The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1380: Why are you here?

"We must take a measure. Only in this way can we ensure that our current situation, the entire colony, has now encountered an unprecedented disaster." A businessman waved his arm vigorously.

"No, no. We can't negotiate. In this way, our situation will be exposed. We can persuade the Chu army to leave. Or they just need some supplies, we can give it a try." said a farmer.

"It's impossible for soldiers with thick arms and legs to accept such conditions. I think we still take the initiative to negotiate with them. I am more willing to use money to solve problems and give them some money, or these robbers. They are not at all. Soldiers, they will leave. In this way, it will be of great benefit to us." The businessman waved his arm and said.

"I think so." A captain took the initiative to stand up at this time.

"Those soldiers, or if they can give them a sum of money, they will leave. Otherwise, we will provide some logistical supplies. I think this will be good for everyone. I think it is better for us to take the initiative to negotiate." Said the captain.

"No, we absolutely can't do this. Now Chu Jun Erhai has not figured out our situation. Otherwise, they will take the initiative to launch an offensive. If this is the case, I think if we take the initiative to negotiate with them, we will lose more initiative. In this way, our losses will increase rapidly, increasing to an unbelievable number." An old sailor said.

"That's right," the businessman said at this time.

And then, this kind of quarrel was gone. This is the benefit of democracy, everyone can say. However, unable to come up with a feasible plan within the extreme time, such a delay made Chu Jun gradually lose his patience.

"We have been waiting here for three hours. Now there are more than 400 people on the shore." A Chu army soldier said, lying on the inside of the fortification at this time.

"Why don't we attack yet?" a young Chu army soldier asked.

But the others did not answer, they also wanted to rush to launch an offensive, because there was a town in front of them that looked very prosperous, and such a town was not common in Chu State. The prosperous life gave these soldiers the impulse to destroy. This unbalanced feeling can easily allow such violent soldiers to use violence to destroy everything they think is beautiful.

"Keep away a little." A lower-ranking officer of the Chu Army pushed a few soldiers away, and then gave way. Several shirtless soldiers carried heavy cannons with all their strength.

"It's here." The junior officer said, pointing to the sandbag.

"Yes, right here, slow down. Release it lightly." The lower-level officer said at this time.

"Okay. That's it." He said. The lower-ranking officer commanded to lower the heavy artillery on the soldier's shoulders. The soldiers also set up their artillery at this time.

"Loading shells." This time. A gunner came over and ordered.

This artillery was disassembled from a small warship. The infantry did not have their own powerful artillery weapons, so they could only borrow such a cannon from the warship.

"Wow." A gunner at the back carefully filled the shells, while the infantrymen watched carefully. They were very curious about the artillery. After all, their team was not equipped with infantry artillery.

"Okay." A gunner said after loading.

"Aim ahead, the tallest building. Come on a shot." a gunner shouted.

"Aim now." A gunner aimed with his eyes. This strange way of aiming made many Chu Army soldiers very curious, and they wondered if he could hit the target accurately.

"Boom." Then there was a loud cannon. Cannonballs roared past.

"Woo." The shell directly hit a low building in front of the building.

"Boom." A huge explosion sounded, which shocked the fierce and normal lawmakers. Many people were pale. There is no **** color. For them, this is simply a bolt from the blue.

"This, this is a cannon." The merchant said with trembling legs. The underside of him is soaked. A puddle of liquid is flowing everywhere at this time. And there is still some stinky odor floating from under him.

"The Chu Army is going to hit us." A warship captain's face was pale, and his body stood swayingly.

"What should we do?" This time. Asked an old man sitting on the ground. Everyone was shocked by the sudden bombardment. They did not expect that Chu Jun would do this.

"Negotiating. We can only negotiate. We want to maintain this situation. This is the only way to go." A farmer also sat on the ground and said.

"General. It is too dangerous to reach the beach rashly like this." The captain and Xiang Liang said while sitting in a small boat.

