The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1397: From the country

“South Korea must build its own stock market at present. Qin’s stock market provides a lot of financial support for their companies, but our Korean companies do not have such advantages. We can only borrow money from Qin National Bank, or our Your own bank money, in this way, will be very unfavorable to the situation of our company." The South Korean Minister of Economy put forward such a view at the cabinet meeting.

With the stimulus of the Qi-Chu war, especially the stimulus of the war demand. The Qi state needs a lot of weapons, clothing, and various logistics needs. South Korean companies are rapidly expanding their production lines. The Qi-Chu battle was just an emergency. In fact, South Korea’s actual demand comes from the South. The continuous expansion of Chu's overseas business has led to a rapid increase in South Korea's production capacity. Because things made in Korea are cheap. Therefore, it has become Chu's main export product.

"At present, many companies in South Korea are suffering from expansion. The main reason is the financial problem. The lack of funds makes production expansion hopeless. Our bank has been crowded with loan lists. So." At this time, the Minister of Economy was somewhat helpless. Waving arms. Indicates helplessness.

"However, the stock market can't be established all at once. Qin also took a long time, and we haven't figured out the operation of this. Besides, the stock market is as dangerous as bonds. If we rush into it. I'm afraid we can't bring in too much capital. On the contrary. Because of this, our enterprises have caused a lot of bankruptcy. This is really not a wise choice for us." The Bank Minister objected at this time.

"But we can't look at the lack of funds for our Korean companies. The production line can't expand. It's like saying that the ground is full of money. The money is visible. We only need to expand our tools. , You can take away a lot of money. But, you are now." The Minister of Economy glanced at the Minister of Banking.

"It's so conservative. It's obvious that we don't make money. How can our economy develop." The Minister of Economy is very dissatisfied with the conservative approach of the Bank Minister.

Han Shu, who was sitting in the top position, watched the two people arguing coldly. The current situation. Although Han Shu didn't quite understand. But I also know that South Korean companies should expand. Because from the current point of view, the current demand expansion seems to be large. As Qin State Bank borrowed a large amount of funds. Especially in the form of gold coins, the Bank of Qin has realized the powerful expansion effect of gold coins. As a hard currency, gold has an absolute advantage in the six-nation market, even though Qin’s half-two banknotes are in circulation in Chu State. Occupy a certain seat, but in a remote area. People still believe that gold is the biggest hard currency. The understanding of this hard currency makes Qin's gold coins play a great role. People's pursuit of gold stimulates people's demand.

This kind of stimulating demand is a new market that South Korea currently recognizes. Qi’s market is a demand for war. This demand is short-lived and hard. Money comes fast, but it goes fast. As long as the war stops, this demand will rapidly decrease.

However, the Chu State had real demand. Chu's demand came from overseas demand. With the expansion of Chu's colony, especially the use of goods in exchange for the emergence of slaves. Chu's demand in this area has greatly increased, and this has stimulated South Korean production. Chu's domestic handicraft workshops simply cannot meet such a huge demand. At the same time, South Korea has huge advantages in terms of quality, quantity, and price. These advantages have rapidly increased South Korea's merchandise exports. This is also a new situation currently encountered by South Korea.

"The current demand is much higher than the previous demand. But don’t forget. If these demands drop suddenly, our expanded production lines will produce a large amount of goods. These goods will be backlogged in our hands, and those companies will Because of the excessive backlog of goods and the occupation of excessive funds, their production will be seriously affected. Such things cannot happen and will never be allowed to happen." The Bank Minister said worriedly.

"However, demand has increased significantly, and our inventory is being digested. Didn't you see it?" The Minister of Economy said to the Minister of Banking.

"Since it has been digested, why is there no capital for expansion. Then the money they have digested has not been converted into sufficient funds in their hands?" The bank minister titrated against each other.

"These are two different things." The Minister of Economy said.

"It was the same thing." said the bank minister.

"Okay." Hearing two people quarreling. Han Shu felt all this annoying.

"This quarrel cannot solve the current problem. The actual situation is not well understood by everyone, so it is better to go out and have a look. After the situation is clear, we will discuss this issue again." Han Shu said calmly.

"Yes, Lord." The Minister of Economy and the Minister of Banking said respectfully. Others also nodded in salute.

