"Look at the three people in front of you." A dusty mob soldier shouted in Linzi City.

The yelling of the mob soldier did not cause much reaction. Many people did not respond, just lying on the spot. They have no hope of what is happening outside. Their morale is low, and they have no hope of victory or property.

"Wow." At this moment, a little boss walked out of a pile of rubble. Blocks of wood and dirt are everywhere, because there is no water in the city, and the addition of rolling through the ruins, the leader who walked out was covered with dust all over the body.

"What's the situation?" This time. The leader said weakly.

"In the front, there are three people in front, they are playing the white flag." This time. The mob soldier said nervously.

"Ah." The leader was obviously surprised, but he still thought he should take a look.

"Listen to the people in front, don't shoot. We are here for peace talks." Among the three people in front, a civil servant in the middle shouted loudly.

"Don't shoot." The Qi army soldier holding the white flag shouted loudly at this time.

"We have important things to talk about." The civil official yelled loudly.

"What to do? Shoot them to death?" the mob soldier asked at this time.

"What shot, let them come over." This time. The boss felt more relieved when he saw that there were only three people on the other side. If the other party has a lot of people at once, the situation becomes much worse.

"Come here. We won't shoot." The mob replied.

"Let's go over." The civilian said to the two soldiers behind him. The two soldiers are on high alert. They are afraid of accidents. If the other side suddenly shoots, then they are finished. They are very few in number. And they will desperately protect this civil official.

And at this time in the big account. Tian Heng was behind the curtain, listening to the conversation in front of the curtain.

"Tell them that we can sell them weapons. You know, only our Qi army can provide them with weapons at this time. The nobles of Qi are all in the city. If you want to get weapons quickly, you can cooperate with us. "A Major General Qi Jun said to the translator with his fist.

"Yes, General." The middleman nodded immediately. Then he turned around and grumbled to those Silla people. The counselors on the side looked at the other side's face calmly. Although they didn't understand, they still carefully observed the other side's speech and behavior.

"What are they talking about?" This time. The general on the side asked the counselor.

"No matter what they say. We must do this sale." The counselor said at this time.

"Even if we go to war, we have to kill them." The counselor said decisively at this time.

"How? Are you finished?" The general said impatiently at this time.

"Oh. It's over soon. It's over." This time. The translator nodded and said.

"What did they say?" the general asked at this time.

"They said, yes, but they need to attach a condition, that is, we Qi Jun, to teach them how to fight, they are willing to let Qi Jun to teach them." The middleman said cautiously.

Hearing such a condition, the counselor and the general looked at each other. Obviously, neither the counselor nor the general thought of going up to this level.

"My lord, whether the general is in trouble or not, I can talk about it." At this time. The middleman thinks that two people are in trouble. And at this time, they were all in the Qi army's army, and the other party easily controlled themselves, as long as they wanted, they could deal with them at any time. Thinking of this, the middleman had to try his best to consider Qi army's requirements.

"En. We are indeed inappropriate, but the conditions can be discussed, what benefits can we get?" This time. The counselor said.

"This. This is easy to handle. They will give gold and silver, ginseng, if necessary, beauties, and other things are fine." The middle said at this time.

"En. Is that all?" The counselor said in fright at this time.

"That's it. Your lord, you should know. They are all from poor rural areas. They are poorer than us. That's all that can be done." At this time. The middleman said with a bitter face.

"En." At this time, the counselor also thought that he should accept it as soon as he sees it well.

"I'm going to tell my Patriarch. You are waiting here." The counselor left without even looking at the other person.

At this time, in the city. The negotiators are telling Qi Jun's conditions.

"Your situation. We know very well. Why the main force of the Qi state army is besieged and not attacked. It just doesn't want to see the killing again. Enough people of Qi state have died. Now the continuous killing will not solve the problem." That negotiation Said the civil servant excitedly. The leader squatted on the ruins and listened to the words of the civil official.

