The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1242: Artillery attack

"Wow, wow." In the workshop of Qin's mint factory, the printing press was running at full capacity to print.

Wearing white gloves, a workshop worker arranges the printed full-page banknotes neatly and puts them into the cutting machine.

In another workshop, the printed Korean banknotes were packaged and sealed. People in South Korea put the seals on, then put them in a special cash box and transport them to South Korea.

And in Xinzheng, South Korea. Zhang Liang hurriedly ran to the Han Palace.

"My king. My king. Our Korean banknotes are printed out." Zhang Liang immediately told Han Shu the good news.

"What?" Han Shu had already heard clearly. But she still didn't dare to confirm, she immediately asked again.

"Paper money, our paper money is printed out." This time. Zhang Liang repeated it.

"Haha." Han Shu smiled. Her joy is beyond words.

"Very good. Very good." Han Shu said with a smile.

"Next we will go a lot smoother." Han Shu said. The printing of banknotes is just the beginning. Han Shu knows very well that the emergence of Korean banknotes will bring huge changes to South Korea. This change will bring South Korea into a qualitative change.

In Qi, the Qi army is launching a sharp offensive. These sharp attacks were not initiated by infantry, but by artillery. The artillery will take advantage of their long-range attacks to launch military operations.

"Aim. Two squares to the left." A veteran marked as a sergeant held a telescope in one hand and waved his arm to signal the artillery.

"Target wall. Release." The sergeant shouted loudly.

"Boom." A loud noise came immediately.

"Boom." Another cannon sounded.

"Boom boom." The two artillery fired together.

"Woo." The shells roared toward the city wall.

"Boom." A huge explosion exploded on the edge of the city wall. The dense tents and some makeshift shelters were suddenly overturned by the explosion. The women or children in the building were suddenly killed to the ground.

"Boom." Another explosion came. This bombardment continues. And there are constant people falling down. The explosion caused stones and various debris to splash everywhere. Those splashed objects became powerful weapons for killing people. In addition, there were some unidentified flesh splashes everywhere. The explosion tore some human body tissues. These flesh splashes everywhere. The originally black gunpowder smoke also turned brown because of the splashes of flesh blood.

"We chose to use artillery to attack. It was correct. A very clear choice." An artillery colonel stood on a high ground, holding a binoculars, and said to an infantry colonel looking at the shelling in the distance.

Among the reformed Qi army. The Qi Army formally established artillery. Artillery and infantry are parallel. For example, the military payment system. The Qi army established the rank of artillery, infantry and cavalry. such as. Colonel artillery or colonel infantry.

"You bombard them like this, can they surrender?" This time. The infantry colonel asked.

"Yes, our artillery fire is extremely fierce. Do you know?" said the artillery colonel.

"This time, we mobilized nearly a hundred artillery. The intensity of artillery is unprecedented." The artillery colonel said excitedly.

"What you took is also from Zhao Guoren, Koreans' tattered goods." The infantry colonel whispered. The rumble of cannons just concealed his grievances and dissatisfaction.

The artillery of the Qi army came from the materials reserved by Zhao Guoren. As a kind of compensation for the Qi State, when Zhao Jun evacuated. The artillery they used was given to the people of Qi as leftover materials. The number of these artillery is not too much. At the same time, the Koreans also sent some artillery to the Qi people. This is how the artillery of the Qi army was established. In addition, the Koreans also sent some officers to the Qi army. They came to teach Qi Jun how to use these cannons.

