The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1279: Killed a Qin national

"Quick, quick. Our wharf was attacked by the people of Qi and needs support." An old fisherman said profusely in the land of Liaodong in Yan State.

"What?" a Yan Guo sentry stood outside the barracks and said.

"People of Qi, people of Qi. People of Qi have attacked our dock." The old man said anxiously at this time, patting his thigh.

"The people of Qi killed our people and robbed the women on our dock. Save them." At this time, the old man said anxiously.

"This." The Yan Guo sentry looked at the old man embarrassedly.

"Hurry up, this soldier. It's too late. There's nothing left." A young queen behind also called out anxiously.

"My daughter-in-law was also taken away by them. We really can't save them." The young offspring.

"Okay. I'll report to our general." The sentry felt that the situation was a little urgent at this time, and immediately ran into the barracks.

"That's right. Brother Bing, there is also a Qin businessman who was killed. If the people of Qin knew about it, I'm afraid they wouldn't give up like that." The young queen said immediately, afraid that these soldiers would not care.

"What? They killed a businessman from the State of Qin." At this time, another soldier of the State of Yan who stood guard looked at the young man seriously.

"Is this true?" This time. The Yan State soldier asked immediately.

"It's true. The Qin businessman also killed several Qi people, but unfortunately, he was cut off by the Qi people." The young man said with some fear. As if still able to see Qin's businessman's head moving.

"Why didn't you say it earlier. This matter is serious." The soldier of the Yan Kingdom quickly picked up his rifle at this time, and then ran towards the camp quickly around the barbed wire.

Inside the battalion commander of Yan army.

"Battalion commander, Battalion commander, it's not good. People from Qi attacked one of our docks." The Yan Army soldier who first reported the message said at this time.

"What's wrong." At this time, Yan Guo's battalion commander lay on the table and said. There are also a few cans of Qin State liquor on the table.

"Let's attack. It doesn't matter how many people die." The Yan army battalion commander was obviously a little drunk, and he said indifferently while shaking his head.

"This is not so good." The Yan Army soldier who reported the letter said embarrassedly.

"After all, we are the local garrison." The Yan Army soldier said.

"Go and go. I didn't see you, Lao Tzu. I just drank some good wine, and Lao Tzu is going to sleep for a while." At this time, the battalion commander said angrily.

"The attack was assault. A few people will die. When we rush over. What can we do?" The battalion commander said angrily.

"This." The Yanjun soldier said embarrassedly.

"Go. Don't disturb Lao Tzu to sleep." This time. Said the battalion commander.

"It's not good. It's not good." This time. The Yan Army soldier who reported the letter hurried over.

"It's not good." The soldiers of Yan Jun couldn't care about anything. Run in immediately.

"Huhu." The Yan Army soldier panted and said.

"It's not good." The Yan Army soldier panted.

"What's wrong." At this time, the Yan Army battalion commander looked up at the Yan Army soldier a little impatiently.

"Qi people killed a Qin businessman." Yan Jun soldier said at this time.

"What?" This time. The commander of the battalion Yan army sobered for seven minutes.

"What are you talking about?" The battalion commander shook his feet and called at this time.

"Qi people killed a Qi country, it's not right, it's a businessman from Qin country." The soldier of the Yan army saw his battalion commander shouting loudly, unavoidably a little guilty and made a mistake.

"A member of the Qin nation died." The battalion commander said at this time.

"Yes. People of Qin country." Yan Jun soldiers looked at the battalion commander nervously and said.

"Quickly. Call my brothers, take the guy, and go and see." The battalion commander shouted at this time.

"Yes. Battalion commander." Then the Yanjun soldiers shouted loudly and rushed out. The battalion commander's wine also woke up for eight minutes.

The relationship between Qin and Yan is an alliance. But in fact, Yan State requested to go to Qin State, and Qin State actually played the role of suzerain. Therefore, the people of Qin cannot afford to offend. It is exactly the same, the business of the people of Qin State is particularly expanded in the State of Yan.

The King Yan wanted to win the favor of Qin. He even agreed to all the requirements of the people of Qin. The Qin people obviously have a great sense of superiority in Yan's country. It is exactly the same. As long as there is a problem with the people of Qin, the people of Yan who have been procrastinated in doing things will quickly handle it. This explains why Yan Jun heard about the death of Qin merchants. So nervous.

