The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1284: Martial law in the city

"Master." After the explosion. A lieutenant of the Korean New Army who was lying on the ground looked up and saw an amazing scene.

"Not good. The king's car." This time. The new South Korean army lieutenant stood up all at once. Because he saw Han Shu's carriage fall to the ground. Smoke was everywhere, there were some blood stains, and black things were everywhere.

"Puff." The lieutenant stood up unsteadily, ready to step forward to check the situation. He stepped on something with his foot. The lieutenant glanced down. This look almost scared him. I don't know what it is, there is still some blood splashing on him. In short, some part of the person must have fallen off.

"Damn it," the lieutenant scolded, looking at the things under his feet.

"Quickly save the king." Not far away, the gray-headed colonel shouted loudly.

"Hurry up," the colonel yelled anxiously. Then he dragged his body and walked forward quickly. He was hit by something flying over his leg. The air wave rushed something everywhere.

"Go up alone and rescue Wang Shang." At this time, a South Korean soldier quickly climbed into the car, then bent over and opened the car door carefully.

"Did you see anything?" This time. An officer below asked loudly.

"I saw the prime minister." At this time, the new army soldier replied loudly.

"Help. Help." At this moment, a faint voice came over.

"Quickly save the king. King, sir." Zhang Liang stretched out a **** arm and said in a weak voice at this time.

"Master." This time. The South Korean soldier saw the queen guarded by Zhang Liang. There are still some blood stains on the seat in the car, I don't know if it is the prime minister's or the queen's.

"Quick. Save the king." The soldiers of the new army shouted immediately after turning around. Then a large group of soldiers quickly gathered around. Then enter carefully, hand in hand, to rescue their king.

"Quick, all the surroundings are under martial law." At this time the colonel shouted loudly. Then the soldiers who had gathered left one after another. Start to communicate orders.

And in the embassy of the State of Qin. Meng Yi anxiously waited for the arrival of the Queen of Korea.

"Did the boiler explode?" Meng Yi asked an embassy staff member who looked at the loose glass.

"This. I don't know. However, there has been no boiler explosion in South Korea recently. Besides, the boiler. The explosion. In the city, there seems to be no factory. If the boiler exploded, it should be in the factory area. And listening to the sound, it seems to be from a commercial area. Passed over." At this time. The embassy staff asked suspiciously.

"Oh." Meng Yi nodded. I think the other party's analysis makes sense. Because there have been too many boiler explosions in Qin State before. But Qin State enforced strict martial law for a time, because at the beginning, whoever used the explosive accidentally detonated the explosive. Therefore, strict martial law was carried out. But later it was found out that it was a boiler explosion.

"The business district exploded. You said, will anyone engage in assassination and attack?" At this time. Meng Yi reacted immediately. Because explosions are usually associated with explosives, Meng Yi naturally thought of explosives.

"This." The embassy staff said embarrassedly.

"It seems that it should be possible." The embassy staff said possible at this time.

"Check out this matter immediately." Meng Yi ordered vigilantly at this time. He believes that the explosion is definitely not simple and that it is necessary to find out the situation immediately.

"Yes. Vice minister." This time. The staff member immediately left to check the situation.

"Quickly, the doctor. Quickly, the doctor." A major general officer shouted anxiously. At this time, the two soldiers carried a stretcher, and on the stretcher was the Queen of South Korea. When Han Shu went out, there was a blood stain on her dark red clothes. There are also some blood stains on the white face. The situation is tense. The soldiers on the side were on high alert, raising their rifles in their hands. It is possible to shoot at any time. Everyone feels responsibilities related to such a major event.

"Quickly. We have to lock down Xinzheng." Xinzheng Ling cried out, panting. There is such a thing. This made his heart jump out. Such a thing is really unexpected.

"The prime minister. Save the prime minister." A lieutenant shouted loudly at this time. When they rescued Zhang Liang, Zhang Liang still had some vague consciousness, but he didn't know. However, they passed out in a coma while they were transporting. This made the lieutenant feel very nervous.

"Hurry up. Here." A colonel immediately grabbed an imperial doctor and pushed him to Zhang Liang's stretcher. The situation is terrible. Chaos on the side of the scene. There are pieces of minced meat everywhere. There were large blood stains, and many other things that were blown up. As for how many people died. No one cares, nor pays too much attention. They all know that what they care about now should be the life of the Queen of Korea, if something big happens at this time. Then it will be very serious.

