The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1334: Procrastination tactics

"Da Da." A Qi State Cavalry ran quickly on the road leading to Linzi. After knowing the news of the Chu army dispatching troops. The Qi army reacted immediately and sent a signalman to convey the important news to Linzi. For them, they can only use procrastination tactics. Abandoning the vast territory has become an impossible fact.

In a city in the southern part of Qi, a reorganized Qi army company was surrounded by the Chu army before it could retreat.

"You surrender quickly, otherwise we will attack the city. Once the city is attacked, many people will die." An officer of the Kingdom of Chu shouted loudly while standing on a chariot.

"Kacha." A Qi Jun rifleman carefully pushed up a rifle round. Then slowly adjust your movements. Aim at the head of the Chu officer.

"This distance is too far. Do you have confidence?" This time. A Qi Jun lieutenant climbed over carefully and asked.

"There should be no problem," the rifleman whispered.

"It's only two hundred steps, three hundred steps away, I have hit all but two shots. Two hundred steps, it should be fine." At this time. The rifleman whispered.

"Okay. You try it." The lieutenant said slowly. Then exit carefully.

"As long as you surrender, our Chu army will guarantee your safety." The Chu officer shouted loudly.

"If you don't surrender, have you seen the cannon behind us?" The Chu officer turned around and said at this time.

"We will use cannons to smash this earth-rammed city into flat ground." The Chu State officer shouted with confidence. In order to take down this city, the Chu army mobilized about thirty artillery pieces. Such a number of artillery pieces are already quite devastating for such a city.

"God mortal Chu." The captain of the Qi army team saw such a situation with a telescope and said.

"They really have so many artillery." The captain said.

"What should we do? Sir," a lieutenant on the side asked.

"We first hide all the people in the city. It is best to hide them in the cellar. This is the only way we can keep their lives safe. Send someone to inform immediately." The captain said.

"Sergeant, take a few people with you. Start right away." The lieutenant motioned to a sergeant.

The sergeant called a few soldiers, then took their weapons and left here.

"Then, what shall we do? Sir," the lieutenant asked.

"Then, that is, we need to prevent the Chu people from firing, or, let the Chu people come in. Our rifles can't reach the opponent's distance at all. They are too far away. They are even four hundred steps away. These are timid. Chu countryman," the captain said.

"Next," the lieutenant said.

"Next, we put the Chu people in and created chaos. Then, we dispersed and broke through, did we see the mountains to the north?" the captain said.

"We can be considered safe as long as we enter the mountains," the captain said.

"Okay, sir," the lieutenant said.

"Well, now, we want to let the Chu people in. We can only let them fire, just in case, you bring your people, and the first row. The third row. Leave a class of people on duty, The rest of the people all entered the hidden position. You use the squad as a unit. After the Chu people came in, you quickly started shooting, do you understand?" Captain Qi Jun said.

The Qi army are all excellent soldiers who have experienced war and have rich experience in war. They know their own strengths and at the same time understand their own shortcomings. Under the bombardment of artillery, it is difficult for them to make a difference. There is a great advantage. This advantage lies in their rich combat experience, familiarity with their own weapons, and better fighting skills than the Chu army. And cooperate with each other tacitly. In addition to these, their weapons are superior to the Chu Army. However, the Chu army has not yet experienced the fighting method using muskets as the main combat weapon. They can only passively accept and change.

"Bang." There was a clear gunshot.

"Puff." The Chu State officer who shouted out immediately splashed blood mist on his neck. The officer covered his wound in pain, and the blood kept flowing out, which made the officer very painful, and the pain was unbearable.

"Woo." The officer lay on the chariot in pain.

"The Qi people of Tiansha." The driver who drove the carriage immediately cursed. Then he drove his carriage and left here quickly.

And the captain on the wall shouted loudly at this time.

"Everyone, hurry down and hide. Chu people's shelling will begin immediately." The captain shouted loudly.

"Hurry up. Hurry up," a corporal shouted loudly.

"All hide. Hurry up." The Qi army soldier shouted. Then the sliding door quickly left the city wall, concealing things quickly.

In the distance, the senior commander of the State of Chu stood on the chariot and looked at the officer of the State of Chu who was killed in front of him.

"Looking for death," the commander scolded.