"Wow." After hearing the news that Qin's businessman was killed. The local Yan army garrison immediately urged a large force to check it out. This unit has two companies. A cavalry reconnaissance platoon. They are the fastest mobile unit in the local garrison. The two infantry companies quickly took their weapons and swiftly advanced towards the place where the incident occurred.

"This little lady of the country of Yan, that hole is really comfortable." said a Qi countryman wearing his own clothes.

"It's time for me to give it a try." This time. Another Qi State sailor untied his clothes and said.

"It's almost all right. Those little girls all caught on the boat and played slowly. We have to get out of here." The shirtless Qi Guoren shouted loudly.

"Hurry up." The shirtless man of Qi shouted loudly, waving his short sword.

"If the Yan nationals counterattack, we won't be able to go back." The shirtless Qi nationals knew very well and would accept it when they saw it. If this continues, I am afraid that the situation will be difficult to deal with. On land, this is the place of Yan people after all. But if they retreat to the sea, then they have the right to speak. The Qi people who knew their safety took the opportunity to choose to retreat. After all, it is very important to keep the fruits of your victory.

"Retreat. Let Lao Tzu retreat if you die." The shirtless Qi countryman shouted. With that said, many Qi people carried their fruits of victory and went on board, those Qi people who did not enjoy the happiness brought by women, unhappy carrying women to their boats.

"It's sailing." The shirtless Qi countryman shouted loudly, waving the short sword in his hand.

Just when the people of Qi were about to disappear into the sea. The garrison of Yan people finally arrived. But they only saw the white sails and the disappearing shadows.

The local fishermen immediately checked their losses, and faced the loss of their loved ones only in pain.

The local Yan State garrison can only watch, but their chief is busy looking for the body of the Qin State businessman.

"Tsk tusk." The commander of the battalion Yanjun said with a twist.

"This person of Qin is really so ugly. It's so ugly that people will have their heads cut off alive." The battalion commander squatted down and saw the blood on the ground. The blood had penetrated into the soil. The plasma on the head is also dry.

"Let's put it away, we have to tell the people of Qin about this matter. This is no longer something we can handle." At this time. The battalion commander stood up and said.

"Yes, sir." The soldiers of Yan Jun came over at this time and began to collect the bodies from the merchants of Qin State.

"But. Sir, those of us." A second-class soldier looked pitifully at his own disaster.

"These things are not in our control. Collect the corpses." The battalion commander waved his arms impatiently.

"Yes. Sir." The second-class soldiers had to be busy collecting the corpses. For the losses suffered by the Yan people. Yan Jun could do nothing.

And in the north, in Meng Yi's office. A staff officer stood at Meng Yi's desk.

"Sir. We just got a piece of information like this." The staff officer opened his own folder and handed Meng Yi a report.

"This information is a report based on the reactions of our mercenaries," the staff officer said.

Meng Yi picked up the report and looked.

"Our mercenaries had difficulty catching North Koreans in the previous period," the staff officer said at this time.

"En." Meng Yi nodded looking at the report.

"So we started to investigate the cause based on this situation," the staff officer said.

"We have synthesized the information obtained by all parties." The staff officer said with some concern.

"Our military strength has not grown much. Our mercenaries are equipped with advanced weapons, and some are maintained at a medium level. This is our reason. Our reason is that our military forces are still scattered. Most of them are based on Even as a unit, combat operations are extremely flexible, but in terms of large-scale operations, experience is extremely lacking, and there are great shortcomings in unified operations. The results are also great, but sometimes the losses will be great because our forces are not concentrated. "The staff member analyzed.

"I know this. Our people are scattered like this." Meng Yi said.

"Any other reasons?" Meng Yi asked at this time.

"Yes. Our enemy is forming a brand new battle group." The staff officer said.

"This group is the Silla of North Korea. This tribe unites the scattered Koreans. They form a united whole. This united whole is a great threat to the scattered us." At this time. Said the staff officer.

"En. Concentration is good for dispersion. Our situation is indeed very unfavorable." Meng Yi said at this time.

"In addition, there is another important condition. Weapons. Qi people are constantly providing weapons. We have investigated the weapons channels provided by the Chinese people and found that they shipped their weapons to the Silla people of North Korea by sea. These weapons, from the outdated bronze weapons, spears, halberds, and other weapons, there are also firearms, even gunpowder. The fall of these weapons has directly led to our increasingly unfavorable combat." Said.

"We already know these things very well. The gap between our weapons is there. But it is narrowing. In particular, we are entering mountain combat, coupled with the traffic conditions in that area. It really worries us." Meng Yi said .

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