The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1265: Open financial markets

"Unexpectedly. So many people would surrender at once." At this time Tian Heng looked at the long queue of prisoners of war.

"The lord, it's not surrender, but pacification. They are now the Qi army. As long as we give them food and a stable foundation, they will not rebel." At this time. The counselor proposed at this time.

"En. Next, are there any countermeasures?" Tian Heng asked at this time.

"My lord. I have offended the nobles, and the land has been divided by the lord. If the lord wants to save his life. Then distribute the land to the soldiers who surrendered. Comfort them. Encourage them to become ours. Soldiers, in this way, they can eliminate the vigilance and suspicion of the lord with the heart of serving the lord. Not only that, the lord’s strength can also be consolidated, so that in the future, the lord will not have a big life worry." Time said.

And Tian Heng frowned at this moment. He obviously felt very meaningful to the counselor's words, but he had to think about it.

"En. What the sir said is." Tian Heng nodded and said. Tian Heng himself didn't know at this time. How dangerous is his situation.

At this time, in the lobby of the post-victory mansion, all the nobles gathered to sue Tian Heng.

"Zhuzi is so arrogant." An old nobleman rebuked loudly.

"That's right. That kid is so arrogant, he even provokes the rebels. Those rebels should be wiped out, and the rebels should be indulged in such a way. It would be a great disrespect for the king. There is no king in his eyes. This is very big. His crime. He should be executed." Some nobles suddenly roared. They blushed and attacked Tian Heng with the most vicious language. In their view. Tian Heng is the most vicious person. He is more vicious than those rebels, because he seriously affected the interests of the nobles.

The nobles at this time still don't know the conditions of their land, if they know, how to attack Tian Heng, because Tian Heng touched the most fundamental interests of these nobles under the persecution of the national crisis. This benefit will greatly affect the living conditions of the nobles, and even the foundation of Qi. The foundation of Qi is not in the people, but in the hands of the nobles and nobles, they have a lot of land. They are actually half slaves and half landlords, and the common people depend on them. Yu nobles, and Tian Heng took a lot of land into his own hands when the country was in distress, and at the same time gave the land to those slaves who lost their land and gained freedom at the same time, the civilians, and the civilians only need to pay a certain amount to Tian Heng They can get most of their harvest with the same tax, and at the same time, they can get a piece of their own land after continuous cultivation for more than 20 years. This situation is a huge change for them. At this time, the land was scattered from the original concentration to the hands of the peasants. Such a move greatly mobilized the enthusiasm of the peasants, but doing so would greatly violate the interests of the nobles. And in the face of national interests. Tian Heng made what he thought was the right choice.

In fact, the real reason for the demise of the Six Nations is that the reform of their own country is not thorough, and there are many stubborn diseases, especially the resistance of the aristocratic class representing the slave-owner class. Reform means a major reshuffle. Among them, their interests may be lost. In order to avoid losses, they refused to reform, and at the same time, they blocked reforms. This resulted in them becoming weaker and weaker under the continuous attack of Qin, and their own strength could not be regained. The integration of forces led to the final demise of the country. The cause of the demise is mainly oneself, not external factors.

Tian Heng is promoting an important process in the history of Qi. And it's time to promote important processes. There are important negotiations between Qin and South Korea on financial reforms.

"Boom." Shang Wen is drafting a document to attract foreign exchange funds from South Korea to Qin. Shang Wen understands from various angles. of course. He also knows that South Korea has a large amount of capital, because they replaced Qin's banknotes with their own banknotes. In King Qin’s view, this is not a good thing, but Shangwen believes that this is a good thing, because they use their own banknotes. The time for Qin’s banknotes to unify an economy is not yet ripe. South Korea’s economy does not appear to be of great regret. That is to say, he is still independent and has economic dependence on Qin. Not very strong. Qin needs to make this economy more prominent.

"Come in." Shang Wen lowered his head and said at this time.

"The prime minister. Our stock index rose by more than 100 points in one day, and it only opened for an hour. This is terrifying." Meng Yi said worriedly. He was short of breath, and apparently he immediately reported to Shangwen after he got the news.

"En. It's normal. We cut interest rates. And it was a super rate cut. Our rate cut was 1.5%. This is unprecedented. The market will be full of capital. This is normal for us." Shang Wen said without any surprise.

