"Yes. Prime Minister. Qi Guo's special envoy came to Qin State." A security consultant told Meng Yi this news.

"Oh." Meng Yi obviously felt very troublesome about such a thing.

"This is a diplomatic issue?" Meng Yi asked.

"Yes. Diplomatic issues. According to what we have received. The special envoy of Qi State wants to meet the king. However, the king did not meet. Instead, he ignored the other party. However, I think we should be prepared." The security consultant said.

"Only in this way, we can properly solve this more difficult diplomatic problem." The security adviser said.

"En." Meng Yi nodded.

"Okay. I know about this." Meng Yi said with his head lowered. This incident surprised Meng Yi. For Qi Guo, he didn't know what way to treat it. From a formal diplomatic occasion. There is no diplomatic relationship between Qin and Qi, and official diplomacy has been broken. The reason is because Qi is wicked against Qin. Qin State adopted retaliatory diplomacy.

And now. Consider the situation of all parties. Although Qin and Qi have no official contact, there are still some trade matters. These trades will benefit Qin, for example, Qin's grain exports. Although Qin's grain was directly exported to South Korea, the Koreans sold a large amount of grain to Qi. You know, it's already winter at this time. The beginning of winter means that it is no longer possible for Qi to produce food, but the people of Qi who have been fighting for years have no food reserves to survive this winter. There is no way. The people of Qi can only buy grain, and the grain is the grain of Qin bought from South Korea. From this perspective, the State of Qin has indirectly made a certain connection with the State of Qin. But this connection is only kept secret by both parties. No one can tell the truth.

Inside Lantian Daying.

"I have seen the princess." Meng Tian dressed up in flying attire, after seeing Yingyu. Salute immediately.

"Is Shang Wen's situation? How is it?" Yingyu immediately asked when Meng Tian came in.

"This." Meng Tian looked at Yingyu with a haggard face. He really didn't know what to say.

"Princess sit down first, let's sit down and say." Meng Tian could only say that.

"The prime minister found it in the Yunshan area. There is still a big distance from here." Meng Tian said.

"Yunshan. Where is it?" Yingyu asked immediately.

"Map. Where is the map?" This time. Yingyu immediately asked for a map.

"It's about six or seven hundred miles away from here. We plan to land there by plane, and then find them." Meng Tian said at this time.

"I'll go with you too." Yingyu said firmly.

"Princess, it's too dangerous." Meng Tian said in a panic.

"I will go if there is danger." Ying Yu said.

"Princess, the weather conditions are complicated, and the terrain is mountainous. It's easy to make accidents." Meng Tian continued to persuade.

Yingyu just looked at Meng Tian.

"This." Meng Tian didn't know what he should do. He knows Yingyu's temper, no matter how he persuades. She will keep going. at this point. It is very similar to King Qin.

"Okay." Meng Tian reluctantly agreed at this time. he knows. Persuasion is useless at all. You can only follow along.

"En. That would be great. Then, I want to thank you very much." Yingyu said.

"This." Meng Tian smiled bitterly. Yingyu will cause him a lot of trouble.

"I want to tell you about the situation." Meng Tian said at this time.

"En. I just want to hear the specific situation." Yingyu said.

"This is the situation." Meng Tian said.

"One of our airships, the Pegasus. During the review process. I found a camp of the Mo family, and then we received a telegram. They said they had found the Prime Minister. The latest telegram indicated that their captain had been in contact. I arrived at the prime minister, but what exactly is the situation now? We don't know yet." Meng Tian briefly introduced.

"One of our airships found Shang Wen?" Ying Yu asked immediately.

"Right." Meng Tian nodded.

"So, did you mention Shangwen's situation, whether he was injured, and how is his specific situation?" Yingyu asked immediately.

"This." Meng Tian recalled.

"I think the prime minister's situation should be good, and the people of the Mo family won't hurt him easily. Also. I think. There should be no problem with the prime minister's response." Meng Tian said firmly.

"En." Yingyu believed Meng Tian's words at this time. She can only believe that Shang Wen has nothing to do now.

"Let's prepare quickly. The longer the delay, the more and more disadvantaged Shangwen." Yingyu stood up and said hurriedly at this time.

"This. It's better for the princess to rest for a while." Meng Tian persuaded.

"No. I think it's best for me to do this thing as soon as possible." Yingyu said.

"Well, there is still some time for the flight preparation. Princess, take a break first. I will call you when you set off." Meng Tian said.

"Okay." Yingyu said gratefully.

