The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1292: Upgrade Armed Merchant Ship

"Qiqiguo, is there anything new?" Han Fei stuttered to an assistant in the office.

"Qi need us to provide more funds, especially real money, they need this funds to boost morale. Now they urgently need this funds." Assistant said at this time.

"But our gold reserves are really not optimistic." The assistant said, waving his arms.

"Also, in other words, we can't provide them with gold." Han Fei stuttered.

"Yes." The assistant said at this time.

"En. We have to think of a way." The assistant said at this time.

"That's right. Before this incident, Wang Shang needed to meet with Qin's deputy prime minister to discuss the use of funds in our country. Also, from Prime Minister Zhang Liang, such a special document was handed over. This document is only You can only watch it, Prime Minister," the assistant said at this time.

"Oh. Take it, bring it here, what kind of document is it?" Han Fei asked at this time.

"This." The assistant took out a document from his hand and handed it over.

After reading carefully at this time, Han Fei understood what was going on.

South Korean funds are quietly entering Qin's gold market and quietly purchasing Qin's gold. However, such a large number of purchases. There is no way to hide it in the Qin State market.

Qin State Xianyang. Inside Shang Wen's office.

"Recently, there have been some changes in our gold market." The Bank Minister reported.

"The amount of our gold put on the market is rapidly decreasing. As a result, our gold price has risen a lot, according to our further investigation," said the bank minister.

"There is a secret fund to buy these gold." said the bank minister.

"Oh." At this time, Shang Wen put down the pen in his hand and looked up at the Minister of Banking. Obviously, the topic of the Minister of Banking aroused Shangwen's great interest.

"You said that there is a secret fund to buy our gold. Have you found out the source of this secret fund?" Shang Wen asked at this time.

"We found it. It's easy to find it as long as you check their bank account funds continuously. And this part of the funds. Come from South Korea." At this time. The bank minister said lightly.

"En. Why is it South Korea?" Shang Wen asked at this time.

"According to our investigation, the reason is very simple. It is Qi state. Qi state accepted a large number of prisoners of war. They became soldiers after the reorganization of Qi state, but these soldiers need a lot of military expenditure. Especially gold, only gold can quickly The loyalty of these soldiers is improved. Tian Heng needs such more gold to satisfy such loyal soldiers." The bank minister said at this time.

"En. Qi does not have so much gold, but South Korea has. Because South Korea can provide a lot of financial support, South Korea is the backing country behind Qi." Shang Wen's book fell accidentally at this time.

"However, they did not expect that South Korea also lacked gold, so the gold in our country became their goal." Shangwen reasoned about these laws at this time.

"Yes." The bank minister said at this time.

"We must take some measures." The bank minister said at this time.

Shang Wen didn't make any answer at this time. Just thought about it.

"No." Shang Wen shook his head at this time.

"We don't need to take measures, we just need to respect the facts." Shang Wen said.

"The market needs a lot of freedom. Freedom. Qin’s market is a free market. Our gold price is relatively low, indicating that our gold is abundant. In the six-nation market, the quantity of gold is very small. Their price It will be higher and our price will be small. A gold circulation will be formed. This is normal. Even if we take measures not to allow the environmental market to circulate, then think about it.” At this time, he shook his head and said.

"They will take more measures to attract our gold market." Shang Wen said.

"Smuggling. Or directly intercepting our source of gold, etc." Shang Wen said at this time.

"It is wrong to intervene in the market," Shang Wen said at this time.

"Let them develop freely." Shang Wen said, leaning on his back chair.

"But, if you do this, does the king agree with us?" At this time, the bank minister asked worriedly at this time.

"Don't worry." Shang Wen said easily at this time.

"The market will solve this by itself." Shang Wen said at this time.

In Qin's gold futures market, some prophet speculators also noticed the abnormal movement in the gold market at this time.

"Gold soared by twenty points. You know?" said a futures speculator.

"This is something that could not have happened in the market before. It seems that some unbelievable things are about to happen in gold." The futures speculator said.

"Oh." The speculator said as he watched the gold price hit a new high.

