The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1347: Is the prime minister

"Control the flying attitude." The captain said to the lieutenant at this time.

"It's evening, and flying at this altitude on the ground with such a complicated wind direction is at low altitude, and there is a risk of crashing the boat." The captain said at this time.

"Quickly detour. Quickly detour. I have locked them. Only go around." The machine gunner in front shouted loudly.

"Tututu. Tutu." The machine gun kept spurting life-threatening flames.

"Damn it." Shang Wen scolded nervously. Because the bullets kept shooting towards this side, the bullets kept suppressing Shang Wen. It was difficult for the two to move.

"Brother." Senior sister grabbed the senior brother's right arm and shouted nervously at this time.

The situation of being brutally shot and killed is going to happen in front of them, and they can't do anything about it, which makes them too uncomfortable.

But at this moment. A miracle happened unexpectedly. Because it was the evening. The wind direction is easy to change, especially in mountainous areas. Because it is in a narrow area, unknown wind direction is always unexpected.

A strong northwest wind came out suddenly.

At this time, the airship that was flying towards the northeast was suddenly affected by the strong wind. The position of the front of the airship suddenly changed its direction.

"Damn it," the captain cursed loudly. Because he was trying hard to go around, that is, moving to the northwest, but the wind suddenly blew the airship's head in the opposite direction.

"Suddenly." The ejected bullet flew in another direction. The machine gunner in front cursed loudly at this time.

"Damn it. The airship is in the wrong direction." The machine gunner cursed loudly.

"You **** it. It's a free wind. It can't be controlled at all." And this time. The captain shouted loudly. At this time, the airship was spinning around under the control of the turbulent wind. The machine gunners were shaken and couldn't control the machine gun.

"Senior brother, look." Senior sister exclaimed excitedly at this time. Because she suddenly didn't know why when she saw the airship, she suddenly changed its direction.

"Why didn't they shoot?" Linger asked Shangwen at this time.

"How do I know?" Shang Wen replied.

"How about we run quickly." Linger suggested.

"No, if they wait for us to go out, it will be over." Shang Wen said calmly.

"What are you doing hiding there? Run away." The senior sister shouted loudly at this time. However, the two of them were in a tense state, and they didn't hear the senior sister's loud shouts at all.

"Run," the senior sister shouted loudly again. But the two still did not hear.

"I think it's better to run away quickly. Here, we will die sooner or later." Linger dropped Shangwen and ran away.

"Come back. Damn." Shang Wen cursed.

"Let's run too." Shang Wen stood up and ran helplessly at this time. Shangwen followed Ling'er, and Ling'er didn't know where to run. Shang Wen also ran behind.

The airships in the sky are trying hard to control their airships at this time.

"Increase the horsepower and let the airship get rid of this spinning situation." The captain controlled the airship as much as possible. At this time, the lieutenant stepped on the accelerator, and the two propellers increased the speed behind. The machine gun airship is a medium-sized airship. Few people in Qin’s machine gun airship would use heavy airships to modify them. The heavy airship has two propellers on the back and on both sides of the front. The heavy airship has a total of four propellers because it is a medium-sized airship. The airship has only two two propellers. The two propellers of the airship make it difficult to control the airship.

An airship is a suspended aircraft. The characteristic of this kind of aircraft is that it relies on the physical properties of the gas to lift into the air. That is to rely on the buoyancy of the gas. Coupled with the huge size of the airship. The propeller can only control the airship's attitude to a limited extent. Even a heavy-duty airship with four propellers will encounter such a situation in complex airflow conditions. The heavy airship can only barely be controlled.

"Huhu." Shang Wen caught up with Ling'er and hid behind Ling Yi Rock. Shang Wen gasped with a big breath.

"We can't know the cave right now. If they find the cave, they will quickly block the cave. That way, it won't be easy to get it done." Shang Wen said.

The airship in the sky finally controlled its flight attitude at this time.

"The re-adjustment of the flight attitude is complete." The captain said loudly to the microphone.

"Everyone, search for the target again. They are here." The captain ordered.

"Yes. Sir." The machine gunner on the left replied at this time.

"If I can control the airship's attitude, I can shoot them." The airship machine gunner in front said so on the side of the microphone.

"I understand, but you need to know," the captain said.

"This is irresistible. Do you understand?" the captain said from the side of the microphone.

