"It's the prime minister. It's the same as the prime minister in the newspaper." At this time. The machine gunner on the right shouted loudly.

"Ah." Shang Wen kept waving his arms below and shouted loudly.

"Is that guy crazy?" Senior Sister said in the cave.

"Ah." Shang Wen shouted loudly.

"You should stop immediately. Stop shooting. Stop shooting." Shang Wen shouted loudly.

"Stop shooting. Stop shooting." Shang Wen kept waving his arms, he thought that only in this way could the machine gunner stop shooting.

"Sir. The prime minister seems to be on our right." the lieutenant said to the captain. The captain immediately looked to the window on the right.

"Binoculars," the captain waved.

"Here. Sir." The lieutenant handed the telescope.

"Yes. It's the prime minister. The clothes are now Qin's clothes. Those Mohists don't know how to wear such clothes." The captain took the telescope and looked at Shang Wen, who waved his arms and called out loudly.

"Stop shooting, everyone stops shooting." Shang Wen shouted loudly, waving his arms.

"I am your prime minister. Stop shooting." Shang Wen kept jumping and shouting loudly. Ling'er hides behind and looks at Shang Wen who dances with his hands and feet.

"Sir, shall we report the situation here to the ground?" the radio operator said in the microphone at this time.

"Yes. Immediately report the situation here by telegram." The radio operator said at this time.

"Sir, what should we do? The prime minister is underneath." The machine gunner on the right asked with a telescope behind him.

"Look if there are people from the Mo family around." The captain felt that things were very difficult, so he personally came to the back cabin and said.

"There is no officer." The machine gunner on the right picked up the binoculars and observed.

"Impossible," the captain said.

"Look at the surrounding situation again. Pay attention to the people of the Mo family, we are going to land and rescue the prime minister." said the captain.

"What?" the machine gunner on the right said.

"Rescue the prime minister," the captain said.

"This is the best time to win the medal," the captain said.

"I want to go personally," the captain said.

"Sir. Let me go." The machine gunner on the right is a sergeant of the Celestial Army, an experienced veteran.

"En. Yes. You go. Pay attention to those Mo family members, and you must rescue the Prime Minister back." said the captain.

"It's the sir." The sergeant nodded and said.

Qin Jun’s ground contact center.

"Sir. Look at this." The ensign rushed in and said with the telegram in his hand.

"What?" the lieutenant colonel asked at this time.

"It's a telegram from the Pegasus. It says that they have found the Prime Minister." At this time, the ensign said.

"What?" The lieutenant colonel was startled.

The lieutenant colonel quickly took the telegram and looked.

"This. Is it true?" The lieutenant colonel said while looking at the telegram.

"The content on the telegram is true." The lieutenant colonel said at this time.

"We should take immediate action. Even if it is a mistake, we must proceed." said the lieutenant colonel.

"Immediately send a telegram to Xianyang. Let them know about this." said the lieutenant colonel.

"Immediately order to send a telegram to other nearby flights. Let them go to that area quickly. Hurry up." The lieutenant colonel said with a telegram.

"Yes. Sir." The ensign received the order. Then quickly began to act.

"I can't let him go like this." The senior sister said as she watched Shang Wen waving her arms.

"I want to catch him." Senior Sister said.

"What? Senior Sister." Junior Brother Nine asked.

"He wants to escape." Senior Sister said at this time.

"This." Junior Brother Nine couldn't refute.

"However. I don't think he is such a person." Junior Brother Nine told him the feeling.

"He will definitely not run away." Junior Brother Nine said.

"You come back." Senior sister ran to Shang Wen's side quickly at this time. Suddenly grabbed Shang Wen's arm.

"Come back." Senior Sister dragged Shang Wen's arm and shouted.

"Sir. It's not good. A Mohist appears below. It seems that he is going to take the Prime Minister back. What should we do?" At this time. The machine gunner on the left was seen with a telescope on the machine gun position on the right.

"What to do?" the machine gunner on the left asked.

"Go down. Go down and get the prime minister back." The captain said and took out his pistol. Then walked near the hatch.

"Put me down with a rope. I will go down myself," the captain said.

"Here. Sir. This airship can't go on without your command," the sergeant asked.

"There is also the co-pilot. Let him take you back. Now you must bring the Prime Minister back. The Prime Minister is very important to Qin," the captain said.

"Okay. Sir. We have a responsibility to do this. I'll go with you." The sergeant said at this time.

"Okay. You follow me. Others use machine guns to cover the prime minister. Don't let others get close to the prime minister." the captain ordered.