"Normal?" Meng Yi said incredibly.

"Yes. It's normal. We have reduced interest rates so much. If the stock market doesn't rise so much. That's weird. Don't worry, the stock market will take care of its own affairs. These are the decisions the market is making. We stepped aside. Just look at it." Shang Wen said with confidence at this time.

"But, one hundred points. What a terrible number this is." This time. Meng Yi said.

"We have seen a drop of more than a hundred points in one day before, and there is something more scary than a hundred points, isn't it?" Shang Wen said without worry.

"Risk. This is risk. What we want now is the prosperity of the stock market. Is the stock market prosperous?" Shang Wen said at this time.

"Oh." Meng Yi was speechless.

"Don't worry. They will take care of themselves." Shang Wen said.

Meng Yi shrugged and said to help. Then nodded to exit. Shangwen picked up the phone at this time. Nodded to Meng Yi. Then the phone was connected.

"I need to answer a long-distance call, from the Korean royal family." Shang Wen said with his neck clamped on the phone at this time. While organizing your own files.

"Okay, Prime Minister. Wait a minute," the assistant on the phone said.

"En." Shang Wen was busy with what he was doing.

in Korea. Han Shu is very worried about the large number of Qin State banknotes held by South Korea. Because these Qin State banknotes can only be valued when they are spent on the Qin State market, and Qin State is issuing their banknotes beyond expectations, and the value of the previous banknotes is slowly decreasing.

"Prime Minister Qin's long-distance call." At this time, a maid walked up cautiously and said.

"Oh. Prime Minister Qin's." This time. Han Shu was a little surprised.

"En. Take it." Han Shu heard Shang Wen's call, and there was a sense of excitement in his tone.

Han Shu immediately picked up the phone.

"Hello." Shang Wen said busy on the phone.

"Hey. This is Han Shu." Han Shu said actively on the phone.

"Oh. Is that you?" Shang Wen asked with certainty at this time.

"Yes. It's me." Han Shu anxiously agreed.

"Oh. I called, there is one thing I want to tell you. You have a lot of Qin State banknotes in your hands. I understand this situation. Now. I have formulated a plan for foreign investment in Qin State, I want to give you Talk about it." Shang Wen pulled out a piece of paper at this time and said.

"This." Han Shu himself didn't know what to say at this time.

"I plan to use the foreign exchange in South Korea. The paper money in your hands will depreciate. Because, in the constant flow of capital, it will snowball more and more. This is not important, but it is important. Created a lot of wealth and value." Shang Wen said at this time.

"So, only investment can make the paper money in your hands become more and more rich. This is finance." Shang Wen explained.

"I don't understand what you said." Han Shu said frankly at this time.

"Oh." Shang Wen shrugged helplessly.

"Well, I will tell you my plan." Shang Wen said at this time.

"The first step I plan is to allow the banknotes held by South Korea to enter Qin's financial market, including participating in Qin's banks and investment companies, and then the stock market, allowing them to enter Qin's stock market." Shang Wen said at this time.

"I will take specific measures, such as the establishment of investment companies in the two countries, or banks in the two countries, etc." Shang Wen said at this time.

"Now that the two countries have their own banknotes, the emergence of this process means the emergence of a great significance." Shangwen said at this time.

On the other end of the phone, Han Shu frowned. Shangwen's jumping thinking makes it difficult for Han Shu to keep up with Shangwen's thinking.

"Are you listening?" Shangwen only realized at this time that he didn't know what he had said a lot. There was no response on the other end of the phone.

"Oh. I'm listening, I'm listening." Han Shu replied immediately.

"Oh. I mean, let Korean funds enter Qin and play their role again. To realize their value, in short, in a word, Qin's financial market opens the door to Korean funds. It is always welcome. "Shang Wen said.

"This, I understand. Thank you too." Han Shu said on the phone at this time.

"But, I still don't understand. Can you come to Korea. Can you explain it yourself? It's treated as an official visit invitation." At this time, Han Shu offered his invitation.

"Go to Korea?" Shang Wen asked at this time.

"Yes. Come to Korea." Han Shu said on the phone.

"En. I think so. I apply to arrange it." Shang Wen said at this time.

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