"Kill." The Chu army soldiers who came out frantically pulled down the Qi army cavalry they saw. Then the **** in the hand. Or bayonet kill.

"Kill you. Kill you." A Qi army cavalry was igniting explosives. The Chu Army soldiers who came out quickly grabbed the opponent's arm and dragged off the horse. Then he slammed the opponent's head and chest with the butt. The Qi army cavalry was beaten all at once. Then he was brutally killed by the opponent with the **** of the rifle. Brains are splashing everywhere.

At this time, more Chu Army soldiers were chasing after the Qi Army cavalry who had swiftly killed out at the beginning. They dragged each other off one by one. Or shoot with a musket. The cavalry was difficult to resist.

"Quick, everyone gathers together." Captain Qi Jun cavalry shouted loudly while riding on his horse. His troops were forced to disperse because of the destruction of the artillery. Many of them had to leave the team gathered at the beginning to destroy the cannons everywhere. At the same time their speed also slowed down. Some even dismounted directly to destroy the cannon.

Qi Jun cavalry can form a huge impact at the beginning. A serious destructive effect on the Chu army’s defense line was that the cavalry used concentratedly to form a superior force at one point, with the help of its own high-speed impact. Cut the opponent's line of defense. This caused great confusion in the opponent's formation. Then take advantage of this chaos. Use his mobility to continuously fight and defeat the Chu army.

But the current situation is that the cavalry of the Qi army is trying to destroy the artillery. They have to spread out, and spread out in this way, which will result in the weakness of the Qi army's cavalry. But if it is weak, it is difficult to form a huge lethality. Without the gathered power, a powerful blow cannot be formed. This is simply a disaster for them.

"Yeah." A Qi army cavalry fought against hundreds of Chu army soldiers alone, and he wielded his saber vigorously alone. His body is full of blood, and some wounds are constantly flowing out. For him, this is a kind of torture. But he can't take care of these anymore. The Chu army quickly drowned him like a flood.

"Get together," the captain shouted loudly at this time. In his opinion, at this time, the Qi Army's cavalry units are already in a very dangerous state. The forces in his hands were simply unable to resist such a powerful Chu army's counterattack. He needed to gather his forces to form a force to retreat in an orderly manner.

And just when the captain yelled. A Chu Army gunner from far away is aiming here.

"Da da da." A Qi army cavalry held a pennant. That is the unique flag of the cavalry. The position of the flag is where the Qi army cavalry gathers and attacks. The Qi army cavalry who heard the order were gathering nervously at this time, and the number of them was slowly increasing. But compared with their initial strength, their loss is not thin.

"Puff." After aiming. The gunner decisively lit the fuse.

"Boom." A huge explosion came.

"Wow." The cannonball flew directly over.

"Be careful. Long." A Qi army cavalry who heard the trumpet was about to knock down their commander, but the solid shell had already hit.

"Puff." The upper body of the two who rushed over was knocked off. Blood splattered everywhere. The Qi Jun cavalry watched this scene happen, but they couldn't do anything about it.

"This." Some Qijun cavalry on the side watched this scene in astonishment. They watched their chief's body be knocked out. The lower part of the cavalry officer who watched them was still sitting on the horse.

"Kill." Chu Jun took the opportunity to attack quickly at this time. But the Qi army cavalry lost their commander badly at this time.

"Retreat. Retreat." A Qi army cavalry sergeant quickly commanded. He knows that only retreat can save the cavalry's current situation.

"Retreat. Retreat quickly." The cavalry, already in a state of crisis, was scattered towards the woods and found retreat under the loud shout of the sergeant.

The Chu Jun also quickly followed, but they only retreated after chasing for a while.

"Charge." The Qi army that came out of the assault quickly chased the fleeing Chu army, and the Chu army had completely collapsed. They ran away desperately. The three-inch-caliber infantry artillery used to support their firepower also withdrew because they fled too quickly and did not have time to clean them up. And these cannons became the spoils of the Qi army.

"Order our chasing troops to retreat." The lieutenant colonel checked the situation on the battlefield with his binoculars. The losses of the Chu army camp were also relatively large. The Chu army troops who attacked also suffered relatively large losses. It is relatively unlikely that the Chu army will continue to launch an offensive. but. After all, the Chu Army is still a strong combat force. Qi Jun only won a tactical victory. The remaining wars are the hardest to fight.

