Chu State, a great country in the south, is currently spending lavishly. Because they got financial support from Qin State Bank. The endless stream of gold coins quickly met Chu's needs.

"General. The money is enough for us to build three large warships. Twelve medium warships and 20 small warships of various kinds." A navy general reported to Xiang Xiang Yan.

"En." Xiang Yan nodded at this time.

"The warship must be built. But there is no source of income. The people of Qin will not continue to provide us with a penny loan." Xiang Yan said.

"General. Then you don't need to repay the loan from the State of Qin. This way. Our army..." The navy general was interrupted immediately by Xiang Yan before he could finish his words.

"This matter, you can't think about it like this." Xiang Yan decisively interrupted the other party's words at this time.

"The loan from the Qin State Bank can help us. The people of Qin State are also helping us to collect taxes. These are important foundations for the growth of the Chu army. If the Qin State is violent, what will the people of Qin State do? Absolutely not think so." Xiang Yan taught a lesson. To.

"Here." General Shuijun was a little unwilling at this time. But he agreed.

"General. Mr. Qin State Bank, please see me." Just when Xiang Yan warned the navy general. A soldier stepped forward to report. Business representatives from Qin State Bank came to see you.

"I'm going now." Xiang Yan replied immediately at this time. Xiang Yan has a new understanding of Qin Guo's bank. And it's a one hundred and eighty degree change. The loan from Qin State Bank helped Xiang Yan tide over the difficulties. Especially in terms of funds, and the proposal of Qin State Bank also made Xiang Yan consider some economic affairs, such as. tax.

The biggest contribution of Qin State Bank is taxation. Taxation is currently the only source of income for the Chu navy. With such a source of income. Naturally, Xiang Yan's attitude towards Qin State Bank changed 180 degrees. Not only provided sufficient funds. It also brought itself a source of income. The previous Chu State Navy completely relied on the Chu State to allocate money, and those money could barely be maintained, but after the expansion of the armament, the Chu State Navy could hardly continue to sustain it. The funds provided by the Qin State Bank can not only be maintained, but also meet the needs of the Chu State Navy after its armament expansion.

In fact, Qin State Bank also considers it for its own sake. such as. Taxation, in fact, made it possible for the Chu State Navy to repay debts. If you simply lend to the opponent to expand and prepare for war, the consequences will be disastrous. If that is the case, the other party will not be able to repay, and Qin will eventually use force, and there will be an inevitable battle between the two sides. Although Qin is not afraid of war, Qin's economy is very afraid of war. Qin's economy is standing at an important juncture. If war starts at this time. Fiscal revenue will quickly be tilted to military consumption. The economic construction will rapidly decrease. The loss of Qin's national strength is quite terrible.

"Hello, General." Qin State Bank's business representative said politely. This way of greeting made Xiang Yan feel very uncomfortable. But for the contribution made by Qin Guo Bank. Xiang Yan is not surprising. In fact, this is some courtesy of Qin State's business. But here is the Chu State, some ancient rituals still exist, but Qin State has changed many such manners due to its rapid development.

"En." Xiang Yan nodded in confusion. For such a manner of etiquette. Xiang Yan is still not used to it.

"Please sit down." Xiang Yan was sitting behind her desk at this time. The ancients' sitting is actually kneeling. But it's different from ordinary kneeling. Instead, sitting on his calf with his hips. This sitting position is very uncomfortable. Shang Wen is very unaccustomed to this sitting posture. Therefore, Shangwen usually speaks standing up when discussing topics. After such a long sitting position. It will cause the entire leg to become numb. Shang Wen is not used to it at all.

"Okay." The bank representative turned around to signal to the other person at this time.

"That's right. Who is this?" Xiang Yan asked curiously, looking at the bank representative behind the bank representative with eyes and a little fat Qin countryman.

"General, let me introduce it. This is the tax officer invited by our bank. Baizhong." The bank representative pointed to Baizhong and said.

"Oh." Xiang Yan looked at the other party.

"Before Baizhong was the tax official of the State of Qin. He was in charge of the taxation of the first county of the State of Qin. However, he is now applying for our bank to become our tax official. His arrival can help the State of Chu establish an effective and sound tax system. This is of great help to the reasonable collection of taxes. I hope the general will pay attention to it." The bank representative introduced at this time.

