The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1396: Let Korean companies go public

"The Bank of Wenyang issued a major news today. The Bank of Wenyang will split the Wenyang Bank's stock price of 400 gold at noon today and split it into ten. The share capital will rapidly develop from the current 100,000 shares to one. Million shares. Fifty and a half two are distributed per share." Express reported the news as soon as possible.

"My God. Wenyang Bank actually distributed so many dividends, and the stock price suddenly became forty gold. This way." A speculator shook his head regretfully. Because he sold the bank stock in his hand before. He earned dozens of points. He thinks he has made enough. But what I didn't expect was. There are people who earn more than him.

"Oh my God. Is Wenyang Bank crazy? The share capital is as high as one million shares. The market value of Wenyang Bank. It's crazy and it distributes 50 and a half per share. This is simply amazing news." Some people waved their hands. The newspaper shouted loudly.

"Mr. Mr. Important news." At this time Xu Ding rushed in with a newspaper in a hurry.

"A special issue of "Express"." Xu Ding handed the newspaper to Li Wen out of breath at this time. Li Wen picked up the newspaper and read.

"En." Li Wen nodded. Expressed awareness.

"After the market opens in the afternoon. Immediately buy another 2,000 shares of Wenyang Bank and another 2,000 shares of Royal Bank. That's it." Li Wen shouted at this time.

"Yes. Sir." Xu Ding nodded at this time.

After the opening in the afternoon. The stock price of Wenyang Bank did not rise rapidly, on the contrary, it fell rapidly. The price quickly dropped from 40 gold after the stock split to 32 gold. The price fell below 30 gold all at once. But then quickly pulled back.

"Sir. Do we still need to do this?" This time. Xu Ding asked worriedly.

"Buy. Buy as planned." Li Wen said while looking at the quotation machine. In his opinion. Wenyang Bank’s stock price will definitely rise. However, the market has to digest the turmoil brought about by this news.

Because the stock price of Wenyang Bank was dismantled all at once. This led to the rapid expansion of Wenyang Bank's stock to one million shares. Such a huge number has never been seen in Qin State. Those who participated in the market were also at a loss for such a huge news. The stock price was one price in the morning and another price in the afternoon. People's psychology fluctuates greatly. Many people can't stand such huge stock volatility. Don't participate in it at all.

And the whole market seems to be because of Wenyang Bank's stock split. Make it completely unrecognizable. Some stocks rose, some fell. What fell is the close business relationship with Qin Guo Wenyang Bank. And no related stocks rose according to their trajectory.

Many people in the market do not know how to apply this message. Some people interpret the news to Lido. Some people think this is typical bad news. Because the number of stocks has increased. Some people believe that the number of stocks has increased. However, the value of Wenyang Bank's stock has not changed in any way.

On the other hand, people who trade on the floor spend more time in the midst of sadness and joy, and some are happy. Some people regret it, while others are at a loss and look at the market blankly.

Qin's stock market has been hot for quite some time. Many Qin people still view their Qin stock market with a positive and optimistic attitude. And for the stock market. The Qin government has its own views.

"Regarding the construction of the railway. I think the king still needs to discuss it. I am afraid that this project will not come down all at once." Meng Yi and the Minister of Economy quickly came to Meng Yi's office.

"This project will be released temporarily." Meng Yi continued.

"I think we should pay attention to the following things." Meng Yi walked behind the desk, picked up a notebook and walked over and said.

"I think we should continue to open Qin's stock market, especially to allow those foreign capital to enter Qin for trading. This is what the Prime Minister mentioned in his work diary before." Meng Yi said.

"Before, foreign capital was not allowed to participate in Qin's stock trading. It is probably the reason why the Prime Minister wanted to protect his country's capital market, but now. I think we have to change it. The Prime Minister mentioned the freedom of capital in his work diary. The transformation of the country puts forward the situation of attracting South Korean capital into the Qin market. Only in this way can the economy of Qin develop rapidly. Qin’s capital can be used quickly and efficiently." Meng Yi said.

"En." The Minister of Economy nodded. He still couldn't understand what Meng Yi said. Although he still didn't understand the meaning of what the other party said. But he still thinks that some things still need to be heard.

