After a quick seven-day journey, the two brothers and sisters of the Mo family finally arrived in Xianyang, and the senior sister, who was enveloped in hatred, did not think about any consequences at all, and although the mind of the junior was sober, it could not prevent the hatred from blindfolding his eyes. Sister.

"You think of a way for me, how can I get close to King Qin?" Senior sister asked in a low voice at this time.

"Well, Senior Sister, King Qin is heavily guarded, and he can't get close at all." Junior Brother Nine replied in a low voice at this time.

"Do you want to avenge your brother?" Senior sister asked in a loud voice at this time.

"Shhh." This time. The younger brother quickly motioned to Senior Sister to speak quietly.

"Qin is so big and there are so many people, we are not familiar with Qin, how can we get close to King Qin?" Junior Brother Nine said at this time.

"Forget it. Don't say it." This time. The senior sister left impatiently. The two of them walked towards the Weihe River, where there were few people and would not pay attention to anything.

And on the southern ocean. The state of Chu's expansion is moving further south.

"There is a suitable safe haven ahead, shall we dock?" a chief mate on a Chu State merchant ship asked the captain at this time.

"Look at the situation, we should continue to the south. Take a look around." The captain said at this time.

"Captain, we don't have much water. We don't have much food. We need supplies. Otherwise, our people will die of thirst." The first officer suggested at this time.

"Oh." The captain said while holding a telescope to look around.

"Okay. Let's take a break near the shore," the captain said.

"Yes. Captain." The chief officer said excitedly.

"Everyone, prepare, let's get to the shore." The first officer shouted loudly at this time.

"The sailors on duty, all take their weapons, and we are ready to land." The first officer shouted loudly.

"Hurry up. Hurry up. Get a weapon." After hearing the order, there was nothing to do. The sailors basking on the deck quickly ran towards the cabin under the deck. Some people began to come up with their rifles. Bayonet is already mounted on his rifle.

"The first team, we need twelve people." The first officer said at this time.

"The second team followed, the third team." The first officer said at this time.

The sailors stood up quickly in accordance with their duty rules.

"Okay. Let me make arrangements. The first team will go ashore quickly. We need to establish a stable position. No matter what happens, we must cover the second and third teams, as well as the arrival of everyone. Only in this way, we In order to gain a firm foothold quickly, just as we did before, do you understand?" The first officer gave an order nervously.

"Yes. First officer," said the sailors.

"Okay. Board the ship." The chief officer said at this time.

"Wow." The sailors with weapons quickly climbed down the landing boat, and there were fourteen people on board. The two helmsmen and the rest are waiting to land, because the merchant ship has a small boat, so when it first landed, there was one superman. This is the chief officer. As the first officer, the first officer will be the first officer. At the forefront.

"We are going to make a fortune again. I believe there must be someone on this coast." The first officer said excitedly.

"There must be a woman on it, I want to enjoy it, I'm going crazy for such a long time." The first officer said excitedly.

When the other sailors heard this encouragement at this time, they immediately became excited. The reason why the people of Chu are developing rapidly southward is that in addition to being driven by great interests, there is also a part of their physical needs. The imbalance between men and women prevents many people from getting married at a normal age. This has led to the state of Chu. Of men have to seek development from the outside, they need to seek this balance from the outside. Because the aristocracy not only occupies various social resources, but also a large number of female resources, the Chu aristocrats are extremely licentious. They gathered a large number of local married women through various means, which led to a balance between men and women in the society. In order to solve the physiological problems, a large part of the Chu men were forced to take the initiative to enter the southern expansion voyage.

"Okay. It's a man, so he took up the weapon and attacked." As the first officer raised the weapon with both hands, the first one jumped into the water.

"Heaven's evil." The first mate who jumped into the water was severely choked by the sea. His feet slipped and his body suddenly lost his balance. The rifle he held high suddenly entered the sea with his body.

At this time, Chu's sailors still used flintlocks, because this flintlock was cheap and powerful, at least enough for the barbarians in the south.

The disadvantage of this weapon is that it is very waterproof, and it is difficult to fire this kind of gun if it enters the sailor all at once. The first mate encountered this situation when he jumped into the water for the first time.

