The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1333: Recruiting talents

"Despite Prime Minister Meng Yi's impassioned speech, the stock market as a whole did not buy the prime minister's account. In just one day of trading, Qin's stock market evaporated 5 million gold in market value. The stock market as a whole fell by more than Sixty-two points. A drop of more than 10%. This is simply a catastrophic day." Express Finance reported this.

Although Meng Yi took active actions. But it is still difficult for Qin State to change the huge bad news brought by Shangwen's sudden resignation.

"Prime Minister, I think we have to take some measures. If this continues, the market will fall." An economic adviser immediately suggested to Meng Yi after seeing the response report.

"I don't think it's time yet. We don't fully understand the current situation, and we can't act rashly." Meng Yi replied at this time.

"The Prime Minister, I think we can use a quick interest rate cut to reduce 0.5%. I think this can quickly restore the stock market decline." The Minister of Economy suggested looking at the bad stock market.

"No. I don't think that by doing this, you can quickly restore such a decline. I don't do this." Meng Yi refused.

"However, our stock market is wailing. All stocks have fallen by a large margin. The worst thing is that this situation is too unexpected." The Minister of Economy said anxiously.

"I don't do this. You know?" Meng Yi turned his head calmly and said.

"Before the accident, the prime minister had been admonishing me. He said that there is sufficient funds in the market. There is no need to release a large amount of currency for the time being. At present, what Qin needs to indicate the direction of investment. This is the most important thing." Yi said firmly. Because Shangwen and Meng Yi had a detailed exchange before.

Qin's previous interest rate cuts and RRR cuts. All have greatly stimulated the activity of Qin’s capital market. However, these capitals have not yet actively flowed into Qin’s real economy, especially in some real economies that Qin needs to develop urgently. The first influx of these funds is stocks. Market, and then investment allocation can be carried out. At present, one of the most important things for Qin State is to decide the direction of investment allocation. And this direction is Qin's fiscal expenditure.

However, a new problem has come. That is, Qin's fiscal expenditures still have a large deficit in infrastructure construction, while military expenditures are still very large. During Shangwen's tenure, he has been thinking of ways. Reduce military spending, and then use these developments on infrastructure. However, the Qin State always broke out of war suddenly. Shangwen racked his brains on the issue of war. Shangwen thought a lot about how to end the war, so much so that he did not tell Meng Yi where Qin would go next. The problem that Meng Yi is facing now is precisely this problem of directionality. He doesn't know how Qin should develop. How to develop.

"At present, there is sufficient capital in the Qin State market. The flow of these capitals is the most important issue. Therefore, we should not worry about the liquidity of funds in the market. We mainly solve the direction of the flow of funds. This is the most critical issue. "Meng Yi continued.

"Yes, Prime Minister." The Minister of Economy said.

"We need to comprehensively analyze all aspects of the situation, and the data must be collected as soon as possible." Meng Yi said to the assistant at this time.

"The prime minister. The king's phone." An office worker said anxiously.

"Okay. I'll go now. Do as I said." Meng Yi said at this time.

"The King." Meng Yi answered the phone and said.

"I saw the newspaper. I know that after taking office. The stock market has seen a big drop. I want to tell you that I don't value these things. I value you. The next action must be calm and not for these impetuous things. , And bewildered, understand?" King Qin said over the phone.

"Yes, I understand, Lord." Meng Yi nodded.

"Very well, I have a plan to tell me the next step. That's it." King Qin said over the phone.

"Yes, the king, the minister hung up the phone." This time. After Meng Yi hung up the phone at King Qin's end, he carefully put the phone back on the phone.

"Huh." After Meng Yi hung up the call, he felt a lot of pressure.

And in the Hanwang Palace in South Korea. Han Shu and several major ministers are discussing the telegram sent from the southern part of Qin State. Also attending the meeting was Zhang Liang, who was lying on the hospital bed, because of Zhang Liang's physical condition. Han Shu hopes that the other party can be quiet, but Zhang Liang still thinks that he can relax his mind only when he is in his own position, so Han Shu is allowed to get up in bed and attend the meeting.

