The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1313: Your beauty has killed me

"Boom boom. Boom boom." With the Korean warship "Enterprise." continuous shooting. That small Chu State warship was simply unable to withstand such a crazy blow. In the end, they were sunk into the water. A surface warship encounter ended with the sinking of a small Chu State naval warship.

But such a battle is only the beginning, not the end. With the rapid rise of South Korea's surface power, and the development of Chu's navy. There is bound to be an irreconcilable contradiction between the two. This contradiction fundamentally led to a direct and big collision between the surface forces of the two countries.

This collision cannot be avoided. Because there are conflicts of interest between the two. Continue like this. It's no good for anyone.

"You don't need to follow me. There should be nothing, besides, when I think about problems, I don't like others to disturb me." Shang Wen said to the two Marine sergeants who followed.

"Yes. Sir, we have a duty to protect you." A Marine Corps sergeant said at this time.

"I know. I just walked along the Weihe River. There have been a lot of recent things, and I am in a bad mood. I want to be alone." Shang Wen said.

"Yes, sir. You will encounter danger every time. Once you have a problem, we will go to a military court." This time. Another sergeant said.

"Oh. Okay. I understand, but you are sitting there. I will stay there." Shang Wen said at this time.

"This." At this time, the two sergeants, you look at me. I look at you. Obviously they are still worried.

"You let me be quiet. I need to think about Qin's future." Shang Wen said to the two sergeants at this time.

"I hope you can understand me. I just need some free space." Shang Wen waved his arm and said.

"This. Okay." A sergeant said embarrassedly at this time.

A sergeant said at this time.

"En. Thank you." Shang Wen nodded gratefully.

The two sergeants saluted, and then looked at Shang Wen slightly away.

And Shang Wen sat on a wooden chair by the river. Shang Wen looked at the water quietly. Think about the problem.

And at this time. On the edge of the Weihe River. Sister Sister and Junior Brother Nine appeared here at this time.

"Look over there, someone is coming over." A sergeant stood up nervously at this time. Then quickly walked over.

"Madam, sir, please stop." The sergeant said politely.

At this time, Senior Sister watched the Qin Army sergeant who came over with caution.

"Can you make a detour?" the sergeant said at this time.

Senior Sister and Junior Brother Nine looked at each other vigilantly. They only have a bronze dagger at this time. Because walking on the streets of Qin State with the bronze sword is too conspicuous. In order to conceal, the long sword had to be placed in a concealed place. This place is beside the Weihe River.

"The prime minister is ahead. He needs to be quiet. I don't want you to disturb him. Can you?" The sergeant whispered at this time.

The two heard that the prime minister of Qin was ahead. Two people, look at me. I look at you and I can't believe it.

"The prime minister, in the front?" At this time, the senior sister asked actively.

"Yes. The prime minister is thinking about some issues. I don't like being interrupted. If you want to sign, you can wait. But not now." The sergeant said very friendly. Shangwen's actions of being close to the people can easily get along with the civilians. Among the civilians, Shangwen has a high prestige, because people feel like talking with a kind person.

"This." Senior sister was thinking at this time, is she taking advantage of this time. She believes that the prime minister who seizes Qin is the same.

But at this time Junior Brother Nine didn't know what to do. Obviously, Qin's prime minister appeared too suddenly. He did not expect that he would meet Qin's prime minister at this time.

"If you are willing to wait, you can go to the bench over there and wait. Later, I will explain to the prime minister." The sergeant said politely.

"This, we will." Junior Brother Nine said actively at this time.

"Let's go here." Junior Brother Nine motioned to Senior Sister at this time.

"Oh." And the senior sister is still thinking about questions at this time. She was still deciding whether to hijack Qin's prime minister.

"Huh." Shang Wen exhaled at this time. Obviously he was interrupted by the sound of conversation here.

However, Shang Wen adjusted his mood as much as possible.

"I'll take care of this." Shang Wen walked over slowly at this time. At this time, Senior Sister wanted to step forward, but was held tightly by Junior Brother Nine.

In the eyes of the sergeant, this is normal, and the prime minister is very feminine. In the eyes of the sergeant, this is the case, as is the woman. The sergeant simply regarded the senior sister's revenge behavior as a woman's worship of Shang Wen.

"What's the matter?" Shang Wen walked over and asked at this time.

"Oh. I'm sorry, sir. They just want to see you." The sergeant said at this time. And hearing the sergeant's answer, the two people were shocked.

"Oh." Shang Wen glanced at the two people. Shangwen had seen the senior sister before, but at that time, the senior sister was covering her face. Shang Wen didn't know how the other party looked like. Moreover, at this time, the other party changed his clothes, and Shang Wen did not recognize the other party for a while.

