The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1381: Submission of the colony

"Xiaxia believes that the colony is different from the people in Chu State. The people here are full of pioneering and enterprising spirit to build their homes here. Compared with the desperate situation in the country, they are more full of vitality." Huang Bu said excitedly to Xiang Liang.

Xiang Liang just listened patiently and did nothing.

"Chu's colony. It was established based on the states of Qin. The people of Qin have a parliament in the state. We also have a parliament. The parliament is generally elected by the locals. This way everyone participates fairly. And. In Chu State, only the nobles have the final say. We don't have the right to speak at all. From this point, the colony cannot be managed like the domestic one." Huang Bu said. Huang Bu is very clear about the purpose of Xiang Liang. When Xiang Liang asked such a question. Huang Bu already knew Xiang Liang's purpose, and his purpose was to seize the colony's power. Huang Bu knows. If the Chu army did this. Well. The colony will become an overseas homeland of Chu, and the colony will completely lose its autonomy.

The reason why the colonial economy has developed rapidly is because the colonies have great autonomy. This kind of power has a great influence on the colonial economy. Freedom and lenient, especially without the burden of taxation, make the entities of the colonial economy have only a very light burden, and it is such a light burden that allows the colonial economy to develop rapidly, but if this is the time. If the colonial economy has a government, especially a strong government, for example, although Xiang Liang’s purpose in this trip is to collect taxes, there must be a state power institution for tax collection, and this institution is the government. Taxes can only be collected through the government, and these taxes can be further distributed to the hands of the Chu army and become war expenses.

"Therefore, the economy of the colony comes from autonomy. The general's purpose of this trip seems to be to collect taxes, but the collection of taxes will establish a powerful government. The emergence of this government will inevitably interfere with the colonial economy, which has a negative impact on the colonial economy. Sustained development is a disaster. Many people will flee here because of the high taxes here. And the loss of population in the colony will lead to economic recession. The general should seek a balance and reduce the colony’s income. The economy has stabilized, and at the same time, it can meet its own needs. Especially the taxation needs." Huang Bu said at this time.

At this time, Xiang Liang thought about it carefully. He thinks yellow step. The businessman in front of him made sense. Think about it. The main purpose of my own army here is to collect taxes, but how to collect taxes. Xiang Liang doesn't know anything about it here. The terrain here, the customs of the locals and the wealth of the place. He didn't even know. If you levy hastily, it will become a looting. think about it. Those soldiers must take some measures to fill their pockets for their own personal gain. But at this time, it was difficult for Chu Jun himself to control the development of the situation, you must know. Many people don't care about these. They will try to find a way to fill their pockets, there is a lot of wealth here.

Thought of this. Xiang Liang has an impulse. However, Xiang Liang quickly calmed down. If this is done, what about his military logistics base? The resistance of the local people will become stronger after the first time, isn't it? Will Chu's naval forces carry out offensive operations again and again?

Obviously this would not work, because it would put Chu Jun into an endless loop. If the Chu army could not obtain the logistics base, it would have to return to the mainland again and again to supplement the logistics. The colony will strengthen defense. Thus. The strength of both parties will increase. The Chu army was unable to completely occupy the colony, and the colony would definitely resist desperately. Even if it calms down. Will do this in the future. This will not solve the problem at all.

Moreover, the Chu army came from a long distance, and it was difficult to supply logistics, so a logistics supply base was urgently needed. If a clause of peaceful coexistence with the colony is reached, such a balanced pattern can be balanced.

"And you general. And your subordinates are all from the Chu mainland. Logistic supplies are difficult. The Chu colony can provide a good port for the generals. Our merchant ships can also be used by the generals. The mainland of Qin provides the necessary materials, while the local colonies can provide other material guarantees. The generals collect taxes in the name of protecting the colonies. They are used for military expenditures. In this way, the generals can stably expand their military power. ." Huang Bu put forward such a view. In his opinion. Although the Chu colony has developed rapidly, there is an indisputable fact. This fact is that the Chu colony does not have a strong government. In fact, this government does not exist, and it is precisely because of the non-existent relationship that the economic development of the Chu colony lacks security. Without compulsory taxation, there would be no money to support an army to provide them with protection. This incident gave Huang Bu a clear understanding that even the colony was very rich. However, if there is no protection from armed forces, then these wealth will quickly disappear. If the Chu army robbed it brutally. Then the people in the colonies have no way at all.

