The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1283: Protect the king

"This situation is really terrible." A lieutenant of the Korean New Army who was in charge of guards said to a major worriedly.

"There are people everywhere, who knows if there will be a big bomb detonated among these people." The lieutenant said worriedly.

"Try to maintain it." The major also felt helpless. They are in charge of the security work in Xinzheng, South Korea. The force in charge of Xinzheng in South Korea hit nine regiments at once. About thirty thousand troops. The large number of troops stationed is mainly due to the increasing population of Xinzheng. In order to maintain some bad public security problems. Han Shu had to mobilize troops to enter Xinzheng for defense.

At the same time, a considerable part of these forces must maintain daily security operations. However, Han Shu's daily trips unintentionally increased the pressure on these troops, because when Han Shu was traveling. There are civilians everywhere to follow, and these following civilians put a lot of pressure on the soldiers who maintain law and order, because groups of civilians will quickly come up, and they can't stop them at all.

"Separate those civilians. Hurry up." The major shouted loudly at this time.

"Hurry up," the major shouted.

"Back. Back." Several soldiers of the South Korean New Army who did not carry any weapons hand in hand to form a blockade, stopping the excited civilians who rushed in.

"I want to see the King. King." Several civilians marched desperately. And those soldiers intercepted desperately. This makes them feel very strenuous.

In order to maintain the safety of the queen's life. Every time Han Shu travels. One to three infantry regiments must be dispatched to maintain law and order. And Han Shu travels very frequently. This makes many soldiers feel a little tired.

"Back. Back." The soldiers stopped angrily. Because many civilians still rushed up desperately. Face the civilians rushing up. These soldiers can only intercept them hand in hand because they are told that they cannot slacken their weapons when performing such tasks. They can only intercept civilians in this way, because they are their own people, not the enemy. They can only use this way, of course. We still need weapons to maintain security. Only a small number of troops can carry weapons, but most soldiers do not have any weapons to maintain order here.

"If we do this, there will be problems sooner or later." The lieutenant shook his head. Looking at the major who is busy commanding. Because this method of maintaining law and order is very passive. The proactive way is to make the queen's actions weird, at least there is no law of activity, and when traveling at the same time, her whereabouts should not be revealed. The lieutenant has repeatedly presented his views to his chief. But they did not accept the above item. The lieutenant can only act passively.

"Take advantage of this, I'll go ahead and make a way, you follow behind, and act by chance." This time. The worker in crumpled clothes followed in the crowd and rushed forward. At this time, the workers with backpacks on their backs took the opportunity to mix into a large group of chaotic crowds.

"There is a gap in the intersection ahead." At this moment, a South Korean soldier shouted loudly.

"Damn it," a South Korean new army ensign shouted loudly. Then he waved his hand to solve the gap.

"All back, back." Just after the crowd rushed through the interception soldiers at this moment. A small group of new Korean cavalry swiftly stepped forward, and the cavalry shouted loudly while waving the stick in their hands.

"Back. Back." The soldiers shouted vigorously. They hoped that their loud rants would be able to intercept the opponent. However, this situation has not improved. People have already admired the queen so much that they want to see the queen very much. Do their best.

"Hurry up. Press on the other team and we must plug the gap. We have to keep the king safe." In the car behind, an infantry colonel shouted loudly to a lieutenant colonel.

"Yes, sir." The lieutenant colonel already waved his men and quickly stepped forward. They are all elite soldiers with rifles. They are the elite mobile force to protect Han Shu's life and safety, and they are also the second line of defense. There are several personal guards beside the carriage, they are the last barrier of Han Shu's entire guard.

"Bang." At this moment. A gunshot shocked everyone. The sound of gunfire silenced everyone near the gap.

The colonel standing on the chariot had no idea what was going on before him at this moment.

"Someone shot." The colonel quickly reacted at this time and shouted loudly. Then, the soldiers with guns quickly picked up their rifles to check the situation.

"Ah." Serious riots began to occur in the crowd at this time. The civilians who didn't know the situation began to flee quickly at this time.

"What happened?" Han Shu, who was sitting in the car, was disrupted in thought by the sudden gunshots at this time.

"Protect the king." The guard outside the car shouted loudly.

