The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1358: We can't send troops

"Princess, calm down, I will show you General Meng Tian." Lieutenant Gendarmerie comforted helplessly.

"Everyone returns to their positions, hurry up." A military police sergeant shouted loudly. Then disperse the soldiers. Army soldiers began to leave at this time. They are very clear. The current situation is not what they can see.

"The main reason for this financial conference is that the Qin government will relax the restrictions on metal currencies." Meng Yi held a special financial conference in his office.

"We recently got the report from the bank. That is, our metal currency was manufactured. But according to the situation we got, there are a lot of metal currencies that are lacking in the six countries. So, I think. Now." Meng Yi continued.

"In terms of metal currency, we have to loosen the restrictions on metal currency. I restrict the export of these metal currencies and release these currencies. When they are put in the six countries, they can be used as loans or other funds. No matter what. What method is used. It is to release the gold in our hands in the form of metal currency." Meng Yi said.

"Then, Prime Minister, I want to understand, what is the point of doing this?" the bank minister asked at this time.

"The significance, I think, is to let these metal currencies be released so that Qin's paper currency maintains its original value. According to the Prime Minister, if these metal currencies are placed in Qin, Qin's metal currency itself does not have much value. "Meng Yi said at this time.

"But these metal currencies will make Qin's banknotes continue to depreciate. For the moment, it is necessary to maintain the strength of Qin's banknotes. It is very necessary for Qin to not let the banknotes depreciate." Meng Yi said while looking at the bank minister. .

"However, why can't our banknotes be depreciated? We must know that the power to issue banknotes is in our hands, and we can issue a large amount of banknotes as long as we allow it." The bank minister said in a puzzled way.

"This. My understanding is that currently, there are two people using banknotes, one is South Korea, the other is Qin, because Qin was the first to use banknotes, and the creditworthiness of banknotes is very high. But. I have experienced it. After the second time, Qin's banknotes fell sharply. Especially, at present, Qin's banknotes temporarily withdrew from Zhao's market." Meng Yi said.

"Therefore, it is necessary for Qin State to maintain the creditworthiness of current banknotes." Meng Yi said.

"Maintaining the creditworthiness of Qin State banknotes can open the market for Qin State banknotes." Meng Yi said while looking at the ministers.

Some ministers shook their heads, obviously still not understanding what Meng Yi did.

"Qin’s current economy is an era of capital export. The country naturally needs banknotes, but not too many banknotes, and more banknotes need to be exported to expand Qin’s influence. Qin’s influence lies in the development of banknotes. Credibility." Meng Yi continued.

"In order for Qin's banknotes to have great creditworthiness, the same standard must be used to measure the standard of Qin's banknotes. This standard is Qin's metal currency. We can export these metal currencies without restrictions. Then, let these metal currencies quickly fill the entire six-nation market, and Qin's banknotes with the same price will quickly open the market. Once the market opens, Qin's banknotes can be equivalent to metal currencies. In the case of the same metal currency The Qin State can issue more banknotes, and the existence of these banknotes will have a great impact on Qin’s capital export and expansion." Meng Yi introduced.

"This kind of influence is the influence of Qin State Capital. This is a kind of economic influence." Meng Yi said purely. But the ministers below do not understand these economic issues.

"We need a lot of paper money. This is a market demand." The assistant to the Minister of Economy said at this time.

"But why are we releasing the capital. I don't understand." The assistant said, shaking his head.

"Currently, Qin's gold reserves are huge. Do you know?" Meng Yi said.

"When the prime minister was there, he thought that this was a huge hidden danger. Therefore, the prime minister wanted to solve this problem, but the problem is that this problem must be exported to meet the needs of the six countries, and Qin needs to hold these. Gold develops the markets of the six countries. How to say it." Meng Yi himself was a little messy at this time.

"I think, as for the reason, the prime minister will explain to us." Meng Yi continued.

"But currently, the gold reserves are huge. And there is a huge pressure on gold. This is undeniable. I think the bank minister can explain it." Meng Yi continued.

"Yes, gold pressure is indeed great. These gold reserves make bankers feel very distressed. The current gold market is extremely depressed." said the bank minister.

"Because paper money began to be buckled with gold. There is a close relationship between the two. Even if Qin has gold, it can issue paper money, but don’t forget. Because the gold cannot be exported, it cannot be circulated. Those Qin National bankers have a large amount of gold in their hands, and it takes a certain amount of time for the market to digest a large amount of paper money. This time has caused a backlog of Qin’s paper money. The backlog of gold. The stock market is booming. This is the situation." Said the bank minister.

