The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1360: Agricultural issues

"Okay." Senior sister reluctantly agreed. then. Shang Wen personally invited the brothers and other members of the Mo family.

The food on the airship of Qin State is still abundant. The reason is that the airship of Qin State takes a long time to fly. As a result, the airship needs to bring a lot of food. For this reason. A kitchen was specially set up in the internal facilities of Qin's airship. A kitchen, which also shows that there are a lot of food storage inside the airship.

"Sit down." Shang Wen asked Ling'er to sit beside him.

"Hehe." Linger said with a smile.

"I happen to be hungry. In fact, I will be hungry at noon every day." Linger whispered to Shang Wen.

"En. You should have lunch." Shang Wen said at this time.

"Shhh, don't let my senior sister hear it." Linger motioned to Shang Wen to lower her voice.

"Actually, I go out every day to secretly eat some of the fruits here. Or make some other things by myself. There is no way, I am too hungry." Linger whispered.

"You are now the time to eat more. You should eat more." Shang Wen said.

"En. Then I'm not welcome." Linger whispered.

"Um, I want to eat that, that smells like it. Golden yellow, it looks delicious." Ling'er said while looking at the bread on the table at this time.

"That's bread. Here you are." Shangwen handed it to the other party immediately. At this time, the senior sister and his senior brother were sitting opposite Shang Wen, and the dining table was a big natural stone. There are also some wooden boxes on the airship of Qin State. There are more than 20 people eating at the entire table. The Qin pilots also had their meals. Except for two people on the airship, everyone else was there.

This time, in order to allow more people to eat, the Qin pilots moved out many boxes of supplies. From canned fruits, canned beef, and some biscuits, dried meat. There are also some fruits. Tea or something. The food treatment enjoyed by the Qin pilots is very high.

"En. It's delicious. These things are even more delicious than what my senior sister made." Linger said while eating the bread and looking at Shangwen. At this time, the senior sister on the opposite side heard Ling'er say this. Immediately stared at Linger.

When Ling'er saw the senior sister staring at her, she stopped eating and stuck her tongue out. Then he turned his face quickly and said.

Shang Wen smiled when he saw such a scene.

"The food is plentiful." Senior Brother said at this time.

"En. Thank you." Shang Wen said as he looked at his broken arm.

"Eat more fruits so that you can supplement some vitamins, which is good for wound healing." Shang Wen said.

"En." The senior nodded.

"These are canned fruits." Shang Wen actively pushed a bottle of canned fruits to the senior sister and said.

Brother "En" just nodded.

"That way." Shang Wen saw the senior sister staring at the can blankly. Obviously she still didn't understand how to open the can. Shang Wen took the screwdriver, took the can and opened it, and handed it to the senior sister. The senior sister looked at Shang Wen, then took the screwdriver and reopened the bottle, Shang Wen smiled slightly. Sister is a very powerful person. Shangwen himself thought that such help would generally be rejected.

"Brother. Come on." The senior sister took a spoon and gave the senior a bite at this time. Shang Wen watched this scene.

"Don't look. Eat quickly. There are so many delicious ones." Ling'er said from the side at this moment.

And Shang Wen nodded.

"This is not delicious, for you," said Captain Li Li on the side.

"Why?" Linger looked at Captain Li Li in surprise.

"As long as we fly in the sky, we eat these **** things, and everything we eat is uncomfortable." Captain Li Li said. If you keep eating something, you will be disgusted with it sooner or later. Although Qin State had sufficient food supplies for soldiers, it was. Relatively fewer tricks, especially when fighting outside, generally all canned. Although the calories of the food are sufficient, the soldiers already feel very disgusted.

But there is no way. The logistics officers of the General Staff are thinking about how to feed the soldiers, which simply cannot meet the food demand of various arms.

"Don't worry, they do it every day." Shang Wen looked at the captain and said.

"The logistics supply of Qin's soldiers is quite good compared to the Six Nations." Shang Wen said.

"If the supply is sufficient, they will get everything on the table, this is just their consumption." Shang Wen said as he lowered his head and ate the food.

"What?" At this time, a little farther to the left of Shang Wen, he cried out in surprise when he heard Shang Wen's words. Shang Wen looked up. I found that almost all the Mo family members looked at Shang Wen in surprise, but only the crew on the airship was not surprised at all.

