The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1294: End the war unilaterally

"The land area of ​​the Qin State today has surpassed the land area of ​​any era of expansion of the Qin State before, but it has been unprecedentedly slow for the Qin State to digest these land areas. The Qin State needs to operate on this land for at least 50 years before it can be truly real. These lands belong to the State of Qin." Wei Liao said to King Qin at this time.

"To fight today, Qin is equivalent to fighting on the mainland. Qin has not digested these lands. This can be seen from the communication lines and nearby areas controlled by Qin. In this battle, Qin can rely on fast railway operations. , Complete the logistics supply. However, after our army is far away from the logistics supply line, it will quickly develop into a situation that is difficult for us to control. Even though our frontline combat soldiers are brave, they cannot win the final war. Our war cost is already much higher. The cost of the war we launched along the railway line. The current situation is not good for us, we should be like the Prime Minister said. Stop the war." Wei Liao said at this time.

"En. Stop the war." King Qin said at this time.

"The reason is that the cost of war is very high. If we follow the prime minister’s method and adopt peaceful means, such as using bribery to instigate internal conflicts in the enemy’s war, using economic aid and economic and trade methods, so that our lines of communication can be quickly Extending to the areas controlled by them, and with the influence of these areas, to change our current unfavorable situation, the cost of using military means is too high." Wei Liao said.

At this time, Shangwen was discussing a strange report about food and market development.

"At present, Qin's grain production has continued to surge, especially in Qin's grain production areas. After the use of chemical fertilizers and some machinery and equipment, Qin's grain production has surged so that we can spend many years." The Minister of Agriculture said at this time.

"The surge in food. This has led to an unfavorable situation." The Minister of Agriculture made a report at this time.

"Causing our grain futures to be at a low price for a period of time." Shang Wen said at this time.

"Yes, our food has impacted the entire six countries." The Minister of Agriculture continued.

"The cost of our food is extremely low, and the six countries have constant wars. Our food is provided to these countries, regions, and people. Let them meet the demand for food." The Minister of Agriculture said.

"En." Shang Wen said with the report. This report did mention such a figure. The latest population figure of Qin State only exceeds 10 million, including a large number of newborns. Plus Qin's immigration. The number has just exceeded ten million. However, Qin's grain output has met the needs of the population of 50 million. In addition to the extra grain, Qin still has a large amount of grain backlog in the Qin State market in addition to the war preparedness reserve. If this part of the grain is backlogged for a long time, it will have a great hidden danger to Qin's grain output, because the long-term low price of grain has a great relationship with the farmers' enthusiasm to produce more grain. This is still very clear. , So Shangwen ordered that Qin's grains be exported quickly.

"If we were not exporting these grains to the six countries, we would probably have a backlog of grains and cause great losses to our farmers. We must treat this in a correct way," said the Minister of Agriculture.

"Exporting our surplus food to the six countries is to save our agriculture. At the same time, it is to make us no longer hungry within the same race." Shang Wen said at this time.

"But. Prime Minister. I am very much in favor of saving our agriculture. And this is indeed effective. If it is not for exporting these foods." said the Minister of Agriculture.

"But. Prime Minister. Hunger still exists in the six countries, and we haven't saved those people." The Minister of Agriculture said.

"Our food is very cheap, and the quantity is huge. Not only that, but also with quality advantages, we can have many food processing plants, which can quickly process the food into semi-finished products and finished products, but these foods have not arrived. We hope to reach the hands of the people." said the Minister of Agriculture.

"En. What do you mean?" Shang Wen asked at this time.

"I mean, Qin’s food has not reached the people we hope to reach. We hope to reach the people of the six nations, but these foods have not arrived. In fact, only the army can consume these foods, and the army is us. The main force of real consumption. And those civilians, they have no purchasing power to buy our food. It can be said that they have no ability to consume the cheap food we provide." The Minister of Agriculture said at this time.

"What?" Shang Wen made a serious logical error at this time, and he could not understand what the Minister of Agriculture said.

"I can't understand why this is?" Shang Wen asked unbelievably at this time.