And Shang Wen waited anxiously for the call back on the airship.

"How is it?" Shang Wen asked.

"No call back yet." The radio operator said at this time.

"Sir, did our telegram fail to be sent. Or they didn't receive it," the radio operator said at this time.

"En. Wait and see." Shang Wen said.

"Yes, sir," the radio operator said.

Shang Wen didn't know why the radio couldn't send out a signal. The radio technology in this period still needs to be improved. The space provided is very large. This also shows that the radio technology of Qin State in this period is not too mature. Once the radio distance is remote, or the signal is not strong, especially in this period, the signal tower built by Qin State is very good, the distance of receiving and sending signals is very limited, and the performance is very limited. It is not very stable either. This also led to the signal transmission at this time. And no signal is received.

"Huh." Shang Wen thought that such a situation still needs to wait, so he reluctantly went out, he wanted to know how Qin's situation is now. but. Helplessly, the radio performed poorly, which made Shang Wen feel a little depressed.

"Why do you Qin people eat three meals a day?" Just when Shang Wen stepped off the airship. The elder sister asked such a question in a split-headed manner.

"Because I'm hungry." Shang Wen replied innocently.

"What?" Senior Sister looked at Shang Wen and said at this time.

"It is normal for Qin State to eat three meals a day." Shang Wen felt that this was not a problem. So say so.

"Qin country now has three meals a day. They are eating now, it is normal, should they be left hungry?" Shang Wen asked.

"This." The senior sister obviously did not think of this question.

"Qin Guo changed it to three meals a day long ago. Moreover, their dinners are more abundant. I think you shouldn't mind." Shang Wen said. What Shang Wen said is just the opposite of the Mohist school.

Mohist school is still the traditional diet rule. Two meals sooner or later. The food in the morning is more plentiful, although that is the case. In Shang Wen's view, a morning meal cannot satisfy people's daily consumption. The food is very traditional, there is not much oil and water, so Shang Wen thinks it is an exaggeration. Because most of the food is boiled, dry food, it is just a kind of cooked food, or steamed. There is very little table salt, and Shang Wen feels very light. It was so light that Shang Wen felt that he couldn't eat it.

"You Qin people have changed so much." Senior sister complained.

"There is no way. You have to adapt. If you walk around the country of Qin, you will find that the people of the Qin country have changed a lot, the previous people. It is normal to not have enough to eat." Shang Wen said.

"That's because there is very little food. People naturally don't have enough to eat. But now, in Qin, if you don't have enough to eat, it's very abnormal." Shang Wen said.

"You mean, we are abnormal?" The senior sister looked back at Shang Wen.

"En. You said it yourself." Shang Wen looked at the senior sister and said.

"Ah." Then the senior sister kicked Shang Wen's calf with her foot. Shang Wen hurts.

"I didn't try hard. You don't have to pretend." The senior sister turned her head and continued walking.

"En." Shang Wen did not feel any pain.

"Actually, you don't have to be angry, this is a good thing. Think about it, isn't it good to have more food?" Shang Wen said.

"At the very least, these foods can save many people from being hungry. This is a good thing. You should be happy." Shang Wen said.

"Okay, I admit, you did a good thing in Qin State." Senior Sister admitted.

"I did see the people of the Qin country eat a lot in Qin, and I have never seen the people of the Qin country hungry." The senior sister said.

"This question, I want to ask how you did it?" Senior Sister looked back at Shang Wen and asked.

"The problem is very simple. It is the concentration of land, concentrated on a small number of people, so that they can produce more food." Shang Wen said.

"A small number of people. In that case, so much land, only a few people farm it?" Senior sister asked incomprehensibly.

"The more concentrated the land, the easier it is to operate." Shang Wen said.

"Do you know the integration of resources?" Shang Wen said.

And the senior sister Yaoyao head at this time.

"This is the crux of the problem." Shang Wen said.

"I'm very hungry, let's eat something together. Talk while eating." Shang Wen invited.

"No. Our Mo family never eat at noon." Senior Sister said.

"The rules are set by people. Everyone can sit down and eat together to discuss this issue. Let's come together. Our food is not small. Let me share, I think there should be enough." Shang Wen said.

"This." Senior Sister hesitated, because that's how the Mohist school rules.

"Food is bestowed by God, and we should thank God. As a pious gratitude. We should enjoy the happiness that food brings. To thank God. I think we should sit down and enjoy a good lunch." Shang Wen said to the senior sister. .

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