"En. Let me deal with this matter." Shang Wen said at this time.

"Yes. Sir." The sergeant took a step back and let it out.

"Hello." Shang Wen stretched out his hand and said at this time.

And two people look at me. I look at you.

"The prime minister, I'm asking you hello." The sergeant prompted at this moment later.

"Oh. Hello." Junior Brother Nine also said at this time.

The senior sister is looking at each other at this time. Nothing moved. Sister Sister's move attracted Shang Wen's attention instead. Shang Wen turned his attention to the senior sister. Shang Wen looked at each other. Shangwen had a feeling at this time, as if he had seen it before. And it's someone you know. It's a familiar feeling. This feeling is very strong.

"Hello. Prime Minister. I really want to see you." This time. Junior Brother Nine saw that Shang Wen turned his attention to Senior Sister, and thought that Shang Wen was hitting her attention, so he immediately moved forward to draw Shang Wen's attention away.

Junior Brother Nine quickly grabbed Shang Wen's hand and squeezed it. In order to divert Shang Wen's attention, Junior Brother Nine also deliberately used some force.

"I'm sorry. You hurt me." Shang Wen still looked at the senior sister intently at this time. The elder sister is also looking at Shang Wen. Shangwen's eyes did not leave the other party, and the same was true when he said this sentence.

"We seem to have seen it somewhere. This feeling is very strong." Shang Wen took the initiative to speak at this time.

"Yes, we have seen it." Senior Sister said at this time.

"En. It seems that my feeling is right." Shang Wen said.

"It's just, I don't know, we met there." Shang Wen said at this time.

"The prime minister seems to have a lot of things. The memory is very bad." The senior sister said directly.

"Oh." Shang Wen smiled slightly.

"Please forgive my memory." Shang Wen said.

"I just can't remember where I saw it. We did see it somewhere. Moreover, it's just a feeling, but in my memory, it seems that I haven't seen you." Shang Wen said at this time.

"Of course I haven't seen it." Senior Sister said.

The younger brother on the side looked at Shang Wen nervously.

"Can you give me some hints?" Shang Wen asked at this time.

"Yan country, we have met in Yan country." Senior sister said directly at this time. The nervous palms of the younger brother on the side were sweaty, and he stared at the sergeant behind. The sergeant just stood quietly behind Shang Wen.

"Guo Yan?" Shang Wen asked suspiciously at this time.

"Yes. Yan Guo." Senior Sister said.

"En." Shang Wen thought for a while. Suddenly, he thought of the woman in white. At this time Shangwen looked again. Judging from the figure and the voice. Shang Wen felt that the other party looked very alike.

"I see." Shang Wen smiled innocently.

"We have indeed seen it. Although not too familiar. But it can be regarded as a fate." Shang Wen said with a smile. Shang Wen laughed from the bottom of his heart. The Nine Junior Brother on the side looked at each other nervously at this time. Because Junior Brother Nine felt that Shang Wen had already guessed the identity of Senior Sister.

"Sergeant, can you stay there for a while?" Shang Wen turned around and said to the sergeant at this time. Then he turned to look at each other.

"I want to talk to this friend who I am not very familiar with. Can you?" Shang Wen said.

The senior sister was very surprised when she heard Shang Wen's remarks. He thought that Shangwen was very scared. He didn't expect that Shangwen was not afraid, but smiled to himself easily. In the eyes of the senior sister, Shang Wen smiled and disgusted. Very disgusting.

"This." The sergeant was a little embarrassed.

"It doesn't matter. They are all people you know." Shang Wen said to the sergeant with a smile.

See Shang Wen's relaxed smile. The sergeant nodded.

"Yes, sir. If you have something, you can greet me. sir." The sergeant said softly.

"En. I know." Shang Wen nodded and said. Then the sergeant walked away.

"You are from the Mo family." Shang Wen walked away after the sergeant. Said actively.

"We have also seen it. The soup you made is delicious. Very delicious." Shang Wen said at this time. During the period of Shangwen kidnapping. The sister has cooked soup for Shang Wen. Shang Wen's memory is still fresh.

"I will kill you. Aren't you afraid?" Senior sister showed the short sword quickly at this time.

"You are beautiful. Really." Shang Wen said this at this time. When the senior sister heard it, she seemed even more surprised.

"Really. I didn't expect you to be so beautiful." Shang Wen said while looking at each other with a smile.

"Seeing your true face. I feel extremely happy." Shang Wen said.

"I feel extremely relaxed in my heart." Shang Wen continued smiling.

"I will kill you." This time. Senior sister settled down a little bit. Then he swung the dagger in his hand.

"Your beauty has killed me." Shang Wen looked at each other and said with a smile.

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