The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1264: Go with me and have food

"We just captured a whole ship of tung oil. Captain." The chief officer said quickly at this time.

"What?" The captain couldn't believe his ears.

"Tung oil, we have a whole ship of tung oil." At this moment, the first officer shouted loudly.

"Really?" This time. The captain asked suspiciously.

"Yes, Captain." The first officer nodded and looked at the captain with joy. The captain looked at everyone with a smile.

All senior officers know it. If you want to defeat the opponent, you must use fire attack. However, the fire attack had to be stopped due to material reserves. The reason is that their material consumption is very high. Their last reserve can't even be burned down by a warship. Now, they suddenly received a large amount of tung oil, and the battle plan can be implemented. All people feel more relaxed than ever.

"Since we have so much tung oil, let's start our battle plan." At this time, the captain looked at everyone and said.

"Yes. Captain." All the officers agreed.

After having a lot of tung oil. The situation developed smoothly towards the side of Chu's navy.

"Follow up." The major and several veterans sneaked into Linzi city cautiously. There is a ruin in Linzi City, where Tibetans can be found everywhere, and it is such ruins that facilitate their concealed reconnaissance activities.

"We are scouting over there now. You guys follow me," the major said to the veterans behind him.

"Sir. We should wait. The city is too quiet. Shall we look at other situations?" A sergeant suggested at this time.

"No. No. There is no counterattack in the city. We just need to move forward and scout now." The major rejected the sergeant's suggestion at this time.

"Follow me. The people behind take cover." As he said, the major swiftly took his rifle and ran to another concealed object.

"Damn it". The sergeant scolded from behind.

"I don't know anything about the situation here. It's as quiet as the dead." The sergeant looked around nervously, the whole Linzi city was too quiet. When it was quiet, they began to wonder if everyone in the city was dead.

And in the fortifications outside the city. The soldiers of the Qi army stood in the trenches. They don't know what to do. There was no specific order for them to attack.

"Are we going to shout like this?" This time. A lieutenant asked.

"Yes. The above order is like that, and I can't help it." A lieutenant colonel said.

"In addition, the people behind will come here with some things. We want to show them. That's it." The lieutenant colonel said.

"Oh my God. We are going to perform to them." The lieutenant said at this time.

"Yes. Show them." said the lieutenant colonel.

"We eat and show to them." This time. Said the lieutenant.

"Yes. That's the order above. We just did it." The lieutenant colonel said at this time.

"Oh." The lieutenant said incredulously.

"Why do we do this?" This time. The lieutenant continued to ask.

"The above means, let us lure them with food to soothe them, surrender, anything is fine, just let them end the war, our time is running out." The lieutenant colonel said at this time.

"If these are useless, then we will launch an attack. In that case, we will die a lot of brothers. You know? Now is to save ourselves." At this time, the lieutenant colonel looked at the lieutenant and said.

"Understood. Sir." The lieutenant also looked at the lieutenant colonel and said. Everyone knows that this may be the last battle, but no one wants to die like this in the last battle. This is really not worth it.

"Brothers in the city. We know that there is not much food left in the city. As long as you come over, you can eat hot meals, and that is, your identity can be changed. You are no longer enemies of the country, nor are you What insurgents, you are the Qi Army. You are a member of the Qi Army, and you will join the Qi Army." A Qi Army soldier said loudly at this time.

"Come on. There is no food in the city. You will not have enough to eat. If you can't eat enough, what else are you going to fight. Everyone is your own. Come on, come and join the Qi army." The soldier still shouted loudly.

But there was no movement from the other party.

"Go up a few people and eat." This time. The lieutenant instructed his men.

"Sir, is it okay at the top?" A corporal said reluctantly at this time.

"What's wrong. They are all old-fashioned muskets, and they can't reach here at all. You can eat from them. Eat as much as you can." At this time. The lieutenant waved his arms and said.

"This." At this time, the corporal stayed in the trench a little embarrassed.

