The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1286: We also do some business

"Pa." Shang Wen just picked up the phone and thought for a while. Still hung up. Shang Wen walked back and forth again thinking about the problem.

"If you fight over. How do you say?" Shang Wen said to himself.

"If you ask directly about finances, this seems a bit too anxious for us." Shang Wen said at this time.

"No. This is definitely not possible." Shang Wen thought of this, and definitely shouldn't have such a problem. At the same time, if you take the initiative to ask, especially in such a short period of time. This is really puzzling. How did the people of Qin know? So the Koreans themselves don't know such things, how did the people of Qin know about it? Obviously, the people of Qin have their own intelligence network. Although the Qin people judged it on their own. But this will undoubtedly expose Qin's intelligence network. Such a risk is really not worth it. Shang Wen thought of this. He just deducted the phone.

In fact, Shang Wen is still very anxious, because he really wants to know what South Korea is going to do next. Such a big thing happened. Will South Korea continue? There are many unknowns in Shang Wen's heart.

And just when South Korea is full of unknowns. On the southern ocean, the surface power of South Korea is quickly returning to their Qin State base.

"Shall we return empty-handed like this?" This time. The chief mate on the "Queen" asked in a bad mood.

"We can only do this." This time. Said the captain.

"Furthermore. We didn't get nothing, we also found an island. You know, our future base is there." The captain said to the first officer at this time.

"En." The first officer nodded at this time.

"A small boat was found ahead." At this time, a white sailing ship floated on the sea not far away.

"Ready to fight." The highly nervous chief mate called out immediately, and then quickly entered the battle position.

"Don't panic." The captain unhurriedly picked up the telescope in his hand to check the situation.

"Why did this ship find out at this time?" The captain said strangely.

"The flag on the opposing ship seems to be the Qi flag." At this time. The sentry on the lookout post yelled loudly.

"Qi Flagship?" The captain was very surprised when he heard such a message.

"Look again to see if you are mistaken. How could there be the Qi national flag." The captain shouted loudly at this time.

"That's right. It's the Qi national flag. The flag is very shabby. That's right." The sentry on the lookout replied.

"This is too weird." The captain couldn't believe his ears, and there was a ship with the flag of Qi.

"Our people are ready. Are we sinking each other?" The first officer said confidently at this time.

"There are no other ships nearby, just two ships. We only need to launch one pass and the other party will be over." The chief officer said excitedly at this time.

"En. Let's see the situation." The captain said in no hurry.

On the opposite ship, the people of Qi on the ship seemed to have seen another world.

"The ship in front is so big. It's bigger than the five of us." At this time. A Qi State sailor raised his hand and looked at the ship in front of him and said.

"It's not just five boats. Ten boats are there." This time. Another Qi State sailor looked at the ship ahead and said.

"What's the flag on it?" a sailor gathered up and asked.

"It seems to be a Korean ship." A sailor watching the ship said at this time.

"A Korean ship?" some sailors asked rhetorically.

"Yes, it's a Korean ship." The sailors said.

"The Koreans haven't even seen the sea. It's weird that they can come here." Qi Guoren negotiated.

The South Korean disguised as the merchant ship "Queen" on the opposite side. The captain made a preliminary judgment of his own.

"From the perspective of the other party's vessel, it is a fishing boat of Qi State." The captain said at this time.

"Fishing boat? Shall we do it?" the first officer asked immediately.

"En." The captain looked back.

"I think. You can do it." The captain issued an order at this time.

"Okay," the chief mate replied.

"Aim, fishing boat ahead." The first officer shouted loudly at this time.

Most of the Qi people’s ships going to sea are fishing boats in the traditional sense. They do not have special warships, and few special merchant ships go to sea. It is not that their navigation industry is underdeveloped, but the main ones going to sea are those forced by the domestic situation. Poor people. They simply don't have so much money to build ships. Although going to sea to do business can make money, not everyone can make money. Most people still don't make money. Those who don't make money start to think of ways to make some money at sea.

"This big ship, it would be great if we had robbed the other party." A Qi State sailor sighed.

At this moment, the other sailors all looked back at the sailor who exclaimed such a good wish.

"Boom." There was a loud noise. The artillery fired.

