The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1241: The charges of the noble navy

"Hang those captains, chief mates, and main sailors to me." The captain on the noble warship ordered loudly.

"Here." The sailors quickly started. The captain of the noble warship expressed his dissatisfaction with the surrendered merchant ship. If they can voluntarily surrender, perhaps the captain can pardon them noble. But now, he was completely irritated.

"You shouldn't have seen us run away. We are only here to collect taxes and fees on the past ships. But now, I just want to punish you." The captain said fiercely to the captain of the merchant ship who had been tied up.

"Hang them at the stern. Lift all the goods on the ship. I don't want to see this ship. Burn him." The captain ordered.

"Burn it?" The chief mate asked in confirmation at this time.

"Yes, burn him." The captain said at this time.

After speaking, the captain left. The chief mate was unbelievable. This ship can still be repaired. You can continue to use it after repairing. But the captain even ordered the ship to be burned.

"Huh." The chief officer couldn't believe that the captain would give such an order. But you can only execute it yourself. So this merchant ship moved and cleared all the cargo. It burned on the surface of the river.

And on the shore not far ahead, a small boat was watching what happened.

"What happened? That merchant ship was fine, why did it burn up when it was perfect?" asked a shirtless sailor on the side.

"Those godly noble dogs, they don't feel bad about the boat. Setting fire to the boat is a taboo on the river. These godly noble dogs, they will definitely not die." An old sailor looked at this. Everything said.

"Should we report to the captain?" a sailor asked at this time.

"En." said the old sailor.

The matter of the nobles burning the ship quickly reached the fleet of the Chu State navy attacking stronghold after information transmission.

"The noble lords of the Chu Kingdom are organizing warships to intercept on the river surface." At this time, a chief officer gestured on a map at this time.

"Are their intentions clear?" a young captain asked at this time.

"According to the scout," the chief officer said with a glance at the young captain.

"They are collecting tolls for passing ships," the chief officer said. The chief mate is the chief mate on a large ship. Although only a chief mate, his experience can serve as the captain of a small warship like a young captain. At random, there is a tie between the chief mate and the young captain. And it is very likely that the combat experience of the chief mate is much higher than that of the young captain. Because of the rapid expansion of Chu's navy, there is a shortage of officers everywhere. This has to promote a large number of civilians who have been promoted from the grassroots. The intervention of the civilian class has injected a lot of fresh blood into the Chu navy. The injection of this blood is bound to make the Chu navy rise rapidly, because the personnel brings a lot of innovative awareness, and this awareness needs to come from the bottom personnel. Only by carefully summarizing observations and accumulating experience can you enter.

"We just give them." The young captain said immediately.

"The problem is, they have to board the ship to check, check, understand?" This time. The chief mate said.

"They will check our ships, they board the ships, they see our cannons, what do they think, and they have several large warships, placed side by side on the river, many ships simply can't make it, if we show up directly If we do, we will definitely be sunk on the water by our opponents. When they find the cannon, they will understand what we are doing.” The chief officer said.

"Then we will directly confront them." This time. Said the young captain.

"Our strength is not the opponent of the other party at all. There is a big gap. We only have one large warship. Two medium-sized warships and three small warships. All of these warships were transformed from merchant ships. And the other side, There are at least three large warships on it. In addition, there are an indefinite number of medium warships. When we compare with our warships, we will find that there is a huge gap in our strength." The captain said at this time.

"Oh." The young captain nodded at this time. Express understanding.

"It is no longer possible to break directly from the front. If we are to pass, we will definitely be checked. After all, our fleet is very large. The most important thing is that once the artillery is discovered, our situation will be different." At this time. The captain of a medium-sized warship calmly analyzed it.

"Yes." The first officer nodded and said.

"Then we can't help it?" The young captain said at this time.

"Strike with fire." Just when the young captain asked about these situations. The captain of the large warship suddenly spoke at this moment.

"Since we can't pass, then we will eliminate them. We will fight them sooner or later. Moreover, they levy taxes. Although reasonable and reasonable, the threat to us is too great." The captain of the large warship said.

