The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1387: The influence of the railway

"The king. Tian Heng's move is an act of subjugation of the country. It is not applicable." A nobleman of Qi State stood up and said loudly.

"Wang. Exactly. Tian Heng wants to hand over Qi country's taxes to foreigners. Isn't this going to hand over Qi country to foreigners? Is Qi country still Qi country?" Another Qi country nobleman stood up Said.

"My lord, as far as the minister knows. This matter has been sent to various countries to convey this matter. This matter has become an established fact. It is difficult to change." A Chinese doctor stood up and said at this time.

Hearing such words, even if other nobles wanted to express their opinions, they couldn't continue speaking.

"This." The nobles stopped talking when they heard such words.

For the topics discussed by the ministers below. King Qi was not interested in listening at all. He knows that Qi Guo's current situation is very dangerous. because. The Chu army has sent a large army to attack Qi, and Qi's national strength is weak and unable to resist.

"The situation in Qi State is dangerous. Master Tian comes like this. Maybe he can save Qi State. Qi State is not profitable. Talk about saving soldiers." At this time. The doctor stood up and said.

"This." The other nobles were not talking at this time.

They are very clear. The current situation in Qi is very dangerous. If not Tian Heng. I am afraid that Qi has already taken the capital at this time. Qi country is about to be destroyed.

The matter of Tian Heng is related to the future and destiny of Qi. Moreover, the situation in Qi State is already very dangerous. Can't wait any longer. Therefore, Tian Heng was sent to the country as an envoy. Then send someone to the book king. And this naturally caused dissatisfaction among the nobles. But dissatisfaction returns to dissatisfaction. The situation in Qi is still very dangerous. If you can't resist the Chu army in time, it will cause great danger to the Qi country.

"It's snowing." "It's snowing." Ling'er said bouncely in front.

"Ahem." Shang Wen hurried continuously. Cause one's energy to be exhausted. Coupled with continuous camping in the wild. Shang Wen has little experience in this area. Therefore, his body fell ill again.

"Cough, cough." Shang Wen kept coughing.

Shangwen's cough did not get anyone's attention. The Mohist is not even concerned about this.

"Senior Sister, we have to go from Wuguan. I heard that Qin's defense at Wuguan is particularly tough. In addition, Qin's prime minister is not there. I am afraid it will be difficult for us to pass." Nine Junior Brother said to Senior Sister.

"En. I know." At this time, the senior sister nodded. Then nothing said.

In Qin State, Meng Yi was also quite busy.

"The prime minister. The small and medium coal mining companies in Qin State have no loans, causing their funds to break. Some coal mine owners have lost their income. I am afraid it will cause social unrest." The Minister of Economy said worriedly.

"Yes. Recently due to mergers. Judicial cases have risen rapidly. Such cases are everywhere. This is very unfavorable to us. The society will inevitably lead to turmoil. The turbulent environment will greatly affect the development of Qin's economy." This is the Minister of Justice. Time to stand up and say.

"En." Meng Yi nodded.

"This matter must be handled properly. Do you have any good solutions?" Meng Yi asked immediately.

"No." The Attorney General said at this time.

The Minister of Economy just shook his head. He has nothing to do. When Meng Yi heard this, he couldn't help shaking his head. Obviously, for such a thing, he has no way.

"Sign these documents. Sign now. I can still give you some comfort money." A local large coal mine owner in the north of Qin State said to a small coal mine owner.

"You are robbers. Just rob my coal mine." The small coal mine owner shouted so loudly.

"Robber." The little mine owner shouted to the other party.

"Bah." The small coal mine owner spurned at the opponent at this time.

"Hehe." The big coal mine owner smiled. The big mine owner's face was spit on the face.

"Tomorrow has passed. There is no need for this comfort money," said the big coal mine owner.

"The money. I don't want it. I want to see how you robbers snatched my coal mine from me." The little coal mine owner shouted at the other side. The big coal mine owner got up and left at this time.

This is what happened in the north of Qin State. Qin’s large coal mine owners and banks united to put pressure on those small and medium coal mines. This led to the rapid decline of small and medium-sized coal mines in the northern coal-producing areas of Qin. And these small and medium coal mines quickly merged into large coal mines.

