The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1361: Battle of blood and tears

"Therefore, if the agricultural problem is not solved, the industrial problem will be difficult to develop, and if the industry does not develop, it will cause a serious consequence, which is the inability of Qin to develop. Even in a short period of time, the country is strong, but what is the use. Qin State Once attacked, even if the national power is consumed, the area occupied by Qin can not be digested. Qin can swallow it, but it will spit it out sooner or later," Shang Wen said.

"Your Qin State's ambitions are really big." Senior Sister looked at Shang Wen and said.

"Unification is a trend, no one can change it." Shang Wen said while looking at the senior sister.

"So, you will start the war under the unified name." The senior sister looked at Shang Wen fiercely.

Shangwen wants to explain some issues. But for this problem. Shang Wen has nothing to say.

"Why. Stop talking." The senior sister looked at Shang Wen.

"En." Shang Wen nodded. Shang Wen said that he had nothing to say.

Shang Wen remained silent like this.

"Don't talk about it. Prime Minister Qin has done a good job." Just when Shangwen was silent. The brother on the side made a relief for Shang Wen.

"During the period of Prime Minister Qin, Qin did not take the initiative to launch a war, and the casualties caused to the six countries have been reduced a lot." The senior said, lowering his head and eating a piece of fruit.

When Shang Wen heard this, he gratefully said "Thank you."

"Don't thank me. I'm not helping you, just explaining the facts." Senior Brother said at this time.

Shangwen was surprised, but couldn't say anything.

"You..." Captain Li Li on the side felt very angry. Angrily looked at the opposite Mohist.

"Needless to say. What they said is correct." Although Shang Wen couldn't understand why the Mohists treated Qin like this, Shang Wen knew. at this time. Using excessive language is obviously unable to solve the problem, Shang Wen is at this time. I chose silence very sensibly, maybe silence can see all the problems clearly.

"We have nothing to say." Shang Wen patted Captain Li Li lightly.

"Sir." The captain thought their prime minister was innocent. Looking at Shang Wen aggrieved.

"Needless to say." Shang Wen said again.

The Mohist people watched this scene. Shang Wen looked so innocent.

The Qi State Army moved south to a temporary garrison. For unknown reasons, Tian Heng's army went southward extremely slowly. This time the army is dispatched. Tian Heng's total strength is less than 30,000. With such a small force, the army should be able to move south quickly, and its mobility capabilities can be completed quickly, but Tian Heng's army is exceptionally slow. Slow to the abnormal behavior of staying for many days.

"Master, my army can't keep up with the logistics supplies. At present, the logistics can barely deliver some grain and grass. As for the guns and ammunition, it is really unable to deliver." A Sima from Tian Heng said worriedly beside him.

"En." Tian Heng nodded weakly. What is the logistic supply of the army? Tian Hengtian knew.

Behind the army, followed by a logistics supply convoy composed of less than 20,000 Qi Guofu, they do not have a carriage, Qi's horses are already very rare. The only weak horses have been recruited and sent to the cavalry for selection. But even so, there are no wealthy horses for transportation.

In this situation. The Qi army was simply unable to carry out the logistics and transportation of the army.

"Our logistics only has bullock carts, and there are only less than one hundred bullock carts. The rest are transported by wheelbarrows and shoulder-carrying people." Tian Heng bowed his head and said in pain.

"Lord, we should recruit more civilian men. This way. It can greatly alleviate the current logistics situation of our army. The poor logistics will greatly affect our army's operations. Although the soldiers currently have a few base ammunition. , Once the war starts, we can't take these into account at all. Now the poor logistics will greatly affect our ammunition supply." Sima said anxiously. The current situation of the Qi army is very bad. What is bad can only be described as bad.

The internal strife in Qi has just quelled. The civil strife made it impossible for Qi to mobilize more manpower and material resources to ensure the logistics supply capabilities of Qi’s army. According to a normal ratio, a military combat team of less than 30,000 would require more than nearly 100,000. Minfu came to carry out logistical supplies. At the same time, some large carriages and ox carts are needed to provide a strong guarantee. But as far as the current situation is concerned, Qi Jun's guarantee ability can only reluctantly guarantee the food supply of the Qi army. Even so, the logistics support team will have to pay a heavy price. Many civilians are already in a state of hunger in the food delivery team. Food supplied along the way. Very few. If the materials they provide guarantees are used, the materials delivered to the front line will affect the supply of materials to the soldiers on the front line. In this case. Those civilians can only barely maintain. Many people suffer from lack of physical strength. Has fallen on the way to transport logistical supplies. Such logistical transportation capabilities make Tian Heng extremely worried. Because the logistics supply road is extremely weak.