"Bang. Bang. Bang." At this moment. Continuous gunfire sounded.

"Grab him." At this time, a second-class South Korean soldier saw the crumpled-clothed worker shooting forward with a revolver in his hand. Two people have already died. And at this time, the worker in the crumpled clothes was squeezing forward hard at this time, trying to take a step closer to the queen's vehicle.

"Hurry up and stop him." A captain next to him realized that it was not good at this time.

"Yeah." At this moment, a sergeant rushed forward quickly. Then the two quickly rolled to the ground.

"Bang." There was a dull gunfire, and the sergeant crawled on the worker. He was shot in the chest.

"Grab him." At this moment, the other soldiers quickly stepped forward and caught the worker in the crumpled clothes.

"Ah." A scream. The captain swiftly stepped forward and stepped off the opponent's wrist with one foot. Then kicked off the opponent's pistol. This is a six-round high-power revolver with a bullet caliber of .45 caliber. Anyone who is shot at close range will not die or be injured. The lethality is amazing.

"Damn it." As he said, a South Korean soldier punched the opponent at once. Then the others quickly lifted the shot sergeant. Check the injury.

"The king. There are assassins." This time. Zhang Liang quickly stepped forward and protected Han Shu behind him. Then Zhang Liang looked at the situation outside the window through the car window. Several guards were checking the situation nervously at this time. They held pistols in their hands and watched nervously at other places.

"Run." Just when the Korean New Army soldiers took control of the assassin who opened fire, other civilians saw that the situation was not good. Escape immediately. At this time, the cavalry on the carriage was even more nervous to check the running civilians. They were afraid that the civilians who were panicking would rush in at once, especially the assassins. No one knew where the assassins would rush in.

"Stop the backpack." At this moment, a cavalry shouted loudly. Then he waved the stick in his hand and pointed at the worker carrying the backpack who was approaching quickly and shouted loudly.

"Stop him. Quickly." This time. The cavalry shouted loudly.

"Knapsack. Pay attention to backpacks." All the soldiers of the new army suddenly became highly nervous.

"Bang." At this moment, a Korean New Army soldier standing on a chariot not far away shot with a rifle in his hand.

"Ah." A civilian was shot and fell to the ground. Life and death are unknown.

"Stop him." At this moment, a South Korean soldier finally found the target. By this time, the worker with a backpack was not far from the carriage. The distance is only a dozen steps.

"Go on." A guard at the side of the carriage quickly stepped forward at this time, while the other guards did not step forward because of their duties. Their task was not to leave the carriage for half a step, and they could not leave no matter what happened.

"Stop him." The cavalry on the horse shouted loudly. The backpacker quickly avoided the intercepting soldier and rushed to the carriage.

"I caught him." At this time, a South Korean soldier immediately rushed over. He held the opponent's legs tightly with both hands.

"Quick. Quickly." This time. The soldier yelled quickly.

"Wow." At this time, the worker quickly took out a short knife.

"Puff." The worker stabbed the soldier's back continuously.

"what". The soldier shouted loudly.

"Go." This time. A soldier who stepped forward quickly kicked the opponent's chest. The opponent fell to the ground all of a sudden.

"I caught it." The soldier swiftly stepped forward and grabbed one of the opponent's arms and twisted to the rear.

"You all go to die." This time. The worker pulled the backpack on his back with his movable arm.

"Bomb." The cavalry realized that there was a big problem with the backpack at this time.

"Boom." The cavalry had just finished calling. There was a big explosion all at once.

"Be careful. King." This time. Zhang Liang felt that something was wrong, so he turned around and hugged Han Shu who was about to check the situation.

"Boom." A huge explosion remembered. A fireball appeared, followed by a loud sound. Then there was constant shaking. All the people were rushed to the ground by the rushing air wave.

The queen's carriage was not spared either. The carriage was blown to the ground by the air wave.

After the explosion, everything fell silent. The world seems to have stopped turning at this moment. Everyone felt that the world had stopped turning.

be quiet. It's quiet everywhere. Everyone died as quiet.

"Protection King." After a period of silence. An officer crawled on the ground and shouted loudly.

"Protect the King," the officer shouted with all his strength.

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