At present, only by taking advantage of the weakness of the Chu army's lack of sufficient military expenditure and providing some money to benefit the Chu army, so that the Chu army would not be eager to launch an offensive. Only by threatening the economic development of the colony can everyone's interests be protected. Although some money is lost, everyone's wealth is protected. On such a basis, inviting Chu Jun to protect it will achieve the goal of further protecting his wealth, and Chu Jun can also get the taxes they want, and both parties are in an equal relationship.

"General, the Chu army can provide security to the colony, and the colony can pay a certain tax for the Chu army to use. In this way, both parties can benefit, and the Chu army can get an excellent logistics supply port. At the same time, it can also get a stable. The taxation colony. These taxes are enough to support the development and growth of the Chu army." Huang Jincheng explained the benefits.

After Xiang Liang heard it. I still feel very satisfied. Such a result has met Xiang Liang's expectation. However, there is another problem, and that is the control of the colony. For now. Xiang Liang believes that if the offensive continues, the other party is likely to take extreme measures, after all, the other party first proposed the negotiation. This also shows that the opponent's strength has reached its limit. For Chu Jun. Such a limit can send troops, but the price to be paid is very high. This is very unacceptable to Chu Jun.

If you take the initiative to attack, you will lose what you just got. Chu Jun's loss will be even greater. Obviously launching an offense is a very unwise decision. Xiang Liang had already rejected this idea in his mind.

"So do you have a solution?" Xiang Liang asked at this time.

"The general can appoint an officer as the colonial military commander. A certain garrison can be stationed. In times of crisis, the military commander can negotiate with the parliament to recruit militias to jointly defend the security of the colony." Huang Bu said. Although the colony has its own armed forces, the armed forces are very loose. Such a loose force makes it difficult to effectively protect the colony, which is very dangerous for the colony. In fact, Huang Bu surrendered the armed power of the colony. And then preserve the parliament's right to govern the colony.

"As for the local governance, it should be entrusted to the colonial parliament to elect a government official who can generate taxes. And then govern the colony." Huang Bu put forward such a view.

After Xiang Liang listened. The decision was okay, but Xiang Liang, the colonial government official, believed that he should be appointed by himself.

"This government official who collects taxes should be selected by this general?" Xiang Liang asked tentatively.

"No. General. I think. It should be chosen by us, we need to know. Only we understand the situation of our colony. Only by our management can our colony develop our economy effectively. If we choose one that does not know the local situation. People, I really don’t know what will happen. Besides, the locals don’t trust you very much, and appoint a local to manage government affairs. I think this is the most appropriate.” Huang Bu said.

"Furthermore, General, you have already obtained the military management power of the colony. The military power is in your hands, don't you worry about the colony?" Huang Bu confessed his explanation.

For now. The Chu Army should indeed hold military power. Because the Chu army is in absolute military advantage. The colony had only militiamen, and most of them were captured by the other side. The colony had to surrender armed power to the other side. In exchange for jurisdiction over the colonies.

Xiang Liang looked at the other party, thinking that the other party made sense. The navy came from a long way. Logistics supply is difficult. At this time, a logistics supply base is urgently needed. Moreover, the purpose of this trip is to establish a taxation system for the colony. And this system, obviously just beginning, think of this. Xiang Liang believes that now that the goal has been achieved. Then there is no need to force anything. This has met their requirements for Chu Jun.

"En. This general agrees to your request, but you have to swear an oath to Young Master Chu and General Xiang, otherwise." Xiang Liang drew out his sword at this time.

"Understand," Huang Bu said quickly, arching his hands.

"En." Xiang Liang nodded at this time. Although an oath took off much effect. But this means that the colony will be under the jurisdiction of the Chu army. This was also the first overseas colony officially under the jurisdiction of the Chu army.

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