In the long term. Qin's annexation of small and medium-sized coal mines will be of great benefit to Qin's increase in coal production, but Qin's banks and coal mine owners have jointly applied pressure and adopted stormy mergers. It will have a great impact on the social stability of Qin State. Because some people have lost their interests. And these people cannot get proper resettlement. This will lead to great hidden dangers of stability.

Xinzheng, South Korea.

"Prince King. The situation of the State of Qi is already very dangerous for the two armies of the Chu army. All the way directly to the coastal areas of the State of Qi. The other way is attacking Linzi. Although I don't understand why the State of Chu did this. But Qi The situation in the country is very dangerous.” The Minister of Security analyzed at this time.

"En." Han Shu just nodded.

"There is still nothing from Qi State. There is nothing to say. However, the news from Qin State said that Qi State sent a special envoy to Qin State. However, Qin State did not receive the special envoy of Qi State. Just let the other party stay. "The Minister of Foreign Affairs said at this time.

"En." Han Shu nodded. For Qin State's such a treatment method, although I don't know what the other party wants to do. But the thing about the country. Han Shu believes that Qin may not have time to take care of this matter.

"Your Majesty. The minister thinks that there is one more thing to pay attention to." At this time. The Minister of Economy said.

"What's the matter?" This time. Han Shu said.

"If the king wants to participate in Qi affairs, he must consider Wei's affairs." The Minister of Economy said at this time.

"Wei Guo?" Han Shu asked in surprise.

"Yes. Wei State. If you want to interfere in Qi State affairs, you have to go through Wei State." The Minister of Economy said.

"I don't understand this matter? Why go through Wei Guo?" Han Shu didn't understand what the Minister of Economy said.

"What's the meaning?" Han Shu shook his head and looked at the Minister of Economy and said.

"Wei is between South Korea and Qi. South Korea will definitely support Qi in the future. This is inevitable," said the Minister of Economy. Han Shu nodded. Han Shu wants to establish a naval base in Qi. This has been confirmed. Therefore, South Korea will inevitably support Qi, but to support Qi, it must pass through Wei, and the entire communication line must pass through Wei. If you simply rely on carriage. I am afraid that it is difficult to maintain the needs of Qi, not only the needs of Qi now, but also more serious matters. In the future, the naval supply base established by our navy will have to rely on horse-drawn carts to transport all kinds of materials needed. The carriage capacity of the carriage is very limited. Such limited transportation capacity will inevitably affect our combat effectiveness. "The Minister of Economy said.

"So?" This time. Han Shu asked back.

"Therefore, South Korea must build a railway to pass through Wei. Controlling this railway can control Wei and then the situation in Qi." The Minister of Economy put forward such an idea.

"En." Han Shu nodded at this time. He thinks that the Minister of Economy is right. Because controlling the Qi state situation requires material support. Such support is naturally inseparable from the problem of road transportation. If this problem cannot be solved well. South Korea cannot control the situation in time. Although the road does not seem to be a big problem. But it seemed very deadly at the critical moment. For this. Shang Wen has a very clear understanding. Han Shu is also very sober at this point. Before the battle of Qin State, or in progress, a railway must be built. Only the railway is built. Qin's battle has the possibility of victory. Transport by rail. With a continuous flow of energy, the combat materials are transported to the combat area. The increase in railway transportation capacity had a great impact on the outcome of the battle.

And this proposal of the Minister of Economy is for South Korea. Very important. It is of great significance.

"It is very correct. If South Korea wants to do a lot of things, it must control the arteries of transportation. If these arteries cannot be controlled, it will be difficult to form effective control. This point. The Minister of Economy is very correct. Very strategic vision." Han Shu acted for the other party at this time.

"Xie Wang," said the Minister of Economy.

For such a view. In fact, South Korea has long had such a view. With the development of Korean industry, especially the development of light industry. Korean products are continuously exported to various countries. However, in the beginning, the main market for Koreans was Qin. Because only Qin people can afford it. And the people of Qin are in great demand. But gradually, Koreans began to lose market share, mainly due to the transition of Qin people from simple price to quality. And Korean products mainly have advantages in price, with the transformation of price advantages. Korean products began to turn to the south. The Chu people there are in great demand. They mainly sell to the natives of the colonies, and all they need is the price. They exchanged cheap goods for various local resources. Then return to Chu and Qin to sell these resources to each other. This is how they earn double profits from it. Therefore, navigation is a lucrative industry. But such a profitable industry has great risks.

