The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1295: Drink more if you drink

"I don't know, sir." The lieutenant colonel's staff replied at this time.

But Wang Jian just shook his head and said nothing.

The Qin army can withdraw, but the withdrawal situation may not be that simple. Wang Jian knew this situation very well in his heart.

In the state of Chu, the senior officials of the state of Chu did not take measures to pursue a serious attack on the naval forces on the Yangtze River in the south. On the contrary, they were discussing the affairs of the state of Qi, the neighboring state of Chu.

"Today, Qi's internal civil strife is weak. Our country is now reforming its military system. Chu is all powerful and can completely defeat the weak Qi." A doctor of Chu said unhurriedly.

"My lord, our military is strong. It can completely defeat the weak Qi country." Another minister also stood up and said at this time.

"Your Majesty, our army is eager to fight, you can try the power of the Chu army." A nobleman stood up and said.

Obviously they are willing to fight, and the strength of Chu is indeed so. With the rapid rise of the power of the nobles of Chu, they annexed the land and reformed the military at the same time. This caused the Chu aristocrats to begin to float away. They one-sidedly believed that simply expanding their military power and carrying out military expansion would allow Chu to dominate.

But King Chu was not a democracy, he still did not have the ability to determine right from wrong, and this matter was finally pressed. Because such a thing as sending troops to fight is really too big.

In South Korea, Han Shu's situation is a little better.

"My lord, you should be more careful about your situation, but there will be some dizziness in the future." The imperial doctor said cautiously at this time.

"Widow knows." Han Shu said impatiently at this time.

"Here." The imperial doctor replied in a low voice at this time.

"Right. What was the situation of the widow at the time? And what was the situation of Prime Minister Zhang?" Han Shu suddenly remembered something and asked.

"My lord, there is no serious problem with my lord this time, mainly because Prime Minister Zhang has merit." The imperial doctor said at this time.

"Oh, what does this mean?" Han Shu asked at this time.

"The prime minister has done a lot of credit. If it weren't for the explosion. Prime Minister Zhang would keep the king behind, and the fragments formed by the impact of the explosion would hurt the king in the first place. Moreover, during the impact, Prime Minister Zhang used himself His body was placed on Wang Shang. I’m afraid, the situation of Wang Shang is unimaginable.” The imperial doctor said at this time.

The imperial doctor said so. Suddenly, Han Shu recalled some fragments of the day. When the gunshots appeared outside, Han Shu still thought it was not a big deal, but Zhang Liang protected himself for the first time and stood in front of him desperately. Then, there was a serious explosion. As for the latter matter, Han Shu didn't know.

"Go on. The widow is a little uncomfortable." Han Shu immediately ordered at this time.

"Ah." The imperial doctor was a little surprised at this time, obviously he didn't realize that the king would suddenly do this.

"Go out." Han Shu directly issued such an order at this time.

"Here." The imperial doctor nodded at this time. Then he backed out carefully.

"Hey." Han Shu sighed after the imperial physician withdrew.

"Zhang Liang, saved my life." Han Shu shook his head at this time. Then fell into contemplation.

"That guy, haven't sent me a telegram to care about me." Han Shu suddenly muttered to herself after a long period of silence.

"This guy." Han Shu complained a little.

And the Qin State in the distance. Shang Wen is busy with some things.

"What is this?" Shang Wen picked up a strange order from Wang Shang at this time.

Shangwen picked it up at this time and saw it.

"What?" Shang Wen was obviously surprised.

"What are you kidding? The Mo Family was listed as a dangerous element." Shang Wen stood up in surprise and said with the report.

"This is a joke." Shang Wen said in surprise.

"Boom." Just then. The door was kicked open at once.

"Damn, I stewed a chicken for you." Yingyu said happily, holding his lunch box.

"Huh." Shang Wen breathed out helplessly at this time.

Shangwen was very dissatisfied with Yingyu's bandit approach. Because every time Yingyu comes in like this. Either kicking, kicking, or pushing the door all at once, in short, Shang Wen's heart was almost jumped out by the opponent. Shangwen felt very dissatisfied with Yingyu.

"I said, can you knock on the door every time you enter the door, or come in quietly, you do this. I don't know if you come in to rob." Shang Wen shouted loudly at this time. Shang Wen felt a little annoyed because of the Mohist family.

"Ah." Ying Yu looked at Shang Wen in surprise at this time.

"You, you idiot, are you yelling at me?" Yingyu retorted loudly at this time.

"Me." This time. Shang Wen realized that he was a little gaffe.

"I'm sorry. I." Shang Wen raised his hand helplessly at this time.

"What's the matter?" Yingyu was not at all annoyed at Shang Wen's yelling just now.

"How come. My idiot." Yingyu said, looking at some poor Shangwen at this time.

