The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1312: Han Chu Water Encounter

The Chu immigrants in the south are expanding rapidly. They only occupy the coastal areas and do not go deep inland. At the same time, because of lack of sufficient navigation skills, they have a compass at most. For the measurement of latitude and longitude, they think it is unnecessary. You have to know. Sailing is very costly, especially the logistical supplies every time they go to sea, the pressure has greatly exceeded their previous expectations.

The Chu State does not have maritime insurance. Therefore, the risks and costs of going to the sea are often inferior to the results. Because there is no financial support, sailing is a very risky business, and disasters often make a businessman go bankrupt.

And Qin Guo has already set up commercial insurance. However, it is only for the merchant ships of the State of Qin. For merchant ships of other countries, the State of Qin will not participate in it. The reason is simple, because they are very risky. And there is no guarantee of income, so Qin people are not willing to participate in insurance.

And just as Chu was actively carrying out their expansion in the south, contradictions on the sea were also rapidly expanding.

"A small merchant ship was found ahead. They are approaching quickly." A sentry on the Korean camouflage warship "Enterprise" yelled nervously.

"Watch out, watch out." The "Enterprise" battleship was the last large warship launched in South Korea, carrying about 50 artillery pieces and a crew of 600 people. Because it was the last ship to be launched, they made multiple modifications to the "Enterprise". For example, they distinguished the ammunition depot and the artillery operation space, and at the same time, the ammunition was transported through a manual transport device. Not only that. For the first time, they also made a special distinction between the people on board. For example, they had armed sailors like the Marine Corps. They are specially used for close combat operations on ships and coastal operations. Because they gradually discovered that the use of those crew members who have not received any training to log on to combat, the problem is very big, because of the training relationship, many people are not proficient in operating guns.

In addition, in land combat, the morale of sailors has a great impact, especially the training level of many people is very limited. This makes them unable to follow their own wishes.

In order to change this situation. South Korean surface forces actively added about a hundred fully armed and specially trained sailors in it. Their purpose is to strengthen close combat.

"Captain, I think there is nothing in this ship?" the chief officer said at this time.

"Don't you think it is weird?" the captain said at this time.

"Nowadays ships are beginning to gather more and more to sail. There are very few individual ships sailing alone, and the other’s waterline. Have you seen it? They are heading towards the ocean, but their draft is better than those Merchant ships are shallow. Merchant ships will be full of cargo, because they need to load more cargo to do business, and this ship is too strange, their waterline is too shallow." The captain analyzed at this time.

"Have you seen it? Both sides of their cabins, like us, have traces of camouflage. We will use wooden planks to cover them, and the other side is like this, and there is a very regular place. I think this must be one. An armed warship, order our people to fight.” At this time, the captain said to the first officer.

"Yes, sir." This time. The chief mate said.

"Sir, do we launch an offensive on the front line?" the chief officer said.

"En. Concentrate our firepower advantage and quickly carry out a round of fierce bombardment on the opponent." The captain ordered at this time.

On the ship on the opposite side, the other side is also going on.

"This big ship, if converted into a battleship, we will gain unprecedented power growth. This big ship can fire at least fifty artillery pieces." The captain said at this time.

"Captain, we have to ensure the integrity of this big ship as much as possible. Only in this way can our ship quickly become our ship." The chief officer said at this time.

"That's right, the people who ordered us to fire first. Frighten them." The captain said at this time.

"Okay, Captain, I'm going to give orders." The first officer ran off immediately. Let their gunners start aiming and shooting.

"Everyone, enter the battle position." The first officer on the Korean warship "Enterprise." stood in the gunfire cabin and gave orders.

"Wow." At this time, the camouflage artillery door snapped open. The gunners pushed out their artillery forcefully.

"Not good." The Chu State warship on the opposite side discovered that the opposite ship was abnormal at this time.

"It's artillery." At this moment, an old sailor shouted loudly. He held the telescope in his hand and saw the opponent's artillery accurately for the first time. The muzzle of the black hole was aimed at his side.

"What?" The captain on the Chu State warship raised up the telescope in his hand and looked at the other party in surprise.

"Cannon, it's a cannon," the old sailor called loudly.

"They are aiming at us. They are warships." The old sailor exclaimed.

