The place of feudalization of these nobles is exactly the important reason why the huge state of Chu is not strong. Chu State was many times larger than Qin State at the beginning. But because the cohesion is not strong. It directly led to the overall weakness of Chu State, which was in a disadvantaged position in the competition of Qin State. This is an important reason why Chu's cohesion is not strong. Cohesion is another manifestation of the overall strength of a country. The State of Qin integrated the power of the country in various ways. Although the country was not as big as Chu in terms of territory and resources at the beginning, Chu was unable to integrate resources, while Qin was able to integrate limited resources to form an advantage, and then oppress opponents. This is the force of cohesion. to be honest. The resource efficiency of Qin is much higher than that of Chu. This is also the reason why the State of Qin keeps pressing on the State of Chu, and the lack of cohesion is one of Chu's flaws. The several reforms of the State of Chu all hoped to get rid of such ills, but they were all unsuccessful.

"A merchant ship was found ahead." This time. Shouted a lookout post on an armed merchant ship ahead of a nobleman.

"Go ahead and stop them." The captain quickly issued an order.

"Go forward quickly." A sailor loudly conveyed the captain's order.

"Not good. It's a large warship with artillery on it." On the merchant ship in the distance, the captain saw the approaching large warship through a telescope.

"The banner belongs to the Jing family nobles." The captain said, picking up the telescope at this time. The Jing clan is a great nobleman of the Chu Kingdom. They have long controlled the government of the Chu Kingdom. At the beginning of the commercialization wave, they monopolized all the industries in which they could make money. Under their long-term control, the Chu Kingdom was in a mess. The economic development of many places has been severely restricted.

"Quickly turn around. We must not meet them. These nobles of the Jing clan are the masters who eat meat and do not spit out bones. We will definitely not be spared if we encounter them." At this time, the merchant captain immediately issued an order.

"Quick. Quick. Pull up the sails. We have to leave here quickly." The first officer said anxiously at this time.

The crew on the ship quickly pulled up the sails. And this time. The large warship is approaching them. The distance is getting closer and closer.

"They want to escape." The chief mate on the noble warship pointed at the merchant ships that were turning directions at this time.

"Can they run?" This time. The captain on the noble warship said disdainfully.

"Order. The artillery on the deck, aim, give them a few shots. Be fast." The captain said at this time.

"Here." The first officer said with his hands over at this time. Then quickly communicated the order to go.

"Aim. Ship ahead." A gunner shouted loudly at this time.

"Let it go." The gunner waved his arm quickly.

"Boom." There was a loud noise. The sound of the artillery shot out quickly.

"Woo." The shell quickly flew out.

"Boom." There was a loud noise. The shell missed the target. Instead, it exploded a dozen steps ahead of the merchant ship. The explosion exploded a good column of water.

"Our gunners will disappoint their captain under any circumstances." The noble captain said at this time.

The first mate on the side smiled helplessly. Faced with such a situation. He had no choice but to accept it.

"Continue shooting. We are going to show them a little color." This time. The captain said to the first officer. After speaking, the captain continued to check the situation of the other party with his binoculars.

"Aim," a gunner shouted loudly.

"Let it go." The gunner's arm dropped.

"Boom." The shell whistled out again.

"Boom." This time I tried a solid shell, but the shell still didn't hit the target. The cannonball flew directly over the side of the ship.

"They are attacking us with cannons. Cannons. They are attacking us with cannons." The chief officer on the merchant ship exclaimed excitedly.

"Calm down. Calm down." The captain roared loudly.

"I know they are using cannons. We must get out of here. Hurry up. Hurry up. Hurry up." The captain urged even more anxiously.

On the battleship.

"They are still running away." The first officer said at this time.

"In Qin's words. These **** gunners. They should be sent to the mining site and let them do hard work, and they will understand how to target those **** ships." The captain said at this time.

"En." The first officer nodded and said.

"Let it go." The gunner shouted loudly at this time.

"Boom." Another shell was launched.

"Oh. Damn it." The captain of the warship took his binoculars and saw a beautiful water column flying up. He immediately felt very annoyed.

"Tell those **** guys. If they can't stop, I will throw them into the water and feed the fish directly. I can do it." The captain roared loudly at this time.

"Here." The first officer conveyed such an order immediately.

On the merchant ship, the captain kept talking.

"We still have a chance, there is still a chance. Please. God, give us a chance." The captain said non-stop at this time. The captain knew. As long as you keep driving towards the front, you will encounter some rivers. These rivers are inaccessible to large warships because of the shallow draft. The captain can just use these rivers to cover himself. This is an opportunity for the captain, a chance to escape the control of the other party.

"Two squares to the left. Aim." The gunner shot an advance at this time. Because it is the relationship of moving targets, and before they were hitting dead targets. This is also an important reason why they can't move.

"Let it go." The gunner shouted loudly at this time.

"Boom." A huge explosion sounded.

"Wow." At this time, the shell directly hit the merchant ship that was fleeing in front.

"We hit. Captain." The first officer told the captain excitedly at this time.

"Tell them, fight until they stop." At this time the captain said loudly to the first officer.

"What?" the first officer asked. But the captain did not answer.

"Let it go." The gunner waved his arm again at this time.

"Boom." A shell flew out again. The shell once again hit the merchant ship ahead.

"Our rudder has been knocked out." At this time a sailor reported.

"What should we do?" the first officer asked at this time.

"Go ahead." The captain continued to give orders.

"But our rudder." The first officer asked at this time.

"Don't worry. Let's move on." This time. The captain roared loudly.

"Wow." At this moment. The main mast of the merchant ship was hit by a big shot. The shattered sawdust was flying everywhere.

"Ship battle." This time. The first officer looked at the sawdust flying everywhere in surprise.

"Oh my God." The captain cried dejectedly at this time.

"We're done." The captain said at this time.

It is impossible for a ship that has lost power to move fast. And it is easy to be caught up by the ship behind and lose power. Means the death of merchant ships.

"Surrender. We have no chance." The captain was sitting on the deck at this time.

"This." The first officer looked at the captain.

"Surrender. We have no chance." This time. Said the captain.

"En." This time. The first officer nodded and said.

"Surrender. We surrender." The first officer roared loudly at this time.

"Surrender. We surrender." The crew shouted loudly.

"They raised the white flag. They surrendered. Captain." The chief officer on the battleship said happily. The captain was not happy at all.

"We chased them so far. Ashamed, ashamed." The captain cursed.

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