The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1379: Bombard with artillery

"Stop shooting." A sailor ran to the gun bay and shouted to the gunners.

"Stop shooting." The gun commander suddenly received such an order. He immediately shouted loudly. If there is any sudden accident, it will be detrimental to your own people. After all, they are artillery. After the cannonball is fired, the cannonball will not obey the command.

At this time, a gunner looked at the gunner in a panic, because his artillery had already ignited. The cannonball has been fired. But it was not bad, the other artillery that was about to fire was stopped all at once.

"Ding Ding Ding." All the other warships that heard the sound of Mingjin stopped at this time. Before they stopped, some artillery fired.

"Swish." The shells roared. At this time, the soldiers of the Chu Army simply couldn't care about the impact of these shells. They kept rushing forward with their bayonet-mounted rifles.

"They're coming up." A militiaman raised his head to see Chu Jun rushing up and shouted.

"Ah." The militiaman heard a scream immediately. A shell hit the people behind, and they just raised their heads, and a solid shell jumped over and hit them in the head. A militiaman was also scratched his arm.

At this time, other militiamen heard the screams and the roar of shells, and hid in their fortifications one after another. This is subconscious avoidance, for them. These things are nothing at all.

"Huh." The advancing Chu army was not so lucky either, they rushed too fast. Not long after the shell was fired, they had already rushed to the vicinity of each other's fortifications. And the landing of the cannonball happens to be on top of this.

"Huh." There was a roar of cannonballs. Several Chu Army soldiers were hit in the back, and one Chu Army soldier was broken to pieces on the spot. The others were not knocked down to the ground and could not stand up.

"Kill." But the rigorously trained soldiers of the Chu Army didn't care about these at all. They still carried their bayonet-mounted rifles and constantly attacked their opponents. In their view. They just have to rush over. That's it.

"Kill." The Chu army soldier rushed to the militia's position as he shouted to kill.

"Bang. Bang." The militiamen who were afraid of being hit by the artillery did not resist, they were shot and killed by the Chu Army soldiers.

"Puff." Some militiamen still wanted to resist. But as soon as he stood up, he was assassinated by a soldier of the Chu army with a bayonet.

"Kill." A Chu Army soldier pierced a sailor's chest with a bayonet.

"Puff." The Chu Army soldier pulled out the bayonet forcefully. Blood splashed on his face and body immediately.

"Ah." A militiaman saw the Chu army soldier with blood on his face. Especially they rushed over with murderous aura. This made them feel very scared, and fear made their hands tremble. Can't hold a weapon at all.

"Ah." A militiaman looked at the Chu Army soldier, who had already pulled out his bayonet at this time. The knife edge is shifting here.

"I surrender. I surrender." The militiamen raised their trembling hands in fright.

"Don't kill me. Don't kill me." Another militiaman standing aside raised his hands at this time. Standing among the fortifications with trembling legs. The militiaman next to him did this because he saw that the Chu Army soldier was moving towards him with a bayonet-mounted rifle at this time. Seeing others surrender. At this time, they also surrendered. The will to fight has long been defeated by cannons. At this time, they had no intention of fighting at all.

"Don't kill me," a trembling militiaman raised his hands and shouted.

"Put down your weapons. Stand up." The Chu Army soldier shouted loudly. All the militiamen raised their hands and stood up.

"We surrender. We surrender." When the collapsed militia saw someone surrender, their will to fight instantly collapsed. Most of them immediately surrendered. Fighting is fighting will. Under the fierce bombardment of artillery, the militia is on the verge of collapse. Under the fierce attack of the Chu army soldiers, their fighting will instantly collapsed. surrender. It became a matter of course.

"Stand up. Hurry up." This time. A Chu army soldier yelled. In desperation, many militiamen and sailors threw away their weapons and walked out of the trenches. And more than a hundred soldiers of the Chu Army watched them with their guns and live ammunition.

"The battle on the front line is going well. General." The captain of the warship said lightly at this time.

