The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1277: Qin State’s financial support

"Go fast and get ready to get to the shore." The shirtless Qi Guoman shouted from the bow of the ship.

"Everyone listen," the shirtless man shouted loudly.

"Rush up. Snatch it." The shirtless man shouted loudly.

"Grab, rob, rob." All the crew shouted loudly at this time, holding up their weapons.

The shirtless man looked at the distant coastline with a smile at this time. Because of the war, the country of Yan took refuge in the land of Liaodong and Liaoxi, and operating the land of Liaodong and Liaoxi has become the stable rear of Yan.

Qi's ships are rapidly rushing towards the coastal areas.

There are also some ships in the coastal area of ​​Liaodong, but these ships are just some fishing boats, and the trajectory of these fishing boats is not very far, because the fishing boats are not sailing vessels, nor are they specialized in sailing commercial ships, and their trajectories are also very limited.

"It seems to be a merchant ship." A fisherman saw it on the dock at this time.

"Why is there a merchant ship?" The fisherman felt very strange at this time.

"Ready to dock." The shirtless man shouted immediately.

"Charge." At this moment, the shirtless man shouted loudly, holding up the bronze sword in his hand.

"Not good. A gangster is here." At this time, the Yan people on the shore saw a large group of merchant ships rushing down with various weapons.

"Charge." The pirates of Qi State rushed over with the weapons in their hands high.

"Puff." A Qi State sailor waved his bronze sword and slashed a Yan State.

"Bang." Another Qi State sailor raised his musket and shot and killed a Yan nationality.

"Grab it." The Qi State sailors happily snatched the materials they could get.

"Bold gangster." At this moment, a businessman from Qin State who came here to do business shouted loudly.

"All raise their hands." Qin businessman raised the revolver in his hand and shouted loudly at this time.

"Kill." At this time, a man from Qi rushed over with his halberd in his hand. The Qi people who go to sea do not have many weapons at all, and weapons such as the halberd are still equipped in the hands of the Qi people who go to sea.

"Bang." At this time, the businessman of Qin State raised the pistol in his hand to aim and shoot.

"Puff." A bullet directly hit the chest of the Qi countryman who rushed over.

"Bang Bang." Then the businessman from Qin State fired continuously at this time.

"Ah." Another Qi nationality was shot and killed.

"Hurry up. Raise your hands. Otherwise, I will shoot." Qin State businessman raised the pistol in his hand and shouted loudly.

All the Qi people who rushed over stopped at this moment. You look at me. I look at you. They don't know what to do.

"I killed you." At this moment, a voice came from behind.

"Puff." A sound of metal and blood collided.

The shirtless man from Qi slashed the Qin businessman with a bronze dagger in his hand from behind. The head of the Qin businessman flew out all at once.

"Humph." The shirtless Qi Guoren shouted loudly.

"Snatch it all. Snatch everything." The shirtless man shouted loudly.

At this time, the people of Qi had already wielded their weapons to **** everything they could snatch.

The Qi pirates robbed the people of Yan, which is nothing. However, when the people of Yan were robbed of their belongings, the lives and property of the people of Qin were injured, which would trigger a greater crisis. Because the interests of Qin people cannot be violated.

Just as the situation on all sides develops. The Chu State Navy in the south was caught in a predicament.

"Chu's navy is developing rapidly now, but our army is lacking in gold and silver. I may not be able to develop for a long time." Xiang Yan said to the negative at this time. Ning Chu shook his head in embarrassment at this time.

"Chu's navy had a battle with the aristocratic navy before. The aristocratic navy has huge financial resources to maintain the armed fleet. The strength of our army is growing slowly, I am afraid, in terms of strength. Our army is difficult to have an advantage." Xiang Yan said at this time. .

"The general is right." Ning Chu said at this time.

"The growth of the navy army is extremely slow. The expansion of the navy now requires gold and silver, and a large amount of military payment is needed to comfort our army. Not only that, the expansion of the navy requires the construction of ships, but where do these ships come from? Our current warships are all reformed. Come. And it takes a lot of gold and silver to build ships. What we lack the most is these gold and silver." Ning Chu said at this time.

"Young Master." Xiang Yan said embarrassedly at this time.

Ning Chu looked at Xiang Yan and said at this time.

"The general must have a countermeasure?" Ning Chu said at this time.

"En." Xiang Yan nodded at this time.

"Young Master. A member of Qin State came here recently." Xiang Yan said at this time.

"Guo Qin?" Ning Chu looked at Xiang Yan in doubt at this time.

"What are the people of Qin doing here? Are they going to be unfavorable to Chu?" Ning Chu asked at this time.

