The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1278: Establish home port

Qin State Bank considers economy rather than politics. Although politics can bring profit, politics should serve the economy more. Qin State Bank has lost two main factors in a crisis in its own country. The banking market, Zhao Guo and South Korea, South Korea has developed by itself, and South Korea has issued its own banknotes. Therefore, South Korea uses its own banknote advantages to gradually break away from the capital control of Qin State, and Qin State Bank, due to domestic needs, Gradually, the control over South Korean funds has dropped a lot.

As the Qin government reinvested a large amount of paper money into the market. Qin's banks are gradually recovering, but at this time, they need to re-examine their market share.

"We have lost a lot of markets. The Zhaoguo market needs to be reopened. It takes a lot of effort to regain control." Xiao He analyzed in the banking business meeting.

"The situation in the Korean market is also unfavorable for us. South Korea is issuing their banknotes. Their advantage is that they have their own banknotes, but this advantage will gradually become a disadvantage for them. However, it takes time and time for development. It will prove everything." Xiao He said.

"Let’s take a look at the country of Yan, the situation in the country of Yan is very bad. They have repeatedly experienced wars, and the income of the king of Yan is also very limited and tends to be conservative. Our banking business can only be developed among the private sector. Regarding the royal family’s business, I am afraid it will be difficult to unfold." Xiao He said.

"Look at Qi again. According to the information we have, the people of Qi have a good impression of Koreans. The market share we occupy. It is not optimistic." Xiao He said.

"Everyone knows the situation of Wei State. This is an extremely conservative country. Basically, we don't hold any hope for this country." Xiao He said at this time.

"Then, our strategic goal is now only one. In the southern state of Chu, the recent development of the state of Chu is surprising." Xiao He said.

"In the southern state of Chu, because of our slave demand in Qin and the development of the land of Bashu. Qin’s economy has driven the development of the entire Yangtze River economic zone. From Qin’s Beigang, to Jiujiang, and to the Yangtze River The land of Wuyue is full of economic prosperity, but these places are developing very fast. The strange thing is that there is no bank, no capital injection, no capital operation, but they still develop." Xiao He said strangely. .

And all the people who attended the meeting started to talk about it at this time.

"This is too weird. There is no capital. How these areas develop. It is really hard to understand." It is difficult for the seniors attending the meeting to understand this situation. They think this is impossible, but it is true. Existence, which greatly exceeded their expectations.

"How did they develop? This is really incomprehensible." At this time, a senior raised his right hand and asked incomprehensibly, shaking his head.

"It's the nobleman. The nobleman has a lot of gold and silver in his hands. These gold and silver are enough for them to develop. In addition, they have a lot of privileges in the local area. They monopolize everything in the Chu country." Xiao He said at this time, looking at the other party.

"Oh. My goodness. If you have a monopoly, you will make a lot of money. Just like the iron and salt before, these businesses are easy to do." The senior said at this time.

"Yes. They not only monopolize the local economy, such as the tea, silk, and various copper mines, manganese mines, tungsten mines, tung oil, etc. we need. They also control the local economic development. They treat us High taxes are levied on our products, and at the same time the prices of the materials we need are deliberately raised. These high-priced things inadvertently push up our industrial production costs. Of course, we don’t consider these." Xiao He said calmly. For these, Qin’s bank executives still know one thing. They are very annoyed by Chu’s development model, because if Chu continues like this, it will seriously affect Qin’s business, especially Qin’s industrial development. Because some important industrial raw materials still need to be imported from Chu. If Chu continues like this, it will affect the development of Qin.

"The most important thing is that their nobles, their nobles don't need our financial support. Without our financial support, they can develop themselves and develop so well." Xiao He said at this time.

"Will the development of Chu State be good for us? Everyone." Xiao He asked suddenly at this time.

All of them looked at each other, and then shook their heads unanimously.

"It seems that everyone is very sensible." Xiao He said at this time.

"So, we have to find a way. To break this kind of noble monopoly on everything." Xiao He said, looking at everyone present.

And all the people looked at Xiao He, and in their eyes, there was a wolf-like look in their eyes. Obviously, everyone began to focus their attention here.

"People present should know that Chu State Water Army." Xiao He said at this time.