In addition to these reasons, there is another point. This battle is in the hilly area of ​​the southern part of Qi. The fighting there made the Qi army's logistics supply capabilities even worse. Qi Guo really couldn't take out more materials for logistical supplies.

"Civil strife. Even the bullock cart is missing." Tian Heng said without a god. Sima heard this. Lowered his head uncomfortably.

"Minfu can recruit only the old and the weak. I really don't want to recruit more people. Everything in Qi is in ruins." Tian Heng continued.

The support capability of Qi's army along the way is very weak. The civil strife caused more than 70% of the main cities of Qi to be ruthlessly destroyed. The loss of personnel is extremely serious. The city where the army passed by was unable to provide food to the army at all. Therefore, the army could only rely on the food delivered by South Korea to barely support it.

"Master." Sima is very clear about the current situation of the Qi army. He lowered his head hard. His eyes are ruddy. Too much has been seen in this situation. The Qi army fought this war with the blood and tears of the Qi people.

"Qi's blood is flowing. Tears are also flowing. Many people of Qi have reached the edge of the last support." Tian Heng said bitterly.

"This is a battle of blood and tears. The people of Qi will exhaust the last blood and tears." Tian Heng raised his head and said with tears in his eyes. This is the last bit of blood and tears that Qi can support.

And in Xinzheng, South Korea.

"The prime minister. The prime minister. I beg you, save Qi." The special envoy of Qi was clearly informed that South Korea was unable to provide assistance. So he came to Han Fei's prime minister's house to see him.

And some Han Fei who stuttered waved his head.

"I. We are powerless and powerless." Han Fei stuttered. Then just turned around. For this matter. Han Fei is really powerless. Because Han Shu wants to get more benefits from Qi, and now it looks like. it's the only way. Provide adequate assistance if prematurely. South Korea will only get extremely effective strategic goals. To this. South Korea's attitude is still waiting, waiting for Qi to make major changes.

"The army continues to advance." A Chu military general stood on the high carriage, waved his arm, and let his subordinates march towards the target.

And beside the carriage, there was a cannon glowing with heat. The thick gunpowder smoke has just dispersed. A large number of Chu Army soldiers slowly approached their destination with their bayonet muskets.

On the ruins of a city in the distance, a big flag with the word "Chu." was flying over the city.

"Wow." A large group of Chu Army soldiers was approaching.

"By taking this city, we are only one step away from the golden origin of Qi." Another Chu army general on the chariot said excitedly.

"Quickly. Soon." General Chu Jun looked at the situation in the distance with a single-tube telescope.

"The people of Qi are unable to resist our offensive. Our offensive is very swift and violent," said the general of the Chu army.

And on a ridge behind. Two Qijun cavalry officers looked at the situation below with binoculars.

"What should we do?" a Qi army officer who was marked as Captain on his shoulder asked worriedly.

"Our city has been lost, and the Chu Army opened their way forward. Are we going to kill it?" the officer of Captain Qi Jun asked.

"No." The cavalry lieutenant colonel next to him shook his head. Then put down the telescope in his hand.

"We can't kill it," said the lieutenant colonel.

"The Chu people have artillery. There are also many infantry soldiers. If we kill them, we will cause a lot of losses. We can't do this. If we do this, it would be too stupid." said the lieutenant colonel.

"It would be too unfavorable for us to do this," said the lieutenant colonel.

"Then what should we do?" This time. The captain asked.

"We have to use the terrain behind us. The narrow mountain terrain, we have to fight on such terrain." said the lieutenant colonel.

"But, such a terrain is very unfavorable for our cavalry to deploy?" The captain was very clear. The cavalry of Qi is a typical light cavalry. The cavalry is not equipped with any armor. They also don't have any impact weapons, they are typical light cavalry. The cavalry in this period was generally light cavalry, rarely equipped with heavy cavalry. In the era of the light cavalry, the role of the cavalry was not to attack the enemy's line of defense. It is to conduct effective guerrilla and mobile operations. Their purpose is to penetrate to the rear, not to make a large-scale shock. But the battle platform is the plain. Not the mountains. Mountain warfare is not good for cavalry, because the mountain terrain is complex and horses can hardly bear it. Therefore, the captain of the cavalry believes that it is difficult for the cavalry to fight in the mountains.

"No. This is precisely our advantage. We can't open it, and neither can the Chu army. Do you know what weapon the Chu army is most powerful?" said the lieutenant colonel.

"It's the artillery, and countless infantry. These are the most powerful." The lieutenant colonel looked at Chu Jun and said.

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