"My Patriarch does not want to see more killings. Now I will give you a chance. This opportunity is in front of your eyes, as long as you submit to our army. Accept the adaptation of the Qi army, you are the regular army, and all the previous actions have been written off. And after becoming a regular army, you can still get military salary, monthly and full monthly salary, the army gives you money, you can get what you want. Moreover, the army is promoted according to the size of the ability, without aristocrats, and without military exploits, you can never be promoted. "The civil official said excitedly at this time.

"What?" The leader stood up and said at this moment.

"How is this possible? Those military exploits belong to those noble lords. How come it is ours," the leader said.

"It's not bad if we don't pay our lives back. We are not like that. We fought and fought hard. We fought desperately. But we couldn't get it. Those dead brothers, neither Is it all like this? What did we untouchables get in the war?" The leader said boldly at this time.

Heard such words. The civil official wanted to refute, but when he saw the other person's expression, he stopped talking.

"Those noble lords can get military merit by doing nothing. Those of us can do that. How many people have died, how much food we have paid, and we have paid little money, but no credit. In the end, it is still a bad life." At this time, the chief said somewhat sorrowfully. Hearing what the leader said, all the mob soldiers present shed tears in silence.

"Brothers are right. Those noble lords, what merits do you have. If you don't fight in battle, why do you get merits?" A corporal Qi army soldier who stood behind the civilian officer came out and said loudly.

"You hate it. I hate it too," the corporal said loudly.

"How many battles I have fought. I have seen no fewer dead people than you. But how many people can survive." The corporal also said angrily.

"But the Qi army is really good now. Now the army is reforming. People like me who have been a soldier for a lifetime have money. They have a military rank. Do you know? If I continue to fight like this, I can be promoted." At this time. The corporal said.

"We who are soldiers don't want to see our own people kill. My Patriarch also doesn't want to see such a situation happen like this." The corporal said.

"Killing and killing. Or we are from Qi country. Everyone keeps fighting like this, what is the end result?" the corporal asked.

"We killed the nobles and burned the nobles' houses, but in the end it was our own home that was destroyed the most." The corporal said loudly.

"We can't fight like this anymore," the corporal said.

"We have killed so many nobles, and the nobles can spare us. We might as well submit to my Patriarch and become the Qi army, which can save our lives and get unprecedented glory. This is such a good thing. We can only be defeated if we continue to fight like this. It's for the death. There is nothing left when people die." The corporal said.

"En." Everyone nodded.

"Think about it, everyone," the civil official said at this time.

"Accepting caress is the only choice. It is also a wise choice, everyone, think about it." The civil official said at this time.

"Let's go to other places to persuade." The civil officer interrupted what the corporal wanted to say at this time, and then turned and left. The thugs did not stop. The mobs in the city did not have a unified organization. They were originally a group of scattered sand, and they are now even more so. They all fight on their own, so the civilian officials have to persuade them one by one.

After the civil servant left. Everyone was silent for a long time, and everyone understood that accepting caress was the only way out. If they don't accept it, there will be a dead end. Either they will be killed or they will accept surrender. Then the nobles will still find them to settle accounts. The situation is even more dangerous than this, and the dead end is inevitable.

All people have a unified answer, but they are still hesitating, they can't believe it, is this true? If this is the other party's trick, once you surrender, you will become the opponent's person. At that time, you just want to resist, I am afraid there is no chance.

Neither party has a foundation on which both parties can trust each other. Only by establishing such a foundation can they steadily achieve this kind of soothing purpose. The civilian officials continued to persuade them one after another, recounting Tian Heng's conditions for caress. But the result was minimal because they were worried that both of them could not trust each other.

"Trust is the basis of our negotiations. Without trust, it is difficult to be pacified." Tian Heng said at this time.

"Master, do you have a plan?" the counselor asked.

Tian Heng just shook his head.

The result of the indoctrination was very unsatisfactory. After the negotiations returned, no mob army came to accept the indoctrination. This is a failure. This disappointed Tian Heng.

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