"Yes. Sir," the captain ordered. With that, the captain began to bind himself. Then prepare to go down slowly.

"Don't move me. I won't run. I want them to stop shooting, so they will kill innocent people indiscriminately." Shang Wen said.

"Now, I want to convince them. Let them stop such attacks." Shang Wen said solemnly.

"Can you persuade?" Senior Sister said at this time.

"Yes. I definitely can. I am their prime minister, and the prime minister also has the power to order." Shang Wen said.

The senior sister looked at Shang Wen and didn't say anything.

"Okay." Senior Sister said at this time.

"However, you'd better be behind me. Those are soldiers. They are hostile to you and will be detrimental to you. For this. I feel very sorry." Shang Wen said.

"En." The senior sister looked at Shang Wen and nodded.

And at this time the captain came down from above. The captain was too late to take the rope off himself. Then he raised the pistol in his hand.

"Don't move. Put down the weapon in your hand." The captain raised the pistol in his hand and shouted to the senior sister at this time.

"Put down the gun. They won't hurt me." Shang Wen said at this time.

"What? Prime Minister." The captain looked at Shang Wen in surprise.

"They won't hurt me. Put down the pistol in your hand. Don't hurt the innocent." Shang Wen continued.

"Also, let the airship land. Stop here. The night is coming soon. This kind of flying is very dangerous. This is a mountainous area." Shang Wen said.

"But, sir. Behind is the Mo family." The captain said.

"They won't hurt me. I guarantee your safety." Shang Wen said.

"Please ensure the safety of the lives of the soldiers of the State of Qin." Shang Wen said back to the senior sister.

"En." Senior sister nodded.

"Let them stop. End the killing. All problems will be solved." Shang Wen said.

"This," the captain said embarrassedly.

"Execute the order. Captain." Shang Wen said.

"I have to ask my superiors." The captain said to Shang Wen.

"According to the laws of the State of Qin. The Prime Minister has the right to command the Marine Corps." said the captain.

"This. Okay. Sir." The captain lowered his gun. Salute.

"Sir. I'm here." This time. The sergeant said with a pistol.

The sergeant walked to the captain's side. Looking at the prime minister and the Mo family woman behind.

"Second Sergeant Li." The captain ordered.

"Sir," the sergeant called.

"You go up and order our airship to land. This is the prime minister's order. And report the situation here to the contact station." The captain said.

"This." The sergeant looked at the captain.

"Execute the order," the captain said.

"Yes. Sir." The sergeant climbed up again.

"Captain. What's your name?" Shang Wen asked.

"Li Li," the captain replied.

"Captain Lili?" Shang Wen asked. Shang Wen is very strange. He thought that a military officer had a female name.

"It's Li Li. Sir," the captain replied.

"I'm sorry. Captain Li Li. Right?" The captain confirmed.

"Yes, sir," the captain replied.

"Do you know if you shoot indiscriminately like this, it will cause the casualties of innocent people?" Shang Wen is very disgusted with such indiscriminate shooting.

"Sir, this is the order from above. We must carry it out. This is our duty." said the captain.

"Well. Your random shooting like this is likely to cause a fire and hurt a lot of innocent people. Such shooting must stop in the future and tell your superiors what I think. Otherwise, I will go to a military court to sue you. "Shang Wen said solemnly.

"Yes. Sir," the captain said.

"The sergeant ordered us to land the airship." The sergeant said after climbing up.

"What?" The lieutenant felt very strange when he received such an order.

"It's true." The sergeant said indeed.

"This order is too strange. I can't execute it." The lieutenant refused.

"But, this is the captain's order. And yes. The prime minister did the same." said the sergeant.

"Here. Let's report the situation here to the contact station. And yes. If we go down. Those Mohists will kill us. For our safety. It is best for us to float on it." The lieutenant was at this time. Said.

"Okay," the sergeant said.

"Report the situation here to the liaison station," the lieutenant said.

"Captain Li Li. What's the situation?" Shang Wen asked.

"No. Sir. We also just received the order. The Prime Minister said that you have fallen into the hands of the Mo family." The captain said.

"En. I want to know what happened to Qin State?" Shang Wen said.

"I don't know, what happened to Qin State." Shang Wen said repeatedly.

"Sir. We have a radio above," the captain said.

"Radio?" Shang Wen asked.

"Yes. Sir. There is a radio on it. You can report to you what happened in Qin country one by one." The captain said respectfully.

"En." Shang Wen nodded.

"Very good. It's good to have a radio. In this way. Wired telegrams are not necessary." Shang Wen said.

"Very convenient." Shang Wen said.

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