These cannons were sent to help the people of Qi build their artillery. at this time. They are the real artillery. The artillery calibre of the previous Qi State regular army was not uniform, but this time, they got unified artillery from Qin State. The unified caliber was Qin-made five-inch caliber artillery, which was approximately equivalent to one hundred and seventeen millimeters. This was a concept later known to Shang Wen. As for the error in the middle, Shang Wen is not quite clear. But the five-inch caliber is more than one hundred millimeters. The power of such a large-caliber gun is quite amazing. Plus the use of rifling, and cone-shaped shells occurred. The range of the artillery has been increased a lot, and Qin’s newest artillery is rear-loaded. This artillery is an old artillery. But Qin's production volume is very large. Mainly because of the great demand. Moreover, the manufacturing is simple, and it is a simple casting structure. And there are many materials. Mainly a bronze structure. Steel is rapidly replacing bronze. In the era when iron was just beginning, because of the rapid technological innovation, steel was rapidly replacing iron. This rapid change. As a result, the bronze produced before has a large amount of bronze to be processed. And these bronzes became an important material for casting artillery. Especially in terms of weapons, the State of Qin supports an army of one million. There are quite a lot of bronze materials from the retreat of bronze weapons. The people of Qin quickly cast these bronze materials into artillery. However, the styles of these artillery are all smoothbore guns, and some rifled guns are also available. The Qin people made improvements on the basis of these artillery, and they improved the artillery shells used by the artillery. And aiming system. In addition, they modified some front-loaded artillery directly to rear-loaded. The loading speed is greatly accelerated. In the ignition mode, the percussion type and the impact type are used. The use of these firing methods is mainly due to the use of flash hiders. Without flash hider, with the emergence of lightning mercury and faster and safer primer powder, Qin State made rapid progress in bullets. The bottom fire is regarded as a luxury among the Six Nations. This kind of thing consumes very quickly. Although it is fast, it costs too much money. This directly causes them to be unable to equip themselves. They prefer to use the ignition. The artillery of the method, it will not spend more money to buy these artillery, the price is too expensive. Even the newly emerging South Korean army, when they are equipped with this kind of flash hider, they must carefully consider it. After all, the price is terribly expensive.

Although some arsenals in Qin State also introduced steel artillery. The aiming accuracy of the artillery far exceeds those of the bronze artillery. Moreover, it is easy to operate. Although no fixed-load shells are used, the loading speed is almost the same as that of fixed-load shells. But because it is expensive, although it is portable. But the price is unacceptable to others. The most frightening thing is that artillery shells need to be customized, and they cannot be cast at all. In order to save some expenses, some buyers made their own and imitated these shells in South Korea. In addition, Chu State is also casting these shells on its own. Artillery is a price, and subsequent artillery shells, especially those more complicated grenades, are unacceptable to these buyers.

However, Qin State's large-scale export of these artillery has solved a problem, that is, the caliber of the artillery. The calibers are very consistent. Five-inch artillery or six-inch artillery. Two-inch caliber artillery is very powerful. These calibers solved logistical problems, and the unification of calibers was an important foundation for the establishment of artillery.

The artillery units established by the Qi army were very inconsistent in caliber. There were artillery calibers they tried to forge, some imported artillery, and artillery captured. In the past, various arsenals of the Qin State had produced artillery of different calibers. These artillery are equipped in the Qi army, and the different calibers of artillery cause very high supply pressure. Qi Jun is very clear about this. Sometimes, even with artillery and shells, the artillery cannot be fired because the caliber of the shells is not uniform.

A unified caliber is the best way to reduce logistical pressure. Qin Jun solved this problem early, but Qi Jun has only solved it now. With a unified caliber, the logistics problem can be solved easily. This is also an important foundation for Qi Jun to truly build artillery.

Not only that. The logistics supply from South Korea is far from continuous. It is also an important reason why the Qi army can use artillery on a large scale. Without stable logistics supplies, especially ammunition supplies, it is impossible for the Qi army to use such a large artillery to attack.

In addition, the artillery formation system of the Qi Army also adopted South Korea's proposal, adopting the three-three system, and establishing the artillery unit of the Qi Army. An artillery platoon has four artillery. Three artillery platoons establish an artillery company, three artillery companies establish an artillery battalion, and three artillery battalions establish an artillery regiment. This time, the Qi army used an artillery regiment and two independent artillery battalions to launch an offensive. Because of the limited number of artillery, the artillery did not have all the weapons that were fully loaded, and their artillery numbers were still lacking. According to such an organization, the artillery number of an artillery regiment should have exceeded one hundred artillery pieces. But because the artillery lacked artillery. and so. The artillery units of the Qi Army still lack artillery equipment.

The independence of the artillery unit and the establishment of a more orderly structure made Qi's military take a more advanced step. And this step is after Qi Jun can choose to besiege the city. Choose to use artillery to launch an attack.

"Let it go." The artillery sergeant still shouted loudly. Dense gunpowder smoke has enveloped the entire launch position in the smoke. The Linzi city in the distance was also caught in dense smoke. There was the smell of gunpowder everywhere, and gunpowder smoke everywhere.

"I hope our offense is very effective. Under pressure, they can listen to our opinions and surrender directly." Tian Heng looked at Linzi City, which was full of smoke. But the counselor on the side looked at all this calmly, just creating pressure is not enough. There must be profit temptation to truly solve all these problems. The besieged city with no way out is still a dead end.

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