Chu Jun's loss was not small. In addition to a large number of casualties. Approximately more than a thousand people were killed in action. In addition, a large number of combat weapons were lost. Dozens of cannons, only a dozen cannons can still be used. A lot of ammunition is also destroyed. These all need constant supplies from the rear to gather. The Chu army was temporarily unable to launch an offensive.

Among the southern mountains and forests of Qin State. Shangwen and Mojia and his group marched in the direction of Wuguan with difficulty. There are mountain roads all the way. Shang Wen was overwhelmed. But the Mohist people are used to it. And Shang Wen had to follow.

And this time. Ying Yu and Meng Tian are heading towards Yunshan near Shangwen.

"How many roads do we have?" Yingyu asked Meng Tian, ​​wiping her face with her sleeve.

"There is still a long way to go." Meng Tian held the map. And said the compass. Then he looked at the surrounding terrain and said. This is a mountainous area. There are few roads. You can only move forward while pioneering a path on your own. Few people live here.

Yingyu looked at the mountains everywhere.

"I don't know where that idiot is?" Yingyu asked, looking at Dashan anxiously. For her. Shang Wen's current situation is very bad. Because Shangwen is a civil official. A weak look can easily be knocked down in such a harsh environment.

But at this time Yingyu didn't know. In the Qin Palace. King Qin was very annoyed by the letter written by Shang Wen.

"Boom." There was a loud knock. King Qin slapped the case table fiercely with his thick palm. Zhao Gao, who was on the side, was taken aback.

"Huh." King Qin let out a heavy nose. Obviously. he is very angry.

"Boom. Boom." Then King Qin hit the case with his palm again. And Zhao Gao's face turned pale. Looking at King Qin with trepidation. He didn't know why King Qin suddenly made such a big fire. This puzzled him very much. But he also knew. at this time. Asking rashly will completely anger King Qin. King Qin is likely to pass on his anger to him.

Zhao Gao's frightened atmosphere did not dare to breathe. Just watched the changes of King Qin quietly.

King Qin looked at the ground seriously. Say nothing. His palms are a little red. This shows that he is very hard. The case is made of fine wood. But even so, there were some cracks in those who were hit hard by King Qin. Can imagine. How much power did King Qin use.

Shangwen confessed some of his thoughts in the letter. Shang Wen clearly told King Qin. I have the idea of ​​escaping marriage. the reason is simple. I just don't want to have such a luxurious wedding. He himself is extremely disgusted with such a wedding. Shang Wen just wanted to tell King Qin such a view. And this is also the reason for Shangwen to escape from marriage. For this reason. King Qin believed that Shangwen was challenging the authority of King Qin. This is an insult to him. King Qin was very angry about this. But Shang Wen has already made such a move. King Qin was helpless about this. But he was furious.

In the letter. Shang Wen went on to write some views on Mohist school.

"Prince King. The Mohists have high political accomplishments, and they have high political pursuits. These political pursuits can serve Qin. Qin needs such people to carry out political reforms. If Qin wants long-term development, it will attract Such people enter the Qin country. It is very necessary. The politics of the Qin country must be diversified and integrated, rather than single. Wang Shang’s current approach is a bit too radical, and such an overwhelming approach makes Qin’s politics unable to open up, and politically open. Sex or not will affect the political development of Qin, diversified development is a trend, but also a combination." Shang Wen said in the letter. What Shangwen expressed was to let King Qin treat Mohist school with an open vision, not with a hostile relationship. If such a policy is implemented for a long time, it will become even more rigid. Shang Wen didn't want this rigid method to continue.

As for Shang Wen's view. Apart from being angry, King Qin had no thoughts. He thinks Shang Wen is on this matter. It seems very naive. Naive to no political IQ. This is King Qin's evaluation of Shangwen. But King Qin was helpless. Because Qin still needs Shangwen. The most important thing is that King Qin can't do anything to Shangwen. He didn't want others to know that there was a contradiction between King Qin and the prime minister. This contradiction made King Qin very uncomfortable. And it's the kind that has fire but can't make it. This is the most annoying place for King Qin.

"Boom." King Qin thought of this. There were several heavy blows.

"Kacha." The case rang out at this moment.

And Zhao Gao was taken aback again.

The more King Qin thought about it, the more angry he got. But there is no alternative to Shangwen. King Qin thought of this. My head feels swollen. But there is no way to take Shangwen. Because Shangwen can make the Qin country stronger. Moreover, some of Shangwen's reform measures have greatly changed the Qin State. If you follow the previous experience, I am afraid that Qin Guohui will suffer a lot of losses, because the general situation has changed.

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