"Order the gunners and level this city for me." The commander issued such an order.

"Here." A Chu State junior officer said with a fist. Then quickly communicate the order.

"Aim. Release." A Chu Army gunner shouted loudly.

"Boom." A huge artillery bombardment sounded quickly.

"Swish." The cannonball whizzed out.

"Boom." A huge explosion came. The shell hit the city wall. At this time, the Qi army was still in a tense retreat.

"Hidden, hide everything." A Qi army soldier shouted loudly at this time. The civilians hiding in the city looked at the running soldiers in horror at this time. They didn't know what to do.

"Hidden. Hurry up," a second-class soldier shouted loudly. Then I searched for a reliable location to avoid it.

"Hurry up," the captain shouted loudly at this time.

"Boom." Then there was another explosion. The buildings on the city wall were blown up all at once. Splashing wooden sticks, clods flying everywhere.

"Find a place and hide." The captain got up and shouted loudly. At this time, there were not many people on the streets in the city, and the civilians who had taken refuge finally knew what to do. The soldiers gave them good instructions.

"Boom. Boom." Chu people's artillery was still bombarding, and such bombardment would take at least one day to be effective. But the other Chu army didn't have time to wait like this. They took a detour and continued to advance, but the mountains in front stopped them again.

On the mountain road where the Chu army was advancing, a Chu army stopped.

"Why did the people in front stop?" a Chu officer asked at this time.

"General, there are people from Qi people in front of them. They shot secretly. We have sent people to chase after two people, but we are still not sure if anyone is there. You must know. The terrain is very unfavorable for us, so we stop I'm down." A Chu State junior officer replied. The officer's uniform became very dirty.

"God's evil. How long have you been waiting here?" The Chu officer asked while sitting on the chariot.

"It's been more than an hour." The lower-level officer replied.

"You have waited here for more than an hour. You really should be beheaded." The Chu officer shouted loudly.

"Go forward now, don't stop, go forward." The Chu State officer shouted loudly.

"This." The Chu State junior officer didn't know how to answer at this time.

"Go forward." The lower-ranking officer of Chu State had no choice but to issue an order.

"He actually stayed here for more than an hour." Chu State officer cursed. At this time, the lower-level officer had to drag the Chu Army soldiers who were unwilling to advance.

"Go forward. Hurry up." The Chu State junior officer pushed the soldiers forward.

The Chu officer looked at the soldiers who were extremely reluctant to advance and felt very annoyed.

"Bang." At this moment, a clear gunshot came.

"Attack. There was an attack." The Chu army soldiers dodged in horror, and the Chu officer was very annoyed when he saw that Chu army avoided the gunfire in this way.

"Get up all for me. Hurry up, if you don't get up, I will shoot you." Chu State officer shouted loudly.

"Bang." A bullet shot directly at the Chu officer, but the bullet did not hit.

"You are all beasts of Qi people of Tiansha." The Chu officer scolded like this.

"Bang." The officer of Chu State fired with the musket in his hand.

"Wow." Just as the officer sneered at the Chu army, a bullet finally hit the Chu officer, and the bullet directly hit the officer's lungs. The Chu officer knelt to the ground uncomfortably. When other soldiers of the Chu army saw this situation, they cursed the Chu officer, as if they were saying, now they finally know the taste of guns.

"General." The lower-level officer dragged the Chu officer into concealment. But Chu Jun stopped at this time, and then stopped advancing.

The soldiers of the Chu Army also did not fire back. The reason was that they knew very well that the opponent's rifle could shoot themselves, and their own muskets could not be compared with others. Their musket range simply couldn't reach the opponent, and the shooting was for nothing. , So they simply hid and stopped doing anything.

The limited Qi army troops in the south are using all the conditions they can use to procrastinate, and Linzi finally knows about this.

"Is this true?" Tian Heng asked incredulously.

"It's true," the communicator replied profusely.

"Oh." Tian Heng was a little disappointed.

"You go down and rest first." Tian Heng waved his hand, and the communications soldier saluted and retreated.

"How can this be good?" Tian Heng said worriedly.

"The Chu army suddenly sent troops to attack our country, and it is impossible for our army to even send troops now. How to deal with the logistical supplies and military pay?" Tian Heng said with a sad face.

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