"Sir. The Mo Family behind?" Captain Li Li kindly reminded Shangwen.

"They won't hurt me." Shang Wen said.

"This is not a place to talk. Come here." Shang Wen said and pointed to the stone place under the big tree.

"By the way, let the airship land down." Shang Wen said.

"You should understand the importance of flight safety." Shang Wen said while looking at the airship floating at low altitude.

"Yes. Sir," the captain said respectfully.

"Is the telegram above sent?" the lieutenant asked the radio operator.

"How is it possible. I just finished shooting and sending it." This time. Said the radio operator.

"Okay," the lieutenant said, walking back and forth.

Ground contact center.

"That's it? Is there a situation?" This time. The lieutenant colonel asked.

"Accepting the sergeant," the ensign said.

"Accept quickly," the lieutenant colonel said, tapping the ensign on the shoulder.

"Sir. The latest situation." The ensign immediately took a telegram to the lieutenant colonel. There is no password for Qin's radio communication. Because only the Qin family mastered the radio technology, and sending telegrams back and forth was very time-consuming. As a result, they all cancelled the codebook translation and switched to the plain codebook. In other words. They all use telegram books without any passwords.

"Let me see." The lieutenant colonel immediately took the telegram at this moment and looked.

"Oh my God," the lieutenant colonel said, looking at the latest telegram.

"They actually saw the prime minister." The lieutenant colonel exclaimed in surprise.

"Immediately. Let all the airships around us rush to that place. The Prime Minister must be brought here." The lieutenant colonel said loudly.

"But, sir. Those cruising airships have just flown to the base. The airships need maintenance and inspections before they can take off. And the pilots are already tired, I am afraid it is difficult to perform such tasks, and they will face the danger of flying at night. You must know , The place they cruise is mountainous. The complicated weather conditions are very unfavorable to us." A staff officer next to the captain said immediately.

"Sir, the weather conditions are starting to be unfavorable for us. I just got the latest weather telegram, and there will be a cold air going south. I'm afraid." A major officer next to him said with a phone.

"Damn it," the lieutenant colonel cursed.

"Are there other airships in the sky?" the lieutenant colonel asked immediately.

"Nothing, sir," the second lieutenant said.

"My God." This time. The lieutenant colonel said incredulously.

"Immediately send a telegram to the Army so that they can immediately send ground troops to intervene. Forward all the situation here to the staff and let the staff make a decision." The lieutenant colonel thought the problem was very serious. So, such an order was immediately issued.

"Yes. Sir." The ensign immediately began to send a telegram. Others began to contact other departments.

"Sir. Amazing telegram content." At this time, a corporal radio operator shouted loudly.

"The captain has been in contact with the prime minister." This time. The corporal shouted loudly.

"What?" The lieutenant colonel quickly ran over at this time. Take a look at the telegram.

"The prime minister wants to land the airship. What does this mean?" the lieutenant colonel said while looking at the telegram.

"I don't know. Sir," said the major on the side.

"Meteorological conditions say that there will be a stream of cold air going south?" the lieutenant colonel asked at this time.

"Yes. Sir," the major said.

"I think this is the reason." The lieutenant colonel said to himself.

"Pegasus." On the airship.

"Are there any telegrams?" the lieutenant asked.

"No. Sir," the radio operator said.

"Wait. There is." The radio operator immediately picked up the pen and paper and began to receive the signal message.

"What did you say?" The lieutenant immediately looked at each other's situation.

"It's not over yet." The radio operator recorded all the numbers.

And in Xianyang's staff. An army lieutenant colonel stormed into the duty room.

"Bang." The door was rushed open.

A colonel frowned and watched the lieutenant colonel rush in. But the colonel restrained his situation, because such things always happened in the evening. Because it was the evening, some of Qin's staff had already left work. The staff on duty has already started to work. Off-duty personnel and those on duty have half an hour to overlap. The military department is the same as other departments. A certain number of staff must be reserved for night duty. In order to deal with emergencies.

"The prime minister. The prime minister found me." The lieutenant colonel said anxiously, holding a telegram.

"What?" The colonel looked at the lieutenant colonel in surprise.

"This is the content of the telegram forwarded from the Southern Defense Zone." The lieutenant colonel handed it to the colonel as he said. The colonel immediately took it over and saw it.

"Oh my God," the colonel called.

"Call now. Hurry up," the lieutenant colonel urged.

"Okay." The colonel immediately picked up the red phone. The red phone will be a high-level emergency military situation. The military situation here will inform King Qin as soon as possible.