"En. Pay attention, this naturally pays attention." Xiang Yan nodded and said at this time.

"Then, this tax officer." Xiang Yan had forgotten the other party's name at this time.

"What do you think of Chu State's tax collection situation?" Xiang Yan probed the tax officer introduced by the Qin State Bank's business representative. Xiang Yan has always been a talented respect. And those without talents have always looked down upon it. Xiang Yan is testing each other.

"Ahem." Baizhong stood up and coughed a few times to moisten his throat.

"Return to the general." Bai Zhong said, arching his hands.

"Chu's tax situation is very bad. There is no rule to follow. Taxes are messy. Such chaotic taxation will have a serious impact on the subsequent continuous tax collection. I think that at present, Chu should formulate a Law. This law should be able to clarify the tax rate, the scope of tax collection, the object, and the amount of tax levied. At the same time, it should also establish a complete set of registration. Registration system. Let the tax objects be clarified." Make gestures with your hands. These systems have been very mature in Qin.

There are various types of taxes in Qin, and each type of tax is aimed at different groups. Those groups levy more taxes, and those groups levy less taxes. There are also diarrhea groups that are exempt from taxation. In addition, individual tax returns and tax collection can be carried out in a timely manner.

"For example?" Xiang Yan asked at this time.

"For example. The historical ship tax levied by Chu State. The levy is very unreasonable. Is the passage taxed in a single direction, or is it taxed in a double direction, in addition, is it levied a one-time tax, or a multiple tax. These are all. There is no clear regulation. The tax rate collected is also very undisclosed. Those Chu’s own tax officials will use their power to embezzle ink. If it does, it will cause serious damage to the individual taxing and overcharge. Individuals will be unwilling to pay. Unwilling to pay, it will reduce fiscal revenue. This is a very serious fact." Baizhong said. The reason why Qin's taxation is very low is that under heavy taxation, it will lead to a general decline of economic entities. This is a very serious fact for the country. If the individual is weak, then the country will be weak.

"En." Xiang Yan nodded at this time. He thinks what the other party said makes sense. In fact, Xiang Yan knew nothing about tax collection. He believes that as long as taxes are collected, the problem can be solved. But the university in the middle of the tax asked, he really didn't know.

"Then Mr., what should Chu State do now?" Xiang Yan asked at this time.

"At present, tax collection should be stopped. Such irregular tax collection will cut off this source of finance." Bai Zhong said anxiously at this time.

"What?" Xiang Yan exclaimed in surprise at this time.

"Tax collection should be stopped. The current chaotic tax situation will directly affect the entire economic situation of Chu. If there are no merchant ships in the past, there will be other regional developments, it will seriously affect the future economic situation of Chu. If the situation is not good, it will lead to rapid tax shrinkage, and finally a fundamental disaster." Baizhong said at this time.

"Perhaps, I should explain." Bai Zhong said, seeing Xiang Yan who didn't understand.

"The economic situation determines the amount of tax. If businessmen have a lot of money and get the services they deserve, they are willing to pay this tax, of course. This tax must be reasonable, but if the tax is unreasonable , And collect a lot. Then, businessmen will find ways to avoid, or not pay. This is the relationship of tax interdependence. This means that taxes cannot be levied too high. This ratio is usually controlled at 5 to 100% 8. In this way, Chu’s economy will develop very well, and those merchants will develop rapidly without paying more taxes. In this way, the objects of taxation will be more. In one tax rate unchanged Under the circumstance, more taxation objects will form a good income. This income is very objective. At present, Qin State is like this." Baizhong said. In Baizhong's view. Qin's taxation method is the most reasonable. Reasonably low taxes stimulated the continuous development of Qin's economy. Qin's economy developed rapidly, and low taxes played a big role. This is a very important one for Qin's economy.

"However, Chu's tax revenue has to go on. Does this army need a lot?" At this time. Xiang Yan said actively.

"The cessation of taxation is only temporary. After the rectification of the State of Chu, it will not be too late for taxation to be carried out. If taxation is carried out in such a situation, I think it will not be long before this golden waterway will become dead. Waterways. Especially those tax officials, none of them can be used." Baizhong said firmly.