"Aim. Seven hundred steps ahead. Small ship. Release." The gunmaster shouted loudly. Each gunner adjusted the distance according to the distance, and then fired quickly.

"Boom. Boom. Boom." The artillery shot out long tongues of flame.

"Swish. Swish." The shell pierced the air and dragged a sharp sound into the battleship of Chu State.

"Be careful, boat..." The old sailor rushed to the captain quickly.

"Boom." A shell hit the opponent's superstructure. A large amount of sawdust was beaten up and splashed.

"Oh. We were hit." A Chu State sailor shouted loudly at this time.

"Wow." At this moment, a huge impact on the front deck came quickly. The solid shell hit the front deck. Many sailors working overtime were hit, and a lot of broken limbs splashed out. Then the blood flew everywhere with the sawdust.

"What's wrong." In the gun bay where the artillery fired below, the gunners could feel the violent shaking from the cannonball.

"God's evil, we were hit." A gunner grabbed a beam and said loudly.

"What?" another gunner called out loudly.

On board the Korean warship "Enterprise." The captain took a telescope to observe the situation on the opposite side through gunpowder smoke.

"That's it. This is what we have to do." This time. Said the captain.

"Continuous shooting, don't give the opponent a chance to shoot." The captain said lightly.

"They are really warships, and their guns are exposed." The captain's mouth twitched and smiled.

Through the binoculars, he clearly saw the gun muzzle of the opponent. The captain was very happy. He felt that his judgment was correct.

"Boom." The shell hit the Chu State warship again.

"Fire." The chief officer on the Chu State battleship shouted loudly.

"Hurry up," the first officer shouted loudly.

"Boom." "Wow." A loud voice came quickly. In the cabin, a cannon was shot and flew up. The huge destructive power smashed the bodies of some gunners to pieces.

"God's evil." The first officer shouted loudly at this time.

"Fire. If you don't fire any more, we're going to be over." The first officer called out loudly. After letting him continue to wave his arms, he removed some **** pieces of meat from his body. His clothes were covered with blood stains and various pieces of meat.

"Boom." Finally, the first shell was fired from the Chu State Warship.

"Quick. Second shot." The first officer called out loudly.

"Wow." A shell flew directly from the Korean warship "Enterprise."

"Crack." With a sound, a mast was hit. However, the cannonball flew too high. Only one mast was hit.

"They can also fight back and let our gunners fire fast." At this time. The captain looked at the falling mast, which hit a sailor.

"Release." "Enterprise." In the gunner's cabin below. A gunner waved his arms and shouted loudly.

"Boom." A huge explosion sounded.

"Wow." The shell once again hit the opponent accurately.

"Ah." The captain on the Chu State Warship. Enduring great pain. A cannonball that flew from his arm knocked out the entire arm, and blood kept coming out of his arm. A sailor on the side was using his cloth to stop the bleeding.

And on the deck not far away, there was still a pile of **** and **** heads that had been hit, and bleeding continued.

"Captain, hold back." At this time, the sailor tightened the cloth, and he used the cloth to stop the bleeding.

"Ah," the captain cried out in pain.

"Captain." The sailor stopped and asked.

"Ah," the captain called tremblingly.

"Give an order to retreat. We can't go on like this. If I pass. Let the chief mate take over my duties, and I must let him and take my brothers out of here." The captain said, holding back the huge pain.

"Yes. Captain," said the sailor, crying.

"Quick, retreat quickly." This time. Said the captain.

"Retreat. Retreat quickly." The sailor shouted immediately.

Someone immediately notified the first officer. Prepare them to retreat. The captain looked at all this weakly, and then fainted.

"We advance some distance, not to let the opponent's artillery hit us, and at the same time, we also want to let the smoke disperse, not to obstruct the accuracy of our shooting." The captain said at this time.

"Captain, the other party seems to be retreating." At this time, a sailor said quickly.

"They are slowly withdrawing from the battle." The sailor reported.

"Go ahead, keep up with them. Quickly sink them." The captain gave the latest order.

"Yes. Captain." This time. The sailor shouted immediately. Then convey the latest order.

"Enterprise number." Quickly stepped forward. The muzzle of the black hole once again aimed at the Chu State warship.

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