And in Li Wen's private office. Li Wen, a speculative kid, also noticed some things happening in the gold market. But he believes that the current stock market is his focus, because the sudden drop in the stock market has severely affected his self-confidence.

Inside the military camp of Qi State. The morale of the soldiers of the main force of the Qi army is not too high.

"We haven't got our gold yet." said an adapted Qi army soldier.

"These swindlers." Another Qi Army soldier said at this time.

"The lord won't lie to us. You know?" At this moment, an officer walked over and said.

"We just lack something." The officer said at this time.

"The military salary of Qi soldiers comes from South Korea." The officer continued.

"The reason why we can't get the military salary is because South Korea doesn't provide it. Don't worry, you can't get the military salary. Naturally, we officials don't have the military salary." The officer walked over and said.

And heard what the officer said. All the talents feel a little relieved, which means that the officers are treated the same as them, which balances their psychological factors.

"If South Korea's funds are no longer in place. Our situation will get worse. The lord should prepare for the worst as soon as possible." At this time, a counselor said.

"How about our military pay?" Tian Heng asked.

"Our situation is a little better, the officer does not lead the salary. Then, our soldiers are better. This is a better measure." The counselor said.

"En." Tian Heng nodded without any mood.

"Military expenditure is tight. When can we not be nervous about military expenditure." Tian Heng said.

"Is there no situation on the king's side?" the counselor asked from the side.

"No." Tian Heng said.

"Now, I don't even look down on the king." Tian Heng said worriedly.

"Lord, be careful," the counselor whispered. Then he left.

"Your Majesty. The main force of our army consumes too much money, and our country, having gone through such a catastrophe, cannot sustain such a huge army expenditure, especially that Tian Heng. To restructure the army by myself, the army expenditure is too much." An aristocratic minister said loudly.

"Therefore, I beg the king. Heng Tian Heng a serious crime." The noble minister suggested.

"No. Lord." At this moment, a middle doctor stood up and said.

"General Tian is now very powerful. There are as many as 100,000 troops outside the city." The doctor said solemnly.

"If you are forcing the other party at this time. I am afraid that Qi will have another catastrophe like this." The doctor said at this time.

The ministers present, the nobles heard this warning. They just calmed down. Their strength has been severely lost. However, Tian Heng expanded considerable strength in the war, and these were things that the nobles did not expect.

"Tian Heng is getting bigger and bigger. Our situation is different." The nobles have obviously reached such a situation at this time.

"In this way, we need to take a long-term view." The winner stood up and said at this time.

The ministers said nothing. The nobles now simply do not have the strength to fight Tian Heng. Tian Heng's army is very large. This creates an established fact that no one can surpass Tian Heng. This fact is actually a kind of unequal confrontation in strength. The current Qi state nobles are still very weak, especially their tax losses are huge. And when the army loses a lot, it will be difficult for them to recover.

Unlike Tian Heng, Tian Heng re-established the taxation area, and at the same time, his army expanded greatly. This puts the power of the nobility on the strength. This imbalance naturally caused dissatisfaction among the nobles.

Just when Qi is politically unbalanced. Some changes are also taking place in the southern state of Chu.

"We finally have a cannon on our merchant ship. In this way, we will be much safer. We will never be afraid of those **** water robbers anymore." On an armed merchant ship of the State of Chu, a chief officer said happily .

"Don't be happy too early. There are many boats launched with us, haven't you seen it? They are all equipped with artillery." The captain said worriedly.

"I'm afraid, the future battle will be even more difficult." The captain said worriedly at this time.

"Ah." The first officer cried out in surprise.

"Don't call it. This is a fact." The captain said helplessly.

"The current situation is not good for us," the captain said.

"Once you are hit, there are unimaginable consequences, and the loss of personnel will be even greater. This is much more powerful than using a musket. They are all ruthless cannons." The captain said while looking at the river in the distance.

The first officer didn't say anything at this time.

As some merchant ships were converted into armed merchant ships, they converted some cargo bays into positions for armed artillery. Although they reduced the number of their cargo bays, they increased their safety and offensiveness. In this way, their merchant ships were upgraded to armed merchant ships.

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