Korean products are exported overseas. However, the right of road transportation is controlled by the people of Qin. Thus. If the Qin people take measures, it will affect the business of the Koreans. to this end. South Korea must proceed from a long-term perspective. Establish a line of communication of your own. And start your own trade through this line of communication. Obviously starting from Xinzheng, South Korea. After Wei Guo. The railway line that opened to Qi State is the most cost-effective one. In the southern state of Chu, such a line of communication cannot yet be established. There is not much contact between Koreans and Chu people. There is not much direct communication between the two parties.

"If this happens. Only by building a railway. The construction of a railway line between Xinzheng and Linzi can quickly open up the situation. And South Korea can build another commercial road. But to do so. It must go through Wei, but the situation in Wei. We don't know how to control it yet." The Minister of Security said at this time.

"En." Han Shu nodded at this time. The situation in the Wei State really does not know how to resolve it. Among the seven heroes of the Warring States Period, only Wei has not changed much. Wei's military equipment is extremely backward. They are still the old army. The weapons equipped by the army are still halberds, spears, and various cold weapons.

The combat effectiveness of the Wei's noble army is not as powerful as their country's regular army. It can be said that in the Warring States period, his military strength is already extremely weak.

The equipment of Wei's army has been greatly inferior to that of neighboring countries, and neighboring countries have been fully equipped with various gunpowder weapons, such as Chu, which has reported flintlocks on a large scale. Qin's armaments are the most advanced. Although the South Korean army is also equipped with flintlocks, the elite troops are also equipped with traps and revolving rifles. The firepower is stronger than Wei Jun.

In addition to rifles, armies of various countries are generally equipped with artillery. Chu is the country with the largest number of artillery. But the quality varies. Although the South Korean army is far inferior to Chu in the number of artillery, the quality of the artillery is very good. In the city defense of Xinzheng, the South Korean army also imported advanced fort artillery from Qin, with a caliber of up to eight inches. The range reaches ten miles. The artillery shells kill tremendously. If modified, the fort artillery can be maneuvered to the front line by train to shoot. In addition. The artillery equipped by the South Korean army are rifled artillery. Use cone-shaped shells. Instead of the smoothbore guns and spherical shells used by the Chu army.

In terms of military system. The South Korean army is the same as Qin. All have used a clear military rank system to issue military salaries to soldiers. The Chu State still uses the old military system in terms of military system, and soldiers will not issue military pay. There are no formal channels for the promotion of soldiers. Therefore, the soldiers' combat enthusiasm is very affected.

From this point of view. Chu Jun only changed his equipment. In terms of military system. It is still an old army equipped with new weapons. No fundamental equipment has occurred in the military model.

In contrast. Wei Jun will lag far behind, both in terms of weapons and military systems, lagging far behind his neighboring countries. The worst thing is that Wei's military strategy is extremely conservative.

Wei Wang has already faced a siege by a new Korean army. I still think that Beam City is extremely strong, even with artillery, it can't open Beam City. Insufficient understanding of the surrounding situation. Coupled with a conservative strategic pattern. Wei Guo is already very backward.

King Wei handed over the national defense to Daliang City. Pin your hopes on the strength of the city walls. It can be seen that Wei Guo is extremely conservative. Such a conservative strategic posture. As a result, Wei Jun had no aggressive intentions at all.

It is precisely because of this that the blatant military action against the South Korean army. The new South Korean army has specially escorted some important strategic materials. None of these escorts had been approved by Wei Guo. Just drive the army over. Such a practice of ignoring each other. Wei Guo's attitude is. Reluctantly, they can only watch this rapidly rising neighbor, but can't do anything. Not only that, some actions for the other side. He just watched, and did not take some military measures to stop the other party. This caused the Koreans to covet the land of Wei Guo. The people in South Korea gave great support to the annexation of Wei. But South Korea did not do anything because of Qin's threat. And South Korea does not want to do it. If you do it too early, it may cause Qin's dissatisfaction. If Qin took some measures, it would be a way of outweighing the gains for South Korea.