Xiang Yan shook his head at this time.

"The people of Qin people here are not detrimental to the country of Chu. The people of Qin people who come here are Qin's banking representatives." Xiang Yan said at this time.

"Qin Guo's banking representative?" said negative at this time.

"Yes. Qin State's banking representative." Xiang Yan said at this time.

"They are from the investment department of Wenyang Bank of Qin State. They said that they can provide us with a considerable amount of money, but they are calculated on the basis of Qin State's half-two banknotes." At this time. Xiang Yan said to negative.

"Qin State's funds?" Ning Chu said with some worry. He frowned and looked at each other.

"Yes. Qin's funds, Qin's funds can help us solve many problems, with these funds, we can do a lot of things." Xiang Yan said.

"En. Is there any attempt by Qin Guo?" Ning Chu said at this time.

"Qin State needs some mortgages. These mortgages are some land or tariffs. This is what the representative of Qin State Bank said." Xiang Yan said with some embarrassment.

"Chu's tariffs and land are not mortgageable." At this time, Ning Chu heard Xiang Yan's words and shouted immediately.

"My son, Chu's tariffs and land are not mortgageable, but if it is not mortgaged, then Chu will have nothing to do." Xiang Yan said at this time.

"What's the meaning?" At this time, Ning Chu forced the anger in his heart to ask.

"The son does not have any strength at this time. There is not much military strength against the noble forces in the temple. The noble forces are powerful. It is difficult to fight. These nobles control the economic lifeline of Chu and pose a huge threat to Chu. The son can only gain advantage by increasing his strength. The situation." Xiang Yan said at this time.

"You mean to say." Min Chu said slightly, suppressing his anger.

"Chu's land, tariffs, these are dead things. And we can get benefits from the people of Qin through these dead things. Right?" Xiang Yan asked Xiang Yan.

"Yes. Young Master." Xiang Yan said at this time.

"I understand what you mean." Ning Chu said.

"Let’s discuss with those Qin State Bank businesses. We need to complete these things as soon as possible. At this time, Jian Chu has completely suppressed his anger. And Xiang Yan was greatly relieved at this time.

Xiang Yan actually planned to do this in her mind. Because Qin's funds can bring great convenience to Chu's navy. First of all, the funds of the State of Qin can solve the problem of the Chu State navy's military salary. In fact, in Chu State, Qin State half-and-half banknotes were in circulation. It must circulate like those gold and silver. Even the Qin state banknotes have convenient settlement methods and the advantages of carrying, so merchants in Chu state are willing to carry such banknotes, because there are many gangsters on the road, and if the precious metal gold and silver are used, the goal is very big. It is easy to be hijacked by the other party.

Secondly, Qin's capital injection can build a large number of warships and expand its armaments for war preparations. The intervention of Qin's banknotes can make use of Qin's developed shipbuilding industry to quickly build Chu's powerful Chu navy. In order to ensure the safety of their funds, banks will certainly help themselves to purchase advanced weapons.

Finally, the intervention of funds from the State of Qin solved the funding problem for the development of the Chu State's navy. This problem is an important reason that troubled Chu's naval forces to develop and grow at the fastest speed.

Chu's navy relied on snatching, and they collected extremely limited tariffs, which were very limited, because most of the tariffs were collected by the nobles of Chu. The nobles control a large number of commercial and trade areas in the Chu Kingdom. These areas are the most developed areas in the Chu Kingdom. The Chu navy forces occupy only some important waterways, but the Chu nobles occupy important areas. Economic regions, in these regions, they have a strong economic foundation, which is sufficient to provide generous taxes, and at the same time have huge profits. These profits are enough for them to support a huge team to fight against the Chu State navy. It is difficult for the Chu State naval forces to make considerable progress because they do not have these areas. Therefore, the Chu State naval forces are far from the opponent in terms of strength.

In terms of funding, the Chu aristocratic navy has a stable source. The Chu State Navy did not. Such a major difference directly led to the great advantage of the Chu aristocratic navy development.

But at this time, the intervention of Qin State Capital just made up for this shortcoming. The capital of Qin State is abundant, which can help the navy from Chu State to develop rapidly. Then confronted the noble power of Chu State. The purpose of Qin State's doing this did not carry great political opinions. On the contrary, Qin treats this issue only from an economic point of view, not politics. If you think about the issue purely from politics, I am afraid that Qin will be in a disadvantageous position economically, because the political aspect of Qin is Will not consider the problem from an economic point of view, in their view. The State of Qin does not need economic interests. Therefore, political considerations often give the opposite answer, and now Qin wants to avoid such mistakes.

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