"No. Nothing." Shang Wen obviously wouldn't lie. Shangwen's answer made Yingyu unbelievable.

"Nonsense, idiots are least likely to lie." This time. Ying Yu touched Shang Wen's head heartbroken and said.

"Naughty, let's talk, what's the matter?" At this time, Yingyu stroked Shangwen's hair and said.

"The Mo family matter." Shang Wen said at this time.

"Your father is ordering a severe blow to the Mo Family, do you know?" Shang Wen said at this time.

"En. I know. After the assassination in South Korea, my father began to crack down on these dangerous elements." Yingyu said at this time.

"People of the Mo family don't need to attack like this, and they haven't broken the law." At this time, Shang Wen defended the other party.

"No violation of the law. Killing so many soldiers of the Qin Army, and that is, according to your statement, they have no judicial power, especially law enforcement power, why do they want to carry out law enforcement without authorization?" Yingyu asked at this time.

"This." Shang Wen obviously stopped asking Yingyu's question.

"I can't explain this." Shang Wen said frankly.

"However, the people of the Mo family are innocent, and they are parallel and correct." Shang Wen said at this time.

"What do I say about you." Yingyu said, pinching her waist at this time.

"You are the prime minister. When you look at problems, you should look at problems from the perspective of the government. Not from the perspective of others. There is also morality. You emphasize the rule of law and the rule of law. Morality is important. But everyone abides by the law." Ying Yu Said in a lesson tone.

"Oh." Shang Wen nodded.

"You are right." This time. Shangwen admitted.

"I really owe it a little bit." Shang Wen reflected on himself.

"But, I think it's a bit wrong to treat the Mohist in this way," Shang Wen said.

"Peacefully incorporate them into a peaceful political system." Shang Wen put forward his own views.

"Sometimes, you are really a idiot, this kind of idea may be difficult to realize." Yingyu said.

"Okay. Stop talking. Drink the chicken soup I stewed for you." This time. Ying Yu took the lunch box and said.

"What?" Shangwen shouted loudly at this time, and Yingyu held the lunch box to Shangwen's reluctance.

"Chicken soup?" Shang Wen asked at this time.

"En. Chicken soup, it's delicious, didn't you say, it's delicious?" Yingyu said at this time.

"You said last time that the chicken soup was delicious?" Yingyu said at this time.

"Me. I don't want to drink chicken soup. Me." Shang Wen felt the taste of chicken soup.

"I know you, you don't eat meat, so I specially stewed chicken soup. It's okay, you drink the soup, I eat meat." Yingyu said happily.

With that said, Ying Yu gave Shang Wensheng a bowl.

"To be honest, you should make up. Look at your hair, it's the same as the chicken coop, and you, the thin one." Yingyu said distressedly.

"You can't eat meat, but the last time I saw that you could still drink some chicken soup, I made some for you. That's right. I also specially put eggs. You can eat some, it doesn't matter." Yingyu said at this time.

"Oh." Shang Wen looked at Yingyu nervously. Shang Wen is very reluctant to drink chicken soup. It's not that Shang Wen can't drink. In fact, Shang Wen is not allergic to chicken, so he can barely accept it, but he can accept more chicken soup. However, Shang Wen can't compliment Yingyu's cooking skills. Yingyu's stewed chicken soup is not a certain condiment. The heat is too old. In short, there will always be some problems. These problems make Shang Wen feel hard to swallow.

"I'm not hungry yet." Shang Wen refused to arrive at this time.

"You stay up all night every day, it's impossible not to be hungry." Yingyu said at this time.

"Hurry up and drink. From now on, we will be husband and wife. Such a thing, as your future wife. It should be." Yingyu said happily.

"Oh." Shang Wen mentioned marriage. Just a little nervous.

"Come, or else, I'll feed you." This time. Yingyu took the initiative to lift the bowl in his hand.

"Oh." Shang Wen could only nodded without restraint.

"Taste it." As she said, Yingyu held up the spoon and gave Shangwen a bite. Shang Wen was almost prepared with a kind of mental preparation of drinking Chinese medicine.

"En." Shangwen said with a twitching expression on his face at this time.

"What's the matter?" Ying Yu said, looking at Shang Wen's distorted face.

"En. It's delicious." Shang Wen said with restraint at this time.

"Oh. Drink more if you like." Yingyu gave Shangwen a spoonful as he said.

"Gudong." Shang Wen swallowed almost directly. Because of Yingyu's stewed soup, I put more **** this time. The pungency makes Shang Wen difficult to swallow, not only that, but there is something more terrible, that is, the soup is cooked for too long. There are some things that have been heated to make Shangwen feel bitter, and Yingyu is a spoonful of it again. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Shangwen felt unprecedented pain at this time.

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