The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1395: Crazy Wenyang Stock

"Qin Guo's bank performance has skyrocketed. Now banks are expanding everywhere. Banks are doing all over the world. Banks are not profitable. Bank stocks should be able to buy." A speculator in a stock trading hall in Xianyang, Qin State Nei said.

"But. Look at the bank stocks. Their prices are too high." Another speculator looked at the rolling numbers on the trading board.

"Look. Wenyang Bank's stock price is more than 350 gold. Such a high price. It is too difficult to understand. Really." Another speculator said.

"It's not that I don't want to buy. It's just that the stock price is too high. I can only buy 20 shares at most. Twenty shares are all my belongings. At this price, it is almost a worker's salary for several years. It is too high. I really can't stand tall." The speculator said.

"Maybe he will rise to a height higher than this. Maybe it will reach six hundred gold, seven hundred gold, maybe." The speculator said.

"Oh. I won't buy it anyway. Such stocks are too expensive." Another speculator shook his head at this time. to him. The price of this stock makes it difficult for him to accept.

"Anyway, I will buy bank stocks. I think he will rise." The first speculator said firmly.

"Oh. Then you buy it. After you buy it. Your net worth and life are all in this stock." The speculator said.

"En. I did that anyway." said the speculator.

"Buy it, you are crazy." Several other speculators heard that this speculator was going to buy bank stocks, and everyone shook their heads. Because all the speculators here know it. Qin Guo's bank stocks cannot be bought at all. Once bought. You have to pay all your worth and life. Bank stocks fluctuate by one point every time. It will cause serious losses. No one dare to gamble. Because bank stock prices are too high.

It's ridiculously high.

"Hi. Li Wen." In the VIP room upstairs on the trading floor. Li Wen, a young speculator, is watching the number changes on the quotation machine. And a tall and thin speculator who came in looked at Li Wen who was engrossed and said.

"Hi Li Wen." The lanky speculator called at this time.

"What?" Li Wen just slowed down and said at this time.

"Are there any stocks that can be done recently?" the lanky speculator asked at this time.

"Oh. It's Lytton." Li Wen said, waving his arms at this time.

"I, I haven't held any stocks recently. But." Li Wen said while looking at the quotation machine at this time.

"What's the matter?" This time. Asked the speculator named Litton. Because he saw Li Wen looking at the quotation machine again.

"Are you sleepy? Still feel bad mentally?" Litton asked concerned.

"No. I'm not sleepy, I'm in a good state of mind." Li Wen still looked at the quotation machine and said.

"Xu Ding." Li Wen shouted loudly at this time.

"Come on. Sir. What do you want?" Li Wen's personal assistant.

"Buy a thousand shares of Wenyang Bank and a thousand shares of Royal Bank. Hurry." Li Wen said firmly, raising his head.

"What?" Xu Ding couldn't believe his ears at this time, and Li Wen asked him to buy 1,000 shares of Wenyang Bank and 1,000 shares of Royal Bank.

"One thousand shares of Wenyang Bank, one thousand shares of Royal Bank. Buy. Hurry up." Li Wen urged at this time.

"But. Sir, the price of bank shares. It's too high." Xu Ding said bewildered.

"Go and buy. Two thousand Wenyang Bank, two thousand Royal Bank. Go ahead. Don't talk too much. Otherwise I will let you go." Li Wen shouted loudly. He was obviously agitated.

"Yes, sir." Xu Ding saw Li Wen waving his arms, feeling excited. Immediately ran to the trading counter.

"Oh. My goodness." Litton on the side looked at the young speculator in surprise.

"You are crazy." Litton said incredulously. Because just now, the speculator shouted loudly. To do more than two thousand shares of Wenyang Bank and Royal Bank

This is a huge number. This number was enough to scare Litton out of his guts.

"It's crazy." Litton seemed to have forgotten the purpose of coming here. He came here to get some tips from Li Wen. He has to rely on these gossips to trade, because the recent stock trading doesn't seem to go too smoothly. He came here to try his luck. But what I didn't expect was to see such a scene. Although he heard Li Wen's move to buy stocks. but he. I feel it's better not to operate. Because following the operation will make yourself bankrupt. He didn't want to be buried with the young speculator.

"I'm not crazy." Li Wen said at this time.