Building a railway is, to a certain extent, the expansion of a country's influence. Especially Korea now. It just cooperated with Qin State to establish several domestic railways. And South Korea itself has shrunk to an insignificant local area. Therefore, the railway does not need to be built in this way. It's enough. But this time is different. This time South Korea will build the railway abroad. And it's a Cong Xin Zheng, a big beam. Long-distance railway to Linzi. The construction of this railway will be of great significance. From Xianyang in the Qin State, you can directly reach Linzi in the Qi State. And because South Korea controls this section of the railway, it can expand its influence. Because there are many train stations to be built along the railway. Transportation hub center. Trading stations, and then these trading stations are built according to the needs of the railway station. As long as South Korea controls these railways, it can quickly expand its influence. This is a very important part for South Korea.

"This railway must be built." Han Shu thought about it. I think this railway is of great significance to South Korea. Must be built.

"So Wei Guo?" This time. The security minister asked.

"Negotiate with them. The negotiation fails. Just use various methods. For that Xinchen. Try to win over here. Wei Guo needs to change." Han Shu said.

"Understood." The Minister of Security and the Minister of Economy nodded and said.

On the southern ocean. After many days of voyage, the Korean warship finally arrived near the latitude and longitude they marked, but they had not found any traces of the personnel left by them. At this time, the latitude and longitude coordinates were not very accurate. But this is enough for positioning.

"Captain." A sailor on the Korean armed merchant ship "Golden" ran to the captain and said.

"What's the matter?" the captain asked while looking at the land with a telescope.

"The Queen sent a message to let us drop these immigrants. They will send some armed men ashore together." The sailor said at this time.

"Okay. Send those immigrants up." The captain said at this time.

"Order the ship to dock as much as possible. Then use a small boat to ferry over." The captain then ordered.

"Prepare to disembark and land." The sailor shouted loudly after receiving the captain's order.

At this moment. Some sailors opened the hatch below, and a Korean who came and started to board the deck. Because of the concern of ship sailing. Generally, no people are allowed to board the deck of the ship, because all kinds of rope sails need a certain amount of space to unfold. If there are people, this kind of work cannot be done. then. Most of the Koreans who came to immigrate were under the cabin. There are few opportunities to be able to board the deck.

"The air here is so good," said a Korean woman. It was the first time that she came to the sea. Although the adaptation made her feel very tired, standing on the boat and feeling the feeling of the sea still made him feel very good.

"Look. There is land over there. Land. There is land." Some Koreans who boarded the deck shouted loudly. They are as excited as discovering a new world. Because they are about to board that piece of land. That piece of land will belong to them. This is the purpose of their immigration. They are here to open up their own land and space. Create their own home. They are full of hope. The moment they saw the land. Their mood will be extremely happy. Because they will have their own home. Although far away from the local area, but still very eager to take root here.

"Let them board the ship. The Queen has already started sending troops to land." The captain impatiently issued an order at this time.

"We're boarding soon. We're boarding. You'll be on that piece of land in a while." a sailor called impatiently.

On the Queen. The captain stood at the bow of the ship to check the situation on the coast.

"Captain, I didn't find any suspicious signs. The sailors are also preparing to land, and they will soon be able to establish a defensive position. It is estimated that in the evening. We will be able to initially establish a defensive line. Those immigrants are also being deployed. I don't think it will be necessary. How long will they be on the beach." The first officer reported this time.

"En. Be careful with everything. Especially at night. We don't know what will happen here? But we must be careful. No accidents can happen. We want to establish Korean colonies here. These colonies, yes. We are very important." The captain said at this time.

"Understood. Captain." The chief officer said at this time.

"En." The captain nodded. Continue to check the situation ashore.

This time the Koreans went to sea. A lot of Koreans were specially recruited from the local area of ​​Qin. They give each other a certain amount of financial support and give them great temptation. As long as they come to emigrate, they will be given a lot of land and minerals. This opportunity is free. Just come, you can get it. Under such temptation. Many local Koreans came to emigrate. They are very clear. What does it mean to be here. Although there are risks. However, there is great wealth to satisfy them. So they came to immigrate regardless of risk.

In order to carry these immigrants. The South Korean authorities recruited local South Korean ships and sent them and their warships to the island in formation. Those armed merchant ships are in profitable circumstances. Also followed. To know. With warships escorting them, they are not afraid of those pirates coming to hijack the ship. Ship hijacking is also a risk. The warship can effectively reduce this risk. At the same time, they can also see if there are other businesses they can do. If you can, you can also find a way to get rich.

Armed merchant ships are here to make a fortune. If there are not enough benefits, the authorities simply cannot mobilize these armed merchant ships.

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