The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1408: Prisoner of War Burden

"The direction is west." The sailor immediately conveyed the captain's order. In addition to the pirates, the most terrifying thing is the storm. Those storms, whether you are a pirate ship or a warship, will all be involved. Once targeted, there will be great losses.

The biggest risk in the development of the maritime industry comes from these uncertain factors, although the profits are very lucrative. However, the risk is considerable. This is the sailing business. In order to resist such risks. Especially these uncertain factors. South Korea uses some new technologies as much as possible to make up for their shortcomings.

On the dock of the East Gou Colony. Two Chu Army soldiers stood idle on the dock.

"Such a good weather. It's really easy to sleep. This little wind blows a little bit. Get some wine and food." said one of the soldiers of the Chu Army. There was a **** mole on the corner of that Chu Jun's mouth.

"I said the big mole." Another soldier heard this. Shouted immediately.

"You are not afraid of being shot by an official, and you dare to drink while standing guard. You must know that the general is very strict in ruling the army." Another soldier said. Because the soldier had a big mole on the corner of his mouth, everyone else called him a big mole.

"The general is not here. Besides, why can't you drink here? We have been here for many days. Nothing." Big Mole said lazily at this time.

And the other soldier is not good to say anything. This is indeed the case. After they occupied this colony, the garrison began immediately. They originally left a force of more than two hundred men, but only one hundred men and three cannons were left behind. A small warship stayed here. The rest is nothing.

And here, every day is calm. No one came here to load and unload cargo in peace, which made the soldiers loosen up suddenly. Compared to sailing, life here is simply leisurely. As a result, the Chu Army soldiers immediately relaxed. Their threat to the sea began to become numb.

At this time, the Korean warship was approaching in this direction. They originally went to the island they had just occupied, but because of the sudden change in air pressure and the extremely complicated weather, they changed their direction.

Since it has entered November at this time, it is impossible for a storm to come from the southeast according to meteorological conventions. But I don't know why such an abnormal weather change suddenly appeared. This made those Korean warships unprepared.

"The recent developments are probably like this." Han Shu sat on the chair next to Shangwen's bed and told Shangwen about some recent developments. Shangwen didn't know anything because he was with the Mo family.

Han Shu told Shang Wen a series of changes caused by Qi. The war between Qi and Chu was very sudden, and neither South Korea nor Qin noticed it beforehand. Not only that, the masses of troops were assembled, and Qin did not. Obviously the other party did all these things in secret. The situation triggered by Qi State is that Qi State cannot support the continuation of the war. But Chu State insisted on giving Qi State a kick for the house that was about to collapse.

Therefore, in order to defend its own territory, Qi State resisted desperately. And Chu Jun. In order to resolve the war situation as soon as possible. Active measures are also being taken.

"How is the battle between the two sides now?" Shang Wen asked worriedly.

"According to the latest battle situation, the Chu army is still advancing along Linzi. However, the speed is slowing down. And the East Road. It has all stopped. The two sides have entered a deadlock." Han Shu introduced Shang Wen.

"En." Shang Wen just nodded.

"Every country has no plans to send troops now. Zhao Guo and you Qin have just reached an agreement. Zhao has unilaterally dismantled the army to only about 100,000 regular troops. Qin has also reduced the deployment of troops in the direction of Zhao. "Han Shu said to Shang Wen.

"And Zhao Guo has just weakened so many troops, they have no intention of fighting, and their national strength does not allow it. Therefore, Zhao will not fight. And Yan will not send troops." Han Shu continued.

"As for Wei Guo. I'm afraid it's impossible." Han Shu said.

"En." Shang Wen just nodded. The situation explained by Han Shu made Shangwen puzzled. Shangwen didn't know many things for the first time, and naturally he couldn't make the most sensible judgments about the possibility of follow-up development.

"We South Korea may send troops, but sending troops hastily is not good for the situation in South Korea. For now, South Korea cannot send troops either." Han Shu said frankly. And Shang Wen was not surprised at all. Because Shang Wen hasn't reacted yet.

"Qin State cannot send troops either." Shang Wen said after taking over the topic.

"The soldiers of the State of Qin are extremely tense. Especially the fronts are fighting everywhere. The mobile force of the State of Qin is becoming less and less, and there is no manpower to assist the State of Qi. Moreover, the diplomatic relationship between the State of Qi and the State of Qin is broken. The two sides are basically in a state of contradiction. Although Qin is aligned with state-owned attempts, it is in a diplomatic relationship. Qin is also difficult to carry out." Shang Wen said at this time.