"How much tung oil do we have?" This time. The captain of the large warship asked.

"This, not much. We attacked those strongholds this time. When we came out, we didn't bring much but a lot of gunpowder. Tung oil..." the first officer said embarrassedly at this time.

"En." The captain nodded and said he knew.

"So how many explosives do we have?" the captain asked at this time.

"A lot. It's enough for us to blow up all the ships." The chief officer said at this time.

"Very good. We used gunpowder barrels, filled half of the gunpowder, chained into one, and surrounded the big boat. We used a boat, taking advantage of the night, and then we dived over." At this time, the captain looked at the people around and said.

"Do you know the case of our sneak attack on the military port of the Qin Army?" The captain looked at everyone at this time. The eyes of an eagle swept everyone's eyes.

"I know." The young captain said at this time.

"We are just this big. We used explosives to blow up all their warships. They were in the dark. It was difficult to guard against. In this battle, we defeated the noble private navy in one fell swoop." The captain said sharply.

And all the captains looked at the captain of the large warship seriously. This idea was very bold. But the captains believe that there seems to be no other way except this. A positive breakthrough is already possible. Fighting head-on, in terms of firepower, and the number of ships. Chu's navy could not go head-on with the private navy of the nobility. The number of artillery means the strength of firepower.

After all, Chu's naval forces were not as strong as those noble private navies. The aristocratic private navy relied on its monopoly in mineral mining, various agricultural materials, and transportation. Relying on such a monopoly, they have abundant financial resources to maintain such a large navy team. Their warship is equipped with a large number of artillery. These artillery, even the entire Chu Kingdom's navy forces were all pressed into battle. I am afraid that it will not be able to gain an advantage in the number of artillery, but the Chu State Navy has an absolute advantage in the quality of its soldiers. They are from the civilian class. Able to receive military pay and their status and status jumped up, which is an important reason for their rapid increase in combat effectiveness.

Chu's navy decided to take a night attack, attacking the noble navy with tactics similar to mines. The noble navy is an obstacle blocking their way forward.

Facing the same problem, there is also the South Korean surface fleet.

"Have you heard?" The South Korean warship "Xinzheng" was parked far away from the interception position of the noble navy. Said a sailor.

"The Chu State Navy intercepted and inspected, and collected tolls." This time. The sailor continued.

"How come these Chu State naval forces are like robbers, are they still regular troops?" Another sailor said.

"They don't seem to be a regular army, but an army of nobles." At this time, the sailor said.

"We now have only one warship, and the other side has many ships. The number of guns equipped far exceeds the number of our equipment. Once we are inspected by the other side, we will find out that the secret of our ship is that we went out to sea under the guise of a merchant ship. , There are cannons on the ship, what would they think?" the sailor asked.

"There must be a big battle," said the sailor.

And in the captain's meeting room of the Korean warship. The captain and chief mate, as well as the main officers discussed countermeasures, but they were unable to do anything.

"Can we transport the cannon in a small boat, and then our big ship will pass the inspection, and finally, equip the cannon." This time. A trainee officer suggested.

"We are soldiers. We are South Korea's future navy. Such an approach is simply a shame." Another young trainee immediately retorted.

"Oh." The trainee officer saw that everyone was looking at him, so he stopped talking. In the Warring States Period, integrity was very important. This kind of integrity naturally spread to the army, and the generals, from top to bottom, naturally attached importance to the cultivation of integrity.

"In this case, don't talk about it anymore. Even if we are sunk, we have to go through that level." The captain said.

"Yes. Captain." At this time, the captain said.

"So what can we do? The number of guns on the battleship is not as good as that of the other side. The most important thing is that we only have one battleship now. The other battleships are training. Even if it is notified, we still need to wait a long time. The most important thing is The thing is, our task is to go out to find the first few warships that went to sea. Those warships have no information. We can't spend more time." The chief officer analyzed.

"Let's wait. If it really doesn't work, we will launch an attack. Even if it is sunk, we have completed a great attack." The captain said at this time.

"En." The first officer nodded and said at this time.

"At present, it seems that this can only be done." The first officer said at this time.

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