The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1291: When will the funds be available

Han Fei stepped onto the stage nervously. The people in the audience were very quiet watching a lonely person standing on the stage.

People looked at Han Fei with a curious look.

And Han Fei's legs trembled a little, and people could see that the hem of his clothes was constantly swinging.

"The prime minister is trembling." The child standing nearest pointed to Han Fei's hem and said.

At this time, the parents immediately signaled him not to speak any more. Han Fei, who heard the children speak, became even more nervous at this time.

"First, first..." Because of the tension, Han Fei's first sentence was very bitter. He even "sir". This vocabulary is not finished.

"Huh." Han Fei let out a heavy sigh at this time, making Han Fei still nervous after doing this. Han Fei suddenly felt that it was difficult for him to speak. Let quietly look at the underside of the stage. Han Fei was even more nervous by the black crowd below.

At this time, Han Fei's mental pressure was greater than ever before. He felt difficulty breathing, which caused him to breathe quickly and his heart rate to increase. And this situation made him more nervous.

For a time, Han Fei formed a confrontation with the people standing on the stage. Both sides fell into a quiet situation.

"What is our prime minister doing?" The Minister of Security stood nervously in the background and watched Han Fei standing there without saying a word.

All the people on the side shook their heads and looked at Han Fei quietly.

"What are you doing with this stuttering? Do you want to give a quiet speech?" Qin Guo reporter in the distance said impatiently.

The Korean reporters quietly looked at their own prime minister, and they believed that miracles would happen. Just not in time.

"Huh." At this time, Han Fei exhaled into the microphone.

"I. I. I'm not good at talking." This time. Han Fei finally spoke. He could have held the speech draft, but Han Fei didn't take out the speech draft. With one hand in his pocket, he grabbed the speech draft into a ball.

The people in the audience looked at Han Fei quietly, and everyone had a consensus on this.

"I, I don't know, I don't know how to stand on this stage." Han Fei was able to control his emotions at this time.

"I. I'm a bit stuttering. Everyone knows this." This time. Han Fei waved his arms and said. The motion of waving his arms shows that he is still a little nervous.

"I don't know what to say?" Han Fei stopped stuttering at this time, and he didn't realize it at this time. Instead, he lowered his head with some loss of self-confidence.

"I don't want to speak in front of many people." Han Fei lowered his head and said. And everyone looked at Han Fei, and they were very shocked, because Han Fei was able to express his meaning in words fluently. This really surprised everyone.

"Our situation is a bit bad. Until now, we don't know who attacked us. We carried out such a brutal assassination." Han Fei raised his head slightly at this time and said.

"The current situation is that our queen has suffered some injuries." Han Fei raised his head at this time and voluntarily admitted.

"Oh." The people in the audience made a surprised voice at this time, and they were very shocked when they heard the news.

"This is official news. It seems that the Koreans have admitted the fact that they have already happened." Qin Guo reporters at this time no longer paid attention to the things they were concerned about in the first place. Instead, I pay attention to the content of some Han Fei's speeches.

"The deputy prime minister was also seriously injured, and he is still unconscious. The situation in South Korea is in a mess." Han Fei raised his head and said at this time.

"The situation is very unfavorable for us, but I believe that as long as the whole country is united, we can overcome the difficulties currently encountered by South Korea. We need to restore our self-confidence." Han Fei said at this time.

"Wow." Han Fei's words were just finished, and the people in the audience responded to Han Fei's speech with warm applause.

"We succeeded." The Minister of Security excitedly hugged the Minister of Economy beside him. The Minister of Economy also responded happily to the Minister of Security at this time. Although Han Fei did not speak much, it was a miracle. First of all, his stuttering became the deadliest part of the speech, but Han Fei defeated it.

Secondly, the response of the speech, the public's expectations for the authenticity of the incident. Han Fei is very correct, right? The result of this incident has been informed to the other party.

Finally, Han Fei encouraged. He positively and positively inspired the people to face the facts bravely, and then inspire the people to overcome the current suffering.

In Xianyang of Qin State. After Shang Wen heard Han Fei's speech. Smiled slightly.

