The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1252: Old and new nobles

"Hit, hit. Hit." And there were many workers nearby shouting loudly at this time. Their calls played a big role in fueling the flames.

"Bang." There was another fist hitting the face. The supervisor severely beat the noble worker.

South Korea has not been reformed for a long time. The nobility has always been in a superior position. However, the majority of civilians have been suppressed at the bottom for a long time. They have no social status and no means of promotion. In this kind of society, no one is motivated. The common people are content with the status quo, because this society makes them feel hopeless, this is a hopeless country.

But the turning point for all changes came when Han Shu came to power. Han Shu's coup didn't get the support of all the civilians at the beginning. The reason was simple. They thought it was a matter between the nobles and had nothing to do with them. They won’t care about whoever becomes king or a dog becomes king. Because nobles are still nobles, and common people are still common people. They have no chance of being promoted.

But then Han Shu's series of policies immediately won the hearts of all South Korean civilians, and they saw hope. First of all, their identities have changed a lot. The civilian class got more civil rights, and those servants who depended on the nobles also got more rights. They not only got their own personal freedom rights. At the same time, they also get their own property protection rights and so on. The return of these rights brought the civilian class to Han Shu all at once.

The next series of powerful economic measures made these civilians full of unprecedented hope for the queen.

The first is that a large amount of land has been allocated, and the civilian class sold the land in their hands and received a considerable amount of money. And those slave classes who have no land still go out to the point where there is no source of economy after they have obtained the right to personal freedom. And this time. Han Shu encourages the development of commerce and encourages those with capital to build factories. Thus. Business and factories have created a large number of jobs. The emergence of these jobs has allowed Korea to solve a large number of jobs. After these people get jobs, they have a stable income. South Korea has entered a path of stable development at this time. As a result, the civilian class was firmly gathered beside the queen.

The queen received unprecedented civilian support. However, when it is supported by the civilian class. But got the jealousy of some nobles and ministers. Their status has been elevated from before, and suddenly fell to the bottom of society. They were nobles before, and they had noble blood. And this time. I got nothing.

With the Queen's series of actions deliberately suppressing the nobles. The queen understands the importance of gaining people's hearts. She knows very well that only by gaining the hearts of the civilian class can she secure her throne, but gaining the hearts of the civilian class has caused some nobles to have serious hatred against them. This hatred is very deep.

If you want all the civilians to unite and take orders from yourself, there is only one way. This method is to create a national object that everyone hates. And for now. That object is the noble, because the greedy behavior of the noble makes everyone hate. There is no hope, only despair, no gratitude, for them. Only deepening hatred. The establishment of the nobility as a nationwide enemy will win the support of the civilian population of Korea. Han Shu is still very willing. After all, his coup came to power by the civilian class. Only a small part of the noble class can use it, and most of the nobles are opposed to him.

"Brother, are you okay." A dirty-dressed worker helped up the beaten up noble worker.

"I, I. I want revenge." The beaten noble worker insisted.

"Puff." As he said, the noble worker vomited blood, and a few teeth were also vomited out by the way.

"Oh." The worker sighed at this moment.

"Who made us come here as aristocrats." The worker said at this time.

"We are nobles, noble blood. We have the blood of the king, those untouchables, damn, damn. Kill them all." The noble shouted loudly at this time.

"I want revenge. I want to kill all the untouchables, and the **** queen, if it weren't for her. Can we be like this?" the beaten noble worker shouted.

"Hush hush hush." ​​Hearing such words. At this time, the worker immediately covered the other's mouth and nose with his hand.

"You don't want to die. You will be beaten to death when you hear this. If you are beaten to death, you will die in vain." The worker whispered at this time.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu the noble worker who was covering his mouth still struggling at this time. He made a whining sound.

"Oh." And the worker sighed, shaking his head.

In South Korea, the nobles are being severely hit, and their status has plummeted, while some nobles have unprecedented status, such as the Zhang Liang clan who championed the queen. Their status is extremely high in South Korea.

The situation of some nobles is not so bad. Some of the money they used was successfully converted into farmers, factory owners, and merchants. They have enough money and there is no problem with their livelihoods. But the problem is with these old aristocrats whose status has plummeted. They are full of hatred for the nascent South Korean regime. Hatred is not a good thing for South Korea. But the queen did not attract enough attention to such hatred, because South Korea is producing a large number of new darlings of aristocracy.

The new darlings of these nobles are soldiers who rely on military exploits or businessmen who earn high profits. The queen is very concerned about these new darlings. It can be said that the foundation of South Korea is these new darlings. Most of them come from the civilian class, but they have unparalleled combat exploits and outstanding achievements, which are very important to South Korea.

"Korea's present and future depend on you. Your performance has made a huge contribution to South Korea. South Korea will remember your contribution today." Han Shu said at the ceremony for awarding the title of nobility. .

In Qin, the title of nobility and the system of lord have been partially abolished. The titles of nobility and lords only exist for those who have made great achievements and great contributions, but in fact, those titles of nobles are only empty seats, only as a symbol of honor, and the actual meaning is not very great.

The same is true in South Korea, where titles of lord and nobility exist only as a symbol of honor. But these symbols are great glory in the eyes of ordinary people with old ways of thinking.

This is also the reason why Han Shu did not abolish the sense of honor brought about by the subjugation system. But keep it. Keeping it as an empty title allows all the civilian classes to have a hope and be aggressive towards this end.

If the use of a verbal title can motivate people to work hard, it is a mistake. The most important thing is that they have a certain status with these titles, and this social status is an important step for them to participate in politics.

"After obtaining these lords. What will our civilian class do? Of course they want to actively participate in politics, but so many people participate in it, and it will be crowded. In that case, won't Korean politics be messed up?" Han Shu Said this to Zhang Liang after a meeting.

"So, the widows refer to Qin's practice in the state. After the assembly is established, the council can call more people to participate. Those who have status are naturally willing to participate. And the widows will not ask for a penny from the parliament. . And they solve this problem themselves. Parliament can let them do things that the country thinks. It’s better to discuss some bills and some tax cases. Just like Qin, their bills can pass constant quarrels, and then Submit these bills as a report. After reading them, see if they are approved. In this way, South Korea can solve the problem that the establishment of the bill is not close to reality. At the same time, it can also solve the political problems of these new aristocrats. The establishment of the parliament is Very necessary." Han Shu said to Zhang Liang. And Zhang Liang thinks so too. Although the two didn't know what the council was doing at first. However, the role of parliament obviously carries legislative power. But the Korean parliament at this time only has the power to make proposals, not the power to legislate. The legislative power is in the hands of Han Shu. Only she can pass the signed bill. Similarly, the bill implemented by the Queen does not need to be passed through Parliament. As a result, the parliament may be shelved. But compared with before, the parliament has made great progress. Because part of the power to make proposals is in the hands of civilians, they have institutions to put forward their views. Although this institution has no state fiscal expenditures.

In terms of implementation, it is impossible for Han Shu to pay for such an institution. And those lords in order to gain political status. They are willing to make some financial sacrifices. These sacrifices are nothing to them.

In this way, South Korea's new aristocracy has social status, political status. Those declining nobles have lost all of this, not only their wealth, but also their high social status in the past. These statuses are really too bad for them. If it is a process of gradual disappearance, I am afraid it will be nothing, but the formation of such a huge gap at once is inevitable. If you can't stand it, you will make some radical behaviors. This radical behavior is revenge. Gradually, some people begin to gather, and they begin to take revenge against this country as their life.

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