"Boom, boom." Then came a continuous dull shot.

"Huh." The shells roared. The Qi State sailor on the fishing boat still didn't know what happened.

"It seems like a cannon...". A sailor has not finished speaking. The cannonball came straight up.

"Hua la la." The first shell flew over after grazing one side.

"Swish." Then another shell flew directly. The cannonball flew directly.

"Wow." The shell directly hit the bow of the ship. The sailor standing on the bow was beaten into meat sauce. For a time, a lot of **** things flew out, and some heads, arms, thighs, and various pieces of meat flew out.

"Boom." Then immediately. The fishing boat was shot again. The middle of the ship was attacked by a grenade. A fire suddenly ignited in the ship. Sawdust flew everywhere.

"Ah." The Qi people on the ship were passively beaten, they didn't have artillery at all. They rarely even have muskets. In the eyes of the Koreans, such Qi ships are living targets.

"Boom." A cannon fired quickly.

"Aim." A South Korean gunner shouted loudly.

"Boom." Another artillery fired.

"Such a ship can't withstand our round of blows, we still have some shells left. Let's see the situation. These Qi people are really pitiful." The captain took a binoculars to check the situation of Qi ships not far away, gunpowder smoke It made him a little bit blind to the other side. He saw many Qi people burning in the fire, jumping off their boats, and many people jumping into the sea, hoping to survive in this way.

"Stop shooting, go ahead and catch them." The captain issued an order at this time.

"Stop shooting. Go ahead. Catch the captives." The first officer immediately communicated the order.

"Go forward," a sailor shouted loudly.

The Korean warship "Queen" turned quickly. Start to move towards the opponent.

Half of the fishing boat had sunk in the sea at this time. The other half was also burning with a raging fire, under the swagger of the fire. There are many heads on the sea. These heads are all manifestations of Qi people falling into the water.

"Are you all from Qi country?" After a period of confusion. The Korean warship rescued the Qi's crew who fell into the water. A part of Qi people were injured. They lie on the deck. Others fell to their knees, and many of them had unruly hair. Looking blankly at the Koreans with rifles. The Koreans’ weapons are obviously much better than theirs. There are not only muskets, but also artillery. They had never seen these weapons before. At this time, they knew that they had encountered an opponent they shouldn't touch.

"What about you?" a South Korean sailor with a rifle asked loudly.

"Oh. We are. The young ones are all Qi people." At this time, a young Qi country man who knelt down on the ground with disheveled hair, drenched body and shaking constantly replied.

"En." The captain nodded while sitting in a chair.

"Why go to sea?" the captain asked at this time.

"Ah." The Qi countryman was obviously surprised by such a problem.

"Why are you going to sea?" This time. The first officer asked impatiently.

"We also don't want to go to sea. Qi is very popular in the country. There are wars everywhere, and deaths everywhere. We are all for our lives. The young ones have to go to sea. If we don't go to sea, it will be difficult to survive. ."at this time. The young man replied.

"Go to sea to survive? What do you rely on?" the captain asked severely at this time.

"We rely on fishing." The young man lowered his head and said.

"Look up and look at me." The captain ordered at this time. The young man slowly raised his head, then glanced at the captain and quickly lowered his head.

"Lying." The captain said at this time.

"Fishing, there is no need for you to come so far. This is the sea of ​​Chu State, what are you doing here?" At this time, the captain asked.

"This. Chu people here like to eat fish." This time. The young man of Qi replied.

"Huh. Don't Chu people know how to fish?" the captain asked.

"You don't have to go so far to fish? Honestly recruit. Otherwise, I will throw you all into the sea to feed the fish." The captain was threatened at this time.

"Hurry up." At this time, a sailor quickly gave the young man a **** with the butt.

"Ah." The young man was hit by the **** of the rifle at this time. He fell down quickly and shouted loudly in pain.

"Hurry up." Then the sailor kicked the opponent quickly.

"Ah." The young man hurts. Spit out some saliva.

"I, we still do some business." This time. The young man of Qi whispered.

"What? Loud." This time. The captain asked loudly.

"We also do some business." The young man replied in a low voice.

"Bang." The sailor gave the opponent quickly.

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