"From this point of view. Qin must disperse the gold in his hands. Only when gold and capital circulate can the economy prosper. If it doesn't turn, it will be a pool of stagnant water. In that case, the situation will be even worse. "Said the bank minister.

"So, from this point of view. We need to disperse the gold in the hands of the bankers. Then, replace it with funds. Circulate in the six countries, or return to the Qin country. In doing so, it can indeed affect the Qin country's banknotes. In my opinion, this is a very clever method." The Bank Minister analyzed.

After hearing this analysis, other ministers nodded.

"So, in finance, we have to support our bank to disperse these metal currencies. Let the metal currencies and Qin's banknotes spread quickly to the six countries." Meng Yi said.

"I think we can do it," said the bank minister.

"This is not difficult at all," said the bank minister.

At this time, Qin State waved the golden stick in his hand. Because Qin's paper currency issuance was damaged. Especially in the promotion actions of the six countries. It has been greatly affected, and this effect is very obvious.

Except for the arms business and a very small number of other businesses, Qin's trade volume has dropped a lot due to the consumption power of the six countries. The exploiting power of the nobles in the six countries made it impossible for the people to consume the products produced by the Qin State. If it were not for the support of the arms trade, the Qin State would not be able to maintain it at all. At this time, Qin used gold, this advantageous weapon, in fact, to break the monopoly of the nobles of the six countries. Because the continuous inflow of gold can trigger inflation in the six countries, gold, and gold in the hands of the nobles, will continue to depreciate. If the value is depreciated, their financial resources will be impaired. Although the people will suffer, the backbone of businessmen will grow rapidly, which will effectively break the monopoly of the nobility and form a brand new force, which is a big impact for the six countries.

"We cannot send troops. Nor can we provide effective military assistance." Li Mu's special envoy to Qiguo said.

"At present, the State of Zhao is swiftly disarming. Zhao Jun will only keep the army of 100,000 people. As long as we reach a military agreement with the Qin Jun, we will disarm quickly. After the disarmament, Zhao Jun will save more than half of the military expenditure. Military expenditures will be used to build Zhao Jun’s mobile combat capabilities. Therefore," Li Mu said.

"So, Zhao Jun can't send troops?" Qi Guo's special envoy asked.

"Yes." Li Mu said.

"And it's unable to send troops." Li Mu said affirmatively.

"A country with only 100,000 troops, what can it do?" Li Mu asked rhetorically.

"Nothing can be done." Qi Guo's special envoy replied. Then he realized. It will be impossible for Zhao Jun to send troops.

"En." Li Mu just nodded. The special envoy of Qi nodded helplessly.

He knew that Zhao Guo would not be able to help Qi Jun tide over the difficulties. So next. I can only hope that Qin has a breakthrough in that aspect.

"Sir, the special envoy of Qi State is asking to see the king. The king let us make plans early." A colonel's staff came over and said.

"Well, it seems that Qi Guo is in trouble. However, aren't the Koreans willing to help them?" Wang Jian said at this time.

"I don't know. Sir," said the colonel's staff.

"It is impossible for us to send troops. Moreover, I think military oppression cannot solve the problem. This matter should be handled by the prime minister, and they will have a way to deal with it." Wang Jian said.

"Don't you make a plan for soldiers?" the colonel's staff asked.

"No, we cannot send troops. In such a situation, Qin's military expenditure is so tight that it is impossible to send troops to fight at all." Wang Jian said.

"Let the prime minister think of a way and use diplomatic means to solve it. I think that such a solution is the best. It is impossible for Qin's military expenditure to send troops. Sending troops means increasing military expenditure. The prime minister will yell at us. "Wang Jian said.

"So, I think the peaceful way is the best way to deal with this matter." Wang Jian said.

"There is no need to make a plan. Just tell Prime Minister Meng Yi." Wang Jian said.

"Yes. Sir." The colonel's staff saluted. Then leave. Wang Jian watched the colonel leave.

"This matter can only be dealt with in this way. It is impossible for Qin State to send troops. It is impossible for Yan State to fight like that, and it is impossible to fight." Wang Jian said to himself.

"What? The special envoy of Qi State came to Qin State?" Meng Yi was very surprised when he heard the news.

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