"Heaven's evil." The first officer called out loudly. Obviously this situation irritated him, and his weapons were difficult to play a huge role.

"Go ahead. Keep going." At this time, the first officer shouted helplessly. The other sailors held their weapons high, jumped into the water one after another, and then quickly landed on the coast.

"Hurry up. Move the ammunition down. Be careful." A sturdy sailor raised his arms high and quickly landed on the shore with a box of ammunition. The other sailors were holding their rifles at this time, and they were alert with aiming gestures. Looking at the entire beach.

"Hurry up, go back, we have to transport the second team up." This time. The first officer shouted loudly. Then the boat quickly retreated, and the first team of sailors held their rifles and watched nervously what might happen around them.

"The first team has already landed." A sailor reported at this time.

"Very well, continue." The captain said while holding a telescope and looking at the situation in the distance. In the lens of the telescope, he saw what he wanted to see.

"Second team, prepare." At this time, an old sailor quickly commanded.

It took a long time for this Chu State merchant ship to quickly send the second team ashore.

"God's evil. They are so slow, they will kill us." The first officer cursed loudly.

"Hurry up, if it is slower, you can only collect the corpses for us." The first officer cursed loudly. The two crewmen driving the boat quickly returned the boat.

It also took a long time before they sent the third team of sailors ashore.

"We now have thirty-six people. The number is almost the same." An old sailor crawled over and said at this time.

"We can send two people to scout." The old sailor said anxiously at this time. Waiting makes all people feel unprecedented suffering.

"Good." The first officer said at this time.

"Indigenous people." At this time. A sailor shouted loudly.

"Look, there is an aboriginal man over there." The sailor raised his gun to aim in a kneeling position.

"It's still a woman, my goodness, the women here don't even wear clothes." A young sailor stared straight at an indigenous woman walking out of the bushes on the shore. The woman just used some shells, or It was something inside the leaves blocking the lower body. The upper body is not covered by any concealment, and the temptation of such ambition makes young people unable to control.

"Shall we shoot?" another young sailor asked in surprise at this time.

"No, I don't know," the young sailor replied.

"It doesn't matter. I'm going to see, diarrhea." The young sailor walked out with his rifle.

"Come back. God's evil." The first officer shouted loudly at this time. But the voice of the chief officer has no control at all.

And the indigenous woman who ran out looked at the young sailor of Chu who came by in surprise.

"Hey, indigenous woman, stand there and don't move." The young sailor of Chu State slowly approached with his gun. And the native woman looked at each other in surprise at this time.

"Look at you. It's really good. The hole below is very wet." At this time. The young sailor asked. At this time, the indigenous women looked at each other blankly. Obviously, the indigenous women did not know that this was a threat.

"Very well, stand still." The young sailor quickly stepped forward at this time, and then carefully looked behind. He was afraid of ambushing someone behind.

"This fool, I know to look at the back." This time. The first officer looked at what happened before.

"Gudong." A sailor watched the indigenous woman and took a sip of water. They want to try the taste of indigenous women, but they want to save their lives.

"Come here, baby, come here." This time. The sailor stretched out his hand. And the indigenous woman watched the young Chu State sailor stretched out her arm.

"That's right. Come here." As he said, the sailor pulled the indigenous woman towards his camp.

"Oh. My goodness. This kid is really capable. He brought this woman here." An old sailor stood up and shouted.

"Oh," the other sailors shouted loudly at this time.

At this time, the indigenous woman stopped, obviously she was frightened by the sudden appearance of a large number of Chu people.

"It's okay. Come on." At this time, the young man pulled the indigenous woman and quickly came to his camp.

"I'll come first. I brought this woman here." As he said, the young man put his weapon aside, and he couldn't wait to enter. The other sailors quickly gathered around.

"These fools." The first officer looked at this time.

"Everyone else pays attention, don't make any mistakes." The first officer called out loudly at this time. But the voices of men and women came randomly.

"How do you get on the shore?" the captain asked at this time.

"They seem to be doing that kind of thing." An old sailor watched with a binoculars.

At this time, the captain gave the old sailor angrily, then looked around unnaturally.

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