"The market gave me the message. Moreover, the whole market is very good. I can't see that this stock will fall. Also, I paid attention to this stock early. This stock has just passed a mentality. Price. Wenyang Bank, it looks like someone is about to take it in. I have no reason not to buy this stock." Li Wen looked nervously at the quotation machine at this time and said.

"Oh." And Litton just listened to the other party's explanation. But he plans not to follow the young speculator in long bank stocks. Because before, this juvenile speculator lost about 100,000 gold while operating car stocks. Everyone went crazy about this.

Some people say. Because of the shortage of oil. Will cause a serious decline in automobile production. In this way, the profitability of the automotive industry will decline rapidly. As a result, the car will plummet. So Li Wen shorted auto stocks. As a result, South Korea has placed an order for about 10,000 motor vehicles. There are also various engine requirements. Some people even say that South Korea will cooperate with Qin Guo's automobile industry to establish South Korea's own automobile industry. In this way, Qin's automobile industry will expand rapidly. Auto stocks soared suddenly. No one can hardly hold these stock prices. But Li Wen was short-selling and suffered heavy losses.

In fact. Lee Wen was also short in auto stocks. However, auto stocks rose rapidly after a severe decline. And the lowest price just touched the lowest price lightly and there was no more movement. Li Wen immediately sold the short list in his hand and quickly bought the stock. In the beginning, he lost about 25,000 gold in short selling. However, in the midst of the rapid rise in auto stocks, he made more in time, and he quickly made about 100,000 gold. And after a big rise, he quickly shot. That time operating car stocks. He made about one hundred thousand gold.

Because Li Wen never made his operation public. So the outside world doesn't know how much he has made or how much he has lost. He knew all of this. No one knows how good this person is.

"It's crazy. I'd better watch other stocks go up with peace of mind." At this time. Litton exited Li Wen's room. In his opinion. Li Wen is crazy. In his opinion. Such a crazy operation. Most people certainly can't bear it. Only gamblers, professional gamblers dare to do this.

And in the highest meeting room of Wenyang Bank in Qin State.

"Tomorrow, our Wenyang stock will be divided into ten. A dividend of fifty and a half will be paid per share." Xiao He said with the report in his hand.

"Huh." All the people present let out a sigh of relief. After intense discussions, they worked out various selling strategies. Coupled with constant discussions with the bank alliance. Wenyang Bank finally passed the plan for dividend distribution. At the time when Wenyang Bank executives made such a big move. The Royal Bank also feels that it can follow the steps of Wenyang Bank, and they are also progressing their dividends.

the next day. Another trading day for Qin State.

"Boom." There was a drumbeat. Qin's exchange began a day of trading.

One opening. The price of Wenyang's stock is still the same as yesterday's price, within the next two minutes. Wenyang Bank fell rapidly. The stock fell by about ten points or so. The speculators present were in an uproar at this time. They believe that this is a performance of the bank stocks to fall sharply. Some people who bought yesterday rushed towards the trading counter at this time. They want to sell their stocks as quickly as possible.

"It's terrible. This stock. It's terrible." The traders shouted loudly, as if the end of the world was coming. Disasters are everywhere. Such a disaster is too terrible for them.

"What should we do?" Xu Ding looked at Li Wen at this time.

"Wait. Keep waiting." Xu Ding knew. Li Wen has a lot of Wenyang Bank and Royal Bank. Such crazy bank stocks. For him, it was a catastrophe.

Time is slowly passing by one minute and one second, just as the morning transaction is about to end. Bank stocks suddenly saw an unexplained rapid rise, and it is estimated that they have risen to a staggering four hundred gold. Throughout the morning, there hasn't been any movement in the stock market. It has been in the price range of 320 to 330, but it was at the end of midday. It quickly rose to four hundred gold. Those speculators who rushed to take action in the morning were very regretful at this time, and many people were yelling loudly at this time. For them, it was a disaster. Many people are eager to change the transaction slips in their hands. No one pays attention to this rapid rise. They pay more attention to stock prices. Some people are scared to buy, and some people buy in desperately, they think. The stock price of Wenyang Bank is about to hit an astonishingly high price. Seven hundred gold. This is the most expensive thing in Qin. Wenyang Bank stock. One share is equivalent to the wages of Qin workers for several years. Such a price is too attractive.

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