The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1287: Let's do it

"Ah." At this time, the young man was beaten to the ground due to pain.

"Sale?" The captain sneered.

"What deal?" The captain said while looking at each other.

"What kind of business can make you fishing boats go out to sea with the possibility of capsizing?" The captain said at this time. The captain is very clear. This fishing vessel is suitable for offshore fishing. It's not suitable for long-sea navigation at all, and now, the fishing boat has even gone to the sea area at the estuary of the Yangtze River in Chu State. The fishing boat's course has deviated a lot. It can be said that the supplies on the boat have reached the maximum limit. What kind of business can sustain such a large abnormal expenditure.

Not only that. There are still many strange things about the ship. Fishing boats are simply not suitable for this kind of sailing, but they keep sailing south. Not only that. If you sail down. They have to withstand the risk of capsizing. Such risks are obviously much less dangerous than their fishing in the coastal waters.

"I see." The captain slowly swept the down-and-out Qi people with a cold look in his eyes. After the Qi people came into contact with the captain's cold eyes, they all bowed their heads quickly.

"It's a business without capital. You are not here to do business at all. I think you are here to rob." The captain said at this time.

The captain just finished. Some Qi people quickly raised their heads. This reaction clearly confirmed the captain's speculation. The captain sneered at this reaction.

"It seems. I was right. Why? Stop talking." This time. The captain looked at everyone and asked.

At this time, the people of Qi were all bowing their heads, and none of them spoke.

"Don't speak." The captain stood up at this moment and said.

"It seems. You admit it yourself." The captain said.

"Come here. Detain them all first." The captain ordered.

"All stand up. Hurry up." The sailor yelled with his rifle. The Qi people all stood up slowly in frustration, and then escorted under the cabin under the **** of the sailors.

"Captain. What should we do with these people?" the first officer asked at this time.

"These are all pirates, not people? They are all wolves. Wolf that eats people without spitting out bones." The captain said fiercely. The captain hates these pirates, because these pirates usually cruelly persecute those who go to sea normally. But they are also pirates, but their actions are not too extreme. The Koreans rob the merchant ships of goods and money and do not threaten their lives.

"These people are also very harmful to our voyage. Kill them all." The captain looked at the intersection of the distant ocean and the sky at this time. The chief officer looked at the captain in surprise, because the captain had not given such orders before.

"When it's dark, take them out one by one, then tie them up and throw them into the sea. Let them destroy these nasty pirates. The captain said.

The chief mate on the side looked at the captain in surprise. At this time, he himself didn't know what to say.

"Just do it. Don't let them notice." The captain turned and said. Then left. The surprised chief mate could not react from the shock.

As the sun gradually sets. The night is gradually falling. The coming night provides a protective night.

"Hurry up, all of our people are going to shore." A Qi countryman bent over and shouted in a low voice. A ship stopped on the shore. Many people jumped off the boat, all of them were from Qi.

"Hurry up." A man from Qi jumped off the boat with a bronze dagger, and then quickly stepped forward.

"Be quiet. We are in the territory of Chu State." At this time. A beaten-out Qi national spoke with a suppressed voice to those Qi nationals who were about to jump off the boat.

"Head, no one. It's quiet everywhere." Qi Guoren, who jumped off the boat earlier, returned to report. The ship can jump off. This in itself shows that their ships are not very big. Moreover, the boat gang is not very high. This is an ordinary fishing boat in Qi, but it is a little bit bigger than an ordinary fishing boat. The people of Qi took such fishing boats to the south and entered the coastal areas of Chu. This is probably the coastal area of ​​Jiangbei in Jiangsu Province today.

"Are you sure there is no one?" the beaten Qi man asked, suppressing his own voice.

"No one," the person below replied.

"Okay. Ten people are left to watch the boat. The rest are all disembarked, and we have to **** it." The beaten-up man was obviously the leader of the group, and he greeted him. The Qi people behind quickly took up their own weapons and jumped off the boat. They have all kinds of weapons, including bronze daggers, spears, and halberds. The disheveled leader holds a musket in his hand. Some Qi people who are familiar with soldiers also have muskets, but there are only a few of them. Obviously, their equipment is just like that.

"Keep it down," the man with the Beatles ordered. Then jump off the boat.