"It seems that stuttering is blocking South Korea's progress." This time. Shangwen listened to the broadcast with a smile. Although the broadcast was intermittent, after hearing Han Fei's speech, Shangwen thought it was impossible. But now it seems that Han Fei has overcome his physical flaws.

In South Korea, after listening to Han Fei’s speech, the attitudes of all parties were very positive.

"Say no to the mob." The South Korean people quickly responded positively. All of them immediately organized a march to express their shame on the assassination in South Korea. The military also made a statement.

"What happened in South Korea is a challenge to the military. For such a challenge, we must suppress the other side as much as possible and never let the other side have any opportunities." The military representative said.

But the military this time. But they felt very stressed because they had to face an unknown threat. They don't know this threat, but the incident happened so big. This puts a lot of pressure on the South Korean military.

"Such things happened in South Korea, it seems that our financial affairs also need to stop for a while." This time. Meng Yi stood in front of the embassy's window and said.

"Do we need to ask the Prime Minister for advice?" the ambassador asked at this time.

"No. Qin will know about our situation here." Meng Yi said.

"What we need now is to wait patiently. This matter is pressure for us." Meng Yi said.

"Whether we can bring in Korean capital is very important to us." Meng Yi said.

As for Chu, Chu is introducing capital from Qin.

"We can provide an objective amount of loans. If necessary, we can also provide sufficient gold, but only if it is." A Qin Guo Wenyang Bank clerk smiled and looked at Xiang Yan who was sitting opposite.

"The premise is that we must mortgage something?" Xiang Yan said angrily at this time.

"Yes, General. This is our rule. You must know that Qin's bank can provide an astonishing amount of loans." The salesman said at this time.

"I heard that the general's navy is expanding very quickly and requires a lot of funds, and the Chu navy is very expensive. Funds, if there is not enough funds, I think Chu navy, I am afraid." The salesman smiled at this time. Said.

"I'm afraid it will be difficult to maintain it. The military systems of all countries are now undergoing unprecedented changes. Military expenditures have been closely linked to the national economy." The salesman said at this time.

"Look at our Chu navy army again. It has also been reformed. However, the national army is built on top of the country’s economic strength. The Chu naval army’s economic back-up is weak and cannot support such a large military expenditure. It is impossible to expand the army without military expenditure." At this time. The salesman looked at Xiang Yan and said at this time.

"So, you need our help, especially in terms of funds. At the same time, Wenyang Bank has expanded greatly outside. And it has strong technical support, especially in arms. It has an absolute advantage. I believe that the general also has Heard." At this time, the salesman said at this time.

"However, your Qin State requirements are too unacceptable. At this time, Xiang Yan said loosely.

"It's not very harsh." This time. The salesman said.

"Think about it, do your navy have an economic foundation?" the salesman said at this time.

"If you don't have an economic foundation, you don't have any source of taxation. Without taxation, it means that you have no source of income." The salesman said at this time.

"Besides, you need an objective capital to start your project, according to our understanding." At this time, the salesman looked at Xiang Yan and said.

"Okay." Xiang Yan did not follow at this time.

"We need this funding." This time. Xiang Yan admitted.

"En. But, where did you hear our plan." This time. Xiang Yan asked.

"We know everything, as long as it is related to business, we can inquire about things that others can't hear." The salesman said at this time.

"Why do you Qin people want to do business with us?" At this time. Xiang Yan asked.

"We need to make money. This is our reason." The salesman said at this time.

"No." Xiang Yan shook her head at this time.

"I think this is a mysterious force. This mysterious force prompts you to do this." Xiang Yan said.

"Perhaps, General, you are right, it is a mysterious force that made us do this." At this time. The salesman said.

"But we can't explain this mysterious power." The salesman said at this time.

"You don't need to explain, and we won't care about this issue. What we know is that you Qin State can provide us with an objective fund." At this time. Xiang Yan said.

"When will your money be available?" Xiang Yan asked.

"Then, when will Chu State give us enough concessions and commercial areas?" the salesman asked rhetorically at this time.

"We will do it as soon as possible, but you'd better hurry up." Xiang Yan said.

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