"En." Xiang Liang just nodded slightly at this time. With his own eyes, he saw the colonial militia holding the large number of locals on the beach with his binoculars. They are all downcast. Sitting on the beach without fighting spirit. The Chu Army soldiers looked at each other fiercely.

"It's not good. It's not good." This time. An escaped militia suddenly broke into a well-decorated wooden house.

"Chu, Chu Jun. The Chu Army defeated our militia. Many people were arrested." The militia panted and told the bad news.

"What can we do about this?" This is the parliament of the local colony. They were established after Qin's foreign colonies, of course. This is also the center of all power. The government was established from this center of power. Parliament has the power to legislate and levy taxes. Heard such news. A businessman said anxiously.

Others have the same view. The composition of the local council is very complicated, with businessmen. Captain, sailor, farmer, farmer, etc. There are people of all identities. They all concentrated on unifying their opinions. After all, this colony was developed by themselves. Everyone has the right to enjoy everything here.

"All of us were taken away. Our little armed forces were also taken away." A farmer said in a panic at this time. Those militiamen are their farmers. If the militiamen are taken away, they will weaken their farming power. After all, it's a loss of manpower.

"I don't know. Will they kill them? You know. Once those Chu Jun's brains are overheated, they can do anything." A farmer said very worried at this time. His armed forces were borrowed to fight. And his armed forces are mainly used to detain those indigenous prisoners of war and slaves. If the slaves rioted at this time, the consequences would be unimaginable. think about it. If this time they suddenly rioted. The farmer doesn't have much armed forces at all, and such a loss is almost a ruin for him. Because slaves can easily escape. Or, they unite to deal with themselves. Thought of this. The farmer is very pessimistic. This is an unacceptable thing for them.

"Your farm is still there, but my ship, my goods." The merchant said worriedly. The merchant was very anxious, because his goods were very important to him. The merchants traded almost at their expense. If they are not handled properly, they will be completely bankrupt. This is simply a disaster for them.

"We have nothing we can do." A farmer said at this time.

"Yes. There is nothing we can do. All people are powerless." A captain said at this time.

"Our current situation is in the hands of the Chu army. As long as they want, they can launch an attack. In this way, we don't have to do anything." The captain said at this time.

"Then, we negotiate with them, and we pay." The businessman thinks from the perspective of his own interests at this time. He thought that if the Chu army launched an offensive, then he would be all over. But if this time. They can only passively accept this situation.

"Get ashore. Hurry up, hurry up." This time. An officer of the Chu army shouted loudly. The third wave of the Chu army landed quickly, and the strength of the Chu army quickly increased to two hundred men.

"General, do we let some small warships dock? Only in this way can we provide fire support to the troops on the shore." The captain said cautiously at this time. to him. The navy wants to ensure the safety of the landing forces. At present, what they have to do is to ensure their safety. After all, they still don't know how the colony is.

"En. It can be done. Let the small ships dock, which can also speed up the control of the landing forces. Although we have taken the first step and established a good forward position, we can hardly guarantee that the colonies will suddenly launch an offensive. . We have to take precautions.” Xiang Liang thought at this time.

"For him. The Chu Army soldiers launched an offensive spontaneously. It surprised him a bit. Originally, he wanted to obtain this colony through negotiation. But for now, some of them are still very beneficial to the Chu Army. The Chu Army's ability to stand firm indicates that it can be deployed quickly. However, the opponent's strength is still relatively weak. In this way, the Chu Army is very advantageous. At least in terms of armed forces, the Chu Army has an advantage, which is the qualification for negotiation. With such qualifications, Xiang Liang could realize this. He decided to make further breakthroughs from this point.

"Are we continuing to attack?" a Chu army soldier asked their chief at this time.

"I don't know. Keep waiting. I think it won't be long before we can launch an attack." The soldier's officer said.

"But, I can see where they live. The place they live in is really good. It's better than ours in Chu State." The soldier said at this time.

"En. We can't attack for the time being. But we can use artillery." The officer had a whim at this moment. He thought that he could use artillery to launch an attack. As long as the artillery can reach the opponent, then all this can be done. Thinking of this, the officer decided to take immediate measures.

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