"Tell me, there is someone over there?" This time. Asked the Beatles.

"There is a small fishing village over there. The village has only more than 20 households and less than two hundred people." A Qi countryman who went to investigate the situation said with a bronze dagger in his hand.

"Okay. Brothers, all follow me." The man with the scalp hair quickly waited on the boat, and a team of about fifty people slew towards a nearby small fishing village.

"Listen well." The Beatles squatted down and said to his men in a low voice.

"You guys are all hidden in the exit of the village. Anyone who comes out and who enters, kill them carefully, don't make any noise," the leader said.

Several Qi people nodded. Then he took his weapon and left.

"You follow me and kill all those men from house to house." The Qi countryman with disheveled hair said at this time.

"Okay, work." The disheveled man quickly wielded his dagger and started to move. For a time, more than fifty people of Qi people quickly disappeared into the night, and the small village shrouded by the night seemed so quiet.

And on the Korean "Queen" warship. The Koreans are destroying these pirates according to their plan.

"Come out." Three South Korean sailors carried rifles.

"You. Come out." This time. The South Korean sailor said coldly, pointing at a man of Qi.

The man of Qi looked at the South Korean sailor at a loss. Under the cold eyes of the South Korean sailor, the man of Qi had to stand up.

"I." In desperation, the people of Qi stood up. Then the Korean sailors quickly tied it up. Then he was put on the deck. The Qi people looked at the Qi people who were taken away in horror.

"There is nothing wrong." This time. Asked the uneasy Qi countryman.

"I don't know." Qi people themselves don't know their own destiny.

On the deck, the South Korean sailors were busy, and they returned calmly in the afternoon. At this time, the waves were broken and the ships were smashing.

"It's tied up." The first officer asked a South Korean sailor behind at this time.

"It's tied up." The South Korean sailor replied at this time.

"En." The first officer walked around the **** Qi countryman.

"Throw it down." The first officer made a circle. Said immediately.

"Ah." After the people of Qi heard such a sentence. Shouted in fright. Then his legs kept shaking. The body became stiff.

And this time. The two South Korean sailors had grabbed the Qi people's legs and framed each other at once.

"Ah." Qi Guoren shouted loudly.

"Wow." A cry. The sound of entering the water came, but because of the waves, people did not hear it very clearly.

"The next person." The first officer glanced at the dark sea. Then said.

"Yes." At this time, the sailors walked down the cabin again with their rifles on their backs.

Inside the cabin. A sailor stood among the Qi people at this time.

"You. Follow us." At this time, the South Korean sailor said.

"Oh." Qi people muttered to their feet and stood up, then the South Korean sailors immediately **** the opponent and escorted away.

"What are the Koreans going to do. They escorted us one by one. Are they going to kill us?" At this time. A Qi countryman asked worriedly.

"I don't know," one person replied.

"It seems there is such a possibility. The Korean didn't get that person just now." A Qi countryman said suspiciously.

"Don't talk nonsense, maybe, the Koreans who are being interrogated would really like to know what kind of wealth we made." A Qi countryman said.

"I think it's better to be careful. I didn't see the head of the Korean, how he spoke to us. So cruel." Another Qi countryman said.

And on the deck. The same thing happened again. The Qi people were tied up, and then quickly thrown into the sea. Then the Korean sailors continued to do their thing.

"You. Come out." The South Korean sailors once again happened this kind of thing to the people of Qi. The Qi people felt a little bad this time.

"That. Korean brother. I want to ask, do you want to ask us something? Why didn't you see the brother who just came back." At this time, a Qi countryman felt that something was not good. He asked.

"Stop talking nonsense." At this time, the South Korean sailor shot back.

"Follow us." As he said, the South Korean sailors escorted the man out of here.

After the South Korean sailors left, everyone felt that something was wrong.

"There must be something, we can't go on like this." The Qi countryman who asked the question said immediately.

"Yes. The Koreans will definitely kill us one by one. If this is the case, we should kill them." Another Qi countryman said.

"Brothers, let's do this. If the Koreans return the brothers next time, we will not do anything. If not, we will kill them. Anyway, they will die. When we die, we will pull him out." At this time. A man from Qi suggested this way.

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