"This matter must be resolved face to face. If it cannot be resolved, the consequences will create a very bad situation for us." Xiang Liang said worriedly. The chief mate sent to negotiate, after arriving at the beach, did not take any measures, and the reason for the reply was that he could not find the other party. This made Xiang Liang very annoyed, but thinking that this was the first time he had occupied a colony, Xiang Liang felt that he had to deal with it himself. So he reached the front line by boat and decided to negotiate with the colonial councillors himself.

"It seems that someone is coming towards us." The soldier in charge of guard shouted loudly at this time.

"Stop. Otherwise we'll shoot." The alert soldier shouted loudly at this time.

"Don't shoot, don't shoot, we are here to negotiate." This time. A Chu countryman walking in the front shouted loudly. The man is glamorously dressed. It looks very rich.

"What?" The Chu Army soldier questioned loudly at this time.

"We are here to negotiate, to negotiate." Said that brightly dressed, waving the white handkerchief in his hands loudly. Waving a white handkerchief comes from Shangwen's practice, but I don't know why this practice spread to these countries. Perhaps white was very popular at the time.

"Raise your hand. Throw away all the weapons in your hand. Slowly walk over one by one." A Chu army soldier shouted loudly.

The well-dressed man raised his hand. The first walked over. The soldiers of the Chu army conducted a strict inspection on it.

"Kneel down." The Chu Army soldier tied the five-flowered man and threw the well-dressed businessman to the ground.

"Ouch." The businessman yelled. Xiang Liang was sitting in a boat at this time. Looking at the well-dressed businessman, and there are many people behind, their clothes are all different. From the perspective of the clothes they wear, they are very different. Well-dressed and natural living conditions are better. The poorly dressed ones are a little frightened. The businessman looked okay and calm.

"What's your name?" Xiang Liang asked.

"The general asks you what to say." A Chu army officer kicked the merchant.

"It hurts." The merchant yelled loudly at this time.

"Let everyone relax. Since it is a negotiation, it must be fair." Xiang Liang said at this time.

"This." An officer on the side looked at Xiang Liang worriedly.

"Let it loose." Xiang Liang waved his hand.

"General. Excuse me." The merchant said after unbinding.

"I don't know what the purpose of the general's trip is. But I know. The general must have come for profit." The businessman said straightforwardly at this time.

"It's not wrong." Xiang Liang said at this time.

"It's just. You still don't know what the profit I am trying to achieve?". Xiang Liang said at this time.

"Forgive me for taking the liberty. I think. The general is here for the benefit of my colony." The nature of businessmen is driven by profit, and they are already in a state of loss. They naturally have to fight hard. So the businessman moved out of this truth.

"Oh. Tell me, what is this general's profit? If it is right, I think. We are still qualified to say it. If it is wrong. Then you will be shot." Xiang Liang threatened at this time.

"This." The businessman looked at Xiang Liang at this time. However, the businessman thinks about it carefully, and he has some cares. Why do soldiers fight. Do they have enemies with others? Do not. They would never fight like this, and the reason for the fight could not be profit. It's like fighting with those indigenous people. Fight for women, fight for territory. Fight for some living supplies. And these things are nothing more than benefits. And the interest is exactly speaking. Each has its own needs, what is this demand. The businessman is trying to figure it out.

But the merchant looked around at the Chu Army soldiers. There are some eyebrows. Military expenses. The army today is different from the army before. The previous army, as long as it had food, could quickly gather a large army.

And today's army. It's different. The purchase of guns requires military expenses. The purchase of ammunition requires military expenses, the construction of ships, the purchase of artillery, everything requires military expenses, and where the military expenses come from, it is impossible to give it out for nothing.

"Military expenses." The merchant said at this time.

"The general's trip should be for military spending. The main source of military spending. The most reliable one is taxation." The businessman looked at Xiang Liang and said at this time.

"En." Xiang Liang nodded with a smile at this time.

"You haven't told me yet. What's your name?" Xiang Liang asked at this time.

"The younger one is called Huang Bu," the businessman said at this time.

"En. Talk here." Xiang Liang stood up at this time. Made a request.

Huang Bu looked at Xiang Liang in surprise

Xiang Liang looked at each other with a smile. Then walk away slowly. Huang Bu followed nervously at this time.

"What do you think about the management of the colony and the collection of taxes?" Xiang Liang asked.

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