"The prime minister asked us to go to South Korea. It is estimated that the intention is to attract Korean funds to my country, Qin. Then let me, Qin, use these funds to develop our own affairs." Meng Yi said at this time.

"En." The Minister of Economy said.

"I think. This is what the prime minister meant before. You know. If you want to develop, you must have your own sufficient funds. This is a very important thing for us. Funds are like soldiers on the battlefield. Only if you have Only with these can the war begin." The Minister of Economy said.

"Yes." Meng Yi nodded.

"Now, we temporarily understand what the prime minister meant. But how to attract these funds. It's still a problem." Meng Yi continued.

"For now, the exchange ratio between Korean won and Qin is six to one." The Minister of Economy said.

"This ratio is very unfavorable for us. Our half and two dollars can be exchanged for six yuan. Of course, our funds go to Korea. Not South Korean funds come to our country. And our Qin country's half and two dollars exchange rate cannot be arbitrary. Exchange. This is too bad for us." The Minister of Economy said at this time.

"En." Meng Yi nodded. The regulating effect of foreign exchange has already emerged at this time. Because the won has always been at such a price, Qin’s half and two dollars is very strong. For a time, Qin's funds quickly flowed out to South Korea, and South Korea also took some measures to attract these funds to South Korea for construction.

"How is our funding situation?" Meng Yi asked at this time.

"I think we have sufficient funds." The Minister of Economy said.

"At the very least, there is no shortage at the moment. Because, you can see. There is so much money in the stock market," said the Minister of Economy.

"Haha." Meng Yi heard such news. Smiled.

"Our bank lends a lot of funds. These funds are very sufficient. The market has enough funds to allow our stock market to operate quickly." The Minister of Economy said.

"En. In other words, we have sufficient funds?" Meng Yi asked the Minister of Economy at this time.

"Yes. Very sufficient." The Minister of Economy said at this time. And Meng Yi was a little confused at this time. He didn't understand what Shangwen's work notes were all about, because what he saw and his own would be very contradictory. Shangwen wants to attract funds. The reality is that Qin has sufficient funds. There is a big contradiction between the two. This made Meng Yi difficult to understand for a while. Meng Yi fell into thinking.

"The prime minister. I think that at present, according to the Prime Minister's notes, it is not true. I think the prime minister made a mistake." The Minister of Economy said at this time.

"En." Meng Yi just nodded. Did not say anything. He has not yet figured out what Shang Wen meant.

"At present, Qin is not short of funds. Really, funds are sufficient. However, what is lacking is projects. You cannot survive without projects. Qin currently has no good projects. Except for banks, the rest of the stocks There hasn’t been much improvement. I think this is because we don’t have very good projects, but South Korea does. South Korea has many good development projects, and they also have a variety of processing plants. Their profitability level is also Very good. I think. These are just some of my thoughts." This time. The Minister of Economy put forward his views.

"Continue." Meng Yi nodded and motioned for the other party to continue.

"I think. We can introduce Korean factories, some profitable companies, and attract them to our Qin State listing, so that our funds can allow them to develop, and at the same time, their funds can also come to us for development. We You can relax some restrictions and allow Korean funds to come to Qin for speculation. I think it's not just South Korea. Zhao, Yan, and other countries can do it. After all, this is the best place to create wealth and transfer funds." The Minister of Economy continued.

"En." Meng Yi nodded.

"You mean. Let us bring in some Korean companies. Let them go public?" At this time. Meng Yi asked.

"Yes. We should do this. In this way, Qin's capital market will be huge. The region will no longer be limited to Qin, but the world." The Minister of Economy said.

"This idea is very good. And bold. Me. I need to think about it." This time. Meng Yi said.

"En. I understand. I just have such an idea. If the prime minister was there, I guess he would think about it this way," said the Minister of Economy.

"Yes. You are right. But the idea is good. I need to report to Wang and then make a decision, but take the Korean company's stock to the market. This is a good way." Meng Yi continued. .

"Such an approach is not bad," Meng Yi continued.

"En. Let me think about it." Meng Yi thought about this problem a little nervously. And the Minister of Economy looked at each other.

"I think it might be feasible. Although the prime minister did not explain, we should implement it according to the facts we see." Meng Yi thought.

"En." The Minister of Economy nodded. Meng Yi thinks it can be done. After all, from all angles. It's all like this.

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