"Yes. Sir," everyone said. They feel very helpless when the airship encounters such a situation, but they have no alternative, because such things often happen. Once they happen, it is easy to lose their targets. For them, it is simply a torture, it is a kind of torture. Seeing the target, it is about to catch the feeling of helplessness after the target.

"What should we do now?" Linger asked Shangwen.

"I don't know." Shang Wen said.

"I have to look at those airships. They are in the sky and it is easy to see us. We can't deal with them at all." Shang Wen said.

"Yes. Just like an eagle." Linger said.

"Yes. We can only be beaten passively." Shang Wen continued.

"We have to do something. If this goes on, they will catch us sooner or later," Shang Wen said.

"We can wait until it's dark." Linger said with a quick response.

"They have flares at night, and they have many ways." Shang Wen said.

"And now it's still a while before dark." Shang Wen looked at the sky and said.

The senior sister also said this in the cave at this time.

"Just wait until it's dark, and it's dark one day." The senior sister said expectantly.

"If they continue to blockade. Then conduct night battles, what should we do? They just raise the height, then continuously drop flares, and then use radio to call for reinforcements." Shang Wen shook his head.

"Qin Jun came here soon. They must be resolved." Shang Wen said at this time.

"What are you talking about? I don't understand at all." Linger said at this time.

"It's not the time to say this at all," Shang Wen said nervously.

The radio operator of the airship in the sky at this time is taking pictures of the situation here. The ground liaison station also accepts the situation here.

"Sir. We received such a telegram." The ensign quickly walked over and handed them such a telegram at this time.

"En." The lieutenant colonel nodded at this time.

"They found someone from the Mo family?" the lieutenant colonel asked.

"Yes. Sir," the second lieutenant replied.

"Tell them this telegram order. Be fast, don't let them blast with machine guns. If you hit the prime minister, it will be troublesome." At this time. The lieutenant colonel immediately forwarded the telegram in his hand to the ensign.

"The prime minister?" the second lieutenant asked suspiciously.

"Yes. The general staff has just issued an order. It is said that we have to be careful with the Mo family. The Mo family hijacked the prime minister. If we shoot them indiscriminately, we will shoot them." The lieutenant colonel said at this time.

"Yes. Sir. I will forward this telegram immediately." The ensign immediately took the telegram and left in a hurry.

At this time, the airship was photographing the current situation.

"How is the battle now?" the radio operator asked.

"Still searching for the target. We lost the target." The machine gunner on the left said.

"Damn it." The radio made a telegram at this time.

"A telegram is coming." The radio operator immediately began to receive the telegram.

"Is there any help?" the captain said at this time.

"Just keep the current situation." The machine gunner in front said while looking at the ground with a telescope at this time.

"Hehe." The captain laughed.

"Sir. Amazing telegram content. Amazing telegram content." The radio operator shouted immediately at this moment.

"Order of the General Staff. They said, Prime Minister. Prime Minister." The radio operator shouted loudly at this time.

"The prime minister is in their hands." the radio operator yelled.

"What?" the captain asked loudly at this time.

"The prime minister is in the hands of the Mo family," the radio operator said.

"The lieutenant colonel ordered us not to shoot indiscriminately." The radio operator shouted loudly at this time.

"What?" the captain asked loudly at this time.

"I don't know the specifics. This is what the order says." The radio operator said loudly at this time.

"Damn it," the captain said in the microphone. The other machine gunner looked at the radio operator.

"It's true," the radio operator said at this time.

"Send the order. Hurry up. I need to see the contents of this telegram with my own eyes." The radio operator said at this time.

"Yes, sir." The radio operator immediately walked to the cab with a telegram.

"It's the order from above," the captain said after seeing the telegram.

"Execute the order," the captain said.

"We can't shoot anymore. Everyone, observe the situation of the Mo family." The captain ordered.

"Yes, sir." The machine gunner in front said at this time.

"This problem must be solved." Shang Wen decided to hide behind the stone. He believes that this situation must be resolved.

Shang Wen quickly walked out of the stone, and then shouted loudly.

"I am your prime minister. Stop shooting. Stop shooting." Shang Wen shouted loudly.

Shang Wen kept waving his arms and shouted loudly.

"There is a situation. Someone is waving his arms at us." The machine gunner on the right yelled loudly at this time.

"Look at that person's dress, he should be from Qin. It's the prime minister. It's the prime minister." The machine gunner on the right shouted loudly.

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