"The telegram above tells us. Allow us to land." The radio operator looked at the lieutenant with the telegram just received.

"What a joke?" The lieutenant looked at each other in surprise.

"This is indeed the meaning of the above. They said. There will be a cold air going south." The radio operator looked at the other side and said.

"Oh." The lieutenant looked at each other. At a loss.

"What should we do?" the sergeant on the side asked.

"I. I don't know." The lieutenant shook his head.

"Sir. If the cold air goes south, we will not be at the base, and the airship will be blown down by the strong wind." The machine gunner next to him said anxiously.

And at the contact station. The captain said to the lieutenant colonel.

"Sir, we should consider the safety of those pilots. You know, there are Mohist people on the ground, and those Mohist people will be detrimental to our pilots." The captain said.

"I know this," the lieutenant colonel said.

"Then why do you do this?" the captain said.

"The prime minister, the prime minister is below, we must ensure the safety of the prime minister, after we go down. Just connect the prime minister to the airship. Only when the airship goes down, can the prime minister be safely picked back." said the lieutenant colonel.

"However, we haven't rescued the prime minister from the Mohists. This is too risky. This is a joke on the lives of the pilots. Besides, they are the pilots, the Celestial Army. Not the Army." The captain said excitedly.

"Stop talking. Just do it. Go down. Order the airship to go down." The lieutenant colonel said firmly.

"Order them, descend. Rescue the prime minister. Hurry up." The lieutenant colonel said decisively.

"Huh." The captain did not accept such orders.

"Execute the order, second lieutenant." The lieutenant colonel ordered.

"Yes, sir." The ensign received the order. Start making telegrams.

The lieutenant colonel said nothing about it. The captain thought that the lieutenant colonel was joking with his own life. Below are the people of Mohist school. Pilots are not Army combatants, and they rarely accept ground operations. They will only receive flight training. The captain felt very uncomfortable with this.

Inside the Xianyang Palace of Qin State. Zhao Gao hurried to King Qin. King Qin was eating at this time.

"The king. The king. The latest news. The prime minister. I have found the prime minister. The heavenly army has found the prime minister." At this time. Zhao Gao shouted loudly.

"What?" King Qin immediately put down his chopsticks.

"The prime minister found me." Zhao Gao said simply. And an attendant on the side was stunned when he heard such news. Then, taking advantage of the gap between King Qin and Zhao Gao verifying the news, they immediately left here. Hastily ran in the direction of Yingyu.

"Where is the prime minister?" Wang Jian asked a staff officer next to him.

"According to the content of the telegram sent. Probably in the Yunshan area." said a staff officer next to him. The staff officer specializes in geology and landforms.

"The mountains are towering into the clouds. The terrain is complicated. Almost no one lives there. Even hunters in the mountains rarely go there. Judging from the Mohist's law of action. They should stay in such a place."

"En." Wang Jian nodded.

"How many troops are there near us?" Wang Jian then asked.

"The nearest units are about one hundred and fifty miles away, and they have only one battalion. There is a cavalry company and an infantry platoon garrison three hundred miles away. The rest is gone," said a captain's staff officer. .

"Huh. The troops are too few." Wang Jian said.

"However. General Meng Tian still has nine companies of the Marine Corps unused." said the captain's staff officer.

"So, where are they now?" Wang Jian asked.

"Still in Xianyang. There is a battalion of troops stationed in Lantian." said the captain's staff officer.

"Tell Meng Tian about this situation. Let him handle it himself. That's all we can do." Wang Jian said.

"That's right. Mobilize a regiment's forces. Gather in that direction. Block all entrances and exits." Wang Jian then ordered.

"Yes, sir," the captain said.

"Can our heavenly army send troops?" Wang Jian continued to ask.

"No. Sir. A telegram from the north. There will be a stream of cold air going south quickly. All flight plans are stopped." A major of the Celestial Army said.

"Oh." Wang Jian said after listening.

"Then there is no way. After the weather is fine. Search immediately." Wang Jian said. Normally, if there is cold air in the north. If the direction is correct, you will usually reach Xianyang after a day and a night. Or the same telegram was sent from the Hexi Corridor in the Northwest. The same is true. But, after all, the meteorological technology at this time is not very mature. Such forecasts are usually not very accurate. Because the cold air from the north sometimes deflects and enters the country of Zhao. Zhao Guo suffered a huge meteorological disaster without any warning. It can be said that meteorological technology is very immature at this time. But it is better than nothing. Although there are problems every time. But people are still somewhat willing to trust such weather forecasts.

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