"Get out. Get out. Nobody is allowed to go to the streets." And on the streets of South Korea. Teams of South Korean troops were dispatched urgently. They were ordered to be dispatched urgently.

"Martial law is enforced. Hurry home." At this time, a sergeant waved his rifle and frightened a Korean businessman who was making a sound.

"This is back." The merchant quickly put away his goods. Then left quickly.

And on the main exit from the city. The barbed wire fence has sealed off the entire street. The obstruction was also placed in the center of the street.

"No one is allowed to go out of the city. Go back." The soldiers of the Korean New Army raised their bayonet rifles and shouted solemnly. All the soldiers hid behind the sandbags, and they entered a state of combat. They received an order from the city defense commander over the phone and told them to be on high alert. No one was allowed to leave the city, and offenders were shot and killed immediately.

"Retreat. Retreat behind the cordon." At this time, a captain stood up and shouted loudly. He held a pistol in his hand. And those merchants who were out of town stared blankly at the captain.

"Bang." The captain fired his gun to the sky.

"Back," the captain shouted.

All the people went back at this time.

"Wow." At this moment, a rush of cavalry troops rushed over.

"Everyone is listening. From now on. Xinzheng City is under martial law. Everyone is going back. Don't come out." A cavalry captain shouted loudly. He received the order to patrol the city. "At this time, the captain yelled loudly while riding on the horse brandishing the saber in his hand.

"Dududu. Dududu." And in the military camp outside the city. The horn of the emergency assembly rang immediately. The busy South Korean soldiers immediately put down what they were holding when they heard the emergency horn.

"It seems to be an armed signal." At this time, a lieutenant heard something abnormal from the rush of the bugle. The general assembly of troops does not need to carry weapons, as long as they gather quickly. And the rapid assembly number usually means that they have to carry weapons and equipment and gather quickly.

"There is no time," the lieutenant shouted. Then quickly ran to the barracks. Go get your own weapons and equipment.

"Dudu. Dudu." The bugle became more and more urgent. All the soldiers are marching towards the assembly point.

"Wow!" A large group of heavily armed Korean New Army soldiers gathered. They lined up in a neat line.

"Stop for a while." shouted a major officer standing on the podium.

"Wow," the officer ordered, and then quickly pushed it down.

"Emergency military order." At this time a colonel came up with a telegram.

"Wow." The soldiers who heard the order quickly stood at attention.

"The order is as follows." This time. The colonel shouted loudly. The whole audience could only hear the command of the colonel.

"The whole city is sealed off. Search for suspicious elements. All those who have guns and explosives will be arrested. If there is resistance. Kill it." The colonel commanded loudly.

"Kill. Kill. Kill." The Korean New Army soldiers raised their rifles immediately after receiving the order. Then shouted and killed.

"All troops, march into the city." At this time, a major infantry general shouted loudly.

"Wow." The soldiers of the Korean New Army who received the order began to march towards their target at this time.

Part of the troops went in a carriage, and some soldiers drove in on foot. A large number of troops began to enter the city. The cavalry unit also moved nervously. All the circumstances made Korea feel nervous all at once.

"Wow." On the streets of Xinzheng City. A group of Korean cavalry passed quickly.

"Martial law is now. Martial law is now." The cavalry shouted loudly on the horse. The Qin embassy staff who were investigating the situation outside quickly took refuge.

"Something happened. Martial law was immediately enforced." The staff member said to himself at this time.

"No, I have to find out, otherwise, it will be too unfavorable to continue like this." At this time. The staff member whispered at this moment.

"Stop. Who?" Just when the staff decided to check the situation. A stern voice came.

"Raise your hand." This time. A soldier from the Korean New Army walked slowly over with a bayonet-mounted rifle.

"Hurry up and raise your hand." This time. The soldiers of the Korean New Army shouted loudly.

In desperation, the staff raised their hands at this time.

"I'm from the Qin State Embassy." The staff member shouted loudly.

"Turn around slowly." The Korean New Army soldier raised his rifle and looked at each other.

At this time, the staff member slowly turned around.

And the soldiers of the Korean New Army gradually added a few soldiers from the Korean New Army. They all looked at each other nervously with their bayonet-mounted rifles.

"Search for his documents." At this moment, a South Korean soldier waved his head.

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