"Chu's navy fought against Qin's navy. Everyone clearly remembered it." Xiao He said.

"Now, for our development needs, we need to lend money to these Chu navy forces. The rapid development of the Chu naval forces can quickly contain the nobles’ practices. Because the Chu naval forces are very restless, we want It's this kind of restlessness." Xiao He said.

And everyone present looked at Xiao He suspiciously.

Xiao He was very aware of Chu's politics. Chu's navy and nobility were actually two different political factions in Chu. What the nobles of the Chu Kingdom need to do is to maintain their political status and the various advantages they currently have. They have monopolized everything in the Chu Kingdom.

So they will choose their current position somewhat conservatively. In order to preserve their status, their policy agenda is inevitably somewhat conservative and not enterprising.

The Chu State Navy was different. The composition of Chu's navy is mainly from the civilian class. At the same time, in the process of the development of Chu's navy, a considerable part of the forces that were forced to enter the water pirates have been absorbed. The entry of this part of the force directly represents their origin. The civilian class, their needs are greater. Because many advantages lie in the nobility, their survival is difficult to guarantee. In order to maintain their position, the nobles would oppress them vigorously. And this kind of oppression is bound to create a lot of pressure on the civilian class, and the expansion of Chu's navy is actually a gathering of resistance from the civilian class.

Qin's capital intervention actually unintentionally triggered the intensification of Chu's internal politics, because the biggest point of political struggle is who has more advantages in social resources, and the nobles who have the advantages of Chu's social resources. And the civilian class is deprived of many things. This imbalance of social resources has caused a great imbalance. This imbalance has been maintained for a long time, and it is impossible to maintain this imbalance for a long time. Sooner or later, the situation will be reversed.

The intervention of Qin's capital power is to reverse this balance of power. Capital is the decisive force.

"Linzi City, the rebellion has subsided." Tian Heng said in the camp.

"However, Qi country has become a ruin. We need to reorganize the country. The burden on our body is heavier." Tian Heng said at this time.

But all the generals and counselors didn't say anything.

They knew very well in their hearts that the situation in Qi was very bad.

"Do you have any good strategies to re-emerge Qi?" Tian Heng asked.

And all of them did not come back at this time.

And Tian Heng looked at everyone in silence at this time.

Just after a long period of silence. Inside the big tent, a counselor hurriedly walked over. Walked to Tian Heng's side.

"There are people from South Korea. They brought a letter from the Queen of South Korea." The counselor whispered at this time.

"What?" Tian Heng said unexpectedly.

"The Queen came in a letter, and they said the details of the funds they provided." The counselor said at this time.

"En. Go and see." Tian Heng calmed down and said at this time.

"Go." Tian Heng stood up and quickly met with the envoy from South Korea.

"Where is the letter?" Tian Heng asked directly.

"My lord. Here." Tian Heng said directly.

Speaking, Tian Heng directly took the letter and checked it.

"South Korea's requirements are very high." Tian Heng said after reading the letter at this time.

"Lord. What did the Queen of Korea say in the letter?" The counselor asked anxiously at this time.

"Let's take a look." Tian Heng said at this time.

Speaking, the counselor took the letter handed over by Tian Heng.

"South Korea's requirements are too high." The counselor said at this time.

The original letter said that the queen wrote it herself. South Korea needs five outlets to establish a base for South Korean surface forces to attack. South Korea's surface power has developed rapidly, but it has no outlets to the sea, and at the same time it has no ports for its own berthing and these port facilities. Without these ports, South Korea's surface power would not be able to maintain it for a long time.

South Korea's surface power is expanding rapidly, but there is no stable port. Han Shu received a report on the status of South Korea's surface power. There is an urgent need to establish a port for South Korean surface power. Only in this way can the current situation of South Korean surface power be resolved.

South Korean surface forces take the initiative to attack, but after all, they do not have their own home port to stop. If they have no bases in the sea for a long time, they cannot have substantial development. The foundation for establishing the navy is that there must be a home port. South Korea’s geographic location simply cannot satisfy South Korea. Surface power development. If South Korea wants to develop its navy, it must establish a naval homeport base. It is indeed an absolute advantage to build a home port by taking advantage of Qi's territorial waters.

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