"My lord, the minister thinks this is a good thing and an excellent opportunity. Such an opportunity is really important for South Korea." After seeing the content of the telegram, the Minister of Economy in the cabinet quickly produced it. Got my own thoughts. In front of such an opportunity. The Minister of Economy immediately expressed his opinion.

"Qin State has also adopted such an incentive measure for the newly-occupied areas. They send those students who have just learned some knowledge and skills in the university to the newly-developed areas for free. In those newly-developed areas, let Those students who have mastered knowledge and skills can use their skills. On the one hand, Qin can let these students solve their knowledge use, which is equivalent to solving the employment problem of these students. On the other hand, the people of Qin also use what they have learned. The resources developed by knowledge quickly create wealth, such as those minerals, railway engineering construction, highway engineering construction, and a large number of zoophysicians. The intervention of these students and experts has greatly accelerated the development of local resources in Qin. Intensity. The entry of these knowledgeable people has greatly shortened the development time of Qin, and now our South Korea needs to do the same. The development of the southern islands urgently needs such talents, and we should support such talents and vigorously support them. , This is of great benefit to us." The Minister of Economy said at this time.

Han Shu nodded, agreeing with this view. The Minister of Economy was very happy to see that the Queen agreed with her views.

"However, the king. Chen believes that although Qin has absorbed Qin's students, some of the confidentiality of South Korea will also be leaked. For security reasons, I think we should find another way. For example, using students from our country, Let them join in. This will not only solve our resource utilization problem, but at the same time promote our educational development." Zhang Liang re-proposed such a development at this time.

After hearing Zhang Liang's suggestion, Han Shu became silent and carefully considered Zhang Liang's words.

Zhang Liang is from the perspective of security. At present, South Korean surface power is still docked on Qin's wharf, especially for logistics supplies, except for these.

Qin's funding and support from all aspects is also very necessary. Among the students of Qin State, it is hard to guarantee that there is no Qin State’s meticulous work. Once Qin State knows that South Korea has made such a huge move in navigation, Qin State will definitely take some measures, such as economic sanctions. South Korea has a serious impact. This is something Han Shu is very worried about.

In addition to these, there is one more thing, that is, the students in their own country, in terms of knowledge, their own students’ ability to learn freely, but in the application of knowledge and other aspects, there are still big defects and it is very difficult to develop. And the effect is not obvious. With such a significant gap, South Korea has no choice but to introduce strategic arrangements.

"En." Han Shu felt that this matter was a bit tricky.

"How is our port construction in Qi and other areas going on?" Han Shu asked.

"This, it hasn't started yet." A major general of the new South Korean army said at this time.

"Speed ​​up the pace, we need a port outside of Qin. No matter what method is used? Looting, leasing, as long as there is an overseas port." Han Shu said decisively.

"Understood, Lord." The South Korean new army major general saluted.

"Regarding this matter. Few people thought about it. They thought it was OK, but with a slight delay in time, they asked them to recruit more people, carry out some basic training on the spot, and then drag them aboard, and wait for us. After arriving at an overseas port, we quickly let them board the ship." Han Shu issued an order.

"In addition, we will also be ordered to recruit some students and some experts to go overseas, so that they can also carry out research, we provide all their expenses, not only provide all the expenses, but also give them special allowances. These allowances must be with our captain. The same height. Not only Korean students, Qin, Qi, Zhao, Chu, etc. As long as they have talents, they will be used immediately. Use legal contracts to contain them. We must give generous treatment in terms of treatment "Han Shu said.

"So, safety?" Zhang Liang said worriedly.

"I have thought about it. For South Korea to develop, there must be a sea." Han Shu said.

"Korea will explain this matter sooner or later, so," Han Shu said.

"So, the widow thinks that sooner or later, if you want to talk about this matter, just say it directly. There is no need to wait." Han Shu said.

"Hiding is not a thing. As long as we are prepared, it's okay." Han Shu said indifferently.

"However, the widow believes that Qi's affairs must be done well. At this time, it is an important part of South Korea's establishment of the navy and maritime strategy. Therefore, you must not be careless." Han Shu said solemnly.

"The minister understands." All the people present saluted.

"En. Just do this." Han Shu signaled that he could go down.

In Qi State, the news of Chu State's dispatch of troops suddenly amazed Qi State a lot.

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