"Taxation must be made public. Their embezzlement of ink has seriously affected the development of taxation. Therefore, stopping taxation and rectification is the current must and the work to be carried out as soon as possible. The sooner the better." Baizhong said at this time.

"En." Xiang Yan nodded at this time.

"This matter is related to the future and destiny of my Chu country. This matter is left to Mr. Bai to take care of." Xiang Yan said with a big hand at this time.

"We will try our best to handle this matter." Bai Zhong nodded and replied at this time.

"Then Mr. Hard work." Xiang Yan said, arching his hands.

Bai Zhong smiled and nodded.

In the southern ocean, Xiang Yan successfully accepted the first colony.

"Boom. Boom. Boom." The rumbling drums kept beating. At this time, the Chu State Army flag rose slowly.

The flag of Chu State was raised. It means that this colony will be included in the territory of Chu State. The local people will be loyal to Xiang Yan and his son. They will levy taxes. Provided to Chu Jun.

The Chu army garrisoned a garrison of about 100 people here. And there are three warships staying here for a long time. Here, Xiang Liang has already decided to vigorously build this colony. This colony will be a logistical supply and support military port for the Chu army.

Xiang Liang adopted an autonomous approach to the colonies because of the reassurance, but the taxes were fixed. The two parties will negotiate to collect the tax. The Chu army must not disturb the local economic development.

The two parties temporarily reached a harmonious relationship. For the local colony chief. It is elected by the parliament. Xiang Liang has to sign an official document for authorization. In this way, the highest governor of the colony can take office. Such a ceremony can be regarded as a manifestation of the equality of power between the two parties.

"I feel very honored." Huang Bu, the Chu businessman who negotiated such a result with Xiang Liang. In the absence of anyone willing to be a candidate, he was successfully elected as the colony’s first colony chief.

"Become the first chief executive of Donggou colony." Huang Bu said respectfully to everyone.

"Here I am very grateful to everyone for your support and recognition of me. Thank you everyone for believing in me." Huang Bu nodded and said at this time.

After saying this sentence. The parliamentarians did not applaud. They believed that Huang Bu's election was a humiliating manifestation of the colony's surrender. For such a result, the people in the colonies are still unwilling to accept it. After all, you have to admit that the other person exists.

"Papa." At this moment. Xiang Liang sat down and clapped his palms loudly.

"Wow." Then, the captain, chief mate, and various officers of the warship sitting there applauded and congratulated.

The people in the colonies shook their heads helplessly at this time. Then they also had to applaud. Obviously, they are extremely reluctant. Huang Bu is actually a compromise between the Chu army's military power and the local colony. The colony did not have a huge military power to drive these soldiers out of their colonies, and they were aggrieved by this. But there is no alternative. the reason is simple. That is, their economic strength is very strong, but their military strength is very weak. This made the colonies very disadvantaged. They were unable to drive away those soldiers, so they could only rely on their own economic strength to protect their homes from war. So they pay taxes.

But the tax rate for paying taxes is as high as 10%. This tax rate is unacceptable for merchants, farmers, and local business people. This tax rate is relatively high. They are not yet willing to accept it. But I had to accept it. To know. They didn't have to pay a penny before, but now they suddenly pay taxes, which makes them feel very awkward. There is a great sense of psychological imbalance.

But they had to accept such a result. This is the contradiction of the colony. They enjoyed comfort and did not want to lose a lot of their wealth, but they were dissatisfied with the sudden taxation, but this dissatisfaction could not lose more of their own interests, so the colony was ruled. Although they are very dissatisfied with the collection of taxes, they have to pay taxes. Although there is no way, they must do so.

This is the ambivalence of the colony. Such ambivalence will directly lead to passive acceptance of such a situation.

Just when Xiang Liang successfully accepted the first Chu colony. On the other hand, South Korea is also establishing its first colony.

"Sir. Nothing happened. We went deep into the jungle and found no traces of people, only some deer. There are also very thick trees. Nothing else was found." A South Korean new army lieutenant said, wiping his sweat.

"En. Very good." The captain of the Queen nodded and said.

"How are those immigrants?" the captain asked at this time.

"Immigration is very good. They have built fortifications by themselves. They are cutting down trees and building into fortresses. It is estimated that they will take root here." The lieutenant looked at the busy figures of the immigrants and said.