"This is all unexpected. The food supplies of ordinary soldiers of the Qin State are all like this." Captain Li Li said, waving his arm.

"This. These." Ling'er said in surprise.

"Yes." Shang Wen said.

"The soldiers of the Qin State Army are worse, followed by the navy soldiers. The best is the Celestial Army. That's it. Their supplies are the best. The treatment is also the best, because they have the least number, so they don’t care about being on top. Spend such money." Shang Wen said. Then open a can of porridge. Shang Wen felt that his digestive ability was a little weak. Recently, eating something like vegetable soup in a row makes Shangwen’s stomach and intestines uncomfortable, and the daily habits are disrupted, which makes Shangwen feel a little surprised by his digestive ability.

"How did you do it?" Junior Brother Nine asked at this time. At this time, Senior Sister also raised her head to look at Shang Wen. Obviously, she was also very concerned about this issue. Because at the beginning, she wanted to ask this question clearly.

"The root of this problem lies in the integration of resources." Shang Wen said.

"I think everyone knows." Shang Wen said.

"Qin was still a big agricultural country two years ago," Shang Wen said. In fact, it is true. The Qin State relied on laws and precise agricultural farming methods to make Qin's grain output grow rapidly. But Qin's grain is mainly used for storage, and the purpose of storage is to deal with war consumption. It can be said that Qin's grain output at the time was for quantity, and quality was not even considered at all.

Moreover, the main purpose of agriculture in that period was war. Therefore, agriculture at that time simply could not provide such abundant food.

"Land, population, technology, and the introduction of other varieties. These are important resources." Shang Wen said at this time.

The Mohist people listened to Shang Wen's explanation.

"First of all, let's talk about the land, the land, the previous land is scattered in the hands of farmers, it seems that farmers have land." Shang Wen said.

"In this way, all Qin people are farming, and there are no people who have leisure. It seems that Qin is very efficient." Shang Wen said.

"But I admit that such a system has indeed greatly promoted the State of Qin for a period of time." Shang Wen said.

"After all. This land allows farmers to cultivate more land. The more land, the more food there will be. If taxes are removed, you will get more, which can stimulate farmers to produce more food." Shang Wen looked at everyone. Said.

"Currently. The Six Nations is such a land system." Shang Wen continued.

"But this land system has a big problem." Shang Wen said.

"Upper limit. This land system has a very large upper limit." Shang Wen looked at everyone, then stopped and said.

"Think about it, how much energy does a person have and how much land can be cultivated?" Shang Wen said.

"The more land there is, the more people cannot grow. What is the consequence of not being able to grow? That is to have more offspring and cultivate more land. In this way, a vicious circle is formed. The more land, the greater the population. There are more and more of the two. And this is an endless loop, and it is impossible to get out of this vicious circle." Shang Wen said. in fact. History is like this.

The feudal history of China for more than two thousand years is still the case. Even in modern times, this phenomenon still exists. If the land and population problems cannot be solved well, the agricultural problem cannot be solved, and the agricultural problem cannot be solved. No industrialization. Shangwen has a very clear understanding of this, why Qin can make big strides toward industrialization in a short period of time. In addition to capital and demand relations, there is also a fundamental point. If Qin’s food problem cannot be solved, it will be impossible to allow enough people to enter Qin’s industry. Without these surplus food, there will be no way. Called industry.

"This is indeed a problem." Senior sister nodded and said at this time. And the brother nodded at this time.

"The opinion of Prime Minister Qin is really different," said Junior Brother Nine.

"En." Ling'er just nodded. Nothing was said. But the young Ling'er thought that the person next to Qin's Prime Minister was really smart, and there was nothing he couldn't solve.

"Therefore, land has become a key issue. My solution is to concentrate the land in the hands of a few people, so that the land can be quickly concatenated. If the land is concentrated, it will appear to be a lot. In this way, the land Expansion is extremely limited. People will focus on the cultivation of the land." Shangwen said.

"The other thing is that their farming methods will be greatly changed because of their small number." Shang Wen continued.

"They can't have enough energy to grow too many crops, they can only grow a handful of them. Or just one kind." Shang Wen said.

"In this way, they only need to be proficient in one type of crop. Then, after concentrating on one type, they will have a lot of selectivity on crops, and this selectivity leads to the optimization of crops. For example, food The bread on top, bread is made of wheat. The rapid spread of wheat is formed under such a situation." Shang Wen said while looking at the bread.

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