"It's really hard to understand." The Agriculture Minister said at this time.

"But this is true, Prime Minister." said the Minister of Agriculture.

"The people of the six countries simply cannot afford to consume our food. It can be said that they are a group with no consumption ability. They have different coins. At the same time, their consumption ability is very low. Most of their things only have some necessary Things are only bought from the market, such as table salt. These things they have to consume, most of the clothes they wear are made by themselves. Very few of them use the products we provide, such as finished clothing. Or cloth "The Minister of Agriculture said.

"What's the reason?" Shang Wen asked at this time.

"Their purchasing power is very low?" said the Minister of Agriculture at this time.

"Oh. I understand." Shangwen suddenly realized at this time that Shangwen came from a future society after all. Many such things have happened repeatedly in history. Production and consumption are interdependent. If one party is out of balance, it will inevitably trigger a big crisis. This kind of crisis has been staged many times in human history. The factory produces too much food, but consumption is very limited. In this way, the factory will be closed, but people still have no ability to consume, and these commodities can only be destroyed. This has caused a large-scale waste of social resources.

"The imbalance of supply and demand will cause serious things to happen. This kind of thing has not happened in Qin, but now we must admit it." Shang Wen said at this time.

"So, Prime Minister, what should we do now?" said the Minister of Agriculture.

Shang Wen looked at the report at this time and said. What the Minister of Agriculture said is a fact, an indisputable fact. According to Qin's grain export records, Qin's main consumer is still the army, that is, state procurement. In addition to these, in addition to these. It is the purchase of a small number of merchants, but the people of the six countries simply cannot afford to buy this food. This is a fact. Shang Wen is very clear.

"The market of the six countries is still a small part of the market. But the other part is controlled by the powerful. The market is their country. Our simple expansion, our production capacity, and the rapid improvement of our production efficiency, this is very fast. It will cause us to produce excess." Shang Wen said.

"So, we need to develop more markets to meet our production needs." Shang Wen said at this time.

"Insufficient market demand will result in insufficient consumption. This is too bad for us." Shang Wen said.

"But, how to develop the market?" said the Minister of Agriculture at this time.

"Me." Shang Wen waved his arm at this time.

"Unless we interfere in the politics of other countries and let them join in, there is no other way," Shang Wen said at this time.

Consumer demand is the first demand for expanding production. Shang Wen knows this very well, so he needs to expand demand, but the market demand in Qin is not very strong. Even though the market in Qin was developed earlier than the market in the six countries, the energy required to develop a mature market is huge. The development of a potential market costs very little.

However, it is indeed an indisputable fact that the market in the six countries is underdeveloped. The low consumption level of the six nations is a serious problem.

"This is a telegram request from our front line. The situation on the front line is terrible. The logistics supply is chaotic and the combat troops cannot be rested. This puts our operations at a disadvantage." A lieutenant colonel was on the train. Reported to Wang Jian.

"En." Wang Jian nodded. Wang Jian is on the train returning to Xianyang of Qin State.

"So. The prime minister asked us to withdraw?" Wang Jian asked.

"Yes, according to the content of the Prime Minister's report, our war costs are too high." The lieutenant colonel said.

"Especially the logistics supply area, our logistics supply is too bad. It is too serious to be far away from the railway transportation line, and the consumption of materials is too serious. Based on the provided data to make a preliminary judgment, we need to spend five soldiers to transport the materials to the front line. , And these materials are not enough for a soldier's combat requirements for a day, and five soldiers need to spend more than three days to complete." The lieutenant colonel said.

"The situation of the war made us feel very unfavorable, but how this war ended, we did not have formal contact with the enemy." Wang Jian said at this time.

"So, we negotiated to end the war unilaterally. We can unilaterally declare the end of the war. Then we can leave a part of the garrison and build a series of fortresses so that we can declare the end of the war. Although it takes a lot to build the fortress, it costs a lot. , This can end a lot of things." The lieutenant colonel said at this time.

"War is easy to start, but difficult to end." Wang Jian said at this time.

"End the war unilaterally?" Wang Jian asked with a smile.

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