"That's good," the captain said.

"Wait for them to take root. Our mission will be completed. We are going to build a brand new South Korea here. Many buildings will be built here. Schools. Factories. Large museums like Qin State. Museums are used to tell stories. The history of our coming here. Tell our children and grandchildren. How brave their ancestors were. How to muster the courage to take root here." The captain said at this time.

The lieutenant just smiled. Such a thing. The lieutenant was unbelievable. His concern is the present.

"Sir. We need to pay attention to some of our current situation. We must establish our own food supply sources as soon as possible. We can't eat seafood every day. We need more grains. Eat like this. Our intestines will not be able to stand it." The lieutenant complained at this time.

The first difficulty in coming here is the problem of eating. Because of the fact that they had just arrived, they couldn't open up barren fields for farming, and the supplies quickly ran out. As the immigrants started to work, their food needs rose rapidly. This has led to a rapid decrease in the food they bring. Although they have also taken some measures, such as catching various fishes for food supplements, Koreans are, after all, a landlocked country, and many people still eat. Not used to, for example, these South Korean Army. They just can’t eat these fish. And with the food brought less and less. Their food will rely more on the sea to complete.

"Eating fish every day, we can't take the food." The lieutenant complained at this time.

"Is it okay to eat fish every day?" the captain said at this time.

"Some are good. It is the best without making you hungry." The captain was very disdainful of such complaints.

"Yes. Sir," the lieutenant said helplessly.

After speaking, the captain left here to inspect other work.

"But eating is indeed a big problem." This time. The lieutenant said helplessly.

If South Korea wants to establish its own colony, the first thing to solve is to adapt to the new local conditions. If you can't adapt, you can't survive.

Although the lieutenant's response was a question of eating, the matter seemed small, but it was very important. To know. If you don’t eat well, then the soldiers won’t have the strength to fight. Immigrants will have no energy to work because of food, and they will not be able to survive. South Korea, after all, is a landlocked country. They have become accustomed to the way of life on the mainland, and suddenly came to the coastal area in a relatively unfamiliar environment, and indeed some discomfort appeared. But they are still full of hope. This is their future home.

"Wuguan's defense is the toughest in Qin. Moreover, I just lost it. It is impossible for the people of Qin to guard against it. I really don't know. Cough cough." Shang Wen coughed twice. His complexion is a little bad. But Shang Wen continued.

"I don't know. Cough cough." Shang Wen coughed twice at this time.

"I don't know. Cough cough." Shang Wen coughed again.

"Can you cough after you finish talking?" The senior sister said very impatiently. At this time, Shang Wen raised his hand and motioned to the other party.

"The Qin army is tightly guarded and they will not let me pass. As for other methods, I don't think you should try. We simply cannot climb over those mountains. If we climb over, it will take longer." Shang Wen At this time, I covered my mouth, and then kept coughing.

"We are the Mo family, and those mountains simply can't stop us." Senior sister said unconvinced at this time.

"No." Shang Wen shook his head at this time and said.

"I don't mean to believe that you can't climb these mountains. But doing so will be too time-consuming. When you arrive in Qi, I am afraid that the war is over. You will not be able to solve the problem at all if you rush there." Time said.

"What do you mean?" Senior Sister thought Shang Wen was unkind. So he looked at Shang Wen and said.

"I mean. We should take some new approaches." Shang Wen continued.

"Using those trains, the Qin army is very strict in searching people, but those trains will be relatively relaxed. We can climb on those trains by night and take those trains to leave Qin. And the trains are fast. It only takes a few days. It can be reached." Shang Wen continued.

"I know. How does the train go. Cough cough." Shang Wen coughed twice. He couldn't help it anymore.

"The trains in Wuguan are semi-civilian and semi-military. At night, they are usually trucks. We can climb on those trains and leave. We arrive at Xianyang. Then from Xianyang, pass through Xinzheng to the border with South Korea. Then we take a merchant’s carriage. In this way, our speed will be much faster." Shang Wen said at this time.

"Do you think this is okay?" Shang Wen looked at the senior sister and senior brother and said.

"Cough cough cough." Shang Wen couldn't help coughing a few times in the end.

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