"That's it, you can go down first." Han Shu waved his arm to signal that everyone can go down. Han Shu watched the crowd leave. For such a quarrel. Han Shu was very satisfied, but when she came down, she felt very annoyed. Because such a quarrel cannot solve the problem. This annoyed Han Shu very much.

"Hey." Han Shu let out a sigh of relief while supporting his head with his hands. The quarrel between the two ministers. Han Shu didn't have any opinions, and she didn't know much about the facts that happened.

As for the fact that what the minister said was true, Han Shu himself did not dare to jump to conclusions. So he decided to slow down the matter for a while, and make a decision after the situation was ascertained.

"Come here. Get some ordinary clothes." Han Shu ordered the attendant said.

After the attendant received the order. Then left quietly.

Outside Xinzheng Railway Station, South Korea. The Mo family monk Shang Wen, who jumped off the car in advance, walked on the streets of South Korea.

"Xinzheng is very lively. There are so many people." Linger walked in the front and looked at the street scene of South Korea's Xinzheng.

"Cough cough." Shang Wen felt that his cough had spread to his chest. His chest hurts as soon as he coughs. Shang Wen tried his best to suppress his cough. But his arm kept shaking. This is already winter. Shang Wen only had autumn clothes, and he was also wearing a flying vest. It was reserved for him by the Qin pilot. Now such flying vests are very thin. And because of the Mo family's long-term exercise, they can tolerate this kind of weather, but Shang Wen has long been unable to resist it.

Shangwen's steps were light and fluttering, but he didn't pay attention to all of Shangwen's. Shang Wen felt that he might not last long.

But the Mohist people moved quickly towards the train station. Because they have to take the next train to Qi State. Originally, they could reach the train directly. Unexpectedly. The train stopped at a suburban railway station before entering Xinzheng. The train car they are riding in has to unload cargo. South Korea needs to continuously import large amounts of raw materials from Qin. All kinds of leather, cattle and sheep, medicinal materials, as well as from coal, petroleum and so on. South Korea's land area is already very small. The country cannot provide enough resources to meet the raw material needs of the factory. For these materials, South Korea can only rely on a large amount of imports for production. South Korea does not lack people, nor does it lack some skilled craftsmen. But what is lacking is a large amount of raw materials.

The train that Shangwen took was stopped at the outskirts of Xinzheng. After unloading there, it then enters Xinzheng Railway Station to complete the final dispatch, and then follows the arrangement, whether to pull the finished product or re-suspend the carriages. All this depends on Xinzheng Railway Station. arranged.

Now the scale of Xinzheng Railway Station is second only to Qin State Xianyang Railway Station, because the commercial use here is very obvious. And the railway line of Handan in Zhao State is also connected to the channel here, so Xinzheng Railway Station is very busy. Xinzheng's special traffic passage location gives Xinzheng a great traffic advantage. The terrain is flat and various roads lead directly to Xinzheng. Xinzheng's commercial activities are extremely developed.

The city center is where the Hanwang Palace is located, but there are all kinds of large shopping malls, where various transactions are completed every day. And Han Shu only needs to look outside the palace with a telescope to see how South Korea’s economic development is? In the suburbs of Xinzheng, there are a large number of factory areas, where various factories, handicraft workshops, and factory workshops gather. A large number of workers enter here every day to process their orders.

"Xinzheng has become really big. Many places have changed. I can't recognize them anymore." The senior sister who walked in front said, watching the huge changes in Xinzheng at this time. Xinzheng has indeed made great reforms. Except for the Han Palace, everything else has changed. There is no city wall in Xinzheng, South Korea. The city wall has long since been demolished and turned into a large shopping mall.

The original adobe houses are now all demolished and replaced with hurry buildings. And the floor has become taller. There are more people on the street. The dress of Koreans is very similar to that of Qin people, but there are still some people who wear traditional clothes. This is because the development of South Korea's Xinzheng is uneven. Coupled with the merger of rural land, and some farmers who lost their land in the six countries came to Xinzheng, South Korea to make a living. Most of these people in traditional clothes are like this. In cities, most of those who have jobs have put on ready-made clothes. Because ready-made clothes are easy and their wages can be paid, they don't have time to make their own clothes.

But Mohist school is an exception. They are still wearing traditional clothes and walking on the street. Many South Korean Xinzheng people look at each other with disdain. Their eyes seem to say that they are from the country.

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