"If Qin State provides aid to the other party, but what is the name?" Shang Wen waved his hand at this time.

"Qin has no name. You know, at this time, Qin and Qi have no direct contact. Qin’s news media has developed extremely rapidly. Qin is subject to the other’s news media. If the Qin government cannot come up with a reasonable explanation, Then, this government is likely to disband early." Shang Wen said.

"En." Han Shu nodded at this time.

"However, according to common sense." Shang Wen said to Han Shu at this time.

"Cough cough." Shang Wen couldn't help coughing a few times at this time. Han Shu saw Shang Wen coughing. Immediately stand up and step forward and gently pat Shang Wen's back.

"It's okay. It's okay." Shang Wen waved his hand, and Han Shu poured Shang Wen a glass of water.

"As usual." Shang Wen continued. And Han Shu sat down again.

"Before military strikes, problems are generally resolved through diplomatic channels. For example, third-country joint mediation. Use diplomatic methods to resolve this issue." Shang Wen continued.

"After mediation fails, think of other ways." Shang Wen said.

"En." Han Shu nodded.

"It seems that the only way at present is like this." Han Shu said.

"En." Shang Wen nodded. For the main battle. Shangwen believes that there is no power to help Qi. At present, the only one in the best position is South Korea, but from the perspective of South Korea, consider the problem. South Korea’s dispatch of troops is at odds with its own country’s interests. Thinking that sending troops inside would cause South Korea to weaken its defense capabilities, and their neighbor, Qin, is a very difficult opponent. Although Qin's forces are tense, he cannot relax his vigilance. Once the Kingdom of Qin goes out, South Korea will be the first to bear the brunt.

Therefore, South Korea cannot send troops rashly. He needs to check and balance Qin diplomatically before he can reasonably consider sending troops. In other words, it is not appropriate for South Korea to send troops, and it is very inappropriate.

While Shang Wen and Han Shu were discussing the Qi state issue, the Chu army who occupied Qi state made a fatal mistake at this time.

"General, how do you deal with those prisoners of war?" a Chu army officer asked with his hands.

"Close it first," General Chu Jun said.

"But." The Chu Jun officer looked embarrassed.

"But, General, these prisoners of war consume a lot of food rations, and our army's logistical supplies are inadequate. It takes a lot of food from the rear to get here, and these prisoners of war, each prisoner of war can consume about forty-five stone of food in our country. This is this. The amount is so large that our army can't afford it." At this moment, the Chu army officer said.

"En." The general looked at the officer. Then he thought about it. The problem of prisoners of war has never been solved well. The important reason is that it was very difficult to transport logistical supplies in ancient times, and it completely relied on rear transportation. And the local collection of grain and grass quickly ran out. Especially in places like Qi State. Qi State continued to conquer, and there was no food and grass to recruit. And Chu State immediately dispatched a 200,000 army, and the consumption of the 200,000 army is not a simple figure.

Coupled with the rapid change of weapons and equipment. In addition to transporting grain and grass before, ammunition was also transported from the rear. The army must be deployed on top of the original basis, plus the delivery of ammunition. As a result, Chu's logistics pressure was extremely tight.

At this time, the Chu army added the captured prisoners of war, and this way, an unprecedentedly huge pressure was placed on the Chu army's logistics supplies. At this time, the roads of Chu State were still dirt roads, and the transportation vehicles were bullock carts.

This requires quite a lot of bullock carts to complete the national war mobilization. Before the Chu army sent troops, the plan of the Chu noblemen was to resolve the battle quickly. They judged the situation of the war with optimism. The Qi army has gone through continuous wars, and the consumption is extremely serious. This is true. The Qi army's combat effectiveness is also old, weak and sick, and it is difficult to resist the hard blow of the Chu army. Therefore, Chu Jun is very optimistic that Qi Jun can't stand it anymore.

But now it seems that the situation of Chu Jun is not so good. They have been constantly harassed and attacked along the way. And stagnation. These things are not good for Chu Jun.

"You go down first." This time. The general pondered this question, and then waved to the other side to go down.

"Here." The officer left the camp with his hands.

And the general walked back and forth thinking about this issue. The consumption of Qi army prisoners will increase the logistics burden of the Chu army, and this burden must be cut off. The general thought about it.

The development of the situation is developing towards the unfavorable situation of the Chu army.

"Kacha." A Qin reporter kept taking pictures in the Qi State Theater, and then interviewed the Qi Army soldiers. The Qi Army soldiers also accepted the interview with optimism. After all, they can be in the newspaper. Everyone can see it once it's in the newspaper. This is a kind of pride for them.

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