"I'm going." The lieutenant picked up a can and walked out of the trench. Then I stood on it and ate.

"Brothers, we know that it’s not easy for you. Everyone is forced. I am also forced. There is a mother in my family, as well as wives and children. Everyone is unwilling to fight, but now we have to end the war. , Understand everyone's situation." The soldier shouted loudly. The officer on the side looked at the situation on the opposite side with a telescope.

"Everyone is unwilling to fight. My father-in-law knows that everyone is being forced, so everyone takes a step back. They all join the Qi army. You can eat and you can save your lives. Such things as rebellions have never happened. "Said the soldier.

The rebel soldiers in the city had already heard the other party's call by this time.

"Eat, they have something to eat." At this time, some rebel soldiers crawled out of the ruins like lonely ghosts. This scene was discovered by the soldiers of the Qi army who were scouting.

"Sir. Do we shoot?" The highly nervous sergeant stopped the major at this time. The major lowered his body.

"Don't shoot, our people are shouting. We need to see the reaction." At this time, the major also stopped nervously behind the ruins.

"En." The sergeant squeezed his rifle again at this time, and then proceeded to aim.

The major also looked at the situation there very nervously. Because they had passed there before, but they found nothing, but just after shouting. So many soldiers appeared suddenly. This frightened the major.

"I want to eat. I want to eat," said a mob soldier struggling to crawl out. They walked out of the ruins desperately, and they were walking towards Qi Jun.

"Don't leave." At this moment, a leader of a mob army stood up and shook his rifle and shouted loudly. Obviously, he himself didn't have much strength to fight.

"No surrender is allowed. Surrendered. They will kill us." The leader said at this time. He was wearing a coat seized from the hands of aristocratic private soldiers.

"I want to eat. I don't care." Among the standing soldiers, one soldier pushed aside the soldier in front and walked out.

"Stop." The leader yelled at the opponent at this time.

"I want to eat, I'm hungry. I want to eat." The soldier walked forward desperately. And this time. The leader picked up his rifle and aimed at the opponent. Some soldiers saw the man walking in front, but did not consciously follow.

"Bang." At this time there was a gunshot. Everyone stopped.

The soldier walking in the front fell to the ground.

And the leader didn't say anything at this time, looking at the soldier who fell to the ground.

"Damn it." On Qi Jun's side. The soldiers who were eating threw away the food in their hands at this time and jumped into their trenches like flying.

"Fight. Fight." A corporal shouted with his weapon.

"Wow." A large number of soldiers raised their rifles and entered their combat positions. They aimed forward, wondering what was going on.

"Should we intervene?" At this time, the scouting sergeant said when he saw the situation was bad.

"No. We have to wait and see." This time. The major decided that it was not good not to intervene in such a situation. After all, they do not have the advantage.

"Go die." At this moment, a mob soldier picked up a short sword and pierced the leader's back.

"Puff." There was a sound of metal entering the flesh.

"Ah." The leader looked back at his subordinates in pain.

"We want to eat too, we don't want to fight anymore." The soldier drew his short sword. The leader's body softened.

"Let's go to eat." The soldier said, looking at the fallen leader.

"Let's do it." At this moment the major stood up. The sergeant on the side has not yet reacted.

"All raise their hands." The major shouted loudly at this moment with his rifle in his hand.

"Raise your hand. I guarantee that everyone can eat and they must follow me." At this time. Young Xia shouted loudly.

And just when the major shouted. Many mob soldiers sprang up from the ruins around the reconnaissance unit.

"We are in trouble," said the sergeant, leaning on the major with his rifle. Because so many mob soldiers appeared all of a sudden. They only have one shot. And the other party will immediately surround them, beat them up, and beat them all to death.

"Wow." And at this moment, something unbelievable appeared. Those who stood up, at this time threw away their weapons, and raised their hands. Others did not raise their hands, but looked at each other blankly.

"Follow me. I promise you will have food." The major said at this time.

Speaking, the major moved his body carefully. And everyone looked at the major blankly.

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